182 research outputs found

    A Comparative Study of Vocational Education in China and Germany

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    Vocational education is the main way to improve the quality of national skills. In developed countries in the world economy, all are placed in an important position, but specific methods have their own characteristics. The dual system of vocational education in Germany is quite distinctive, and it is also extremely advanced. Today, it is particularly important to learn from the advanced experience of foreign countries when carrying forward the spirit of craftsmen in a great country. Vocational education between China and Germany differs greatly from eight aspects of culture, vocational education concepts and values, legal systems, vocational education models, as well as the construction of the teaching staff and the implementation process of education and teaching. Therefore, Chinese vocational education cannot replicate the German model. It must be based on China’s national conditions and learn from German vocational education experience, from improving laws and regulations, strengthening the construction of “dual-teacher” faculty, standardizing the construction of curriculum systems and curriculum standards, and forming an industry-enterprise participation mechanisms and other aspects, carry out practical reforms and innovations to promote the healthy and orderly development of China’s vocational education and serve the sound development of the social economy

    Development and implementation of integrated curriculum in vocational colleges

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    The integration of theory and practice course is a teaching method based on students’ ability development, which organically combines theory learning and skill training. The development and implementation of integrated curriculum is conducive to the cultivation of double-qualified teachers, the improvement of teachers’ scientific research level and the effective improvement of teaching quality. Vocational colleges can effectively implement integrated courses by means of enterprise research, organizing expert interviews, establishing professional digital resource database, and developing integrated course standards, teaching materials and teaching places. In the process of implementing the integrated curriculum, attention should be paid to the following aspects: the improvement of teachers’ comprehensive ability, the improvement of teaching equipment and sites, the compilation of working pages and the weak theoretical foundation of students, etc.In addition, it is also necessary to establish a multi-level integrated curriculum evaluation system, innovate and reform the evaluation methods, contents and forms in order to improve the teaching evaluation quality of vocational colleges

    Research on Teaching Reform of Kindergarten Language Education Activities

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    With the implementation of the two-child policy in China, early childhood education has attracted great attention from the society and families. However, the current preschool language education can no longer meet the needs of development, and it is necessary to reform the preschool language education and training mode. It is particularly important to strengthen the combination of work and study through curriculum reform and find a path suitable for kindergarten language education

    Cusp-latitude conjugate ionospheric absorption associated with increase of solar wind dynamic pressure during strong northward IMF-a case study

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    Conjugate ionospheric absorption was observed in the magnetic pre-noon by the inter-hemispheric imaging riometers (IRISs) at Ny-Alesund (NAL), Svalbard and Zhongshan (ZHS), Antarctica in the cusp-latitude. The absorption was associated with increase of solar wind dynamic pressure during the strong northward interplanetary magnetic field. The conjugate absorption features showed a sequence of spike-shape with intensity of 400 km) exceeding the IRIS field-of-view with a poleward motion. The absorption spikes at NAL preceded the ones at ZHS by about 4 min. The absorption at NAL was located at part of enhanced auroral luminosity in the main oval from the POLAR UVI images, and also near the lower-latitude convection reversal in the plasma convection cell from the SuperDARN radar network of the northern hemisphere. Conjugate relationships, electrodynamics of electron precipitation and possible absorption mechanisms are discussed from these characteristics

    Progress in polar upper atmospheric physics research in China

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    The Chinese Antarctic Great Wall, Zhongshan, Kunlun and Arctic Yellow River stations have unique geographical locations, well suited to carry out polar upper atmospheric observations. This paper reviews the tremendous history of nearly 30 years of Chinese polar expeditions and major progress in polar upper atmospheric physics research. This includes the polar upper atmospheric physics conjugate observation system at Zhongshan Station in the Antarctic and Yellow River Station in the Arctic, and original research achievements in polar ionospheric fields, aurora and particle precipitation, the polar current system, polar plasma convection, geomagnetic pulsations and space plasma waves, inter-hemispheric comparisons of the space environment, space weather in polar regions, power spectrum of the incoherent scatter radar, ionospheric heating experiments and polar mesospheric summer echoes, polar ionosphere-magnetosphere numerical simulation and others. Finally, prospects for Chinese polar upper atmospheric physics research are outlined

    Scalable Geometric Fracture Assembly via Co-creation Space among Assemblers

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    Geometric fracture assembly presents a challenging practical task in archaeology and 3D computer vision. Previous methods have focused solely on assembling fragments based on semantic information, which has limited the quantity of objects that can be effectively assembled. Therefore, there is a need to develop a scalable framework for geometric fracture assembly without relying on semantic information. To improve the effectiveness of assembling geometric fractures without semantic information, we propose a co-creation space comprising several assemblers capable of gradually and unambiguously assembling fractures. Additionally, we introduce a novel loss function, i.e., the geometric-based collision loss, to address collision issues during the fracture assembly process and enhance the results. Our framework exhibits better performance on both PartNet and Breaking Bad datasets compared to existing state-of-the-art frameworks. Extensive experiments and quantitative comparisons demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed framework, which features linear computational complexity, enhanced abstraction, and improved generalization. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/Ruiyuan-Zhang/CCS.Comment: AAAI202
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