4 research outputs found

    Kajian Lingkungan Hidup Strategis Kawasan Peruntukan Pertambangan di Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow

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    This qualitative study was analyzed using semi-detailed method is based on the assessment of data and information that is more accurate, can be quantitative. Primary data was collected through interviews with the stakeholders starting from the government officials, the academics and community leaders to get information about important issues emerging in Bolaang Mongondow. Secondary data collected from various government agencies and institutions or personnel associated with the research. The results showed that the mining activities in BolaangMongondow both for exploration and exploitation cause negative impacts by 50%. Starting from the conversion of land that have growing increasingly by time which can certainly bring problems in the future. The implication of uncontrolled agricultural land conversion can threaten food supply capacity and even in the long term can cause social harm. The mining activities, plantation and cultivation will lead to fragmentation of forest landscapes. Forest fragmentation will cause the forest to be smaller in which to live for animals and resulted in less food available for wildlife. There are 6 rivers in Bolaang Mongondow indicated that some parameters that are already above the value of standard quality. They are River Toraut located in the Sub-district of West Dumoga, Totabuan River, Tombolango River located in the Lolak Sub-district, upstream and downstream sections of Wineru River and Nonapan River located in Poigar Sub-District. In addition, natural disasters often occur in Bolaang Mongondow including floods and landslides. This natural disaster resulted in tremendous losses for the community. This study concludes that need to enactment of Regions to regulate mining activities in the area. And also there are should be intensive supervision from the institution concerned. The most important thing is also necessary accomplishment of an alternative control strategies are based on community participation

    Analisis Perubahan Tutupan Lahan DAS Tondano, Sulawesi Utara Selama Periode Tahun 2002 Dan 2015

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    Monitoring land cover change is important to be done in order to understand changing mechanism and to model impacts of the change to environment and ecosystem in different scale. Research on change detection of the Tondano watershed for the period of 1989-1999 showed that the land cover has changed due to agricultural activity and urbanization (Prenzel, et al, 2006). Land cover change of the Tondano Watershed contributed to the flooding and landslide disasters in Minahasa and Manado in the early of 2014. This research was conducted to compare land cover of the Tondano Watershed between the period of 2002 and 2015 using remote sensing data and Geographical Information System (GIS). Change detection method, post classification comparison was used to gather information on land cover change in the Tondano Watershed. Results showed that there was a significant change in the land cover within thirteen years. There was a decrease of forest, paddy field and volcano areas and an increase of agriculture, residential and water body areas. Forest has been converted to dry land agriculture; paddy field area has been converted to agriculture and residential areas. An increase of residential area was caused by conversion of agricultural and paddy field areas located nearby Manado City

    Peningkatan Sulforafan Brokoli (Brassica Oleraceae L. Var Italica) Dengan Modifikasi Media Pada Kultur Jaringan

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    Penelitian ini menggunakan metode percobaan rancangan faktorial dalam rancangan acak lengkap dengan perlakuan metionin 3 taraf, yaitu 0 ppm (M0), 10 ppm (M10), 20 ppm (M20), dan ekstrak benih brokoli dengan 4 taraf, yaitu 0 g/l (E0), 1 g/l (E1), 2 g/l (E2), 3 g/l (E3), yang diulang sebanyak 3 kali. Variabel yang diamati terdiri dari jumlah tunas, berat basah tunas, tinggi tunas, jumlah daun, dan kandungan sulforafan. Data diuji dengan analisis sidik ragam, dilanjutkan dengan uji BNT. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan metionin memberi pengaruh yang nyata untuk variabel jumlah tunas, tinggi tunas, dan jumlah daun; dan berpengaruh yang sangat nyata untuk variabel berat basah tunas dan kandungan sulforafan. Perlakuan ekstrak benih brokoli tidak memberi pengaruh yang nyata pada variabel jumlah tunas, berat basah tunas, tinggi tunas, dan jumlah daun; berpengaruh yang sangat nyata untuk variabel kandungan sulforafan. Kombinasi perlakuan metionin dan ekstrak benih brokoli berpengaruh yang nyata pada variabel jumlah tunas, berpengaruh yang sangat nyata pada variabel kandungan sulforafan, dan tidak berpengaruh yang nyata pada variabel berat basah tunas, tinggi tunas, dan jumlah daun. Kandungan sulforafan tertinggi dicapai pada kombinasi perlakuan metionin 10 ppm dengan 3 gram ekstrak benih (M10E3).This research was using factorial design in complete random design with three level methionine there was 0 ppm (M0), 10 ppm (M10), 20 ppm (M20) and four level extract brocoli seeds, was 0 g/l (E0), 1 g/l (E1), 2 g/l (E2), and 3 g/l (E3), become 12 treatment combinations with 3 replicated. The variable that was observed are the total of shoot, wet weight of shoot, the shoot length, total leave, and the sulphoraphane content. The data was examine with analyze of varians and continue with LSD (Least Significant Difference). The result of this research shown that application of methionine have significance to the total shoot, shoot length, and total leave; more significance to wet weight shoot and sulphoraphane content. Application of extract seeds was non significant to the total shoot, wet weight shoot, shoot length, an total leave; more significant to sulphoraphane content. Application combination of methionine and extract seeds of brocoli was significant to the total shoot, more significant to sulphoraphane content, and non significant to wet weight shoot, shoot length, and total leave. The high sulphoraphane amount was in the application of methionine 10 ppm and 3 g/l seed extract (M10E3)

    Faktor Faktor Penciri Status Ketenagakerjaan Penduduk Usia Kerja Terdidik di Sulawesi Utara

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    This study aims to peel identifier factors of employment status on the educated working age population in North Sulawesi. Moreover, in this paper also calculated the deficit of decent work opportunities in North Sulawesi in 2015. Sources of key data used in the analysis and calculations using secondary data Sakernas 2013. Methods of analysis using multinomial logistic regression. Processing results obtained three significant variables: age, number of household members who work, and gender. Logistic regression models were obtained form 68.6% concordance rate. For a decent amount of work that needs to be createdat least 107 thousands between 2012 and 2015 or 35 thousands per year, if the target of 6.62% poverty rate and unemployment rate of 3.94% in 2015 to be achieved. The study recommends further research by incorporating several new variables among household income. Government needs to empower the productive population and women. Other decent employment targets also need to be developed such as a decrease in youth unemployment. Keywords: Labor, Population of Working Ag