3 research outputs found
Bimbingan Pengendalian Hama dan Penyakit Terpadu pada Petani Kubis di Kampung Sota
Sota Village is one of the villages located in Sota District, Merauke Regency with an area of 698.13 km2 of the four other villages in Sota District, Sota Village is the largest area which reaches 26.85% of the Sota District area. Most of the agricultural area in Sota District is located around residential areas is the wet and dry soil. One of the dry soil in Sota Village is dominated by horticultural plants such as Brassica oleraceae L. plants. Brassica oleraceae L. is a horticultural plants that is favored by consumers in the city of Merauke. However, the problem that greatly affects the production of Brassica oleraceae L. plants is the attack of pests and diseases. The approach method to solve these problems is by way of guidance and assistance to farmers through a persuasive approach by applying the concept of Integrated Pest and Disease Management (IPDM). This activity is expected to provide an understanding to Brassica oleraceae L. farmers regarding the proper and correct use of pesticides according to regulations so that plant pests do not become resistant, and in the end can increase the growth and production of Brassica oleraceae L. plants. The evaluation results show that farmers have carried out pest and disease control by following the applicable regulations or the standard operating procedure
Bimbingan Teknis Pengembangan Tanaman Pisang Berbasis Pupuk Organik di Kampung Kweel Distrik Elikobel Papua Selatan
Banana is a horticultural commodity that is widely consumed by people in Indonesia, especially in Merauke Regency. Increased production of banana plants is strongly influenced by the quality of seeds and preparation of planting media in the field. This service aims to provide an understanding to the community about the development of banana plants using organic fertilizers and utilizing the potential of unused land in Kweel Village. The implementation of activities includes counseling with a participatory system and demonstration of banana plant development plots. The solutions offered in this activity are; 1) Providing counseling about the benefits of managing livestock waste as organic fertilizer, 2) Providing assistance in processing livestock manure as organic fertilizer and 3) conducting technical guidance and demonstration of banana plant development plots. The targeted outputs of this Partner Village Development program include guidelines for the use of organic fertilizers for banana cultivation, publication of articles in nationally accredited journals, and publication of print/online media
Kepadatan Populasi dan Intensitas Serangan Hama Wereng Batang Coklat (Nilaparvata lugens. Stal) diI Distrik Tanah Miring Kabupaten Merauke
Wereng coklat merupakan salah satu hama utama tanaman padi karena dapat menimbulkan kerusakan yang parah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kepadatan populasi dan tingkat intensitas serangan hama wereng coklat di Distrik Tanah Miring Kabupaten Merauke. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Sampel serangga diambil dengan menggunakan aspirator pada lima ubin yang berukuran 2x2 meter, kemudian diamati seluruh populasi tumbuhan pada setiap ubin. Pengamatan dilakukan pada 3 varietas padi yang dominan di 5 kampung. Data dianalisis berdasarkan rumus kepadatan populasi dan intensitas serangan hama wereng coklat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kepadatan populasi hama wereng coklat tertinggi terdapat pada varietas RL sebanyak 145 individu di Kampung Sumber Harapan, dan terendah pada varietas MR 308 sebanyak 91 individu di Kampung Yasa Mulya. Selanjutnya intensitas serangan hama wereng coklat tertinggi terdapat pada varietas RL di Kampung Sumber Harapan dengan persentase sebesar 8,91%, dan intensitas terendah pada varietas Inpari 70 di Kampung Isanombias sebesar 2,25% yang termasuk kategori “ringan”. pada tingkat kerusakan yang di alami