45 research outputs found

    Economic Inertia and Economic Growth: Is There Any Contradiction?

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    The article is devoted to the phenomenon of inertia in economic development which hinders the modern economic growth. A variety of factors causing the inertia is revealed including instability of world and national economy and unfavorable geopolitical environment. The economic growth and economic inertia are shown in its dialectical unity. We also bring to light factors which exacerbate the reduction in the rate of the Russian economic growth and the risk of recession escalation. On the basis of economic forecasts which are given not only by official government bodies but also by alternative nongovernment institutions we explore the reasons of economic inertia and also show the urgent need of an effective mechanism for overcoming inertia in a recession phase of economic development. The mechanism takes into account modern challenges and threats to Russian economic resilience. The article contains the general description of the mentioned mechanism particularly on both institutional and structural policy level

    Consumer innovation resistance as routines: is it an obstacle to development and well-being?

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    In this article we define the role of innovation in the economy of knowledge and in providing social and economic wellbeing to the population. The innovation resistance is defined as a complex phenomenon and as a result of agent-object relationships. Then the article is focused on consumer innovation resistance as a main obstacle to development of knowledge-based economy. Two types of consumer innovation resistance are revealed. The source of active consumer innovation resistance is the result of non-compliance of consumer expectations and characteristics of a new product. Passive consumer innovation resistance comes from the lack of desire to change stable behavior patterns and from unwillingness to learn. Also we classify the deterministic factors of consumer innovation resistance as exogenous indirect and direct factors and as endogenous factors, what can help to work out a general approach to overcoming the innovation resistance. Innovations can be considered as habits and routines to changes, which can be developed and distributed both to the young population and to the elderly. Some insights in this direction are offered

    Evaluation of Subjective and Objective Aspects of Russian Students' Well-Being

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    We conducted an online research using a questionnaire and a case study in order to reveal how objective aspects, such as income, consumer assets, positive and negative events, correspond to self-reported subjective well-being of Tomsk students. The result of the study is that non-economic aspects (family and health) are more valuable for respondents. Most of them underestimate their health status and do not see any gains in getting useless good available for free

    Convergence Of Behavioral Economics And Orthodox Economic Theory

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    In recent decades, more and more attention is paid to the research of influence of social and cognitive factors on economic decision-making, both on the individual level and on organizational one. The new challenge of modern era is an integration of the key areas of factual and psychological data analysis and their impact on small and large-scale economic phenomena, which results in emergence of a new scientific discipline called "behavioral economics". The main purpose of the research is how to distinguish the orthodox view in economic theory and the newly-born branch - behavioral economy. In the recent paper we state the features of the behavioral economics in contrast to the orthodox economic theory, define the origins of the paradigm, analyze the specifics of the research methods used by the new scientific direction. Also, the specific of terminology of the theory and the role of an economic agent in these two areas of economic theory are determined. And finally, main challenges of behavioral science are revealed and ways of how it can enrich economic theory are shown. Main conclusion says that there is a significant improvement in the predictive capabilities of the theory due to new direction of economic science on the one hand, and on the other hand, economic theory can expand on a field of phenomena that were not previously involved in the consideration by economists

    Purchases and Wellbeing of Older and Younger Adults in Tomsk

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    The present study assesses the wellbeing potential of material and experiential purchases among a group of Tomsk consumers. Four hypotheses are tested. 1) "Consumer preferences differ by age, gender, income level, education" turns to be confirmed; 2) "Purchases of gifts make people more happy than buying for themselves" demonstrated not very stable and weak correlation; 3) "Money spent on material purchases are perceived as a better decision than spent on experience" shows not very strong and statistically not significant correlation. 4) "Experiential purchases lead to more happiness" had no evidence to be proved. Further research is needed to investigate the phenomena more accurately

    Crecimiento empresarial post-recesión:impacto en ROE a corto y largo plazo

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    At the beginning of the current century, the world economy experienced several crisis events that negatively influenced business performance. Many businesses have experienced long periods of declining sales. This paper continues the series of scientific works on the study of restarting growth, i.e., the growth of companies after a long period of stagnation or falling sales. The paper contributes to the world literature by analyzing the impact of different types of restarting growth on firm performance (firm’s return on equity – ROE). The panel data includes7528 observations (1882 firms * 4 years). Regression models with fixed effects are used for data analysis. The study revealed a positive impact of long-term growth on ROE, but it did not confirm the impact of short-term growth on ROE. The maximum benefits accrue to young companieswith long-term fast sales growth. Empirical studies provide varying results on the impact of growth on firm profitability. Our approach reconcilesthese contradictions and shows that sustainable long-term growth allows firms to achieve higher profitability. These results will be of interest forinvestors, who should focus on finding companies that can demonstrate annual sales growth for several years. It is also advisable for owners and managers to strive for long-term annual growth in firm sales.a principios del presente siglo, la economía mundial experimentó varios eventos de crisis que afectaron negativamente el desempeño empresarial. Muchas empresas han atravesado largos períodos de reducción de las ventas. Este artículo continúa la serie de trabajoscientíficos sobre el estudio del reinicio del crecimiento, es decir, el crecimiento de las empresas después de un largo período de estancamientoo caída de las ventas, y contribuye con la literatura mediante el análisis del impacto de diferentes tipos de reactivación del crecimiento en eldesempeño de las empresas (rendimiento sobre el capital de la empresa-ROE). Los datos de panel incluyen 7528 observaciones (1882 empresas* 4 años). Para el análisis de datos se utilizan modelos de regresión con efectos fijos. El estudio reveló un impacto positivo del crecimiento alargo plazo sobre el ROE, pero no confirmó el impacto del crecimiento a corto plazo sobre el ROE. Los máximos beneficios los obtienen lasempresas jóvenes con un rápido crecimiento de las ventas a largo plazo. Los estudios empíricos arrojan resultados variables sobre el impactodel crecimiento en la rentabilidad de las empresas. Nuestro enfoque muestra que el crecimiento sostenible a largo plazo permite a las empresaslograr una mayor rentabilidad. Estos resultados serán de interés para los inversores que deberían centrarse en encontrar empresas que puedandemostrar un crecimiento anual de las ventas durante varios años. También se recomienda que los propietarios y gerentes se esfuercen porlograr un crecimiento anual a largo plazo en las ventas de la empresa

    Neo-industrial base for sustainable development of raw-materials cluster

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    Today the issues of overcoming the environmental consequences of the negative structural shift of the Russian economy, accelerating the rate of economic growth, reducing the technological and social-and-economic separation from developed countries are becoming strategically in demand for extractive clusters. The need for methodological and theoretical support of the neo-industrialization of the Russian economy raises the urgency of analyzing ways to solve environmental problems, relying on reducing the share of raw materials production in the gross regional product. The emergence of an innovative paradigm raises environmental requirements for industry, raises the priority of interaction institutions between the state, science and business in the process of reducing environmental damage. The leading role is played by the analysis of innovative nature protection activities in extractive clusters and structuring the competitive advantages of the economy, not related to the export of raw materials

    Seed Round Raised for a Browser-Based Mission Management Software

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    Precious Payload is a US/UAE based SAAS company that makes sending satellites to space easy. We are creating a place where you can manage your paperwork, sort the insurance, and keep track of your mission roadmap – all from one simple, online portal. The last four months have changed everyone\u27s attitude towards business development and networking through digital channels tremendously. Our browser software helps you plan and execute a space mission from the comfort of your desk


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    The aim of this work is to justify the use of candied fruits as fillers in the production of curd and to study their influence on the quality indicators of the finished product. The article presents studies of the organoleptic, physicochemical, structural and mechanical properties of the curd masses depending on the type of fillers. Curd recipes have been developed with candied parsnip in the amount of 10 %, candied parsnip in the amount of 15 %, candied pumpkin in the amount of 10 %, candied pumpkin in the amount of 15 %. Experimental studies have determined the optimal dose of candied fruits from parsnip and pumpkin, which is 150 kg per 1000 kg of the product. The chemical composition of pumpkin and parsnip is analyzed, the feasibility of using candied fruit from them as fillers is substantiated. In order to preserve the maximum amount of vitamins in candied fruit, a technology for their production has been developed, including cooking in sugar syrup using low temperatures (60 °C) and further drying by the convection-vacuum method at a temperature of 50 °C. It has been established, that all types of fillers that took part in the experiments do not adversely affect the physicochemical and rheological properties of the curd mass. It has been proven, that candied parsnip and pumpkin positively affect the density of the curd mass structure and provide the plastic structure of the produc