527 research outputs found

    Perbedaan Keefektifan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Jigsaw Dan Teams Games Tournament Terhadap Prestasi Belajar IPS Di Sekolah Dasar Mbs Kabupaten Bantul YOGYAKARTA

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    This study is aimed to understand whether there are differences of student\u27s study achievement between the USAge of jigsaw cooperative study model with the USAge of team games tournament (TGT) study model, also to understand which one is more effective between both of two in the progress of student\u27s study achievement development. This research is quasi experiment. Free variable in the research is jigsaw cooperative study model and teams games tournament and as the bond variable is student\u27s study achievement. The population in the research are all of grade IV students of MBS Elementary School of Bantul Regency Year of Study 2010/2011, sample that used are grade IV students of Kembang Putihan Elementary School, Guwosari Elementary School and Sungapan Elementary School. In the research, there is 2 experiment class namely Jigsaw class which is treated with cooperative study of jigsaw and team games tournament (TGT) class which is treated with cooperative study of team games tournament (TGT). Method that used in the data obtaining are documentation, test, and observation, whereas data analysis uses t-test. The result of the research shows that cooperative jigsaw study model is more effective compared with the cooperative team games tournament (TGT) study model. It is shown with calculated t as much as 2,196 larger than t-table = 1,99 for a = 5%, it means there is study achievement\u27s differences between cooperative jigsaw study model with cooperative team games tournament (TGT) study at grade IV students of year of study 2010/2011. in the other side, based on the study achievement score of the students, it is shown that cooperative jigsaw study model have ability to give better student\u27s study achievement score with average score 80,82 higher than the USAge of cooperative team games tournament (TGT) study model that is 75,0

    The Inquiry of Indegenous Culture Sebagai Model Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Pendidikan Kebudayaan Daerah Untuk Meningkatkan Kreatifitas Mahasiswa

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    Nquiry model provides the opportunity for students to learn to develop their intellectualpotential in the fabric of the activities that he composed himself to find something.Students are encouraged to act actively seek answers to the problems it faces and drawtheir own conclusions through a process of critical scientific thinking, logical, and systematic.Students may not remain and be passive, receiving and memorizing lessonsgiven by the professor. The purpose of this study is students can explore the local cultureor indigenous wisdom-based inquiry learning culture through the Regional CulturalEducation courses to be included in the syllabus and lesson plans for each subject toelementary schools. Syllabus and lesson plans based on the indigenous culture is expectedto foster respect and appreciate the diversity of Indonesian culture. The methodused in this research is the development of research that approached by Research andDevelopment which refers to Thiaragajan (1994) with 4D models that define, design,develop and disseminate. The data required in this research is quantitative data andqualitative data. Acquisition of data using tests, observations, questionnaires. The instrumentsused are: (1) observation sheet subject of Pendidikan Kebudayaan Daerahfeasibility study using a model-based inquiry indigenous culture; (2) the observationsheet lecturer in organizing learning ability; (3 pieces of student activity observation;(4) The student questionnaire responses (5) the results of student competence. Analysisof the data in this study is a descriptive qualitative. These results are an average increaseof 76.54 kratifitas consisting of students above average creativity of students inanswering questions at 75.02 and accuracy measures inquiry learning at 76.17. 76.54Value proves that the research is successful because of the success criteria of this studywas 75. Based on these results it can be concluded that the Inquiry of indegenous Culturecan be used as learning models Regional Cultural Education Courses to enhancethe creativity of students. Sustainability of the student competency is learner-SD has thecharacter to Indonesia\u27s strong and cultured. Besides, it is also expected of students asprospective teachers to defend the Indonesian culture of the process of acculturationand globalization thus lowering the culture to learners after becoming a teacher someday

    Pemanfaatan Nira Batang, Bagas, Dan Biji Sorgum Manis Sebagai Bahan Baku Bioetanol

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    The study was conducted at ICERI (Indonesian Cereals Research Institute), at the Laboratory of Chemical Engineering, Paulus Christen University (UKIP), and at Laboratory of Bioprocess, Department of Chemical Engeneering, Polytechnic Ujung Pandang, from March to November 2010. The aim of this study was to determine the potential ethanol production derived from juice, bagasse (sellulose), and sorghum grain (starch). Eleven sweet sorghum genotypes were tested, local varieties Selayar Hitam, Sorgum Hitam, and variety Numbu were used as checks. The results showed that yield of stem biomass, high brix sugar content, high yield of bagasse, high grain yield, and high content of glucose derived from grain were characters that could be used as criteria for selection of sorghum genotypes producing high ethanol per unit area. These characters were correlated with the ethanol production per unit area. Genotypes 1521A, 15011A, and Watar Hammu Putih were prospective sweet sorghum for the ethanol production. These genotypes were supported by high yield of stem biomass per unit area, high brix sugar content, and high grain yield than check varieties, except for Watar Hammu Putih. Although all of the three raw materials had the potential use for bioethanol production, stem juice and bagasse were more suitable to be used than the grain, since it would not compete with the use of grain for food


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    Perkembangan industri periklanan lokal di kota Solo mendorong tingginya persaingan antar biro iklan lokal, terlebih untuk menarik dan mempertahankan kesetiaan pelanggan agar terus menggunakan jasa yang mereka tawarkan. Sebagai biro iklan lokal yang telah lama berdiri di kota Solo, Rp.7,- COMMUNICATIONS memberikan jasa full service dan juga mengusung konsep komunikasi pemasaran yang terintegrasi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan promosi pelanggan. Dan untuk dapat terus bersaing dengan biro iklan lain, Rp.7,- COMMUNICATIONS melakukan berbagai bentuk kegiatan komunikasi pemasaran dengan memanfaatkan berbagai media. Tujuan diadakannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan komunikasi pemasaran yang digunakan oleh Rp.7,- COMMUNICATIONS sebagai biro iklan lokal di kota Solo dalam menjaga kesetiaan pelanggan. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif, dan data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui metode wawancara, studi dokumen dan data kepustakaan. Teknik penarikan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode purposive sampling, dimana peneliti menentukan 6 orang yang menjadi narasumber. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis data interaktif (interactive model of analysis) dan jenis validitas data menggunakan teknik triangulasi data. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa komunikasi pemasaran yang dilakukan oleh Rp. 7,- COMMUNICATION sebagai biro iklan lokal di kota Solo dalam menjaga kesetiaan pelanggan meliputi periklanan, promosi penjualan, hubungan masyarakat dan publisitas, pemasaran langsung, pemasaran interaktif, pemasaran melalui komunikasi dari mulut-kemulut, dan penjualan personal. Dan diantara kegiatan tersebut promosi penjualan, pemasaran langsung, dan penjualan personal terbukti lebih disukai pelanggan dan menguntungkan perusahaan karena terjalinnya kedekatan secara personal antara Rp. 7,- COMMUNICATIONS. Rp. 7,- COMMUNICATIONS menggunakan beberapa strategi untuk menjaga kesetiaan pelanggan agar terus menggunakan jasa yang ditawarkan oleh perusahaan dengan cara meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan melalui distribusi informasi secara personal, memberikan special treatment, melakukan manajemen pelayanan jasa dan manajemen complaint. Dalam penelitian ini Rp.7,- COMMUNICATIONS lebih mengutamakan interaksi secara personal dalam kegiatan komunikasi pemasaran yang dilakukannya untuk menjaga kesetiaan pelanggan. Kata kunci : Komunikasi pemasaran, biro iklan lokal, kesetiaan pelanggan

    Penampilan Fenotipik Dan Stabilitas Sorgum Manis Untuk Bahan Baku Bioetanol

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the phenotypic performance of promising lines sweet stalk sorghum to produce high yield of ethanol different agroecological zones. Eleven genotipes and three check varieties of sweet sorghum were tested in eight different locations in four provinces in Indonesia, namely Sidrap and Bulukumba (South Sulawesi), Polman and Majene (West Sulawesi), Telaga and Biyonga (Gorontalo), and Kendalpayak and Tajiran (East Java) from July until December 2009. The combined analysis of variance showed that the effect of genotypes, locations, interaction of genotipes and locations, were significant for all traits. Based on the phenotypic performance five genotipes with high yield of ethanol were identified. Yield ethanol was high up to 4536 l/ha much higher than those of three check varities. Genotypes Watar Hammu Putih, 4-183A, 15011A, 15011B, and 15021A yielded ethanol from the fermentation process amounted to 6616 l, 4999 l, 5927 l, 5732 l, and 6653 l/ha. The high were ethanol production from each genotype was supported by characters that were relatively different, but the most dominant was the weight of biomass stem per ha, with the coefficient of correlation of 0.92. Stability analysis identified four characters, namely brix sugar content, production of ethanol per hectare, weight of stem biomass, and grain yield per ha. The five promising genotipes with high ethanol yields, were adaptive to spesific loacations. Genotypes 5-193C had wide range of adaptation across the 8 locations, but ethanol production was lower than that check cultivar. Genotype with the highest grain yield was 1090A

    Meningkatkan Keterampilan Sosial Anak Usia Dini melalui Media Boneka Jari

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi dengan rendahnya kemampuan anak dalam bersosialisasi, melakukan interaksi serta berkerjasama dengan teman-temannya. Hal ini disebabkan kerena kemampuan guru dalam mengemas pembelajaran masih belum optimal, dan kurang dalam memberikan rangsangan dan stimulus kepada anak untuk melakukan kegiatan sosial dengan teman- temannya. Penggunaaan media boneka jari merupakan salah satu media yang dapat meningkatkan perkembangan sosial dan memungkinkan anak untuk lebih banyak berinteraksi, bekeija sama, saling membantu dan lebih efektif dalam melakukan interaksi sesuai dengan daya imajinasi anak. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu (1) untuk mengetahui proses pembelajaran keterampilan sosial anak usia dini melalui media boneka jari di kelompok A (2) untuk mengetahui hasil peningkatan keterampilan sosial anak usia dini melalui media boneka jari di kelompok A. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas model Elliot dengan tiga siklus dan masing-masing siklus terdiri dari tiga tindakan dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa penilaian proses, observasi, wawancara, catatan lapangan, dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh diketahui dalam indikator 1 siklus I dengan persentase 7.58%, siklus II dengan persentase 33.33% dan siklus III meningkat dengan persentase 63.64%. Selanjutnya pada indikator 2 siklus I dengan persentase 4.54%, siklus II dengan persentase 36.36%, siklus III dengan persentase 65.15%. Selanjutnya pada indikator 3 pada siklus I dengan persentase 0,00%, siklus II dengan persentase 27.27%, dan pada siklus III meningkat dengan persentase 66.67%. Adapun saran yang peneliti ajukan untuk penelitian selanjutnya adalah mengangkat permasalahan yang terjadi dengan menggunakan metode, strategi, dan media yang berbeda sehingga dapat memberikan masukan dan temuan yang baru

    Fetal axillary lymphangioma

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    Lymphangioma is a rare congenital malformation of the lymphatic system that occur in 1 per 6000 live births. The most common site of lymphangioma is the neck (also named cystic hygroma), accounting for 75% of the cases, and it is strongly related to aneuploidies. Axillary location is very rare and appears not to be associated with chromosomal abnormalities. Tumor growth, fetal anemia secondary to intralesional bleeding, hydrops fetalis and shoulder dystocia are possible obstetric complications of this condition. The prognosis is generally good in the absence of abnormal karyotype, fetal hydrops or extension of the lymphangioma to adjacent tissues. Surgical excision or sclerotherapy are the main treatment choices. The authors present a case of a right fetal axillary lymphangioma and review the literature
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