8 research outputs found

    Reconstruction of Yamaha XS400 motorcycle

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    Cílem této práce je navrhnout zvedací plošinu na motocykl a popsat rekonstrukci motocyklu Yamaha XS 400 na typ Café Racer. Obsahem je návrh a 3D model plošinového zvedáku, pevnostní kontrola a dokumentace jednotlivých postupů rekonstrukce.The aim of this thesis is to design lifting platform for motorcycle and describe reconstructi-on of motorcycle Yamaha XS 400 to Café Racer. Content of this thesis is design and 3D model of lifting platform, strenght check and documentation of individual method of recon-struction.

    Design of indoor lighting in a trend of Human Centric Lighting

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    Hlavními částmi jsou shrnutí současného stavu poznání v oboru Human Centric Lighting, optický návrh svítidla v softwaru LightTools a následné ověření funkčnosti navrženého svítidla na konkrétní aplikaci pomocí simulace osvětlení v programu Dialux EVO. Tato práce si klade za cíl vytvořit svítidlo primárně s ohledem na vliv světla na člověka a psychologické a fyziologické procesy v jeho těle. Práce vznikla ve spolupráci se společností Robe Lighting s.r.o., která poskytuje podporu při tvorbě diplomové práce. Téma práce a návrh svítidla koresponduje s aktuálním stavem poznání v oblasti vlivu světla na člověka. Navržené svítidlo v trendu HCL vyniká především kvalitou vyzařovaného světla, které však přichází do střetu s finanční stránkou návrhu.The main tasks of the thesis lie in summary of present state in Human Centric Lighting field, in the optical design of luminaire and in practical verification of the proposal. The design is developed in software LightTools and for the verification of functionality the software Dialux EVO is employed. The luminaire is designed primarily with respect to the influence of light on the man and the physiological, psychological and behavioural responses in humans. The thesis is created in cooperation with the company Robe Lighting s.r.o. The proposal of the luminaire corresponds to the current state of knowledge in the area of light influence on humans. The designed luminaire in the trend HCL is distinguished by the high quality of emitted light but also with higher costs of the operation.

    Reconstruction of Yamaha XS400 motorcycle

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    The aim of this thesis is to design lifting platform for motorcycle and describe reconstructi-on of motorcycle Yamaha XS 400 to Café Racer. Content of this thesis is design and 3D model of lifting platform, strenght check and documentation of individual method of recon-struction

    Effect of Small Polyanions on In Vitro Assembly of Selected Members of Alpha-, Beta- and Gammaretroviruses

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    The assembly of a hexameric lattice of retroviral immature particles requires the involvement of cell factors such as proteins and small molecules. A small, negatively charged polyanionic molecule, myo-inositol hexaphosphate (IP6), was identified to stimulate the assembly of immature particles of HIV-1 and other lentiviruses. Interestingly, cryo-electron tomography analysis of the immature particles of two lentiviruses, HIV-1 and equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV), revealed that the IP6 binding site is similar. Based on this amino acid conservation of the IP6 interacting site, it is presumed that the assembly of immature particles of all lentiviruses is stimulated by IP6. Although this specific region for IP6 binding may be unique for lentiviruses, it is plausible that other retroviral species also recruit some small polyanion to facilitate the assembly of their immature particles. To study whether the assembly of retroviruses other than lentiviruses can be stimulated by polyanionic molecules, we measured the effect of various polyanions on the assembly of immature virus-like particles of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV), a member of alpharetroviruses, Mason-Pfizer monkey virus (M-PMV) representative of betaretroviruses, and murine leukemia virus (MLV), a member of gammaretroviruses. RSV, M-PMV and MLV immature virus-like particles were assembled in vitro from truncated Gag molecules and the effect of selected polyanions, myo-inostol hexaphosphate, myo-inositol, glucose-1,6-bisphosphate, myo-inositol hexasulphate, and mellitic acid, on the particles assembly was quantified. Our results suggest that the assembly of immature particles of RSV and MLV was indeed stimulated by the presence of myo-inostol hexaphosphate and myo-inositol, respectively. In contrast, no effect on the assembly of M-PMV as a betaretrovirus member was observed

    PF74 and Its Novel Derivatives Stabilize Hexameric Lattice of HIV-1 Mature-Like Particles

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    A major structural retroviral protein, capsid protein (CA), is able to oligomerize into two different hexameric lattices, which makes this protein a key component for both the early and late stages of HIV-1 replication. During the late stage, the CA protein, as part of the Gag polyprotein precursor, facilitates protein–protein interactions that lead to the assembly of immature particles. Following protease activation and Gag polyprotein processing, CA also drives the assembly of the mature viral core. In the early stage of infection, the role of the CA protein is distinct. It controls the disassembly of the mature CA hexameric lattice i.e., uncoating, which is critical for the reverse transcription of the single-stranded RNA genome into double stranded DNA. These properties make CA a very attractive target for small molecule functioning as inhibitors of HIV-1 particle assembly and/or disassembly. Of these, inhibitors containing the PF74 scaffold have been extensively studied. In this study, we reported a series of modifications of the PF74 molecule and its characterization through a combination of biochemical and structural approaches. Our data supported the hypothesis that PF74 stabilizes the mature HIV-1 CA hexameric lattice. We identified derivatives with a higher in vitro stabilization activity in comparison to the original PF74 molecule

    Fullerene Derivatives Prevent Packaging of Viral Genomic RNA into HIV-1 Particles by Binding Nucleocapsid Protein

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    Fullerene derivatives with hydrophilic substituents have been shown to exhibit a range of biological activities, including antiviral ones. For a long time, the anti-HIV activity of fullerene derivatives was believed to be due to their binding into the hydrophobic pocket of HIV-1 protease, thereby blocking its activity. Recent work, however, brought new evidence of a novel, protease-independent mechanism of fullerene derivatives’ action. We studied in more detail the mechanism of the anti-HIV-1 activity of N,N-dimethyl[70]fulleropyrrolidinium iodide fullerene derivatives. By using a combination of in vitro and cell-based approaches, we showed that these C70 derivatives inhibited neither HIV-1 protease nor HIV-1 maturation. Instead, our data indicate effects of fullerene C70 derivatives on viral genomic RNA packaging and HIV-1 cDNA synthesis during reverse transcription—without impairing reverse transcriptase activity though. Molecularly, this could be explained by a strong binding affinity of these fullerene derivatives to HIV-1 nucleocapsid domain, preventing its proper interaction with viral genomic RNA, thereby blocking reverse transcription and HIV-1 infectivity. Moreover, the fullerene derivatives’ oxidative activity and fluorescence quenching, which could be one of the reasons for the inconsistency among reported anti-HIV-1 mechanisms, are discussed herein