25 research outputs found


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    Waste is a national and global problem that requires comprehensive handling. The 3R Reduce, Reuse, Recycle program can reduce environmental problems and support a green economy through improving the waste management process. Recycling is sorting waste according to type so that it can be reused into usable items. Examples include plastic, cans, paper, metal and glass waste. The aim of this service activity is to increase the skills of the Women's Farmer Group in recycling plastic waste into reusable goods. This service activity was carried out in collaboration with UM Palembang KKN students. The location of this community service activity is the Women's Farmers Group (KWT) Tanjung Raman Village, South Prabumulih District, Prabumulih City, South Sumatra Province. The methods used in carrying out activities include providing outreach, putting up banners for throwing away rubbish and carrying out training on recycling plastic waste into items that can be reused. The results of this service can help housewives manage plastic waste into reusable goods and support environmental sustainabilit


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    The Sonor farming system is an agricultural system that clears land by burning, which is a tradision arried out by the people of Secondong Village. The Sonor system is one of the couses of land fires in South Sumatra. This study aims to analyze community community knowledge of sonor farming systems, analyze the factors that influence people's knowledge of sonor farming and community attitudes that can be done to prevent sonor farming. The research was conducted in Secondong Village, Pampangan District, OKI Regency, South Sumatra Province in August 2019. Using a survey method with descriptive qualitative data analysis and a Likert Scale test. The results showed that 77% of the people of Secondong Village carried out land burning, the people of Scondong Village had quite high knowledge about sonor farming systems which were considered an effective and efficient and cost-effective method. There are two factors that affect the public's interest in burning land, namely the lack of public understanding of the impacts of land burning (75%) and habits that have been passed down from generation to generation (73%), the absence of counseling so that there is no land clearing in other ways. Communities have good potential to prevent sonor farming systems (82%) if supported by extension activities and environmentally friendly technologies for clearing agricultural land


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    This research was conducted to determine and analyze biodiversity and ecotourism potential in the Archaeological Park of the Sriwijaya Kingdom by gathering information from vegetation analysis of green open spaces (RTH) and conducting interviews and questionnaires to managers and visitors. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques of observation, interviews, documentation and literature. The informants in this study were visitors and managers of the Sriwijaya Kingdom Archaeological Park. The results showed that the Archaeological Park of the Sriwijaya Kingdom has the concept of historical and cultural tourism of the Sriwijaya Kingdom with various tourist attractions, namely natural scenery, the beauty of Cempaka and Nangka Islands, biodiversity and historical and cultural heritage of the Sriwijaya Kingdom. Angsana (Pterocarpus indicus) is dominated by Angsana in the ancient park of the Kingdom of Sriwijaya at the pole level with a diameter of 15.36 cm and an IVI value of 75.44. At the tree level, it is dominated by the Banyan (Ficus benjamina) with a diameter of 30.07 cm and an IVI value of 39.61. The condition of the vegetation in the Archaeological Park of the Sriwijaya Kingdom, at the tree level, there are many old trees with dense crowns with a diameter of ± 30 cm and stems and branches that are starting to die, such as Banyan trees and Angsana, to overcome the problems that arise. there is replanting and adding trees that have ecological and educational functions. The potential for developing urban parks in the Archaeological Park of the Sriwijaya Kingdom has four potentials, namely ecological potential, social potential, cultural and historical potential and economic potential. Based on the SWOT analysis, the potential for developing urban parks in the Archaeological Park of the Sriwijaya Kingdom is maintaining the potential of urban parks, improving services, professional human resources, facilities and infrastructure and developing ecotourism products by utilizing urban and historical parks and maintaining existing tourism concepts. The strengths of the Sriwijaya Kingdom Archaeological Park are tourism that is favored by teenagers and students, the existence of facilities and infrastructure, accessibility, attractive and diverse tourism potential, having the beauty of the city and cultural history and having biodiversity. The weaknesses of the Sriwijaya Kingdom Archaeological Park are the lack of promotion on social media, the condition of damaged infrastructure and incomplete infrastructure, not having sufficient budget for even better development, limited human resources and lack of area security due to the extent of the Royal Archaeological Park Srivijaya

    Memotivasi Masyarakat untuk Menanam Pohon dalam Mendukung Terbentuknya Kota Hijau di Kelurahan Sukamulya Kecamatan Sematang Borang Kota Palembang

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    Peningkatan laju pembangunan kota dan peningkatan juumlah penduduk menyebabkan berbagai aktifitas perkotaan juga meningkat seperti aktifitas pabrik dan kendaraan bermotor yang mengeluarkan gas CO2 yang merupakan salah satu gas rumah kaca penyumbang terbesar peningkatan pemanasan global. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut salah satu diantaranya adalah penanaman pohon sebagai RTH kota baik RTH publik maupun RTH private.  Pengembangan RTH akan mendukung program pembangunan kota hijau.  Maka diperlukan penyuluhan untuk menumbuhkan kesadaran masyarakat akan pentingnya peranan hutan dalam mengurangi polusi udara kota sehingga akan tumbuh minar masyarakat untuk menanam pohon di sekitar rumah atau lingkungan mereka


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    Eucalyptus Sp is one type of priority which developed in the management of earmarked as a timber fibers estate .This research aims to review the results of the best combination of peat growing media, charcoal and cocopeat most good for growth seeds (E. pellita F.Muell). This study was conducted in November 2019 to January 2020. The methodology using patterns of random design group (RAK). Each treatment group consists of 3 treatment 9, 27 so there is any treatment that were taken 3 sample 81 seeds. Observation variables observed that is high in plant , diameter of the stem , number of leaves , a heavy wetness and heavy dry total , index the quality of seeds , and the percentage of life. The results of the data shows that the treatment of seeds (E. pellita F.Muell) real bearing on tall plants, trunk diameter, the number of, leaves a heavy wetness total, heavy and dry an index of quality seeds and live percentage. The results of the data shows that the treatment of seeds (E. pellita F.Muell) real bearing on tall plants, trunk diameter, the number of, leaves a heavy wetness total, heavy and dry an index of quality seeds and live percentage. Media growing season (peaty soil mixed cocopeat 1: 1) shows the results of that is better and the average rate of the most highest for growth seeds (E. pellita F.Muell) in tall plant , diameter of the stem , number of leaves , a heavy wetness and heavy dry total , index the quality of seeds. To the percentage lived in all media planting fly 100 % seeds no living the dea

    Study on the Implementation of the Green City Development Program (PK2H) through Optimizing Green Open Space (RTH) in Ilir Barat I District, Palembang City

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    This study aims to analyze the development, utilization, supervision, and control of the green open space program in Ilir Barat I Sub-District, Palembang. This study was conducted in, Ilir Barat I Sub-District, Palembang city.October 2019 to December 2019. On this research used descriptive qualitative methods and analysis of vegetation (Anveg) by using and purposive sampling. Based on the analysis,The Sub-District of Ilir Barat I has a Green Open Space (RTH) covering an area of 101,389 m2 with a percentage of 0.51%. The area of it does not meet the minimum area of green space based on Law No. 26 of 2007 in article 29 paragraph (2) of 30% and has met the requirements of article 29 paragraph (3) of 20%. With the distribution of green open space is the Puncak Sekuning TPU with an area of 40,000 m² with a percentage of 0.20%.The green space location with the smallest area in the stadium of Bumi Sriwijaya has a green space of 1,627 m² with a percentage of 0.01%. The area of green space in the District of Ilir Barat I Palembang based on the results of the study was 101,389 m², while the area of it based on Palembang PRKP data in the Sub-District of Ilir Barat I of Palembang City was 96,166 m². Researcher measurement data has a difference of 5,223 m² with data from the Palembang City PRKP Service. Angsana tree (Pterocarpus indicus), The highest number of tree in green line (road side) is Trembesi (Albizia saman) while in median road is Tanjung (Mimusops elengi)

    Kajian Pemanfaatan Lahan Gambut oleh Masyarakat di Desa Pangkalan Damai Kecamatan Air Sugihan Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejarah awal pemanfaatan lahan gambut dan jenis tanaman yang dibudidayakan serta teknik-teknik yang digunakan dalam pengolahan lahan gambut dan jenis tanaman apa saja yang dapat dibudidayakan di lahan gambut serta apakah ada peningkatan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Pangkalan Damai Kecamatan Air Sugihan Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir. Metode menggunakan Simple random sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa awal pembukaan lahan di buka pada tahun 1981 dan jenis tanaman yang dibudidayakan sampai sekarang yaitu padi sawah (45%), kelapa sawit (35%), dan karet (20%). Teknik yang digunakan pada pengelolaan padi dan sawah yaitu tabela, dan kelapa sawit masyarakat menggunakan monokultur sedangkan pengelolaan karet masyarakat menggunakan teknik gundukan. Dari hasil penelitian teknik pemanfaatan lahan gambut yang digunakan masyarakat lebih banyak mengalami peningkatan yaitu sebesar (65%), sedangkan tidak terdapat peningkatan sebesar (35%)


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    Tree Pelawan (Tristaniopsis merguensis Griff ) is one of natural resources HHBK that have the potential to developed, common in the garden biodiversity forest pelawan in the village Namang subdistrict Namang Kabupaten Bangka Middle. Methods used descriptive kualitasif by interviewing to villagers namang.  The research known that the utilization of trees pelawan by the village community namang usually used for building material and charcoal.  While the use of HHBK tree pelawan in the garden biodiversity forest pelawan of honey pelawan, tea pelawan and fungi pelawan.  Products HHBK tree pelawan this gone to the market at the local level, regional and national.  Potential for development tree pelawan park biodiversity forest pelawan with the short term planning is to do maintenance and development vegetation; branding and promotion forestry products and in the long term infrastru of development.  Capacity building the community and increase cooperation the government the community, NGO / university researchers and investors


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    This research was carried out to determine the implementation of social forestry. One of the areas that has implemented the social forestry pattern is the forest area in the management area of the Regional Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD) KPH Region XIII Lakitan Bukit Cogong which is located in Musi Rawas Regency.. So the aim of This research aims to determine the process of implementing social forestry policies and determine the influencing factors. The research was conducted at HKM Wana Manunggal, Sukakarya Village, Musi Rawas Regency, using a qualitative descriptive approach method. Based on the data analyzed, financial resources are still lacking and human resources (staff) are sufficient. The collective action process between actors is running well with the presence of a committed PPS Working Group. Communication is going well between the community (forest farmer groups and members of HKM Wana Manunggal) and communication is also very good between the government structure, village heads and officials and the regional government. The social forestry policy at HKM Wana Manunggal KPH Lakitan Bukit Cogong, Musirawas Regency, has been implemented effectively from the perspective of policy accuracy in resolving forestry problems and environmental accuracy in accepting policies


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    Green open space (RTH) is one of the most important elements in urban areas that can function to balance the ecological conditions in an area so that there is a balance between ecosystems and development developments in the modern era. But the pace of urban development often does not consider the existence of green space. Other than that, many people do not know the existence and function of green space, so it often looks like being ignored and not maintained. In this case, researchers are interested in identifying the potential presence of green open space in the Seberang Ulu II sub-district of Palembang. This study will collect data on the location of each green space in the Seberang Ulu II sub-district, identification of existing vegetation types, estimation of carbon storage, and the level of understanding of the Seberang Ulu II community on the existence and function of green space. The method used is to use plot sampling to determine the level of diversity of green space and the distribution of questionnaires to determine the level of community understanding. The results showed that the area of green open space in the Seberang Ulu II sub-district was only 1.88% of the total area. From the open green space location in Seberang Ulu II Subdistrict, there are 33 species of green open vegetation plants. Where Angsana plants (Pterocarpus indicus), trembesi (Albizia saman), palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.), Glodogantiang (Polyathea longifolia) and palm (Mascarena sp) become a plant that dominates and has the highest INP value.Ruang terbuka hijau (RTH) merupakan salah satu elemen terpenting di perkotaan yang dapat berfungsi untuk menyeimbangkan keadaan ekologi pada suatu kawasan agar terjadi keseimbangan antara ekosistem dan perkembangan pembangunan di era modern.  Tetapi, laju pembangunan perkotaan seringkali tidak mempertimbangkan keberadaan RTH. Selain itu,  banyak masyarakat yang tidak mengetahui keberadaan dan fungsi RTH sehingga sering terlihat seperti terabaikan dan tidak terpelihara. Dalam hal ini peneliti tertarik untuk mengidentifikasi potensi keberadaan RTH di Kecamatan Seberang Ulu II Kota Palembang. Penelitian ini akan dilakukan pendataan lokasi luas masing-masing RTH yang ada di Kecamatan Seberang Ulu II, identifikasi jenis vegetasi yang ada, dan estimasi simpanan karbon, serta tingkat pemahaman msyarakat Seberang Ulu II terhadap keberadaan dan fungsi RTH. Metode yang digunakan adalah menggunakan plot sampling untuk mengetahui tingkat keanekaragaman RTH dan penyebaran kuesioner untuk mengetahui tingkat pemahaman masyarakat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa luasan RTH di Kecamatan Seberang Ulu II hanya sebesar 1,88% dari luasan wilayahnya. Dari lokasi RTH yang tersebar di Kecamatan Seberang Ulu II terdapat 33 jenis tanaman penyusun vegetasi RTH dimana tanaman angsana (Pterocarpus indicus), trembesi (Albizia saman), sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.), glodogantiang (Polyathea longifolia) dan palem (Mascarena sp) menjadi tanaman yang mendominasi dan memiliki nilai INP tertinggi