18 research outputs found

    Reinforcement Learning of Action and Query Policies with LTL Instructions under Uncertain Event Detector

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    Reinforcement learning (RL) with linear temporal logic (LTL) objectives can allow robots to carry out symbolic event plans in unknown environments. Most existing methods assume that the event detector can accurately map environmental states to symbolic events; however, uncertainty is inevitable for real-world event detectors. Such uncertainty in an event detector generates multiple branching possibilities on LTL instructions, confusing action decisions. Moreover, the queries to the uncertain event detector, necessary for the task's progress, may increase the uncertainty further. To cope with those issues, we propose an RL framework, Learning Action and Query over Belief LTL (LAQBL), to learn an agent that can consider the diversity of LTL instructions due to uncertain event detection while avoiding task failure due to the unnecessary event-detection query. Our framework simultaneously learns 1) an embedding of belief LTL, which is multiple branching possibilities on LTL instructions using a graph neural network, 2) an action policy, and 3) a query policy which decides whether or not to query for the event detector. Simulations in a 2D grid world and image-input robotic inspection environments show that our method successfully learns actions to follow LTL instructions even with uncertain event detectors.Comment: 8 pages, Accepted by Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L

    Novel activity of Streptomyces aminopeptidase P

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    Streptomyces aminopeptidase P enzymes are proline-specific peptidases that belong to the peptidase M24 family. To evaluate the activity of a commercial Streptomyces aminopeptidase P, named 'XPO DUET', we performed three experiments involving degradation of tryptic casein, production of free amino acids from casein hydrolysate, and hydrolysis of synthetic peptides. Using an ion-trap liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) apparatus, we demonstrate that XPO DUET could degrade FFVAPFPEVFGK, an allergic and bitter peptide, VAPFPEVFGK, and PEVFGK from tryptic casein. All amino acids, except Ala, Asp, Glu, and Tyr, were released in an XPO DUET activity-dependent manner during the hydrolysis of casein hydrolysate. LC-MS analysis also revealed the ability of XPO DUET to completely hydrolyze Phe-Phe-Phe into free Phe. Thus, we confirm that XPO DUET possesses broader specificity than its known activity toward Xaa-Pro peptides. Because XPO DUET is a food-grade peptidase, it is useful in the bioprocessing of protein hydrolysates through its combination with other food-grade peptidases

    Automated Quantitative Analysis of Anterior Segment Inflammation Using Swept-Source Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography: A Pilot Study

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    Background: The aim of this study is to develop an automated evaluation of anterior chamber (AC) cells in uveitis using anterior segment (AS) optical coherence tomography (OCT) images. Methods: We analyzed AS swept-source (SS)-OCT (CASIA 2) images of 31 patients (51 eyes) with uveitis using image analysis software (Python). An automated algorithm was developed to detect cellular spots corresponding to hyper-reflective spots in the AC, and the correlation with Standardization of Uveitis Nomenclature (SUN) grading AC cells score was evaluated. The approximated AC grading value was calculated based on the logarithmic approximation curve between the number of cellular spots and the SUN grading score. Results: Among 51 eyes, cellular spots were automatically segmented in 48 eyes, whereas three eyes (all SUN grading AC cells score: 4+) with severe fibrin formation in the AC were removed by the automated algorithm. The AC cellular spots increased with an increasing SUN grading score (p p p p < 0.001). Conclusions: This automated anterior AC cell analysis using AS SS-OCT showed a significant correlation with clinical SUN grading scores and provided SUN AC grading values as a continuous variable. Our findings suggest that automated grading of AC cells could improve the accuracy of a quantitative assessment of AC inflammation using AS-OCT images and allow the objective and rapid evaluation of anterior segment inflammation in uveitis. Further investigations on a large scale are required to validate this quantitative measurement of anterior segment inflammation in uveitic eyes


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    Feminized 2-year-old eels were reared in freshwater at 26℃ until October, then the water temperature was gradually decreased to 16℃ to December, and gradually increased to 26℃ from February to April. They received weekly injections of salmon pituitary extract (body weight, 15 or 30 mg/kg) to induce sexual maturation in September, December, or April. The quality of the eggs obtained in each season was evaluated by the resulting fertilization, hatching, and 8-day survival rates. High quality eggs were obtained via high-dose injections in most experimental groups. In the high-dose injection groups, eels were induced to the final maturation phase in all seasons; however, egg quality obtained in April was extremely low in contrast to that obtained in September and December. Histological observation of oocytes just before the process of artificial maturation was commenced indicated that the developmental stages of oocytes varied by season: oil droplet in September, early vitellogenic in December, and regressive from vitellogenesis in April. The extremely low egg quality in April is probably due to the fact that the oocytes had already entered the regressive stage. These results indicated that better quality of eel eggs can be obtained by starting the process of artificial maturation between September and December.雌化ウナギ2 歳魚を9 月,12月または4 月にサケ脳下垂体注射によって人為催熟し,得られる卵質の差を受精率,孵化率および8 日後生存率で評価した。9 月,12月は比較的良質な卵が得られる傾向が認められたが,4 月では卵は得られるものの,その卵質は極めて悪かった。催熟前の卵母細胞を組織学的に観察すると,12月に卵黄形成開始が観察されが,4 月には退行している様子が観察された。4 月に催熟を開始しても良質な卵が得られない原因として,催熟前に既に卵母細胞が退行しつつあることが考えられた。以上の結果から,雌化ウナギ2 歳魚の人為催熟は9 月から12月の間にかけて開始することが良質な卵を得るために適当であると結論された