25,794 research outputs found

    Stochastic Satbility and Performance Robustness of Linear Multivariable Systems

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    Stochastic robustness, a simple technique used to estimate the robustness of linear, time invariant systems, is applied to a single-link robot arm control system. Concepts behind stochastic stability robustness are extended to systems with estimators and to stochastic performance robustness. Stochastic performance robustness measures based on classical design specifications are introduced, and the relationship between stochastic robustness measures and control system design parameters are discussed. The application of stochastic performance robustness, and the relationship between performance objectives and design parameters are demonstrated by means of example. The results prove stochastic robustness to be a good overall robustness analysis method that can relate robustness characteristics to control system design parameters

    Electric fences on dairy farms

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    During the last four or five years, a number of electric fences have been brought into use in the higher rainfall areas. These are playing a very important role in increasing production and almost without exception, improvement in output has been reported following their introduction. During 1954, ten sets were used for demonstration purposes throughout the dairying districts under the terms of the Commonwealth Dairy Extension Grant. These demonstrations have all been successful and leave little doubt as to the effectiveness of this type of grazing management

    High stocking rate on kikuyu dairy pasture : progress report on grazing trials on kikuyu-sub. clover pasture at Denmark Research Station

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    KIKUYU is one of the most valuable pasture plants on dairy farms in the South-West of Western Australia. It combines well with subterranean clover and ryegrass if heavily stocked, and pastures managed in this way can be cut for legume-grass hay in the spring. However, relatively little is known of its carrying capacity or potential for production under grazing

    Kikuyu (Pennisetum Clandestinum)

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    Many dairy farms in the South-West of this State have a small patch of kikuyu grass. It grows in the vicinity of the milking shed and is used to prevent erosion due to the heavy trampling of stock. Under these conditions, it forms a firm, close sod providing a green bite, but not very much bulk

    Broom millet

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    Revised from Leaflet No. 799 by H. G. Elliott The straws in the straw-broom found in the average Western Australian household are the seed stalks of the broom millet plant. Supplies of broom for the manufacture of household brooms and brushes are purchased from growers in the Eastern States of Australia, particularly from Victoria, but from time to time supplies are scarce. The value of this crop is dependent on the price of broom and in periods of scarcity high prices are paid. It can be grown on summer moist soils in Western Australia and with high prices, can provide remunerative returns per acre

    Oats and vetches demonstrations.

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    Cropping of oats is a common practice in the higher rainfall areas of the Southwest and is frequently used during the process of ploughing up run-out pastures prior to reseeding. Combinations of vetches with the oats for this purpose have received more attention in recent years and this practice has been widely demonstrated during the last five or six years with excellent results

    Seed and pasture rates for new dairy pastures

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    THE success or failure of pasture establishment on new land often depends on the interaction of rate of seeding and rate of superphosphate application. Every year large areas of virgin land are cleared and sown to pasture in the higher rainfall areas, and all-too often the new pasture is not as successful as it should be because too little super is applied, and, in some cases, too little seed

    Healthy pastures

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    IN sweeping away forests to make room for pastures we have taken on the responsibility of maintaining these areas in a condition suitable for the growth of pasture plants. This is done by a choice of suitable species, fertilising, cultivating, drainage, control of grazing and by weed and insect control

    Good results with red clover at Denmark Research Station

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    Most dairyfarmers are familiar with red clover under the name of Giant Colonial cow-grass, but only a few know that many strains of this valuable pasture and hay legume occur. One of the most promising of these strains is Montgomery red clover which is recognised as a grazing strain in England and New Zealand
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