361 research outputs found

    Participation and performance trends in 161km ultra-marathons in terms of nationality – a retrospective data analysis of worldwide participation from 1998-2011

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    This study investigated the nationalities of finishers, the annual number of finishers participating in a specific region and the performance of athletes regarding their nationality of all 161km ultra-marathons held worldwide from 1998 to 2011. The associations between nationality and performance and changes in performance across years in 36,425 finishers were analysed using correlation and linear regression analyses. Participation increased significantly for athletes originating from North America, Europe and Australia (P<0.01). Most runners originated from the USA (84%). The share of US-American athletes decreased significantly from 89.6% (1998) to 75.9% (2011) (P<0.01), while the share of European finishers increased significantly from 1.6% (1998) to 14.5% (2011) (P<0.01). The share of finishers competing in races held in the USA decreased significantly from 92.1% (1998) to 80.7% (2011) (P<0.01), while the share of finishers competing in European races increased significantly from 0% (1998) to 12.8% (2011) (P<0.01). The share of US-American athletes in the annual top ten decreased significantly from 76% (1998) to 52% (2011) (P<0.01), while the share of European athletes in the annual top ten increased significantly from 1% (1998) to 18% (2011) (P<0.01). Top ten US-American athletes achieved the fastest race times ever in women and men. Top ten European runners improved their performance to a higher extent than US-American athletes. These findings indicate that (i) ultra-marathoners originating from the USA dominated 161km ultra-marathons in participation and performance, (ii) 161km ultra-marathons were becoming more popular in Europe, and (iii) European athletes increasingly tended to compete in European races rather than to compete in the USA and improved their performance across years

    Atrophy of the brachialis muscle after a displaced clavicle fracture in an Ironman triathlete: case report

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    Clavicle fractures are frequent injuries in athletes and midshaft clavicle fractures in particular are well-known injuries in Ironman triathletes. In 2000, Auzou et al. described the mechanism leading to an isolated truncular paralysis of the musculocutaneous nerve after a shoulder trauma. It is well-known that nerve palsies can lead to an atrophy of the associated muscle if they persist for months or even longer. In this case report we describe a new case of an Ironman triathlete suffering from a persistent isolated atrophy of the brachialis muscle. The atrophy occurred following a displaced midshaft clavicle fracture acquiring while falling off his bike after hitting a duck during a competition

    The effects of course length on freestyle swimming speed in elite female and male swimmers - a comparison of swimmers at national and international level

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    Freestyle swimming performance over 50 m, 100 m, 200 m, 400 m, 800 m and 1,500 m was compared on short (25 m) and long (50 m) course for 92,196 national swimmers (i.e. annual high score list Switzerland) and 1,104 international swimmers (i.e. finalists FINA World Championships) from 2000 to 2012. National and international swimmers of both sexes were on average 2.0 ± 0.6% faster on short than on long course. Sex-related differences in swimming speed were greater on short than on long course for international and national swimmers from 50 m to 800 m. Freestyle swimming performance improved across years for international swimmers in both short- and long-course whereas only male national swimmers were able to improve on short and long course events except for short course events on 800 m and 1,500 m. Performance in national women competing in short and long course events showed only improvements on 50 m, 100 m and 1,500 m across years. The sex-related differences in freestyle swimming performance showed no change for international swimmers. For national swimmers, the sex-related differences in freestyle swimming performance increased over time in long course from 50 m to 800 m, but decreased for 1,500 m. In conclusion, elite female and male freestyle swimmers at national and international level were about 2% faster on 25 m compared to 50 m course. During the 2000-2012 period, international as well as national swimmers (i.e. for national level predominantly men) improved freestyle swimming performance in both long and short course. More vigorous and optimized training programs focused on muscular force production in combination with efficient swimming skills might close the performance gap between elite swimmers at national level and FINA finalists. Further research especially including effects of anthropometric, biomechanical, and physiological factors is required to fully understand the effects of course length on freestyle swimming performance, and to determine whether course length has similar effects on other swim styles

    An increased fluid intake leads to feet swelling in 100-km ultra-marathoners - an observational field study

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    BACKGROUND: An association between fluid intake and changes in volumes of the upper and lower limb has been described in 100-km ultra-marathoners. The purpose of the present study was (i) to investigate the association between fluid intake and a potential development of peripheral oedemas leading to an increase of the feet volume in 100-km ultra-marathoners and (ii) to evaluate a possible association between the changes in plasma sodium concentration ([Na+]) and changes in feet volume. METHODS: In seventy-six 100-km ultra-marathoners, body mass, plasma [Na+], haematocrit and urine specific gravity were determined pre- and post-race. Fluid intake and the changes of volume of the feet were measured where the changes of volume of the feet were estimated using plethysmography. RESULTS: Body mass decreased by 1.8 kg (2.4%) (p 0.05). Plasma volume and urine specific gravity increased (p < 0.0001). Fluid intake was positively related to the change in the volume of the feet (r = 0.54, p < 0.0001) and negatively to post-race plasma [Na+] (r = -0.28, p = 0.0142). Running speed was negatively related to both fluid intake (r = -0.33, p = 0.0036) and the change in feet volume (r = -0.23, p = 0.0236). The change in the volume of the feet was negatively related to the change in plasma [Na+] (r = -0.26, p = 0.0227). The change in body mass was negatively related to both post-race plasma [Na+] (r = -0.28, p = 0.0129) and running speed (r = -0.34, p = 0.0028). CONCLUSIONS: An increase in feet volume after a 100-km ultra-marathon was due to an increased fluid intake


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    The challenge of the future is to minimize the energy consumption of buildings while maintaining an optimal comfort level in the interior. Controlling the energy streams in and out of the building , and especially daylight management, plays an important role. It deals with many, sometimes conflicting functions of the building:Generally a maximum of natural lighting is desired to reduce the need for lighting energy which in today’s buildings accounts for approximately 30% of the total electricity demand. But daylight contains a lot of energy. We need to block sun radiation in summer to prevent overheating, whereas in winter this incoming energy is desired to reduce the need for heating energy.By means of the PolyArch project we aim at clarifying the energy savings potential as well as identifying the technological challenges that need to be tackled in order to get PolyArch market ready. Prototypes of the product will be displayed and tested in the LightVan, a mobile light laboratory. 


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    The challenge of the future is to minimize the energy consumption of buildings while maintaining an optimal comfort level in the interior. Controlling the energy streams in and out of the building , and especially daylight management, plays an important role. It deals with many, sometimes conflicting functions of the building:Generally a maximum of natural lighting is desired to reduce the need for lighting energy which in today’s buildings accounts for approximately 30% of the total electricity demand. But daylight contains a lot of energy. We need to block sun radiation in summer to prevent overheating, whereas in winter this incoming energy is desired to reduce the need for heating energy.By means of the PolyArch project we aim at clarifying the energy savings potential as well as identifying the technological challenges that need to be tackled in order to get PolyArch market ready. Prototypes of the product will be displayed and tested in the LightVan, a mobile light laboratory. 

    33 Ironman triathlons in 33 days-a case study

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    This case report presents the performance of an athlete who completed for the first time in history the total distance of 33 Ironman triathlons within 33 consecutive days. The athlete finished the total distance of 7,458 km (i.e. 125 km swimming, 5,940 km cycling and 1,393 km running) within a total time of 410 h and a mean time of 12 h 27 min per Ironman distance. During the 33 days, the athlete became slower in swimming (r(2) = 0.27, p = 0.0019), transition time 1 (r(2) = 0.66, p < 0.001), and transition time 2 (r(2) = 0.48, p < 0.0001). However, in cycling (r(2) = 0.07, p = 0.13), running (r(2) = 0.04, p = 0.25) and overall race time (r(2) = 0.10, p = 0.069), the athlete was able to maintain his performance during the 33 days. The coefficients of variation (CV) for the split times in swimming, cycling, running and overall race times were very low (i.e. 2.7%, 3.2%, 4.7%, and 2.7%, respectively) whereas the CV for transition times 1 and 2 were considerably higher (i.e. 25.5% and 55.5%, respectively). During the 33 days, body mass decreased from 83.0 kg to 80.5 kg (r(2) = 0.55, p < 0.0001). Plasma [Na(+)] remained within the reference range, creatine kinase, blood glucose and liver enzymes were minimally elevated above the reference range after four of five stages where blood analyses were performed. This case report shows that this athlete finished 33 Ironman triathlons within 33 consecutive days with minor variations over time (i.e. even pacing) in both split times and overall race times. This performance was most probably due to the high experience of the athlete, his pacing strategy and the stable environmental conditions


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    Conventional solar energy collection technologies have a lot of limitations with respect to their applicability in the urban environment. The PV cells of the buildings need to be oriented towards the South at a specific angle causing restrictions on urban planning. Moreover, the aesthetics of PV cells are not well suited for building design, creating a generally dull and industrial look in urban environment.The 3TU Lighthouse Leafroof project focuses on creating a roof design, inspired by the natural shape of leaves. By incorporating the Luminescent Solar Concentrator (LSC) technology the system can collect and “trap” solar irradiation and concentrate it to a much smaller area of PV cells located at the centre or the edge of the leaf tiles.This approach allows more freedom of building orientation and roof inclination compared to the conventional PV system. Subsequently, it enhances freedom in urban planning. The goal of this project is to create a “leaf roof” prototype and form a feasible solar energy collection technology that is competitive to conventional systems

    Arbeitsmarktpolitik: Vermittlungsgutscheine auf dem Prüfstand

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    Der Vermittlungsgutschein (VGS) sollte den Wettbewerb zwischen privaten und öffentlichen Arbeitsvermittlern fördern. Bis Dezember 2004 wurden 1,403 Mio VGS ausgegeben und 102.580 Beschäftigungsverhältnisse damit begründet. Die VGS-Vermittelten unterscheiden sich in ihrer Struktur nicht wesentlich von arbeitslosen Personen, die selbst eine Beschäftigung gefunden haben. Etwa 11.500 private Vermittler haben bis Mitte 2004 VGS eingelöst. Über zwei Drittel gehören zu den 'Gelegenheitsvermittlern', die bislang den Gutschein für maximal drei Vermittlungen genutzt haben. Auf 190 'Großvermittler' entfiel fast jede vierte Vermittlung. Die Mehrheit der VGS-Vermittelten würde die privaten Arbeitsvermittler auch bei erneuter Arbeitslosigkeit wieder einschalten. Die VGS-Bezieher erreichen eine höhere Beschäftigungsquote als die Kontrollgruppe. Der geschätzte positive Effekt des VGS auf der Individualebene reduziert sich aber durch Substitutionseffekte auf gesamtwirtschaftlicher Ebene. Nach Kosten/Nutzen-Kriterien ist zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt noch offen, ob sich der Einsatz der VGS auf Dauer rechnet. Darauf werden die weiteren Untersuchungen Antwort geben