133 research outputs found

    Detecting explicit lyrics: a case study in Italian music

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    Preventing the reproduction of songs whose textual content is offensive or inappropriate for kids is an important issue in the music industry. In this paper, we investigate the problem of assessing whether music lyrics contain content unsuitable for children (a.k.a., explicit content). Previous works that have computationally tackled this problem have dealt with English or Korean songs, comparing the performance of various machine learning approaches. We investigate the automatic detection of explicit lyrics for Italian songs, complementing previous analyses performed on different languages. We assess the performance of many classifiers, including those-not fully exploited so far for this task-leveraging neural language models, i.e., rich language representations built from textual corpora in an unsupervised way, that can be fine-tuned on various natural language processing tasks, including text classification. For the comparison of the different systems, we exploit a novel dataset we contribute, consisting of approximately 34K songs, annotated with labels indicating explicit content. The evaluation shows that, on this dataset, most of the classifiers built on top of neural language models perform substantially better than non-neural approaches. We also provide further analyses, including: a qualitative assessment of the predictions produced by the classifiers, an assessment of the performance of the best performing classifier in a few-shot learning scenario, and the impact of dataset balancing

    Assessing Fine-Grained Explicitness of Song Lyrics

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    Music plays a crucial role in our lives, with growing consumption and engagement through streaming services and social media platforms. However, caution is needed for children, who may be exposed to explicit content through songs. Initiatives such as the Parental Advisory Label (PAL) and similar labelling from streaming content providers aim to protect children from harmful content. However, so far, the labelling has been limited to tagging the song as explicit (if so), without providing any additional information on the reasons for the explicitness (e.g., strong language, sexual reference). This paper addresses this issue by developing a system capable of detecting explicit song lyrics and assessing the kind of explicit content detected. The novel contributions of the work include (i) a new dataset of 4000 song lyrics annotated with five possible reasons for content explicitness and (ii) experiments with machine learning classifiers to predict explicitness and the reasons for it. The results demonstrated the feasibility of automatically detecting explicit content and the reasons for explicitness in song lyrics. This work is the first to address explicitness at this level of detail and provides a valuable contribution to the music industry, helping to protect children from exposure to inappropriate content

    Automatic detection of procedural knowledge in robotic-assisted surgical texts

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    Purpose The automatic extraction of knowledge about intervention execution from surgical manuals would be of the utmost importance to develop expert surgical systems and assistants. In this work we assess the feasibility of automatically identifying the sentences of a surgical intervention text containing procedural information, a subtask of the broader goal of extracting intervention workflows from surgical manuals. Methods We frame the problem as a binary classification task. We first introduce a new public dataset of 1958 sentences from robotic surgery texts, manually annotated as procedural or non-procedural. We then apply different classification methods, from classical machine learning algorithms, to more recent neural-network approaches and classification methods exploiting transformers (e.g., BERT, ClinicalBERT). We also analyze the benefits of applying balancing techniques to the dataset. Results The architectures based on neural-networks fed with FastText’s embeddings and the one based on ClinicalBERT outperform all the tested methods, empirically confirming the feasibility of the task. Adopting balancing techniques does not lead to substantial improvements in classification. Conclusion This is the first work experimenting with machine / deep learning algorithms for automatically identifying procedural sentences in surgical texts. It also introduces the first public dataset that can be used for benchmarking different classification methods for the task

    Automatically evaluating the quality of textual descriptions in cultural heritage records

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    Metadata are fundamental for the indexing, browsing and retrieval of cultural heritage resources in repositories, digital libraries and catalogues. In order to be effectively exploited, metadata information has to meet some quality standards, typically defined in the collection usage guidelines. As manually checking the quality of metadata in a repository may not be affordable, especially in large collections, in this paper we specifically address the problem of automatically assessing the quality of metadata, focusing in particular on textual descriptions of cultural heritage items. We describe a novel approach based on machine learning that tackles this problem by framing it as a binary text classification task aimed at evaluating the accuracy of textual descriptions. We report our assessment of different classifiers using a new dataset that we developed, containing more than 100K descriptions. The dataset was extracted from different collections and domains from the Italian digital library \u201cCultura Italia\u201d and was annotated with accuracy information in terms of compliance with the cataloguing guidelines. The results empirically confirm that our proposed approach can effectively support curators (F1 3c 0.85) in assessing the quality of the textual descriptions of the records in their collections and provide some insights into how training data, specifically their size and domain, can affect classification performance

    The Robotic Surgery Procedural Framebank

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    Robot-Assisted minimally invasive surgery is the gold standard for the surgical treatment of many pathological conditions, and several manuals and academic papers describe how to perform these interventions. These high-quality, often peer-reviewed texts are the main study resource for medical personnel and consequently contain essential procedural domain-specific knowledge. The procedural knowledge therein described could be extracted, e.g., on the basis of semantic parsing models, and used to develop clinical decision support systems or even automation methods for some procedure’s steps. However, natural language understanding algorithms such as, for instance, semantic role labelers have lower efficacy and coverage issues when applied to domain others than those they are typically trained on (i.e., newswire text). To overcome this problem, starting from PropBank frames, we propose a new linguistic resource specific to the robotic-surgery domain, named Robotic Surgery Procedural Framebank (RSPF). We extract from robotic-surgical texts verbs and nouns that describe surgical actions and extend PropBank frames by adding any of new lemmas, frames or role sets required to cover missing lemmas, specific frames describing the surgical significance, or new semantic roles used in procedural surgical language. Our resource is publicly available and can be used to annotate corpora in the surgical domain to train and evaluate Semantic Role Labeling (SRL) systems in a challenging fine-grained domain setting

    Surgicberta: a pre-trained language model for procedural surgical language

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    Pre-trained language models are now ubiquitous in natural language processing, being successfully applied for many different tasks and in several real-world applications. However, even though there is a wealth of high-quality written materials on surgery, and the scientific community has shown a growing interest in the application of natural language processing techniques in surgery, a pre-trained language model specific to the surgical domain is still missing. The creation and public release of such a model would serve numerous useful clinical applications. For example, it could enhance existing surgical knowledge bases employed for task automation, or assist medical students in summarizing complex surgical descriptions. For this reason, in this paper, we introduce SurgicBERTa, a pre-trained language model specific for the English surgical language, i.e., the language used in the surgical domain. SurgicBERTa has been obtained from RoBERTa through continued pre-training with the Masked language modeling objective on 300 k sentences taken from English surgical books and papers, for a total of 7 million words. By publicly releasing SurgicBERTa, we make available a resource built from the content collected in many high-quality surgical books, online textual resources, and academic papers. We performed several assessments in order to evaluate SurgicBERTa, comparing it with the general domain RoBERTa. First, we intrinsically assessed the model in terms of perplexity, accuracy, and evaluation loss resulting from the continual training according to the masked language modeling task. Then, we extrinsically evaluated SurgicBERTa on several downstream tasks, namely (i) procedural sentence detection, (ii) procedural knowledge extraction, (iii) ontological information discovery, and (iv) surgical terminology acquisition. Finally, we conducted some qualitative analysis on SurgicBERTa, showing that it contains a lot of surgical knowledge that could be useful to enrich existing state-of-the-art surgical knowledge bases or to extract surgical knowledge. All the assessments show that SurgicBERTa better deals with surgical language than a general-purpose pre-trained language model such as RoBERTa, and therefore can be effectively exploited in many computer-assisted applications in the surgical domain

    Machine understanding surgical actions from intervention procedure textbooks

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    The automatic extraction of procedural surgical knowledge from surgery manuals, academic papers or other high-quality textual resources, is of the utmost importance to develop knowledge-based clinical decision support systems, to automatically execute some procedure’s step or to summarize the procedural information, spread throughout the texts, in a structured form usable as a study resource by medical students. In this work, we propose a first benchmark on extracting detailed surgical actions from available intervention procedure textbooks and papers. We frame the problem as a Semantic Role Labeling task. Exploiting a manually annotated dataset, we apply different Transformer-based information extraction methods. Starting from RoBERTa and BioMedRoBERTa pre-trained language models, we first investigate a zero-shot scenario and compare the obtained results with a full fine-tuning setting. We then introduce a new ad-hoc surgical language model, named SurgicBERTa, pre-trained on a large collection of surgical materials, and we compare it with the previous ones. In the assessment, we explore different dataset splits (one in-domain and two out-of-domain) and we investigate also the effectiveness of the approach in a few-shot learning scenario. Performance is evaluated on three correlated sub-tasks: predicate disambiguation, semantic argument disambiguation and predicate-argument disambiguation. Results show that the fine-tuning of a pre-trained domain-specific language model achieves the highest performance on all splits and on all sub-tasks. All models are publicly released

    Do LLMs Dream of Ontologies?

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    Large language models (LLMs) have recently revolutionized automated text understanding and generation. The performance of these models relies on the high number of parameters of the underlying neural architectures, which allows LLMs to memorize part of the vast quantity of data seen during the training. This paper investigates whether and to what extent general-purpose pre-trained LLMs have memorized information from known ontologies. Our results show that LLMs partially know ontologies: they can, and do indeed, memorize concepts from ontologies mentioned in the text, but the level of memorization of their concepts seems to vary proportionally to their popularity on the Web, the primary source of their training material. We additionally propose new metrics to estimate the degree of memorization of ontological information in LLMs by measuring the consistency of the output produced across different prompt repetitions, query languages, and degrees of determinism

    Collaboration practices between people and tools: the case of "Snorra Edda. A collaborative bibliography (SnECB)"

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    The abstract describes the collaborative construction of the online Snorra Edda's bibliography (SnECB, https://dh.dlls.univr.it/bib-arc/snecb/index.html
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