1,298 research outputs found

    Recognition of two distinct elements in the RNA substrate by the RNA-binding domain of the T. thermophilus DEAD box helicase Hera

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    DEAD box helicases catalyze the ATP-dependent destabilization of RNA duplexes. Whereas duplex separation is mediated by the helicase core shared by all members of the family, flanking domains often contribute to binding of the RNA substrate. The Thermus thermophilus DEAD-box helicase Hera (for “heat-resistant RNA-binding ATPase”) contains a C-terminal RNA-binding domain (RBD). We have analyzed RNA binding to the Hera RBD by a combination of mutational analyses, nuclear magnetic resonance and X-ray crystallography, and identify residues on helix α1 and the C-terminus as the main determinants for high-affinity RNA binding. A crystal structure of the RBD in complex with a single-stranded RNA resolves the RNA–protein interactions in the RBD core region around helix α1. Differences in RNA binding to the Hera RBD and to the structurally similar RBD of the Bacillus subtilis DEAD box helicase YxiN illustrate the versatility of RNA recognition motifs as RNA-binding platforms. Comparison of chemical shift perturbation patterns elicited by different RNAs, and the effect of sequence changes in the RNA on binding and unwinding show that the RBD binds a single-stranded RNA region at the core and simultaneously contacts double-stranded RNA through its C-terminal tail. The helicase core then unwinds an adjacent RNA duplex. Overall, the mode of RNA binding by Hera is consistent with a possible function as a general RNA chaperone

    Suitability of commercial transport for a shift to electric mobility

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    This paper identifies commercial sectors suitable for a shift to electric mobility. The paper concludes that the construction and the health care service sectors are the most suitable for electric mobility because many vehicles are registered in these sectors and daily mileage is reasonably low. They should be primary target groups of specific policy measures to promote the use of electric vehicles. Denmark has only had a few incentives to promote the use of commercial electric vehicles. Until now electric vehicles do generally not show economic benefits unless travel distance is high. However, today the travel range of large vans is an important barrier for electrification due to the battery weight and the limitation of 3.5 tonnes gross vehicle weight for driving with a normal driving licence. The rule needs amendments for electric vehicles, as has been done in Germany. The paper recommends EU countries to follow the German rule allowing EVs up to 4.25 tonnes to be driven with a class B licence, thereby potentially creating a market for big electric vans

    Suitability of commercial transport for a shift to electric mobility

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    This paper identifies commercial sectors suitable for a shift to electric mobility. The paper concludes that the construction and the health care service sectors are the most suitable for electric mobility because many vehicles are registered in these sectors and daily mileage is reasonably low. They should be primary target groups of specific policy measures to promote the use of electric vehicles. Denmark has only had a few incentives to promote the use of commercial electric vehicles. Until now electric vehicles do generally not show economic benefits unless travel distance is high. However, today the travel range of large vans is an important barrier for electrification due to the battery weight and the limitation of 3.5 tonnes gross vehicle weight for driving with a normal driving licence. The rule needs amendments for electric vehicles, as has been done in Germany. The paper recommends EU countries to follow the German rule allowing EVs up to 4.25 tonnes to be driven with a class B licence, thereby potentially creating a market for big electric vans

    Comparison of the VetGate and SurgiGATE 1.0 computer assisted surgery systems for insertion of cortex screws across the distal phalanx in horses – an in vitro study

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    The In vitro experimental study on five cadaveric equine limb pairs (n=10) was conducted to evaluate the functionality and precision of the VetGate Computer Assisted Surgery (CAS) system during insertion of two 4.5mm cortex screws across virtual midsagittal fractures of the distal phalanx (P3) in the horse and to compare the results with those achieved with the SurgiGate 1.0 CAS-System in a similar study. In each specimen wo 4.5mm cortex screws were inserted computer assisted in lag fashion facilitated by the VetGate CASSystem. In none of the specimens did screw penetration of the articular- or solar surface or the semilunar canal, occur. The difference between optimal and actual screw length is significantly better in this study compared to a similar study conducted with the SurgiGATE 1.0 CAS-System. The results achieved with the VetGate CAS-System are even more precise than with the SurgiGATE 1.0 CAS-System (p<0.001). The VetGate CAS-System allows exact screw placement at delicate locations

    Accounting of vehicles

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    Актуальность исследования определяется возросшей необходимостью наличия транспортного средства для каждой компании. Автомобиль - это всегда большие затраты, учет которых «ложится на плечи» бухгалтерии. В организации должны быть разработаны внутренние положения, инструкции, иные организационно-распорядительные документы, необходимые для организации учета основных средств, включая автотранспортные средства, и контроля за их использованием. Методы ведения бухгалтерского учета в организации - это один из сложных вопросов управления компанией. Цель работы: установление статей расходов на транспортное средство в бухгалтерском учете. Методы исследования: методы эмпирического исследования (наблюдение, сравнение) и методы теоретического исследования (абстрагирование, анализ и синтез, индукция и дедукция, мысленное моделирование, восхождение от абстрактного к конкретному). Результаты. Рассмотрены основные затраты на содержание автомобильного транспорта, проанализированы имеющиеся теоретические материалы по выбранной тематике, государственные законодательные акты. Принимая во внимание изменения в законодательстве 2017 года, выбрана методика внесения затрат на автомобильный транспорт в бухгалтерский учет.The relevance of the study is determined by the increased need for each company in a vehicle. A car is always a big expense, which should be recorded by accountant. A company should develop internal regulations, instructions, other organizational and administrative documents required for accounting fixed assets, including vehicles, and control over their use. Method of accounting in the organization is one of the complex issues of company management. The aim of the study is to determine the items of expenses for a vehicle in accounting. Methods of research: methods of empirical research (observation, comparison) and methods of theoretical research (abstraction, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, mental modeling, climbing from the abstract to the concrete). Results. The paper considers the main expenses for maintaining motor transport. The authors have analyzed the theoretical materials on the chosen subjects, state legislative acts and selected the method of entering the costs for road transport into accounting taking into account the changes in the legislation of 2017

    Оценка оптимальных условий лезвийной обработки углеграфитов с содержанием антрацита 70%

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    Объектом исследования является моделирование лезвийной обработки углеграфита. Цель работы – определение оптимальных условий лезвийной обработки углеграфита на основе моделирования процесса резания. В процессе исследования проводились: оценка целесообразности применения лезвийного инструмента, моделирование процесса резания углеграфита.The object of study is the modeling of the blade processing of operatica. The purpose of the study was to determine optimal conditions for cutting edge processing pregrevica based on the modeling of the cutting process. In the process studies were conducted: evaluation of the feasibility of applying the cutting edge of tool, modeling of cutting process of operatica


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    Подана класифікація ризиків, які супроводжують процес інвестування в інноваційні підприємства та запропоновані основні методи мінімізації цих ризиків The classification of risks that appear in investing in innovation firms process is given and the methods of their minimization are propose