104 research outputs found

    Sales Target and Ethical Behaviour of Marketing Executives in the Nigerian Banking Industry

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    This study examined sales target for marketing executives in Nigerian banksits influence on marketing executives’ ethical dilemma. To achieve thispurpose, research questions were raised, and a review of literature wasmade. To gather the necessary data for this study, a set of questionnaire wasadministered on one hundred and nineteen (119) marketing executives frombanks operating in Port Harcourt, the Rivers State capital and the datagenerated from the study were analysed with the simple percentages. Ourfindings revealed that sales targets for marketing executives in the Nigerianbanks are usually established by executive opinion and such targets arerealistically unattainable. In a bid to achieve the high sales target marketingexecutives’ exhibit one form of unethical behaviour or the other such asindecent dress mode and industrial espionage. It was therefore recommended that sales targets should not be established through executive opinion but territorial sales potentials and certain legislations should be enacted and enforced to prevent marketing executives from unethical practices. Those that fall prey of the law should be prosecuted

    A cost-effective scheme developed for studying human malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum

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    Research in human malaria disease has consistently been hindered in developing countries where this disease is endemic, due to the prohibitive cost of constructing and maintaining currently available experimental mouse models. Our goal, therefore, was to develop a cost-effective mouse model that may be used as research tool for studying human malaria disease. Plasmodium falciparum-infected human blood samples were cultured invitro for 92 hours, and invivo malaria infection was induced by intraperitoneally injecting 0.5ml of the Plasmodium falciparum cultures into experimental mice, which were modified by the application of immunosuppressive and humanization protocols in which aspirin (4mg/kg), doxycycline (4mg/kg), and 0.5ml human blood that retained all of its cellular components (erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets) were repeatedly injected via the intraperitoneal route. Data obtained showed that the invitro-cultured Plasmodium falciparum significantly retained its infectivity and immunogenicity, since all the 20 mice inoculated exhibited peripheral blood parasitaemia. Quinine chemotherapy using standard antimalarial drug (73mg quinine/kg), however, induced significant suppression of the peripheral blood parasitaemia in the infected mice. Our results suggest that there is a substantial possibility of inducing and eradicating human malaria disease in our mouse model (humanized non-genetically manipulated mouse model) when used as a substitute for the conventional mouse models (humanized genetically manipulated mouse models). Keywords: Synchronized, Invitro, Invivo, Inocula, Immunosuppressed, Parasitaemia, Intraperitoneal,                Infectivity

    Seasonal Evaluation of Physicochemical Parameters, Heavy Metals Levels and Pollution Status in Leachate from Ikhueniro Open Solid Waste Dumpsite located in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria

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    In recent times, there is a rapid rate of growth in the cities of third-world countries. This rapid population growth has implications for municipal waste management. Hence, the objective of this work is seasonal evaluation of physicochemical parameters, heavy metals levels and pollution status in leachate from Ikhueniro open solid waste dumpsite located in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria using standard methods. Data obtained reveals that the pH of leachate samples collected during the rainy and dry season was alkaline. Iron was the main heavy metal contaminant in the Ikhueniro dumpsite, with calculated contamination factors of discharged leachate estimated at 154.48 ± 3.56 and 167.38 ± 3.33 during rainy and dry seasons, respectively; while copper was the least heavy metal contaminant, as indicated by contamination factors of discharged leachate reported as 3.22 ± 0.04 and 14.15 ± 2.00 during rainy and dry seasons, respectively. The increasing order of contamination of the dumpsite with the analyzed heavy metals was as follows: Cu<Cr<Zn<Hg<Pb=Ni<Cd<Fe for rainy season and Cu<Cr<Zn<Ni<Hg<Pb<Cd<Fe for dry season. Heavy metal and other chemical contaminations were widespread in the examined samples due to poor waste management system at the Ikhueniro dumpsite; resulting in high levels of heavy metals above the limits set by regulatory agencies. The Ikhueniro dumpsite posed very high potential ecological risk during the rainy and dry seasons, respectively. Thus, there is urgent need to provide remediation systems that can help to significantly reduce concentrations of heavy metals and other toxicants from the dumpsite

    Association of Bacterial vaginosis and other Sexually Transmitted Infections with HIV among pregnant women in Nigeria.

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    OBJECTIVES: To determine the association of Bacterial vaginosis (BV) and other sexually transmissible infections (STIs) with HIV prevalence among pregnant women in Jos, Nigeria. METHODS: This was a cross- sectional study of pregnant women who participated in the Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV program of the AIDS Prevention Initiative in Nigeria, between April 2002 and July 2004, at the Jos University Teaching Hospital in Jos, Nigeria. Blood, high vaginal and endocervical samples were obtained for diagnosis of HIV, BV and other STIs. Data were analyzed for prevalence of HIV, BV and other STIs. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression models generated unadjusted and adjusted odds ratios (OR) as well as 95% confidence intervals (CI) of the association of BV and other STIs with HIV prevalence. P value <0.05 was considered statistically significant. RESULTS: A total of 4,046 pregnant women were studied and 97.6% (3,950/4,046) had complete laboratory records for analysis. The prevalence of HIV was 8.2% (CI: 7.4-9.1); BV 11.9% (CI: 10.9-12.9); Candida 10.7% (CI: 9.7-11.7); mixed infection of BV and Candida 2.8% (CI: 2.3-3.4); Trichomonads 0.6% (CI: 0.3-0.8) and syphilis 0.35% (0.16-0.54). BV, Candida, mixed BV and Candida; and Trichomonads were independently associated with HIV infection [adjusted OR (95% CI), 2.9 (CI: 2.2-3.9); 2.0 (CI: 1.5-2.9); 3.4 (CI: 2.0-5.6), and 3.3 (CI: 1.1-9.7) respectively]. CONCLUSION: HIV prevalence is higher among pregnant women who have BV, Candida and Trichomonads vaginal infections compared with women who have no evidence of infection. The practice of routine screening for BV and other STIs among pregnant women as a strategy for identifying women at risk for prevalent HIV infection should be sustained/ encouraged and the syndromic management of STIs should be integrated into all antenatal care management protocols in antenatal clinics in order to curb the epidemic of heterosexual HIV transmission

    Social gradient in the cost of oral pain and related dental service utilisation among South African adults

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    Background: Oral pain affects people's daily activities and quality of life. The burden of oral pain may vary across socio-economic positions. Currently, little is known about the social gradient in the cost of oral pain among South Africans. This study therefore assessed the social gradient in the cost of oral pain and the related dental service utilisation pattern among South African adults. Methods: Data were obtained from a nationally representative cross-sectional survey of South African adults ?16 year-old (n = 2651) as part of the South African Social Attitudes Survey conducted by the South African Human Sciences Research Council. The survey included demographic data, individual-level socio-economic position (SEP), self-reported oral health status, past six months' oral pain experience and cost. The area-level SEP was obtained from the 2010 General Household Survey (n = 25,653 households) and the 2010/2011Quarterly Labour Force Survey conducted in South Africa. The composite indices used for individual-level SEP (? = 0.76) and area-level SEP (? = 0. 88) were divided into tertiles. Data analysis was done using t-tests and ANOVA. Significance was set at p < 0.05. Results: The prevalence of oral pain among the adult South Africans was 19.4 % (95 % CI = 17.2-21.9). The most commonly reported form of oral pain was 'toothache' (78.9 %). The majority of the wealthiest participants sought care from private dental clinics (64.7 %), or from public dental clinics (19.7 %), while the poorest tended to visit a public dental clinic (45 %) or nurse/general medical practitioner (17.4 %). In the poorest areas, 21 % responded to pain by 'doing nothing'. The individual expenditure for oral pain showed a social gradient from an average of ZAR61.44 spent by those of lowest SEP to ZAR433.83 by the wealthiest (national average ZAR170.92). Average time lost from school/work was two days over the six-month period, but days lost was highest for those living in middle class neighbourhoods (3.41), while those from the richest neighbourhood had lost significantly fewer days from oral pain (0.64). Conclusions: There is a significant social gradient in the burden of oral pain. Improved access to dental care, possibly through carefully planned universal National Health Insurance (NHI), may reduce oral health disparities in South Africa.Scopus 201

    DMAPT inhibits NF-κB activity and increases sensitivity of prostate cancer cells to X-rays in vitro and in tumor xenografts in vivo

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    Constitutive activation of the pro-survival transcription factor NF-κB has been associated with resistance to both chemotherapy and radiation therapy in many human cancers, including prostate cancer. Our lab and others have demonstrated that the natural product parthenolide can inhibit NF-κB activity and sensitize PC-3 prostate cancers cells to X-rays in vitro; however, parthenolide has poor bioavailability in vivo and therefore has little clinical utility in this regard. We show here that treatment of PC-3 and DU145 human prostate cancer cells with dimethylaminoparthenolide (DMAPT), a parthenolide derivative with increased bioavailability, inhibits constitutive and radiation-induced NF-κB binding activity and slows prostate cancer cell growth. We also show that DMAPT increases single and fractionated X-ray-induced killing of prostate cancer cells through inhibition of DNA double strand break repair and also that DMAPT-induced radiosensitization is, at least partially, dependent upon the alteration of intracellular thiol reduction-oxidation chemistry. Finally, we demonstrate that the treatment of PC-3 prostate tumor xenografts with oral DMAPT in addition to radiation therapy significantly decreases tumor growth and results in significantly smaller tumor volumes compared to xenografts treated with either DMAPT or radiation therapy alone, suggesting that DMAPT might have a potential clinical role as a radiosensitizing agent in the treatment of prostate cancer

    Gallium hydride vapor phase epitaxy of GaN nanowires

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    Straight GaN nanowires (NWs) with diameters of 50 nm, lengths up to 10 μm and a hexagonal wurtzite crystal structure have been grown at 900°C on 0.5 nm Au/Si(001) via the reaction of Ga with NH3 and N2:H2, where the H2 content was varied between 10 and 100%. The growth of high-quality GaN NWs depends critically on the thickness of Au and Ga vapor pressure while no deposition occurs on plain Si(001). Increasing the H2 content leads to an increase in the growth rate, a reduction in the areal density of the GaN NWs and a suppression of the underlying amorphous (α)-like GaN layer which occurs without H2. The increase in growth rate with H2 content is a direct consequence of the reaction of Ga with H2 which leads to the formation of Ga hydride that reacts efficiently with NH3 at the top of the GaN NWs. Moreover, the reduction in the areal density of the GaN NWs and suppression of the α-like GaN layer is attributed to the reaction of H2 with Ga in the immediate vicinity of the Au NPs. Finally, the incorporation of H2 leads to a significant improvement in the near band edge photoluminescence through a suppression of the non-radiative recombination via surface states which become passivated not only via H2, but also via a reduction of O2-related defects