108 research outputs found

    Influence of the number of trials and the exercise to rest ratio in repeated sprint ability, with changes of direction and orientation

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    The purpose of this investigation was to determine if there were different trends in physical fatigue observed in 3 different sets, of 7 trials each, in repeated sprint training, performed in 3 different modes: straight sprinting over 30 m, shuttle sprinting over 15 + 15 m, and sprinting over 30 m with changes of direction. Recovery time among trials in the sets was administered according to the 1:5 exercise to rest ratio. The sets were performed on 3 different days, with at least 48 hours between each set. The study involved 17 trained male soccer players (height, 177.33 +/- 6.21 cm; body mass, 71.63 +/- 9.58 kg; body mass index, 23 +/- 2.39 kg<bold>m(</bold>-2); age, 21.94 +/- 3.58 years). To compare the different values of the time recorded, an index of fatigue was used. Significant differences among trials within each set (repeated measures analysis of variance; p < 0.05) and between the sets (factorial analysis of variance; p < 0.001) were found. Significant correlations between each test and countermovement jump and stiffness values recorded pre exercise were found (p < 0.05). Significant differences between countermovement jump and stiffness values recorded pre and post exercise were also found (p < 0.05). This study suggests that training sessions aimed at increasing the capacity of repeated sprint ability in nonlinear and multidirectional sprints (shuttle and change of direction), which might imply a different number of trials within the set or different exercise to rest ratios from the ones usually adopted for straight sprinting, to induce similar trends of fatigue. As practical applications, the estimated numbers of necessary trials in the different sets and the possible exercise to rest ratios, resulting from mathematical modeling, are provided for each investigated sprinting mode

    Acute effects of whole-body vibrations on the fatigue induced by multiple repeated sprint ability test in soccer players

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    Background: We tested the hypothesis that whole-body vibration (WBV) positively affects the fatigue process ensuing from repeated bouts of maximal efforts, as induced by repeated sprints' ability (RSA). Eleven male soccer players performed three sets of six repeated shuttle sprints (40 meters). Methods: Eleven male soccer players (age 23.6±4.5 years) were cross-randomized to perform WBW before RSA and during the recovery between sets (WBV-with) or to warm-up and passive recovery between sets (WBV-without). The effects of WBV were quantified by sprint time (ST) and blood lactate concentration (LA), collected up to 15 min after completion of tests. Results: ST during RSA showed a better maintenance of performance in the WBV-with compared to WBV-without condition in all three sets, reaching a statistical significance between-groups during the 2nd and 3rd set (P&lt;0.05). No significant differences in ST over the sets were detected in WBV-with, whereas a significant decrease was observed in the WBV-without condition (P&lt;0.001). LA recovered significantly faster from the 9th to 15th minute of recovery in WBV-with as compared to WBV-without (P&lt;0.05). Conclusions: These findings would indicate that WBV performed during recovery between RSA sets can delay the onset of muscle fatigue resulting in a better maintenance of sprint performance

    Acute effects of static and dynamic stretching on jump performance after 15 min of reconditioning shooting phase in basketball players

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    2016-09-15. Effects of long term stimulation of textured insoles on postural control in health elderly. In JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE AND PHYSICAL FITNESS - ISSN:0022-4707 Annino, G; Palazzo, F; Alwardat, M; Manzi, V; Lebone, P; Tancredi, V; Sinibaldi Salimei, P; Caronti... Resp. del dato : GIUSEPPE ANNINO Identificativo : hdl:2108/164271 01 - Articolo su rivista validato errore 10/11/2016 12:37 Sito docente: Success

    Funzione dell\u2019addebito e presunto nesso di causalit\ue0 tra intollerabilit\ue0 della convivenza e violazione dei doveri coniugali

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    Si contesta il presunto nesso di causalit\ue0 che l'orientamento unanime in dottrina e in giurisprudenza richiede, fra violazione di un dovere coniugale e intollerabilit\ue0 della convivenza, ai fini della pronuncia di addebito della separazione

    Affidamento \uabcondiviso\ubb, \uabcollocazione abitativa\ubb del figlio e dovere di \uabcura\ubb dei genitori

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    Dopo averne evidenziato il diverso significato assunto con la riforma del 2006 sul c.d. affido condiviso, si rileva quale contenuto dell'affidamento (sia esso condiviso o esclusivo) il dovere di cura dei genitori

    La tutela del minore nella crisi coniugale

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    Di fronte ai numerosi problemi che si prospettano con la crisi coniugale, quelli riguardanti i figli si presentano con particolare gravit\ue0. Molto spesso, il conflitto si ripercuote negativamente sullo sviluppo della personalit\ue0 dei figli al punto da farli apparire come i veri e incolpevoli sconfitti della disgregazione familiare: le vittime di una vicenda che non avrebbero mai voluto vivere. La tutela del minore nella crisi coniugale, di fatto indifferente alla sua diversa formalizzazione (separazione personale o divorzio), diviene la preoccupazione principale di ogni legislatore, come \ue8 testimoniato anche dalle diverse esperienze europee. Compito precipuo del legislatore deve essere l'affrancazione del minore dalla crisi e, a un tempo e conseguentemente, la sua considerazione non pi\uf9 quale "oggetto" di contesa, ma quale soggetto da tutelare nella sua dignit\ue0 e nello sviluppo della personalit\ue0

    La potest\ue0 dei genitori

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    Si analizza l'evoluzione della potest\ue0 dei genitori attraverso gli interventi che, nel tempo, si sono succeduti della Corte costituzionale

    Commento all'art. 5 della Convenzione di Roma sulla Disciplina applicabile alle obbligazioni contrattuali

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    Relazione introduttiva

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    La "precariet\ue0" di un vincolo pur potenzialmente stabile e il c.d. processo di privatizzazione della famiglia impongono di coniugare la solidariet\ue0 di cui \ue8 espressione indubbia la comunit\ue0 familiare con la necessit\ue0 di salvaguardare lo sviluppo e la realizzazione della personalit\ue0 dei suoi membri. In questa prospettiva si dovrebbe innestare il potere riconosciuto ai coniugi di regolamentare le relazioni familiari, come nella fisiologia cos\uec nella patologia del rapporto