17 research outputs found
Organic Agriculture in Saudi Arabia - Sector Study 2012
This publication compiles the facts and figures of the organic sector in Saudi Arabia. It is a valuable resource for local stakeholders and interested trading companies. The publication is resulting from a collaboration between GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft fĂŒr Internationale Zusammenarbeit) and FiBL together with its partners of the Saudi Ministry of Agriculture and Saudi Organic Farming Association (SOFA)
Report and preliminary results of R/V POSEIDON cruise POS539, Varna (Bulgaria) - Varna (Bulgaria) November 6 - November 21, 2019
The R/V POSEIDON cruise POS539 took place in the northwestern basin of the Black Sea (42°30âN to 44°N and 29°E to 31°E). The overarching aim of the campaign was to obtain sediment and water samples, including suspended particle material, from the various redox zones of the Black Sea. The campaign lasted between November 6th and November 21st 2019 and the collected samples were taken in order to investigate the activity and physiology of microorganisms involved in the conversion of nitrogen compounds and degradation of organic carbon under various oxygen conditions. The main topics of the cruise were: (a) to quantify the contribution of archaeal nitrifiers to the nitrogen and carbon cycles, b) to measure the production and consumption of the powerful greenhouse gases CH4 and N2O, c) to record palaeoenvironmental changes in high resolution, and d) to describe the complexity and identity of biopolymers. For this, water and sediment samples were retrieved from 10 discrete shelf and slope stations. First, âdeep waterâ transect was conducted, which included three stations with water depths over 2000 m. The second perpendicular transect encompassed stations that gradually transitioned from the deep parts of the slope towards the shelf (ca. 80 m depth). Additionally, two stations were setup north and south of the shelf transect, respectively, for paleoceanographic studies. Throughout the cruise the weather conditions were overwhelmingly good, only towards the end of the campaign gusty winds of 7 Bft were recorded. The recorded oceanographic conditions were in agreement with the expected water properties at all stations. Station activities were completed on November 20th at 14:00 local board time. On November 21st at 10:30 local time, R/V POSEIDON reached the port of Varna, Bulgaria, thus concluding the POS539 expedition. Analyses and results from the samples and experiments will provide a basis for our understanding of the microbial control on the carbon and nitrogen cycle of the Black Sea.13032
Evaluierung klimaaktiv 2013-2020. Die österreichische Klimaschutzinitiative des Bundesministeriums fĂŒr Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, MobilitĂ€t, Innovation und Technologie
Die Klimaschutzinitiative klimaaktiv hat in der vergangenen Programmperiode 2013 bis 2020 erfolgreich zur UnterstĂŒtzung, Beratung, Kommunikation und Umsetzung von MaĂnahmen zum Klimaschutz, insbesondere zur Reduktion der Treibhausgasemissionen, zur Steigerung der Energieeffizienz sowie zur Erhöhung des Anteils erneuerbarer EnergietrĂ€ger und zur Förderung der klimafreundlichen und aktiven MobilitĂ€t in Ăsterreich beigetragen. Mit einheitlicher Organisation und effizienter Koordination verfĂŒgt die Initiative ĂŒber ein leistungsfĂ€higes Dachmanagement, das Impulse zur laufenden Weiterentwicklung der Initiative liefert. Um die Transformation zu einer klimaneutralen Gesellschaft zu begleiten, sollte klimaaktiv in der kommenden Programmperiode ambitioniert weiterentwickelt werden. Noch stĂ€rker als bisher sollte das Programm koordiniertes Handeln ermöglichen, Netzwerke stĂ€rken und passgenaue Werkzeuge in Abstimmung mit anderen Politikinstrumenten entwickeln. Um Zielgruppen noch besser zu erreichen, sollte klimaaktiv starke, programmĂŒbergreifende Kernbotschaften formulieren und kommunizieren. Die QualitĂ€tsstandards von klimaaktiv sollten in zukĂŒnftige ordnungspolitische Vorgaben integriert werden und zugleich ambitioniertere freiwillige Standards entwickelt werden. Mit neuen und erweiterten Instrumenten könnte die EffektivitĂ€t der Initiative steigen, etwa durch Bonus-Systeme in Form von Förderungen oder niedrigschwellig erreichbare Online-Schulungen. Die Anzahl der Angebote wie Beratungen, Ausbildungen und Zertifizierungen sollte erhöht werden, um flĂ€chendeckende Wirksamkeit zu erlangen. Durch die Integration neuer Themen und Handlungsfelder sowie der Vertiefung bestehender MaĂnahmen kann klimaaktiv ebenfalls dazu beitragen, seine Effekte zu vergröĂern. Hierzu gehören etwa Photovoltaik und Speicher, IKT, Integrierte MobilitĂ€tssysteme, Kreislaufwirtschaft, Klimawandelanpassung und andere Themenfelder. Die Förderungen und zielgruppenorientierten Beratungsangebote im Rahmen von klimaaktiv mobil sollen ausgebaut und weiterentwickelt werden, um die Verkehrswende hin zu klimafreundlicher MobilitĂ€t zu beschleunigen. Die Implikationen der Corona-Pandemie sollten bei der Weiterentwicklung integral einbezogen werden. Hierbei sind besonders die Aspekte Digitalisierung, LokalitĂ€t und Resilienz von Bedeutung. Bestehende Partnerschaften sollten gestĂ€rkt und neue Partnerschaften geschlossen werden, um das Netzwerk um starke Multiplikator*innen zu ergĂ€nzen und die Koordination im Mehrebenensystem weiter zu verbessern
Original image data and associated analysis pipelines for the manuscript entitled "The global RNA-RNA interactome of Klebsiella pneumoniae unveils a small RNA regulator of cell division<b>"</b>
This folder contains files that are related to the image analysis:- Results.zip contains all the results- Code_And_Data.zip contains the input data and JIPipe- Fiji.app-JIPipe-1.80.0.zip contains the JIPipe installation (for Windows only) that was used to calculate the results (more information can be found in the packaged README.txt)- project.jip contains the JIPipe 1.80.0 code that was used for generating the results. This file is identical to the one in Code_And_Data.7z- Methods_Supplements_Image_Analysis.pdf contains explanations about the pipeline</p
Counterion-Mediated Hierarchical Self-Assembly of an ABC Miktoarm Star Terpolymer
Directed self-assembly processes of polymeric systems represent a powerful approach for the generation of structural hierarchy in analogy to biological systems. Herein, we utilize triiodide as a strongly polarizable counterion to induce hierarchical self-assembly of an ABC miktoarm star terpolymer comprising a polybutadiene (PB), a poly(<i>tert</i>-butyl methacrylate) (P<i>t</i>BMA), and a poly(<i>N</i>-methyl-2-vinylpyridinium) (P2VPq) segment. Hereby, the miktoarm architecture in conjunction with an increasing ratio of triiodide <i>versus</i> iodide counterions allows for a stepwise assembly of spherical micelles as initial building blocks into cylindrical structures and superstructures thereof. Finally, micrometer-sized multicompartment particles with a periodic lamellar fine structure are observed, for which we introduce the term âwoodlouseâ. The counterion-mediated decrease in hydrophilicity of the corona-forming P2VPq block is the underlying trigger to induce this hierarchical structure formation. All individual steps and the corresponding intermediates toward these well-defined superstructures were intensively studied by scattering and electron microscopic techniques, including transmission electron microtomography
Counterion-Mediated Hierarchical Self-Assembly of an ABC Miktoarm Star Terpolymer
Directed self-assembly processes of polymeric systems represent a powerful approach for the generation of structural hierarchy in analogy to biological systems. Herein, we utilize triiodide as a strongly polarizable counterion to induce hierarchical self-assembly of an ABC miktoarm star terpolymer comprising a polybutadiene (PB), a poly(<i>tert</i>-butyl methacrylate) (P<i>t</i>BMA), and a poly(<i>N</i>-methyl-2-vinylpyridinium) (P2VPq) segment. Hereby, the miktoarm architecture in conjunction with an increasing ratio of triiodide <i>versus</i> iodide counterions allows for a stepwise assembly of spherical micelles as initial building blocks into cylindrical structures and superstructures thereof. Finally, micrometer-sized multicompartment particles with a periodic lamellar fine structure are observed, for which we introduce the term âwoodlouseâ. The counterion-mediated decrease in hydrophilicity of the corona-forming P2VPq block is the underlying trigger to induce this hierarchical structure formation. All individual steps and the corresponding intermediates toward these well-defined superstructures were intensively studied by scattering and electron microscopic techniques, including transmission electron microtomography
Counterion-Mediated Hierarchical Self-Assembly of an ABC Miktoarm Star Terpolymer
Directed self-assembly processes of polymeric systems represent a powerful approach for the generation of structural hierarchy in analogy to biological systems. Herein, we utilize triiodide as a strongly polarizable counterion to induce hierarchical self-assembly of an ABC miktoarm star terpolymer comprising a polybutadiene (PB), a poly(<i>tert</i>-butyl methacrylate) (P<i>t</i>BMA), and a poly(<i>N</i>-methyl-2-vinylpyridinium) (P2VPq) segment. Hereby, the miktoarm architecture in conjunction with an increasing ratio of triiodide <i>versus</i> iodide counterions allows for a stepwise assembly of spherical micelles as initial building blocks into cylindrical structures and superstructures thereof. Finally, micrometer-sized multicompartment particles with a periodic lamellar fine structure are observed, for which we introduce the term âwoodlouseâ. The counterion-mediated decrease in hydrophilicity of the corona-forming P2VPq block is the underlying trigger to induce this hierarchical structure formation. All individual steps and the corresponding intermediates toward these well-defined superstructures were intensively studied by scattering and electron microscopic techniques, including transmission electron microtomography