583 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this dissertation study was to explore the professional preparation of students in online classes at a Christian theological seminary. Concerns of theological education involve the capacity or incapacity of community development and somatic or embodied learning in online education. Using a theoretical framework drawn from communities of practice (Wenger, 1998), professional clergical preparation (Foster, Dahill, Golemon, & Tolentino, 2005), and Gee’s (2000-2001) dimensions of identity development, the researcher focused the analyses on students’ written texts located in the discussion board fora of the online courses. These records were examined for indications of formation of the professional identity of the developing clergy, interpretation skills necessary for the clergy, performance development for activities entailed in the profession, and contextualization proficiencies for the situated enactment of the local church ministry essential in the practice of the professional clergy. The study concludes that students’ discussions evince dimensions of the development of professional identity and pastoral imagination as described in Foster, Dahill, Golemon, & Tolentino (2005). In addition, stories shared on the discussion fora, told both by the instructors and the classmates who had a range of experience in first careers or in pastoral ministry, built a shared repertoire of professional practice as inherent in a Community of Practice (Wenger,1998). The dissertation study confirms if and then identifies how graduate students in online ministerial preparation use discursive and interactive participation to identify with the professional Community of Practice of the clergy The structures of the discussion board fora, the roles of the instructor, and implications for instructional designs that may support the development of pastoral professional identity are also included. Findings demonstrated that less structured discussion prompts as well as more frequent postings stimulated more student-student interaction that built relationships. Courses that focused more on student-content interactions had less relationship building. A non-evaluative facilitation tone of the discussion fora generated a more collaborative environment. In classes that utilized a learn-by-doing approach, collaborative student discursive activity in the discussion fora supported and enhanced learning. Creative discursive activities such as case studies and role plays provided simulated experiences and spurred narrative development of shared repertoire

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Melalui Media SEQIP di Kelas IV SDN Candipari II Porong

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    Tujuan Permasalahan ini untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas IV SDN Candipari II Porong pada mata pelajaran IPA dengan media SEQIP (Science Education Quality Improvement Project). Rendahnya hasil belajar siswa kelas IV SDN Candipari II Porong ini dikarenakan dalam kegiatan belajar mengajarnya cenderung menggunakan metode ceramah, sehingga dalam proses belajar mengajar siswa cenderung bersikap pasif tidak membuat siswanya menjadi aktif, pembelajarannya dapat dikatakan pembelajarannya lebih berpusat pada guru, sehingga peserta didik jarang komunikasi dengan temannya untuk membahas materi dan susah untuk memecahkan masalah yang ada. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut perlu dicarikan solusi yang tepat yakni dengan menerapkan media SEQIP. Penelitian ini menggunakan 2 siklus, Setiap siklus terdiri dari empat tahap yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi dan refleksi. Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IV SDN Candipari II Porong yang berjumlah 30 orang siswa. Data dikumpulkan melalui (1) data skor hasil belajar dari siklus I dan siklus II (2) data tentang aktivitas siswa menggunakan lembar observasi, dan (3) hasil wawancara terhadap siswa sebagai respon dalam penggunaan media SEQIP. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadi peningkatan hasil belajar siswa setiap siklusnya, dimana sebelum di lakukan tindakan presentasi ketuntasan siswa 46,67% kemudian meningkat pada siklus I dengan presentase 66,67% dan pada siklus II presentase keberhasilannya menjadi 83,33% berdasarkan hasil analisis dat


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    Sensitive determination of Tartrazine (E 102) based on Chitosan/Nanoparticles/MWCNTs Modified Gold Electrode in food and beverage products

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    Food dyes can be categorized into natural and synthetic color. Tartrazine (E 102) which belong to the family of azo dyes and commonly used in food industry. Tartrazine imparts positive and negative benefits as well, by giving attractive physical appearance and consumer acceptance for over centuries. However, excessively intake of food Tartrazine can cause toxicity and pathogenicity to human. Due to arising of the health issues to mankind, researchers gave attentions for determination of Tartrazine by using analytical and advance methods. Currently, there are several analytical methods available, however, these methods are required skilled persons, time consuming and high cost. Herein, an electrochemical sensor was developed based on the combination of nanomaterials (chitosan, calcium nanoparticles and multiwall carbon nanotubes) for detection of Tartrazine. Electrochemical behavior of the modified gold electrode in the presence of Tartrazine was studied by using cyclic voltammetry and differential pulse voltammetry. Under optimal conditions, the DPV was detected with different concentrations of Tartrazine in the range of 0.1 to 10 ppm, with low detection limit (3.3s/s)

    Health Seeking Behavior among Patients with Tuberculosis in Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung, Indonesia in November 2012

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    Background: Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital is the main referral hospital in West Java, Indonesia, treating yearly 1.000 tuberculosis cases of whom most  are in severe condition. The severity of the disease is probably affected by the poor patient’s health seeking behavior.The objective of this study was to assess the pattern of patients with tuberculosis’s health seeking behavior before being treated in Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, Bandung.Methods: A descriptive study was  carried out in November 2012 on 56 patients in the Drug Observed Treatment Shortcourse (DOTS) Clinic at Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital (RSHS) to assess the number and type of health services visited prior to RSHS. The inclusion criteria were patients who were diagnosed with TB for the first time, aged at least 19 years old. The data were collected using an open-ended questionnaire and presented as percentage.Results: A total of 32 respondents (57%) sought for initial treatment by going to professional health care centers (the medical doctors, puskesmas, or hospitals), the rests sought for traditional treatment (7%), self-treatment (29%), or no medication prior to the treatment at RSHS (7%). Fifty five percent of respondents did more than one type of health seeking behavior. The average time between the first complaint until the respondents got treatment was 5 months.Conclusions: The patients with tuberculosis’s treatment seeking behavior is various prior to the treatment at RSHS and there are still patients who seek treatments  to the non-profesional health care. DOI: 10.15850/amj.v2n3.49

    Health Seeking Behavior among Patients with Tuberculosis in Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung, Indonesia in November 2012

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    Background: Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital is the main referral hospital in West Java, Indonesia, treating yearly 1.000 tuberculosis cases of whom most are in severe condition. The severity of the disease is probably affected by the poor patient’s health seeking behavior.The objective of this study was to assess the pattern of patients with tuberculosis’s health seeking behavior before being treated in Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, Bandung. Methods: A descriptive study was carried out in November 2012 on 56 patients in the Drug Observed Treatment Shortcourse (DOTS) Clinic at Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital (RSHS) to assess the number and type of health services visited prior to RSHS. The inclusion criteria were patients who were diagnosed with TB for the first time, aged at least 19 years old. The data were collected using an open-ended questionnaire and presented as percentage. Results: A total of 32 respondents (57%) sought for initial treatment by going to professional health care centers (the medical doctors, puskesmas, or hospitals), the rests sought for traditional treatment (7%), self-treatment (29%), or no medication prior to the treatment at RSHS (7%). Fifty five percent of respondents did more than one type of health seeking behavior. The average time between the first complaint until the respondents got treatment was 5 months. Conclusions: The patients with tuberculosis’s treatment seeking behavior is various prior to the treatment at RSHS and there are still patients who seek treatments to the non-profesional health care

    Utilizing rGH + Spirulina in Fish Feed to Enhance The Growth and Pigmentation of Betta Fish (Betta, spp.)

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    This study aims to evaluate the effect of the addition of growth hormone (rGH) and spirulina flour on the performance of absolute weight growth, survival, feed efficiency, and feed conversion ratio (FCR) of cupang fish (Betta spp.). This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatments with three replications, i.e., A) Dose of growth hormone 1.5 mg+3 g spirulina flour; B) Dose of growth hormone 2 mg+3g spirulina flour; C) Dose of growth hormone 2.5+3 g spirulina flour; D) Control (no treatment). The results showed that the addition of growth hormone (rGH) and spirulina to commercial feed affected absolute weight growth of 2.27 ± 0.90 g. The survival rate was 75.00±1.11 %, the feed efficiency value was 28.98±1.17 %, and the feed conversion ratio was 1.11±0.022. The highest color intensity was found in treatment C with a score of 6

    Survival Rate and Food Utilization Rate of the Red Nila Fish (Oreochromis sp) Utilizing synthetic feed additives Seaweed (Gracilaria sp)

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    In the fish farming business, feed is the highest operational cost, which reaches more than 60% of the total production cost. Therefore, the fish feed can be processed independently to reduce production costs in aquaculture businesses. This study aimed to determine the survival rate and feed efficiency of red tilapia (Oreochromis sp) fed artificial feed with the addition of seaweed (Gracilaria sp). This research was carried out from June to September 2021 at the Integrated Laboratory of Khairun University. This study used four treatments, and each treatment was repeated three times. The treatment tried is A (Artificial feed with the addition of Gracilaria sp 10 gr); B (Artificial feed with the addition of Gracilaria sp 20 gr; C (Artificial feed with the addition of Gracilaria sp 30 gr); and D (Artificial feed without the addition of Gracilaria sp.). The research variables included calculating the survival rate (SR), Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR), and observing water quality during the study. The highest survival value was in treatment B at 97.78%, while the lowest was in treatment A at 73.33%. The highest feed conversion ratio was in treatment D, 1.97, followed by treatments A and B, 1.48, and the lowest in treatment C, 0.64. The results of water quality measurements during the study, namely DO, range from 6-6.8 in all treatments, pH ranged from 7-7.6, and temperature ranged from 28-290C. The best survival rate (SR) of red tilapia-fed artificial feed with the addition of Gracilaria sp seaweed was best in treatment B, 97.78%, and the best feed conversion ratio (FCR) was in treatment C, which was 0.64 g


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    MAP/Microtubule Affinity Regulating Kinase 4 (MARK4) belongs to a highly conserved family of serine\u2013threonine kinases (MARKs) that are able to phosphorylate the microtubule associated proteins (MAPs), and cause these proteins to detach from microtubules (MTs) increasing microtubules dynamics. MARKs kinases represent the mammalian homologues of PAR-1, a protein involved in establishment of the cell shape and polarity in lower eukaryotes. The MARK4 gene is located at 19q13.2 and encodes at least two alternatively spliced isoforms, MARK4L and MARK4S, which have an identical protein structure apart from the C-terminal region. The two isoforms are differentially expressed in human tissues, particularly in the central nervous system (CNS). Several studies reported that MARK4S is expressed in normal brain tissue and neurons, suggesting that this isoform has a role in neuronal differentiation. Conversely, MARK4L is up-regulated in glioma and neural progenitor cells, pointing to a possible role of this isoform in cell proliferation. Recently, we highlighted an increasingly subverted MARK4L/MARK4S ratio, with prevalence of MARK4L, in glioblastoma and glioblastoma-derived cancer stem cells, that recapitulate the expression profiling of neural stem cells. These findings suggest that the expression of the two MARK4 isoforms is tightly regulated during the proliferation/differentiation of neural stem cells and changes in their expression levels may be a molecular marker of tumour transformation. Unlike the other members of the family (MARK1, MARK2 and MARK3), that exhibit uniform cytoplasmic localisation, both MARK4 isoforms localise at the centrosomes and in the midbody, supporting their involvement in mitotic division and cytokinesis. To elucidate the role played by MARK4 isoforms in cell cycle progression and in the regulation of the cytoskeleton, we monitored the activation status of MARK4 during the cell cycle and performed overexpression experiments in fibroblasts and glioma cell lines. We showed that despite MARK4 is expressed across all the cell cycle phases, its active form, phosphorylated at the Thr214 residue, is prevalent in mitosis. Phospho-MARK4 is detected in centrosomes at all mitotic stages and in the midbody during cytokinesis. Conversely, only a fraction of interphase centrosomes show phospho-MARK4 positive signals. Overexpression experiments on fibroblasts and glioma cell lines demonstrated the role of MARK4 in the regulation of cytoskeleton dynamics. Indeed overexpression of MARK4L or MARK4S led to a sharp decrease in microtubule density in both the cell systems, as monitored by immunofluorescence experiments. By contrast, overexpression of catalytically inactive MARK4L/MARK4S mutants, did not affect the microtubule network, indicating that the effects on MTs are dependent on the kinase activity of MARK4 and likely linked to MAPs phosphorylation. Besides the effect on MT array, overexpressed MARK4L in fibroblasts showed a filamentous staining pattern, co-localising with vimentin, the core component of cytoskeleton intermediate filaments. In contrast, overexpressed MARK4S co-localised with vimentin to a lesser extent and only in few cells. The MARK4L-vimentin co-localisation was particularly evident in the perinuclear zone and in some overexpressing cells, the filaments appeared reshaped as compared to those in GFP-transfected cells, and showed the formation of bundle structures. These alterations seem to be due to the kinase activity of MARK4L since overexpression of kinase dead mutants did not remodel the intermediate filaments. The overall data highlight MARK4 as a key component in the regulation of microtubules dynamics, and indicate vimentin as a plausible target of MARK4L activity, suggesting a wide-ranging influence of MARK4 on cytoskeleton. Moreover the dynamic involvement of active MARK4 in structure like centrosomes and midbody, crucial for mitosis and cytokinesis, point to a fundamental role for this kinase in the cell cycle
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