3,227 research outputs found

    Edge-state instabilities of bosons in a topological band

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    In this work, we consider the dynamics of bosons in bands with non-trivial topological structure. In particular, we focus on the case where bosons are prepared in a higher-energy band and allowed to evolve. The Bogoliubov theory about the initial state can have a dynamical instability, and we show that it is possible to achieve the interesting situation where the topological edge modes are unstable while all bulk modes are stable. Thus, after the initial preparation, the edge modes will become rapidly populated. We illustrate this with the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model which can be realized with a double-well optical lattice and is perhaps the simplest model with topological edge states. This work provides a direct physical consequence of topological bands whose properties are often not of immediate relevance for bosonic systems.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Quantum Rotor Theory of Systems of Spin-2 Bosons

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    We consider quantum phases of tightly-confined spin-2 bosons in an external field under the presence of rotationally-invariant interactions. Generalizing previous treatments, we show how this system can be mapped onto a quantum rotor model. Within the rotor framework, low-energy excitations about fragmented states, which cannot be accessed within standard Bogoliubov theory, can be obtained. In the spatially extended system in the thermodynamic limit there exists a mean-field ground state degeneracy between a family of nematic states for appropriate interaction parameters. It has been established that quantum fluctuations lift this degeneracy through the mechanism of order-by-disorder and select either a uniaxial or square-biaxial ground state. On the other hand, in the full quantum treatment of the analogous single-spatial mode problem with finite particle number it is known that, due to symmetry restoring fluctuations, there is a unique ground state across the entire nematic region of the phase diagram. Within the established rotor framework we investigate the possible quantum phases under the presence of a quadratic Zeeman field, a problem which has previously received little attention. By investigating wave function overlaps we do not find any signatures of the order-by-disorder phenomenon which is present in the continuum case. Motivated by this we consider an alternative external potential which breaks less symmetry than the quadratic Zeeman field. For this case we do find the phenomenon of order-by-disorder in the fully quantum system. This is established within the rotor framework and with exact diagonalization

    Order-by-Disorder Degeneracy Lifting of Interacting Bosons on the Dice Lattice

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    Motivated by recent experimental progress in the realization of synthetic gauge fields in systems of ultracold atoms, we consider interacting bosons on the dice lattice with half flux per plaquette. All bands of the non-interacting spectrum of this system were previously found to have the remarkable property of being completely dispersionless. We show that degeneracies remain when interactions are treated at the level of mean field theory, and the ground state exhibits vortex lattice configurations already established in the simpler XY model in the same geometry. We argue that including quantum and thermal fluctuations will select a unique vortex lattice up to overall symmetries based on the order-by-disorder mechanism. We verify the stability of the selected state by analyzing the condensate depletion. The latter is shown to exhibit an unusual non-monotonic behavior as a function of the interaction parameters which can be understood as a consequence of the dispersionless nature of the non-interacting spectrum. Finally, we comment on the role of domain walls which have interactions mediated through fluctuations.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Particle-hole symmetric localization in optical lattices using time modulated random on-site potentials

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    The random hopping models exhibit many fascinating features, such as diverging localization length and density of states as energy approaches the bandcenter, due to its particle-hole symmetry. Nevertheless, such models are yet to be realized experimentally because the particle-hole symmetry is easily destroyed by diagonal disorder. Here we propose that a pure random hopping model can be effectively realized in ultracold atoms by modulating a disordered onsite potential in particular frequency ranges. This idea is motivated by the recent development of the phenomena called "dynamical localization" or "coherent destruction of tunneling". Investigating the application of this idea in one dimension, we find that if the oscillation frequency of the disorder potential is gradually increased from zero to infinity, one can tune a non-interacting system from an Anderson insulator to a random hopping model with diverging localization length at the band center, and eventually to a uniform-hopping tight-binding model.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Classifying Novel Phases of Spinor Atoms

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    We consider many-body states of bosonic spinor atoms which, at the mean-field level, can be characterized by a single-particle wave function. Such states include BEC phases and insulating Mott states with one atom per site. We describe and apply a classification scheme that makes explicit spin symmetries of such states and enables one to naturally analyze their collective modes and topological excitations. Quite generally, the method allows classification of a spin F system as a polyhedron with 2F vertices. After discussing the general formalism we apply it to the many-body states of bosons with hyperfine spins two and three. For spin-two atoms we find the ferromagnetic state, a continuum of nematic states, and a state having the symmetry of the point group of the regular tetrahedron. For spin-three atoms we obtain similar ferromagnetic and nematic phases as well as states having symmetries of various types of polyhedra with six vertices: the hexagon, the pyramid with pentagonal base, the prism, and the octahedron.Comment: Added references, corrected typos, minor changes in tex

    Vortex Lattice Transitions in Cyclic Spinor Condensates

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    We study the energetics of vortices and vortex lattices produced by rotation in the cyclic phase of F=2 spinor condensates. In addition to the familiar triangular lattice predicted by Tkachenko for 4He, many more complex lattices appear in this system as a result of the spin degree of freedom. In particular, we predict a magnetic-field-driven transition from a triangular lattice to a honeycomb lattice. Other transitions and lattice geometries are driven at constant field by changes in the temperature-dependent ratio of charge and spin stiffnesses, including a transition through an aperiodic vortex structure. Finally, we compute the renormalization of the ratio of the spin and charge stiffnesses from thermal fluctuations using a nonlinear sigma model analysis

    Simulating Infinite Vortex Lattices in Superfluids

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    We present an efficient framework to numerically treat infinite periodic vortex lattices in rotating superfluids described by the Gross-Pitaevskii theory. The commonly used split-step Fourier (SSF) spectral methods are inapplicable to such systems as the standard Fourier transform does not respect the boundary conditions mandated by the magnetic translation group. We present a generalisation of the SSF method which incorporates the correct boundary conditions by employing the so-called magnetic Fourier transform. We test the method and show that it reduces to known results in the lowest-Landau-level regime. While we focus on rotating scalar superfluids for simplicity, the framework can be naturally extended to treat multicomponent systems and systems under more general `synthetic' gauge fields.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure

    Selective Population of Edge States in a 2D Topological Band System

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    We consider a system of interacting spin-one atoms in a hexagonal lattice under the presence of a synthetic gauge field. Quenching the quadratic Zeeman field is shown to lead to a dynamical instability of the edge modes. This, in turn, leads to a spin current along the boundary of the system which grows exponentially fast in time following the quench. Tuning the magnitude of the quench can be used to selectively populate edge modes of different momenta. Implications of the intrinsic symmetries of Hamiltonian on the dynamics are discussed. The results hold for atoms with both antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic interactions.Comment: 7 pages (expanded Supplemental Material