10 research outputs found

    Stockage de carbone dans les sols par les variétés de blé anciennes et modernes

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    Les Ă©missions anthropiques de gaz Ă  effet de serre sont le principal moteur du changement climatique. Le plan Climat, issu de la COP 21 tenue Ă  Paris en 2015, vise Ă  atteindre la neutralitĂ© carbone Ă  l'horizon 2050. Pour atteindre cette neutralitĂ© carbone, les gaz Ă  effet de serre doivent d'abord ĂȘtre stabilisĂ©s, puis fortement rĂ©duits au cours du siĂšcle prochain. Dans cette dynamique, l'initiative « 4 pour 1000 » fixe comme objectif d'atteindre un taux de croissance annuel du stock de carbone dans les sols de 0,4% par an. Ce stockage additionnel devrait compenser les Ă©missions de CO2 dans l'atmosphĂšre liĂ©e aux activitĂ©s humaines. Les sols agricoles sont identifiĂ©s comme un compartiment de la biosphĂšre continentale sur lequel l'adoption de bonnes pratiques permettrait d'atteindre l'objectif 4. Dans le mĂȘme temps, le gouvernement français souhaite faire de l'agriculture « une alliĂ©e de la biodiversitĂ© » en promulguant le Plan biodiversitĂ© (Plan BiodiversitĂ©, 2018) qui vient renforcer et actualiser les plans antĂ©rieurs favorisant l'agroĂ©cologie. Ce dernier intĂšgre la prise en compte de la diversitĂ© gĂ©nĂ©tique, indispensable pour prĂ©server l'adaptabilitĂ© du vivant aux conditions de vie future, dont la diversitĂ© des espĂšces cultivĂ©es en agriculture de rente ou vivriĂšre. À la croisĂ©e de ces dispositifs gouvernementaux, le sujet de thĂšse a pour vocation d'aider au dĂ©veloppement de systĂšmes de culture agroĂ©cologique pluri performants en capacitĂ© Ă  maximiser de nombreux services Ă©cosystĂ©miques, dont le stockage de carbone, via la mobilisation d'un patrimoine gĂ©nĂ©tique dĂ©laissĂ© que constituent les variĂ©tĂ©s anciennes de blĂ©. L'un des critĂšres de performance critique, au-delĂ  du rendement, rĂ©sidera en la capacitĂ© de production de biomasse racinaire et de stockage de la matiĂšre organique non simplement dans les horizons organo-minĂ©raux de surface, mais aussi dans les horizons minĂ©raux profonds souvent non considĂ©rĂ©s, mais pourtant puits de carbone et source d'alimentation minĂ©rale et hydrique. Cette thĂšse s'articulera autour de deux chantiers. Dans le premier, une expĂ©rimentation agronomique aura pour objectif de comparer quatre variĂ©tĂ©s modernes et quatre variĂ©tĂ©s anciennes en prĂ©sence et absence d'intrants de synthĂšse. Les diffĂ©rents compartiments pouvant ĂȘtre affectĂ©s par le gĂ©notype des plantes, Ă  savoir la biomasse aĂ©rienne (notamment les grains), la biomasse racinaire (et sa distribution), les exsudats racinaires et la biomasse microbienne, seront comparĂ©s pour les variĂ©tĂ©s modernes et anciennes. Le second chantier, analytique, aura pour objectif de dĂ©terminer la cinĂ©tique de minĂ©ralisation, par des incubations en conditions contrĂŽlĂ©es, des Ă©chantillons prĂ©levĂ©s dans le premier chantier. Ces Ă©chantillons, seront incubĂ©s dans des flacons placĂ©s dans des Ă©tuves. La minĂ©ralisation de la matiĂšre organique sera suivie par des mesures rĂ©guliĂšres de CO2. La dĂ©termination des paramĂštres des cinĂ©tiques de minĂ©ralisation par modĂ©lisation statistique permettra une projection de cette minĂ©ralisation afin de prĂ©voir la part de carbone des diffĂ©rents compartiments qui sera stabilisĂ©e Ă  long terme. Le couplage des rĂ©sultats sur la taille des compartiments dans la premiĂšre approche et sur la cinĂ©tique de minĂ©ralisation dans la seconde devrait permettre de dĂ©finir si les variĂ©tĂ©s de blĂ© anciennes permettent de stocker plus de carbone dans les sols agricoles que les modernes. Et, le cas Ă©chĂ©ant la surface Ă  convertir en variĂ©tĂ©s anciennes pour parvenir Ă  l'objectif 4 . Le rendement des variĂ©tĂ©s sera Ă©galement suivi afin d'Ă©valuer le compromis potentiel Ă  trouver entre production de grain et stockage de carbone, en fonction de l'usage d'intrants.Titre traduit : Carbon storage in soils by ancient and modern wheat varietiesAnthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases are the main driver of climate change. The Climate Plan, resulting from the COP 21 held in Paris in 2015, aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. To achieve this carbon neutrality, it must first be stabilized during the next century. In this dynamic, the "4 per 1000" initiative aims to achieve an annual growth rate of carbon stock in soils of 0.4% per year. This additional storage should offset CO2 emissions in the atmosphere related to human activities. Agricultural soils are identified as a compartment of the continental biosphere on which the adoption of good practices could achieves goal 4. At the same time, the French government wants to make agriculture "an ally of biodiversity" by promulgating the Biodiversity Plan which has strengthened and updated previous plans promoting agroecology. It integrates the consideration of genetic diversity, essential to preserve the adaptability of life to future living conditions, including the diversity of species grown in cash crops or food. At the crossroads of these governmental devices, the subject of the PhD thesis aims to help the development of multi-performing agroecological culture systems with the capacity to maximize many ecosystem services, including carbon storage, through the mobilization of a neglected genetic heritage that are the ancient varieties of wheat. One of the critical performance criteria, beyond yield, will lie in the capacity to produce root biomass and to store organic matter not just in the surface organo-mineral horizons, but also in the deep mineral horizons often not considered, but carbon sink and mineral and water supply source. This thesis will be structured around two projects. In the first, an agronomic experiment will aim to compare four modern and four old varieties in the presence and absence of synthetic inputs. The different compartments that can be affected by the genotype of plants, namely above ground biomass (including grain), root biomass (and its distribution), root exudates and microbial biomass, will be compared for modern and old varieties. The second project, analytical, will aim to determine the kinetics of mineralization, by incubations under controlled conditions, samples taken from the first site. These samples, undisturbed, will be incubated in flasks placed in ovens. The mineralization of organic matter will be followed by regular measurements of CO2. The determination of kinetic parameters of mineralization by statistical modeling will allow a projection of this mineralization to predict the carbon content of the different compartments, which will be stabilized in the long term. The coupling of the results on the size of the compartments in the first approach and on the kinetics of mineralization in the second should make it possible to define whether old wheat varieties can store more carbon in agricultural soils than modern ones. And, the appropriate surface to convert into old varieties to achieve the 4 goal. Varietal yield will also be monitored to assess the potential trade-off between grain production and carbon storage, based on input use

    Capacité de stockage de carbone dans le sol de variétés anciennes et modernes de blés

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    National audienceGĂ©rer convenablement les puits de carbone pourrait permettre de compenser les Ă©missions deCO2. Étant donnĂ© la superficie des terres arables, les pratiques sur les sols agricoles peuventservir de levier d'action. Dans ce projet de thĂšse, nous faisons l’hypothĂšse que la sĂ©questrationdu carbone est modifiĂ©e par le dĂ©veloppement et la profondeur du systĂšme racinaire descultures. À ce titre, les variĂ©tĂ©s de blĂ© anciennes sont rĂ©putĂ©es pour leur systĂšme racinaire plusprofond que celui des modernes. De plus, l’apport d’intrants chimiques de synthĂšse, dont lesengrais azotĂ©s, pourrait modifier la dynamique du carbone du sol. Dans une Ă©tude de terrain,des variĂ©tĂ©s modernes et anciennes ont Ă©tĂ© cultivĂ©es avec ou sans intrants. La morphologieracinaire, les activitĂ©s cataboliques potentielles et les Ă©missions de CO2 de sol et racines incubĂ©sont Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©s pour estimer le stockage de carbone. Le gĂ©notype et les intrants considĂ©rĂ©sindĂ©pendamment n’ont pas impactĂ© la biomasse, la surface et le diamĂštre moyen des racines.Toutefois, il existe un effet de l’interaction gĂ©notype*intrants : en absence d’intrants, lesvariĂ©tĂ©s anciennes prĂ©sentaient une longueur racinaire plus importante que les modernes Ă  laprofondeur 0-15cm. En prĂ©sence d’intrants, la longueur racinaire et le diamĂštre moyen desvariĂ©tĂ©s modernes augmentaient. Les analyses MicroResp ont montrĂ© que la prĂ©sence d’intrantsentrainait une modification de la respiration pour le sol prĂ©levĂ© Ă  15-30cm. Les incubationsavec suivi de CO2 sont en cours. Une expĂ©rience similaire a Ă©tĂ© mise en place sur trois autressites pour tester la gĂ©nĂ©ricitĂ© des rĂ©sultats

    Effects of chemical inputs, plant genotype and phenotypic plasticity on soil carbon storage by wheat root systems

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    International audiencePurposeThe main goal of this study was to determine if ancient wheat varieties could store more carbon than modern ones in the presence or absence of inputs, due to a likely bigger and deeper root system and a slower mineralization rate.MethodsWe conducted a field experiment with four modern and four ancient varieties (released before 1960 and often grown without inputs), with and without chemical inputs (nitrogen, herbicide and fungicide taken as a single factor). Root morphology was assessed by image analysis, potential catabolic activities of fructose, alanine, citric acid by MicroRespℱ and overall CO2 emissions by incubating soil and roots from each modality for 60 days.ResultsThe breeding type did not affect root traits, substrates respiration nor CO2 emissions in our environmental conditions. The application of inputs did not affect root traits but influenced the respiration of specific substrates and CO2 emissions. The most noticeable response was due to the “breeding type x inputs” interaction: inputs increased CO2 emissions from soil and root tissues of ancient varieties by 19%, whereas no effect was observed for modern varieties.ConclusionTaken together, our results did not support the hypothesis that ancient varieties could be more performant than modern ones in storing carbon in our experimental conditions. Increased CO2 emissions by ancient varieties in the presence of inputs showed that ancient and modern varieties differed in their phenotypic plasticity

    Response of Wheat Root System and its Mineralization to Chemical Inputs, Plant Genotype and Phenotypic Plasticity

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    Agricultural lands represent vast terrestrial surfaces, in which agricultural practices are likely to offer leverages to store carbon in soil. We hypothesize that ancient wheat varieties could store more carbon than modern ones, due to a likely bigger and deeper root system. Since modern varieties are often cultivated using synthetic chemical inputs known to modify soil carbon dynamics, it is important to decouple the effect of breeding types (ancient versus modern varieties) and inputs to assess breeding type’s storing potential. We conducted a field experiment with four modern and four ancient varieties, with and without chemical inputs (nitrogen, herbicide and fungicide). Root morphology was assessed by image analysis, potential catabolic activities of specific substrates (fructose, alanine, citric acid) by MicroRespℱ and overall CO 2 emissions by incubating soil and roots from each modality of the experiment for 60 days. Results show that the breeding type did not affect root traits, substrates respiration nor overall CO 2 emissions in our environmental conditions. Application of inputs did not affect root traits but influenced the respiration of specific substrates and CO 2 emissions. The most noticeable response was due to the “breeding type x inputs” interaction : inputs increased CO 2 emissions from soil and root tissues of ancient varieties by 19%, whereas no effect was observed for modern varieties. Taken together, our results did not support the hypothesis that ancient varieties produce more root biomass and more recalcitrant root tissues. It is thus unlikely that they could be more performant than modern ones in storing carbon

    Soil organic carbon storage capacity of old and modern wheat varieties

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    National audienceDespite the possible mitigation of carbon emissions by favoring carbon transfer to terrestrial carbon sinks, little is knownabout the capacity of different crop genotypes to enhance soil carbon sequestration. We hypothesize that carbon sequestrationpotential linked to old wheat varieties (released before 1960) is higher than the one linked to modern ones while old varietiesare known to develop bigger and deeper root systems. Moreover, modern varieties are often cultivated using syntheticchemical inputs known to modify soil carbon dynamics. We conducted a field experiment by cultivating four modern andfour old wheat varieties, with and without chemical inputs (nitrogen, herbicide and fungicide), in Calcaric Cambisolconditions. After root and soil sampling, root morphology was assessed by image analysis, whereas potential catabolicactivities by soil microbial communities was assessed by MicroResp ℱ measurements. Additionally, CO2 emissionsmeasurements were done by incubating soil and roots from each agronomic modality. Results suggest that the genotype (oldversus modern varieties) did not affect root traits nor substrates respiration, but the soil from old variety modalities released6% more CO2 than the one from modern ones. Application of inputs did not affect root traits, but increased soil microbialrespiration by 11%. Inputs also increased the respiration of citric acid by 19.1%, while it decreased respiration of fructose andalanine by 8.84% and 16.79%, respectively. Taken together, our results invalidate the hypothesis that old varieties could bemore performant than modern ones in storing carbon in this specific soil

    Ancient and modern wheat varieties: A trade‐off between soil CO2 emissions and grain yield?

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    Abstract Introduction Humanity is facing two great challenges: producing enough food for a growing population and mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. In this study, we investigated the choice of specific wheat varieties to improve carbon storage in soil while producing enough grain to assure food security. We hypothesize that ancient wheat varieties could store more carbon than modern ones, due to a likely bigger and deeper root system or to more recalcitrant root organic matter. Materials and Methods We conducted a field experiment with four modern and four ancient wheat varieties, on four different sites with contrasted soil properties. Root morphology was assessed by image analysis and potential CO2 emissions by incubation for 60 days. Since in situ carbon storage differences between ancient and modern varieties were expected to be weak and not cumulated due to rotation, we estimated expected CO2 emissions from root biomass and potential CO2 emissions. The grain yield was also measured. Results The breeding type (ancient vs. modern varieties) affected root length in two of our four sites, with longer roots for ancient varieties, but it did not affect other root traits such as biomass. The breeding type also affected CO2 emissions, with higher measured CO2 emissions for modern than ancient varieties in Arenic Cambisol conditions (Morvan), and higher estimated (considering root biomass variations) CO2 emissions for modern varieties in Rendzic Leptosol conditions (Saint Romain). Root traits and estimated CO2 emissions were also dependent on the soil properties of the different sites. We did not find any significant differences in grain yield between ancient and modern varieties. Conclusion A possible trade‐off between carbon storage and grain production was expected, but our results suggest that some types of soil can support both high grain yield and C storage, especially those with an important depth, a neutral pH and a fine texture

    Ancient and Modern Wheat Varieties: A Trade-Off between Soil Co2 Emissions and Crop Yield?

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    International audienceHumanity is facing two great challenges: produce enough food for a growing population and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. In this study, we investigated the choice of specific wheat varieties to improve carbon storage in soil while producing enough grain to assure food security. We hypothesize that ancient wheat varieties could store more carbon than modern ones, due to a likely bigger and deeper root system or to more recalcitrant root organic matter. We conducted a field experiment with four modern and four ancient wheat varieties, on four different sites chosen for their different soil properties. Root morphology was assessed by image analysis and potential CO 2 emissions by incubating soil and roots from each agronomic modality for 60 days. Since in situ carbon storage is not possible to detect in one year and since wheat is included in crop rotations that prevent repeating the same experiment for several years in the same place, we estimated expected CO 2 emissions by calculating the quantity of CO 2 that would have been emitted for one square meter, given the measured amount of root organic matter. The yield was also measured for ancient and modern varieties. The breeding type (ancient versus modern varieties) affected root length in two of our four sites, with longer roots for ancient varieties, but it did not affect other root traits such as biomass. The breeding type also affected CO 2 emissions, with higher measured CO 2 emissions for modern than ancient varieties in Arenic Cambisol conditions (Morvan), and higher estimated (considering root biomass variations) CO 2 emissions for modern varieties in Rendzic Leptosol conditions (Saint Romain). Root traits and CO 2 emissions were also dependent on the soil properties of the different sites. We did not find any significant differences in grain yield between ancient and modern varieties. A possible trade-off between carbon storage and grain production was expected, but our results suggest that some types of soil can support both high yield and C storage, especially those with an important depth, a neutral pH and a fine texture

    Earthworms do not increase greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 and N2O) in an ecotron experiment simulating a realistic three-crop rotation system

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    Abstractmeasurements. To address this, we conducted a two-year study using large lysimeters in an ecotron facility, continuously measuring ecosystem-level CO 2 , N 2 O, and H 2 O fluxes. We investigated the impact of endogeic and anecic earthworms on GHG emissions and ecosystem water use efficiency (WUE) in an agricultural setting. Although we observed transient stimulations of carbon fluxes in the presence of earthworms, cumulative fluxes over the study indicated no significant increase in CO 2 emissions. Endogeic earthworms marginally reduced N 2 O emissions during the wheat culture (-44.6%), but this effect was not sustained throughout the experiment. No consistent effects on ecosystem evapotranspiration or WUE were found. Our study suggests that earthworms do not significantly contribute to GHG emissions over a two-year period in experimental conditions that mimic an agricultural setting. These findings highlight the need for realistic experiments enabling continuous GHG measurements

    Earthworms do not increase greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 and N2O) in an ecotron experiment simulating a three-crop rotation system

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    International audienceEarthworms are known to stimulate soil greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, but the majority of previous studies have used simplified model systems or lacked continuous high-frequency measurements. To address this, we conducted a 2-year study using large lysimeters (5 m 2 area and 1.5 m soil depth) in an ecotron facility, continuously measuring ecosystem-level CO 2 , N 2 O, and H 2 O fluxes. We investigated the impact of endogeic and anecic earthworms on GHG emissions and ecosystem water use efficiency (WUE) in a simulated agricultural setting. Although we observed transient stimulations of carbon fluxes in the presence of earthworms, cumulative fluxes over the study indicated no significant increase in CO 2 emissions. Endogeic earthworms reduced N 2 O emissions during the wheat culture (-44.6%), but this effect was not sustained throughout the experiment. No consistent effects on ecosystem evapotranspiration or WUE were found. Our study suggests that earthworms do not significantly contribute to GHG emissions over a two-year period in experimental conditions that mimic an agricultural setting. These findings highlight the need for realistic experiments and continuous GHG measurements

    The French Network of scientific and technical expertise on soil: Feedback from a hub to stimulate interactions between experts, decision makers and local authorities.

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    International audienceIn response to the observation of a dispersion of the scientific and technical expertise and initiatives on French soils, the French Ministry in charge of Agriculture launched the French network of scientific and technical expertise on soils (RNEST) in December 2016.The network aims to federate French research, development, and innovation (RDI) stakeholders, working on soils (forest, agricultural, urban, industrial fallow land, contaminated sites, natural areas, etc.).Its main mission is to strengthen the scientific and technical expertise and initiatives on soils to guide public policies, and to answer to the needs of stakeholders concerned by soil management.The network is supported by organisations representing national soil RDI key players: the French ministries in charge of agriculture, environment, and higher education and research, which co-lead the network, three national agencies, a research institute, a research alliance, a learned society, and two agricultural organisations.The RNEST also relies on a scientific, technical and innovation committee, composed of 32 experts with varied and complementary expertise profiles (pedology, economics, biogeochemistry, etc.), and diverse sectors of activity (academic research, consultancy firm, local authority, association, etc.). This committee carries out actions related to the field of public policy, RDI, and diffusion of information on soils.Since its launch, the network has enabled its members to carry out actions to provide and facilitate access to expertise for decision makers, and to foster interactions between soil RDI stakeholders. We intend to present this organisation, share feedback and perspective on how such a multi-stakeholder hub can operate, and illustrate this with two examples. The first one will show how the hub could mobilise to provide input on recent EU and French law proposals on soils. The second one will highlight an original work of the hub that draw up an approach to compare different types of soil degradation, as a first step to allow stakeholders to develop a global and shared vision of the concept of soil degradation