17 research outputs found

    Dinamika dan Solusi Perlindungan Anak di Sekolah

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    Children as the nation\u27s next generation, should be protected from childhood to adulthood. If the child since childhood was in the neighborhood crime, the boy can be the perpetrators of criminal acts in the future, and will be disturbing people\u27s lives. It is wise if the protection of children starting in school. School as place a child studying, along with peers, and learn to respect for peers, with smaller or teachers. Nowadays, very sad child protection in the school environment, imagine in the school of environmental protection of children is not running properly, many child protection were violated, so kids do not feel comfortable at school, absences from school, or drop out of school. Against this it\u27s good, we are all concerned with the protection of children, especially in the area of the school. This paper tries to offer the world the concept of the protection of children in schools on an ongoing basis, starting from the urgency of the protection of children in school, and the dynamics of child protection solutions in schools, as well as offering a sustainable concept of child protection in the school. The conclusion of this paper expects that all parties can participate in an ongoing child protection in the school. Keywords: Dynamic, Solution, Protection, Child, School   Anak sebagai generasi penerus bangsa, harus dilindungi dari kecil sampai dewasa. Jika anak sejak kecil sudah berada di dalam lingkungan kejahatan, anak itu pasti menjadi pelaku tindak pidana di kemudian hari, dan akan meresahkan kehidupan masyarakat. Sangat bijak jika perlindungan anak dimulai di dunia sekolah. Sekolah sebagai tempat anak menimba ilmu, bergaul dengan teman sebaya, dan belajar menghargai kepada teman sebaya, teman yang lebih kecil ataupun para guru. Sekarang ini, perlindungan anak sangat menyedihkan di lingkungan sekolah, bayangkan di lingkugan sekolah perlindungan anak tidak berjalan dengan semestinya, banyak perlindungan anak yang dilanggar, sehingga anak tidak merasa nyaman di sekolah, absen dari sekolah, atau putus sekolah. Terhadap hal tersebut ada baiknya, kita semua memperhatikan perlindungan anak, terutama di wilayah sekolah. Tulisan ini mencoba menawarkan gagasan konsep perlindungan anak di dunia sekolah secara berkelanjutan, dimulai dari urgensi perlindungan anak di sekolah, dinamika dan solusi perlindungan anak di sekolah, serta menawarkan konsep perlindungan anak yang berkelanjutan di sekolah. Kesimpulan dari tulisan ini mengharapkan semua pihak dapat berpartisipasi di perlindungan anak yang berkelanjutan di wilayah sekolah. Kata Kunci: Dinamika, Solusi, Anak, Perlindungan, Sekola

    Peran Lembaga Catatan Sipil terhadap Perkawinan Campuran Berdasarkan Undang-undang Perkawinan

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    The legal aspect of civil registration is to obtain as much legal certainty as possible about personal events. Civil registration institutions are government institutions, the state administrative agency in charge, serves to record all family events and has the right, the authority to issue provisions in the field of population and citizenship. As a result of recording and publishing the provision, it has a legal connection with one's civil status or individual law. With the enactment of Law 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage and PP 9 of 1975 as implementing regulations, the public needs for Civil Registry Institutions are increasingly important. Research on this scientific work was a type of normative legal research. Civil records had carried out the tasks carried out by the state well, namely by serving each party who will report the mixed marriages carried out by the parties as well as possible, which is a problem is the lack of public awareness of the importance of the reporting. The implementation of mixed marriages can be carried out if the parties have fulfilled all the requirements determined by the law as contained in Article 60 Paragraph (1) of Law 1 Year 1974. Whereas the Record Institution was only tasked to record the mixed marriage events. Every legal act carried out by any particular person has an impact or effect both for himself and for the other party. No exception in mixed marriages is the legal consequences that arise, both for mixed marriages and for children born from the mixed marriages

    Penguatan Perlindungan Anak dari Tindakan Human Trafficking di Daerah Perbatasan Indonesia

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    Kids are part of human who is not separated, all humans are from childhood. Protection of children are increasingly being discussed, as a result of the frequent violations of child protection cases in every region in Indonesia. In the border areas of Indonesia, many trafficked children. Therefore this paper tries to explain bagimana factors that cause the sale of children in border areas, how to organize the strengthening of the protection of children in border areas of Indonesia as well as how mewujdukan sustainable child protection in the border area. Apparently a lot of factors that led to the sale of children in border areas, especially poverty, in organizing the protection of children in the border area, it is necessary to strengthen the rule of law protecting children against trafficking, and to realize sustainable child protection to keep child life continuously. Keywords: Child, Human Trafficking, Regional, Border, Indonesia.   Anak-anak adalah bagian dari manusia yang tidak terpisah, semua manusia berasal dari masa kanak-kanak. Perlindungan anak semakin banyak didiskusikan, akibat seringnya terjadi pelanggaran kasus perlindungan anak di setiap wilayah di Indonesia. Di daerah perbatasan Indonesia, banyak anak yang diperdagangkan. Oleh karena itu makalah ini mencoba menjelaskan bagimana faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan penjualan anak di daerah perbatasan, bagaimana mengorganisir penguatan perlindungan anak-anak di daerah perbatasan di Indonesia serta bagaimana mewujdukan perlindungan anak yang berkelanjutan di daerah perbatasan. Rupanya banyak faktor yang menyebabkan penjualan anak-anak di daerah perbatasan, terutama kemiskinan, dalam mengorganisir perlindungan anak-anak di daerah perbatasan, perlu memperkuat peraturan undang-undang yang melindungi anak-anak dari perdagangan manusia, dan untuk mewujudkan perlindungan anak yang berkelanjutan. Untuk menjaga kehidupan anak terus menerus. Kata kunci: Anak, Perdagangan Manusia, Daerah, Perbatasan, Indonesia

    Peranan Metodologi Penelitian Hukum di dalam Perkembangan Ilmu Hukum di Indonesia

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    Research as a scientific activity is part of the process of developing science and human intelligence. Legal science as a branch of science is bound to the paradigm that occurs in science in general. The paradigm of jurisprudence shows its own peculiarity, in its development showing an unbroken, paradigmatic development but sustainable. It is necessary to realize that the science of law is a very complex science, ranging from philosophical studies, the development of both theoretical and practical scholarship, to the concrete form of eksistesinya which is not dedicated to the community. One way to find out the development of legal research methodology is to trace the thinking path of legal research methodology can be divided into two fundamental things: Jurisprudential Model and Sociological Model. Through legal research will be useful in the development of law in Indonesia, to see the research topic it will be easy to determine the background of problems, problem formulation, problem objectives, research authenticity, research benefits, legal theories to be used, conceptual framework, research methodology, systemetics of writing, and literature review of the research

    Perkembangan dan Dinamika Hukum Ketenagakerjaan di Indonesia

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    The domino effect of employment problems is unemployment will have a negative impact on the survival of nation and state. The negative impact of unemployment is the increasing variety of criminal acts, the increasing number of homeless and street singers, has become a social pathology or social germ disease that spread like a virus that is difficult to eradicate. Therefore it is necessary to do a serious step both from the side of the government and the labor itself and of course the willingness of the company. The government serves as a supervisor and regulator as well as facilitators of both parties of the company and workers not to harm each other. The worker should try to continue to improve his competence so that he has a higher bargaining power over the company rather than relying solely on government protection. And finally the good faith of the company so as not to see the worker as a cost factor but an important asset of the company, so that the company can maximize the value of the company itself. This can be seen from the days before independence, after independence, the old order, the new order, and the reform era have each of the existing legal dynamics. In addition, in realizing sustainable legal development must prepare the participation of all parties, so as to realize the protection of good employment. Keywords: Development, Dynamics, Employment, Indonesia.   Efek domino dari masalah ketenagakerjaan adalah pengangguran akan menimbulkan dampak yang negatif bagi kelangsungan hidup berbangsa dan bernegara. Dampak negatif dari pengangguran adalah kian beragamnya tindakan kriminal, makin banyaknya gelandangan dan pengamen, sudah menjadi patologi sosial atau kuman penyakit sosial yang menyebar bagaikan virus yang sulit di berantas. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukannya sebuah langkah-langkah serius baik dari sisi pemerintah maupun tenaga kerja itu sendiri dan tentunya kesediaan pihak Perusahaan. Pihak pemerintah berfungsi sebagai pengawas dan regulator sekaligus fasilitator kedua pihak Perusahaan dan pekerja untuk tidak saling merugikan. Pihak pekerja seharusnya untuk berusaha terus meningkatkan kompetensi dirinya sehingga lebih memiliki daya tawar yang lebih tinggi terhadap Perusahaan dan bukannya hanya bergantung pada perlindungan pemerintah. Dan terakhir itikad baik dari Perusahaan supaya tidak melihat pekerja sebagai faktor biaya melainkan sebuah asset penting Perusahaan, sehingga Perusahaan dapat memaksimalkan nilai Perusahaan itu sendiri. Hal ini bisa dilihat dari zaman sebelum kemerdekaan, setelah kemerdekaan, orde lama, orde baru, dan zaman reformasi memiliki masing-masing dinamika hukum yang ada. Selain itu dalam mewujudkan pembangunan hukum yang berkelanjutan harus menyiapkan keikutsertaan semua pihak, sehingga bisa mewujudkan perlindungan ketenagakerjaan yang baik. Kata kunci: Perkembangan, Dinamika, Ketenagakerjaan, Indonesia

    Problematika Dan Solusi Pemenuhan Perlindungan Hak Anak Sebagai Tersangka Tindak Pidana Di Satlantas Polrestata Pariaman

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    Children as the nation's next generation is obliged to be protected. Kids in his life will not be separated from violence every day, it can be seen on the television news, news in print or electronic. It's very sad child protection are not met, because it is the same as destroying Indonesia in the future. Child protection can not be separated from the children as victims, children as witnesses, or bahakan child as a criminal suspect. This paper uses empirical juridical methods. This paper discusses how the fulfillment of children as perpetrators of the traffic in the Traffic Police of Padang Pariaman. There are problems that occur both from internal factors or external factors, but in this study presented also the solution of the existing problems. The conclusion of this paper expects that the future of child protection is more responsive, and all parties are willing to assist in the enforcement of child protection

    Keterbukaan Keuangan Partai Politik terhadap Praktik Pencucian Uang dari Hasil Tindak Pidana Korupsi

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    Elections means implementation of the sovereignty of the people held in directly, general, free, confidential, honest, and fair in the Republic of Indonesia under Pancasila and the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945. The implementation of the election has a lot of dynamics, among others political boat fees are expensive, expensive campaign funds to political imagery, the cost of consultations and surveys are expensive as well as winning money politics. Financial disclosure is very important political party in an election, because a lot of the flow of the corruption that is used in the election. As a result, people do not believe in political parties, or some communities in Indonesia began to no longer sympathetic to the political party. The idea of political party financial disclosure regulations should be initiated carefully in Indonesian election codification plan. Forward Indonesia must have arrangements campaign funds or political funds transparent, accountable, and has strict sanctions and binding on the parties involved, so that people come back believing again to political parties, and assured political parties place to channel their aspirations in granting the right in elections Abtrak: Pemilu adalah sarana pelaksanaan kedaulatan rakyat yang diselenggarakan secara lansung, umum, bebas, rahasia, jujur, dan adil didalam Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia berdasarkan Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945. Pelaksanaan pemilu memiliki banyak dinamika, antara lain biaya perahu politik yang mahal, dana kampanye yang mahal untuk politik pencitraan, ongkos konsultasi dan survei pemenangan yang mahal serta politik uang. Keterbukaan keuangan partai politik sangat penting didalam pelaksanaan pemilu, karena banyak aliran hasil korupsi yang dipakai dalam pemilu. Akibatnya masyarakat tidak percaya kepada partai politik, atau sebagaian masyarakat Indonesia mulai tidak lagi simpatik pada partai poltik. Gagasan regulasi keterbukaan keuangan partai politik harus digagas dengan seksama didalam rencana kodifikasi pemilu Indonesia. Kedepan Indonesia harus memiliki pengaturan dana kampanye atau dana politik yang transparan, akuntabel, serta memiliki sanksi yang tegas dan mengikat para pihak yang terlibat, sehingga masyarakat kembali percaya lagi kepada partai politik, dan yakin partai politik tempat menyalurkan aspirasi mereka dalam pemberian hak dalam pemilu. DOI: 10.15408/jch.v4i2.343

    Peran Pemerintah Daerah untuk Mewujudkan Kota Layak Anak di Indonesia

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    The main problems in this research were, first, how is the participation of local governments in realizing children-friendly city/district (KLA) in Indonesia. Second, what are the factors that affect the local governments in realizing children-friendly city/district in Indonesia. This was a normative legal research; legal materials were analyzed using descriptive qualitative approach. The results of the research showed that: first, the forms of participation of the local governments in fulfilling children's rights so that they deserve to be declared as KLA are: 1) Civil Rights and Freedom; 2) Family and Alternative Nursery; 3) Disability, Basic Health and Welfare; 4) Education, Utilization of Leisure Time and Cultural Activities; and 5) Special Protection. Second, there are several factors that affect how a region becomes KLA: 1) Legislation and policies on the fulfillment of children's rights; 2) Budget for the fulfillment of children's rights; 3) The number of legislations, policies, programs and activities that get input from children forum and other children groups; 4) Availability of KLA-trained human resources who are able to integrate children's rights into policies, programs and activities; 5) Availability of children's data by sex, age, and sub-districts; 6) Involvement of community institutions in the fulfillment of children's rights; and 7) Involvement of business in the fulfillment of children's rights