5 research outputs found

    The education of social studies during the Period of Democrat Party (1950-1960)

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    Bu araştırmada, Demokrat Parti Dönemi'nde (1950-1960) Sosyal Bilgiler Eğitimi incelenmiştir. Bu araştırmanın amacı, Türk siyasi tarihi içerisinde hem iktidara gelmesi, hem de iktidardan ayrılması açısından bir dönüm noktası olan Demokrat Parti Dönemi (1950-1960) içerisindeki sosyal, siyasal, ekonomik gelişmeler ışığında eğitim uygulamalarını irdelemek, bu temelde sosyal bilgiler eğitimine ilişkin gelişmeler ve faaliyetleri inceleyerek değerlendirme yapmaktır._x000B_Araştırma geçmişteki bir durumun tespitine yönelik olduğu için ilgili döneme ilişkin tarama modeli kullanılmıştır. Bu amaçla 1950?1960 yılları arasında görev yapan Demokrat Parti hükümetlerinin programları, raporlar, yönetmelikler, döneme ilişkin kitaplar, makaleler ve dergiler incelenmiş ve araştırmanın amacı doğrultusunda yapılandırılmıştır._x000B_Araştırma beş bölümden oluşmuştur. Birinci bölümde araştırmanın problem durumu, amacı ve önemi; ikinci bölümde ilgili yayın ve araştırmalar; üçüncü bölümde de araştırmada kullanılan yöntem açıklanmıştır. Dördüncü bölümde araştırma konusuna ilişkin bulgu ve yorumlar yer alırken, son bölümde ulaşılan sonuçlar değerlendirilerek ifade edilmiştir In this research, the social studies education has been studied in the period of Democratic Party (1950- 1960). The aim of this research is to scrutinize educational applications in view of social, political and economic developments in the course of the Period of Democratic Party, which is a turning point in the Turkish political history in terms of both its coming to and leaving the power, and to make evaluations on this basis by studying the developments and activities as regards social sciences education._x000B_Because this research is into the determination of a situation in the past, the scanning model has been employed related to the concerned period. The programs of Democratic Party governments, which served in 1950-1960, have been examined scanning the books, articles, magazines and newspapers of the time and have been structured in parallel to the aim of the research._x000B_The research is composed of five parts. The problematic state of the research has been explained in the first part; the concerned papers and researches in the second part; the method used in the research in the third part. The data and comments related to the topic of the research are included in the fourth part; the obtained results have been stated and evaluated in the fifth part

    An Evaluation of the Theses on Social Studies Education in Turkey

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    The aim of the study is to show how the theses prepared in the field of social studies education in Turkey have been distributed according to different criteria from 1990 to the present. Examining the prepared theses in the field of social studies in terms of various aspects, this research is thought to be beneficial in view the overall framework of the theses prepared on this subject. Descriptive method was used in this study. In this context, during the document analysis process, five major steps were followed as (1) access to documents, (2) checking originality, (3) understanding the documents, (4) analyzing the data, and (5) using the data. The research statement has been determined as “How the theses on the social studies education field in Turkey show distribution according to differentcriteria like the dates, the universities, and the research topics.” Accordingly, in the theses prepared on the field of social studies , the sub-problems have been designed according to a) the dates, b) the universities, c) their status of being open to the reader in National Theses Database d) the research topics and how these topics are distributed according to the years.In the studies made, it has been observed that the first thesis prepared in the field of social studies was in 1990, and it has been found out that the number of the theses in the field has reached to 550 master theses and 62 doctoral dissertations to date. In the process of 20-year research, the number of theses increased rapidly by 2006, and both master and doctoral dissertations were mostly prepared in 2007. In the examination made according to the universities, both master theses and doctoral dissertations were mostprepared at the Gazi University. When the total number of theses is examined, the number of master theses was observed to be approximately 9 times more than doctoral dissertation. In a study made according to theses’ status of being open to the reader or not, the majority of doctoral dissertations and master theses are seen to be open to the reader, a great many of them are found to belong to 2006 and after. When the distribution of theses’ topics is examined, it is found that, in the master theses and doctoral dissertationsrespectively curriculum and instructional methods were studied mostly