16 research outputs found

    Подвижки ледников Памира в 2020 году

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    Every year, about ten glaciers in the Western Pamirs are in the active stage of movement. The time from the beginning of the movement of kinematic waves along the glacier to the full completion of the pulsation takes, as a rule, 1– 2 years, and in some cases lasts up to 5 years. Activity of the Pamir glaciers in 2020 is discussed in this paper, and we suppose that some pulsations are still in progress in the following years. Data from a number of automatic satellite instruments were used for the analysis, but mainly these were obtained from the International Space Station. In 2020, 10 glaciers in the basins of the Surkhob, Muksu, Seldara, Kyzylsu and Vanch rivers became more active, and in some cases surged. Similar dynamic instability of glaciers was also characteristic for the preceding four years. At present, several major surges are taking place in the Western Pamirs; the Byrs, Vali, Lenin, and Medvezhy glaciers started the active phase of their developments. Therefore, it is necessary to study them by field methods and continue permanent monitoring of them from automatic satellites and the International Space Station.Ежегодно в активной стадии подвижек на Западном Памире находятся не менее 10 ледников. Время от начала движения по леднику кинематических волн до полного завершения пульсации занимает, как правило, 1–2 года, а в отдельных случаях продолжается до 5 лет. В статье исследуется активность памирских ледников в 2020 г. и высказываются предположения о продолжении некоторых пульсаций в последующие годы. Для анализа использованы данные ряда автоматических космических аппаратов, но главным образом материалы съёмок с Международной космической станции. В 2020 г. отмечена активизация и в ряде случаев подвижки 10 ледников в бассейнах рек Сурхоб, Муксу, Сельдара, Кузылсу и Ванч; подобная динамическая нестабильность ледников характерна и для предыдущих четырёх лет. В настоящее время происходит несколько крупных подвижек. Ледники Бырс, Вали, Ленина и Медвежий вступили в активную фазу своего развития, поэтому необходимо изучать их полевыми методами и продолжать их постоянный мониторинг с автоматических космических аппаратов и МКС

    Колебания ледников Северного и Южного ледниковых полей Патагонии по данным мониторинга с Международной космической станции

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    Quantitative indicators of changes in 37 glaciers of the Patagonian Northern and Southern glacial fields were determined by means of decoding and analysis of photographs obtained by astronauts from the Russian segment of the International Space Station. On the basis of this information it was concluded that in 2002–2016 the glaciers of both fields of Patagonia continued to retreat. The frontal parts of the nine glaciers retained their positions, while others reduced at an average rate of several dozen up to 430 m/year. Repeated monitoring of 16 glaciers from this selection and analysis of the data obtained in 2016–2019 confirm this conclusion. The only exception was the O’Higgins Glacier, which did not change position of its frontal part for 12 years and then retreated in 2018–2019 to 1,250 m. In some cases, a gradual decrease in area of the frontal part of the glacier was accompanied by a sharp collapse of the lower zone with the formation of extensive fields of icebergs. The dynamics of the Bruggen Glacier (Pius XI) are not typical for the region under consideration: for many years this glacier has been advancing. This development cannot be explained without detailed field investigation in the area of snow and ice accumulation of the glacier. Perhaps that was due to a snow-drift transport in an extensive area of accumulation that supported the preservation of the size of the glacier tongue, and even its advance. According to our observations, the average rate of retreat of the glaciers of the Western and Eastern slopes of the Southern Ice Field significantly decreased since 2010, i.e. their degradation slowed down. At the same time, glaciers of the Northern Ice Field continued to decrease intensively.В результате анализа фотоснимков с Международной космической станции определены изменения 37 ледников Северного и Южного ледниковых полей Патагонии. В 2002–2016 гг. ледники обоих полей продолжали отступать, но их отступание с 2010 г. замедлилось, хотя некоторые ледники Северного ледникового поля продолжают интенсивно сокращаться. Лишь ледник Брюгген (Пия XI) на Южном ледниковом поле в течение многих лет наступает

    Glacier fluctuations in the Northern and Southern Patagonian Ice Fields retrieved from observations on the International Space Station

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    Quantitative indicators of changes in 37 glaciers of the Patagonian Northern and Southern glacial fields were determined by means of decoding and analysis of photographs obtained by astronauts from the Russian segment of the International Space Station. On the basis of this information it was concluded that in 2002–2016 the glaciers of both fields of Patagonia continued to retreat. The frontal parts of the nine glaciers retained their positions, while others reduced at an average rate of several dozen up to 430 m/year. Repeated monitoring of 16 glaciers from this selection and analysis of the data obtained in 2016–2019 confirm this conclusion. The only exception was the O’Higgins Glacier, which did not change position of its frontal part for 12 years and then retreated in 2018–2019 to 1,250 m. In some cases, a gradual decrease in area of the frontal part of the glacier was accompanied by a sharp collapse of the lower zone with the formation of extensive fields of icebergs. The dynamics of the Bruggen Glacier (Pius XI) are not typical for the region under consideration: for many years this glacier has been advancing. This development cannot be explained without detailed field investigation in the area of snow and ice accumulation of the glacier. Perhaps that was due to a snow-drift transport in an extensive area of accumulation that supported the preservation of the size of the glacier tongue, and even its advance. According to our observations, the average rate of retreat of the glaciers of the Western and Eastern slopes of the Southern Ice Field significantly decreased since 2010, i.e. their degradation slowed down. At the same time, glaciers of the Northern Ice Field continued to decrease intensively

    Pioneer vegetation groupings and some approaches to the artificial overgrowth of highway slopes of piedmont Dagestan, Russia

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    Aim. Detection of succession trends and bioengineering approaches to the restoration of vegetation on road slopes of piedmont Dagestan in Russia.Material and Methods. Ten test area plots (100 m2 every 500m) at 256‐515m altitude and at a range of exposures were established along the Makhachkala‐Buinaksk highway (Narat‐Tyube Pass section) to assess species composition and their participation in the overgrowth of roadside slopes.Results. This paper presents the results of studying the primary overgrowth of roadside slopes in the conditions of piedmont Dagestan. Data are presented on the natural vegetation, geomorphology, soil types and parent rocks of the Narat‐Tyube ridge. In the first year of observations, a spectrum of families with the largest number of pioneer species and the role of slope consolidation with a high proportion of vegetatively propagating species was determined.Conclusions. Native woody species showing promise for the application of bioengineering methods for optimization and acceleration of vegetation overgrowth have been identified. Features of overgrowth species distribution in relation to slope microenvironments, proximity of natural plant communities and their ecological and biological characteristics have been shown

    Ecological Aspects of the Formation of Regraded Solonchak in the Terek-Kuma Lowland of the Caspian

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    Aim. To reveal the basic patterns and principles of formation on the surface of crusty solonchak of an aeolian-accumulative horizon and its positive transformation at the taxonomic level.Material and Methods. On the surface of crusty solonchak there is formed a layer of silt-sand fractions with seeds of wild phytocenoses which move/перемещаюихся over the surface of the soil under the influence of atmospheric processes with the utilization of woody material protruding above the soil surface to 0.2 m. Analyses, surveys and observations were carried out of the key parts (for investigation - under the aeolian layer) of the crusty solonchak transformed through the dynamics of humidity, lowering of soil moisture (SC), granulometric composition, chemistry and level of soil salinity, as well as determination of the species composition of the phytocenoses and the accumulation of phytomass by plants.Results. The possibility was revealed of a positive transformation within eight years of a layer of silt-sand fractions with seeds of wild phytocenoses in the Wael humus horizon with a capacity of 5 cm ± 0.8 cm and containing 1.26% of humus. The type of salinization remains sulphate-chloride but the level of salinization decreases from very strong in the 0-5 layer to weak one in the 6-15 cm layer - on average. The profile of the crusty solonchak Скк [AJk - AJ,s - BCA,s - Cca,s] is changed to that of regraded solonchak Ckw [Wael - AJ,s - BCA,s - Cca,s]. The granulometric composition of the soil is improved and a productive phytocenosis is formed.Conclusion. The positive transformation of crusty solonchak to regraded contributes to the reduction of soil deflation and of aerial contamination by dust particle fractions, the lowering of carbon emissions from the soil and of the natural greenhouse effect, the increase of the utilization coefficient of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and the prevention of excessive overheating of the soil and atmosphere

    Study of inelastic nuclear interactions of 400 GeV/c protons in bent silicon crystals for beam steering purposes

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    Inelastic nuclear interaction probability of 400 GeV/c protons interacting with bent silicon crystals was investigated, in particular for both types of crystals installed at the CERN Large Hadron Collider for beam collimation purposes. In comparison to amorphous scattering interaction, in planar channeling this probability is ∼36% for the quasi-mosaic type (planes (111)), and ∼27% for the strip type (planes (110)). Moreover, the absolute inelastic nuclear interaction probability in the axial channeling orientation, along the ⟨110⟩ axis, was estimated for the first time, finding a value of 0.6% for a crystal 2 mm long along the beam direction, with a bending angle of 55 μrad. This value is more than two times lower with respect to the planar channeling orientation of the same crystal, and increases with the vertical angular misalignment. Finally, the correlation between the inelastic nuclear interaction probability in the planar channeling and the silicon crystal curvature is reported


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    Annihilation cross-sections sigma(ann) for antineutrons on some nuclei (C, Al, Cu, Sn and Pb) at three antineutron momenta (180, 240 and 280 MeV/c) were measured at LEAR (CERN) with the OBELIX spectrometer. A behaviour sigma(ann) = = sigma0A(nu) has been found with nu almost-equal-to 2/3. The data are discussed following some models for antineutron-nucleus interaction. RI Galli, Domenico/A-1606-2012; Iazzi, Felice/F-4490-2012; Botta, Elena/G-9742-2012; Villa, Mauro/C-9883-2009; Filippi, Alessandra/I-9530-201