41 research outputs found

    Effects of time-compressed speech training on multiple functional and structural neural mechanisms involving the left superior temporal gyrus

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    Time-compressed speech is an artificial form of rapidly presented speech. Training with time compressed speech in a second language leads to adaptation toward time-compressed speech in a second language and toward time compressed speech in different languages. However, the effects of training with time-compressed speech of a second language (TCSSL) on diverse cognitive functions and neural mechanisms beyond time compressed speech-related activation are unknown. We investigated the effects of 4 weeks of training with TCSSL on the fractional amplitude of spontaneous low-frequency fluctuations (fALFF) of 0.01–0.08 Hz, resting-state functional connectivity (RSFC) with the left superior temporal gyrus (STG), fractional anisotropy (FA), and regional gray matter volume (rGMV) of young adults by magnetic resonance imaging. There were no significant differences in change of performance of measures of cognitive functions or second language skills after training with TCSSL compared with that of the active control group. However, compared with the active control group, training with TCSSL was associated with increased fALFF, RSFC, and FA and decreased rGMV involving areas in the left STG. These results lacked evidence of a far transfer effect of time compressed speech training on a wide range of cognitive functions and second language skills in young adults. However, these results demonstrated effects of time compressed speech training on gray and white matter structures as well as on resting-state intrinsic activity and connectivity involving the left STG, which plays a key role in listening comprehension

    Lenticular nucleus correlates of general self-efficacy in young adults

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    General self-efficacy (GSE) is an important factor in education, social participation, and medical treatment. However, the only study that has investigated the direct association between GSE and a neural correlate did not identify specific brain regions, rather only assessed brain structures, and included older adult subjects. GSE is related to motivation, physical activity, learning, the willingness to initiate behaviour and expend effort, and adjustment. Thus, it was hypothesized in the present study that the neural correlates of GSE might be related to changes in the basal ganglia, which is a region related to the abovementioned self-efficacy factors. This study aimed to identify the brain structures associated with GSE in healthy young adults (n = 1204, 691 males and 513 females, age 20.7 ± 1.8 years) using regional grey matter density and volume (rGMD and rGMV), fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD) analyses of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data. The findings showed that scores on the GSE Scale (GSES) were associated with a lower MD value in regions from the right putamen to the globus pallidum; however, there were no significant association between GSES scores and regional brain structures using the other analyses (rGMD, rGMV, and FA). Thus, the present findings indicated that the lenticular nucleus is a neural correlate of GSE

    Regional homogeneity, resting-state functional connectivity and amplitude of low frequency fluctuation associated with creativity measured by divergent thinking in a sex-specific manner

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    Brain connectivity is traditionally thought to be important for creativity. Here we investigated the associations of creativity measured by divergent thinking (CMDT) with resting-state functional magnetic imaging (fMRI) measures and their sex differences. We examined these relationships in the brains of 1277 healthy young adults. Whole-brain analyses revealed a significant interaction between verbal CMDT and sex on (a) regional homogeneity within an area from the left anterior temporal lobe (b) on the resting state functional connectivity (RSFC) between the mPFC and the left inferior frontal gyrus and (c) on fractional amplitude of low frequency fluctuations (fALFF) in several distinct areas, including the precuneus and middle cingulate gyrus, left middle temporal gyrus, right middle frontal gyrus, and cerebellum. These interactions were mediated by positive correlations in females and negative correlations in males. These findings suggest that greater CMDT in females is reflected by (a) regional coherence (regional homogeneity) of brain areas responsible for representing and combining concepts as well as (b) the efficient functional connection (RSFC) between the key areas for the default state of cognitive activity and speech production, and (c) greater spontaneous neural activity (fALFF) during the resting of brain areas involved in frontal lobe functions, default cognitive activities, and language functions. Furthermore, these findings suggest that the associations between creativity and resting state brain connectivity patterns are different between males and females

    Acute Benefits of Acidified Milk Drinks with 10-g and 15-g Protein on Shifting and Updating Performances in Young Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background: Accumulating evidence has shown that protein-rich milk drinks can rapidly improve cognitive performance. However, the optimum doses of milk protein that are needed to improve cognitive function remain to be investigated. Objective: This study aimed to determine whether acidified milk drinks with 10-g and 15-g milk protein have acute benefits on key cognitive functions in healthy young adults. Design: In this double-blinded randomized control trial, 66 young adults were randomly assigned to one of three groups (0-g, 10-g, and 15-g milk protein groups). Key cognitive functions (processing speed, inhibition, shifting, updating, and working memory capacity) were assessed before and 15 and 60 min after the drink intake. Results: We found that the shifting performance improved at 15 min after intake of the acidified 10-g and 15-g milk protein drinks compared to intake of the 0-g milk protein drink, and this acute effect of the acidified 15-g milk protein drink lasted for 60 min. In addition, updating performance improved at 60 min after intake of the acidified 10-g and 15-g milk protein drinks compared to intake of the 0-g milk protein drink. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that the acidified 10-g and 15-g milk protein drinks have an acute benefit on shifting and updating performance in healthy young adults


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    <p>Background: There has been little research conducted regarding cognitive treatments for the elderly postsurgical population. Patients aged ≥60 years have an increased risk of postoperative cognitive decline, a condition in which cognitive functions are negatively affected. This cognitive decline can lead to a decline in quality of life. In order to maintain a high quality of life, the elderly postsurgical population may benefit from treatment to maintain and/or improve their cognitive functions. This pilot study investigates the effect of simple calculation and reading aloud (SCRA) cognitive training in elderly Japanese postsurgical patients.</p><p>Methods: Elderly patients undergoing non-cardiovascular thoracic surgery under general anesthesia were recruited (n = 12). Subjects were randomly divided into two groups—one that receives 12 weeks of SCRA intervention, and a waitlisted control group. Before and after the intervention, we measured cognitive function [Mini-Mental Status Exam-Japanese (MMSE-J), Frontal Assessment Battery (FAB), computerized Cogstate Brief Battery (CBB)] and emotional state [General Health Questionnaire-12 (GHQ-12), Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), Quality of Life Scale-5 (QOL-5)].</p><p>Results: Group difference analyses using ANCOVA with permutation test showed that the intervention SCRA group had a significant improvement in FAB motor programming sub-score, GDS, and QOL-5 compared to the control group. Within-group analyses using Wilcoxon signed-rank test to compare baseline and follow-up showed that the SCRA intervention group total FAB scores, FAB motor programming sub-scores, and QOL-5 scores were significantly improved.</p><p>Discussion: This pilot study showed that there are important implications for the beneficial effects of SCRA intervention on cognitive function and emotional state in the postoperative elderly population; however, further investigations are necessary to reach any conclusions.</p><p>Trial registration: This study was registered with the University Hospital Medical Information Network (UMIN) Clinical Trial Registry (UMIN000019832).</p


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    原著和名: [記載なし]科名: キク科 = Compositae採集地: 茨城県 那珂郡 東海村 (常陸 東海村)採集日: 1968/10/27採集者: 萩庭丈壽整理番号: JH031213国立科学博物館整理番号: TNS-VS-98121

    Eight Personal Characteristics Associated with the Power to Live with Disasters as Indicated by Survivors of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster

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    <div><p>People perceive, judge, and behave differently in disasters and in a wide range of other difficult situations depending on their personal characteristics. The power to live, as captured by characteristics that are advantageous for survival in such situations, has thus far been modeled in arbitrary ways. Conceptualizing such characteristics in more objective ways may be helpful for systematic preparations for future disasters and life difficulties. Here, we attempted to identify the major factors of the power to live by summarizing the opinions of survivors of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake disaster. We conducted personal interviews with 78 survivors about their survival experiences and elicited their opinions about the power to live as relevant to those experiences. We then incorporated these opinions into a questionnaire that was completed by 1400 survivors. Factor analysis identified eight factors related to the power to live: leadership, problem solving, altruism, stubbornness, etiquette, emotional regulation, self-transcendence, and active well-being. All factors had sufficient internal construct validity, and six of them showed significant associations with one or more measures of survival success in the disaster, including immediate tsunami evacuation, problem solving in refugee situations, recovery during reconstruction, physical health, and mental health. Overall, the personal characteristics described by the eight factors largely overlap with those described in previous arbitrary models. Further research should investigate the domains, phases, and contexts in which each factor contributes to survival, address whether the factors are rooted in nature or in nurture, and explore their psychological or physiological bases.</p></div

    Average and SD of scores from the S-A creativity test, RAPM score, POMS score (Total Mood Disturbance) and age in our sample.

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    <p>The POMS score was not obtained from one subject among the 63 subjects who participated in this study. It was removed from the analysis and the data in this table is data from the remaining 62 subjects.</p

    The region of significant positive correlation between regional rest-CBF and general intelligence (RAPM score).

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    <p>The region with significant correlation is seen in the anatomical cluster that includes the left superior temporal gyrus, insula and contingent regions (<i>P</i> = 0.036 corrected for multiple comparisons at cluster size, with a voxel-level cluster-determining threshold of <i>P</i><0.005 uncorrected).</p

    The regions of significant positive correlation between regional rest-CBF and creativity (the total score of S-A creativity test).

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    <p>The region with significant correlation is seen in the precuneus (<i>P</i> = 0.050 corrected for multiple comparisons at cluster size, with a voxel-level cluster-determining threshold of <i>P</i><0.005 uncorrected).</p