591 research outputs found

    Corrections to the apparent value of the cosmological constant due to local inhomogeneities

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    Supernovae observations strongly support the presence of a cosmological constant, but its value, which we will call apparent, is normally determined assuming that the Universe can be accurately described by a homogeneous model. Even in the presence of a cosmological constant we cannot exclude nevertheless the presence of a small local inhomogeneity which could affect the apparent value of the cosmological constant. Neglecting the presence of the inhomogeneity can in fact introduce a systematic misinterpretation of cosmological data, leading to the distinction between an apparent and true value of the cosmological constant. We establish the theoretical framework to calculate the corrections to the apparent value of the cosmological constant by modeling the local inhomogeneity with a ΛLTB\Lambda LTB solution. Our assumption to be at the center of a spherically symmetric inhomogeneous matter distribution correspond to effectively calculate the monopole contribution of the large scale inhomogeneities surrounding us, which we expect to be the dominant one, because of other observations supporting a high level of isotropy of the Universe around us. By performing a local Taylor expansion we analyze the number of independent degrees of freedom which determine the local shape of the inhomogeneity, and consider the issue of central smoothness, showing how the same correction can correspond to different inhomogeneity profiles. Contrary to previous attempts to fit data using large void models our approach is quite general. The correction to the apparent value of the cosmological constant is in fact present for local inhomogeneities of any size, and should always be taken appropriately into account both theoretically and observationally.Comment: 16 pages,new sections added analyzing central smoothness and accuracy of the Taylor expansion approach, Accepted for publication by JCAP. An essay based on this paper received honorable mention in the 2011 Essay Context of the Gravity Research Foundatio

    Can the cosmological constant be mimicked by smooth large-scale inhomogeneities for more than one observable?

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    As an alternative to dark energy it has been suggested that we may be at the center of an inhomogeneous isotropic universe described by a Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi (LTB) solution of Einstein's field equations. In order to test such an hypothesis we calculate the low redshift expansion of the luminosity distance DL(z)D_L(z) and the redshift spherical shell mass density mn(z)mn(z) for a central observer in a LTB space without cosmological constant and show how they cannot fit the observations implied by a ΛCDM\Lambda CDM model if the conditions to avoid a weak central singularity are imposed, i.e. if the matter distribution is smooth everywhere. Our conclusions are valid for any value of the cosmological constant, not only for ΩΛ>1/3\Omega_{\Lambda}>1/3 as implied by previous proofs that q0appq^{app}_0 has to be positive in a smooth LTB space, based on considering only the luminosity distance. The observational signatures of smooth LTB matter dominated models are fundamentally different from the ones of ΛCDM\Lambda CDM models not only because it is not possible to reproduce a negative apparent central deceleration q0appq^{app}_0, but because of deeper differences in their space-time geometry which make impossible the inversion problem when more than one observable is considered, and emerge at any redshift, not only for z=0z=0.Comment: 18 pages, corrected a typo in the definition of the energy density which doesn't change the conclusion, references adde

    Spatial averaging and apparent acceleration in inhomogeneous spaces

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    As an alternative to dark energy that explains the observed acceleration of the universe, it has been suggested that we may be at the center of an inhomogeneous isotropic universe described by a Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi (LTB) solution of Einstein's field equations. To test this possibility, it is necessary to solve the null geodesics. In this paper we first give a detailed derivation of a fully analytical set of differential equations for the radial null geodesics as functions of the redshift in LTB models. As an application we use these equaions to show that a positive averaged acceleration aDa_D obtained in LTB models through spatial averaging can be incompatible with cosmological observations. We provide examples of LTB models with positive aDa_D which fail to reproduce the observed luminosity distance DL(z)D_L(z). Since the apparent cosmic acceleration aFLRWa^{FLRW} is obtained from fitting the observed luminosity distance to a FLRW model we conclude that in general a positive aDa_D in LTB models does not imply a positive aFLRWa^{FLRW}.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures. Explicit derivation of the fully analytical null geodesic equations has been added. Published in GR

    Effects of inhomogeneities on apparent cosmological observables: "fake" evolving dark energy

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    Using the exact Lemaitre-Bondi-Tolman solution with a non-vanishing cosmological constant Λ\Lambda, we investigate how the presence of a local spherically-symmetric inhomogeneity can affect apparent cosmological observables, such as the deceleration parameter or the effective equation of state of dark energy (DE), derived from the luminosity distance under the assumption that the real space-time is exactly homogeneous and isotropic. The presence of a local underdensity is found to produce apparent phantom behavior of DE, while a locally overdense region leads to apparent quintessence behavior. We consider relatively small large scale inhomogeneities which today are not linear and could be seeded by primordial curvature perturbations compatible with CMB bounds. Our study shows how observations in an inhomogeneous Λ\LambdaCDM universe with initial conditions compatible with the inflationary beginning, if interpreted under the wrong assumption of homogeneity, can lead to the wrong conclusion about the presence of "fake" evolving dark energy instead of Λ\Lambda.Comment: 22 pages, 19 figures,Final version to appear in European Physical Journal

    Testing homogeneity with galaxy number counts : light-cone metric and general low-redshift expansion for a central observer in a matter dominated isotropic universe without cosmological constant

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    As an alternative to dark energy it has been suggested that we may be at the center of an inhomogeneous isotropic universe described by a Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi (LTB) solution of Einstein's field equations. In order to test this hypothesis we calculate the general analytical formula to fifth order for the redshift spherical shell mass. Using the same analytical method we write the metric in the light-cone by introducing a gauge invariant quantity G(z)G(z) which together with the luminosity distance DL(z)D_L(z) completely determine the light-cone geometry of a LTB model.Comment: 13 page

    CMB observations in LTB universes: Part I: Matching peak positions in the CMB spectrum

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    Acoustic peaks in the spectrum of the cosmic microwave background in spherically symmetric inhomogeneous cosmological models are studied. At the photon-baryon decoupling epoch, the universe may be assumed to be dominated by non-relativistic matter, and thus we may treat radiation as a test field in the universe filled with dust which is described by the Lema\^itre-Tolman-Bondi (LTB) solution. First, we give an LTB model whose distance-redshift relation agrees with that of the concordance Λ\LambdaCDM model in the whole redshift domain and which is well approximated by the Einstein-de Sitter universe at and before decoupling. We determine the decoupling epoch in this LTB universe by Gamow's criterion and then calculate the positions of acoustic peaks. Thus obtained results are not consistent with the WMAP data. However, we find that one can fit the peak positions by appropriately modifying the LTB model, namely, by allowing the deviation of the distance-redshift relation from that of the concordance Λ\LambdaCDM model at z>2z>2 where no observational data are available at present. Thus there is still a possibility of explaining the apparent accelerated expansion of the universe by inhomogeneity without resorting to dark energy if we abandon the Copernican principle. Even if we do not take this extreme attitude, it also suggests that local, isotropic inhomogeneities around us may seriously affect the determination of the density contents of the universe unless the possible existence of such inhomogeneities is properly taken into account.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    PAMELA, DAMA, INTEGRAL and Signatures of Metastable Excited WIMPs

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    Models of dark matter with ~ GeV scale force mediators provide attractive explanations of many high energy anomalies, including PAMELA, ATIC, and the WMAP haze. At the same time, by exploiting the ~ MeV scale excited states that are automatically present in such theories, these models naturally explain the DAMA/LIBRA and INTEGRAL signals through the inelastic dark matter (iDM) and exciting dark matter (XDM) scenarios, respectively. Interestingly, with only weak kinetic mixing to hypercharge to mediate decays, the lifetime of excited states with delta < 2 m_e is longer than the age of the universe. The fractional relic abundance of these excited states depends on the temperature of kinetic decoupling, but can be appreciable. There could easily be other mechanisms for rapid decay, but the consequences of such long-lived states are intriguing. We find that CDMS constrains the fractional relic population of ~100 keV states to be <~ 10^-2, for a 1 TeV WIMP with sigma_n = 10^-40 cm^2. Upcoming searches at CDMS, as well as xenon, silicon, and argon targets, can push this limit significantly lower. We also consider the possibility that the DAMA excitation occurs from a metastable state into the XDM state, which decays via e+e- emission, which allows lighter states to explain the INTEGRAL signal due to the small kinetic energies required. Such models yield dramatic signals from down-scattering, with spectra peaking at high energies, sometimes as high as ~1 MeV, well outside the usual search windows. Such signals would be visible at future Ar and Si experiments, and may be visible at Ge and Xe experiments. We also consider other XDM models involving ~ 500 keV metastable states, and find they can allow lighter WIMPs to explain INTEGRAL as well.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure

    Testing the Void against Cosmological data: fitting CMB, BAO, SN and H0

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    In this paper, instead of invoking Dark Energy, we try and fit various cosmological observations with a large Gpc scale under-dense region (Void) which is modeled by a Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi metric that at large distances becomes a homogeneous FLRW metric. We improve on previous analyses by allowing for nonzero overall curvature, accurately computing the distance to the last-scattering surface and the observed scale of the Baryon Acoustic peaks, and investigating important effects that could arise from having nontrivial Void density profiles. We mainly focus on the WMAP 7-yr data (TT and TE), Supernova data (SDSS SN), Hubble constant measurements (HST) and Baryon Acoustic Oscillation data (SDSS and LRG). We find that the inclusion of a nonzero overall curvature drastically improves the goodness of fit of the Void model, bringing it very close to that of a homogeneous universe containing Dark Energy, while by varying the profile one can increase the value of the local Hubble parameter which has been a challenge for these models. We also try to gauge how well our model can fit the large-scale-structure data, but a comprehensive analysis will require the knowledge of perturbations on LTB metrics. The model is consistent with the CMB dipole if the observer is about 15 Mpc off the centre of the Void. Remarkably, such an off-center position may be able to account for the recent anomalous measurements of a large bulk flow from kSZ data. Finally we provide several analytical approximations in different regimes for the LTB metric, and a numerical module for CosmoMC, thus allowing for a MCMC exploration of the full parameter space.Comment: 70 pages, 12 figures, matches version accepted for publication in JCAP. References added, numerical values in tables changed due to minor bug, conclusions unaltered. Numerical module available at http://web.physik.rwth-aachen.de/download/valkenburg

    The Cosmic Microwave Background in an Inhomogeneous Universe - why void models of dark energy are only weakly constrained by the CMB

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    The dimming of Type Ia supernovae could be the result of Hubble-scale inhomogeneity in the matter and spatial curvature, rather than signaling the presence of a dark energy component. A key challenge for such models is to fit the detailed spectrum of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). We present a detailed discussion of the small-scale CMB in an inhomogeneous universe, focusing on spherically symmetric `void' models. We allow for the dynamical effects of radiation while analyzing the problem, in contrast to other work which inadvertently fine tunes its spatial profile. This is a surprisingly important effect and we reach substantially different conclusions. Models which are open at CMB distances fit the CMB power spectrum without fine tuning; these models also fit the supernovae and local Hubble rate data which favours a high expansion rate. Asymptotically flat models may fit the CMB, but require some extra assumptions. We argue that a full treatment of the radiation in these models is necessary if we are to understand the correct constraints from the CMB, as well as other observations which rely on it, such as spectral distortions of the black body spectrum, the kinematic Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect or the Baryon Acoustic Oscillations.Comment: 23 pages with 14 figures. v2 has considerably extended discussion and analysis, but the basic results are unchanged. v3 is the final versio

    Accelerating Universe from an Evolving Lambda in Higher Dimension

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    We find exact solutions in five dimensional inhomogeneous matter dominated model with a varying cosmological constant. Adjusting arbitrary constants of integration one can also achieve acceleration in our model. Aside from an initial singularity our spacetime is regular everywhere including the centre of the inhomogeneous distribution. We also study the analogous homogeneous universe in (4+d) dimensions. Here an initially decelerating model is found to give late acceleration in conformity with the current observational demands. We also find that both anisotropy and number of dimensions have a role to play in determining the time of flip, in fact the flip is delayed in multidimensional models. Some astrophysical parameters like the age, luminosity distance etc are also calculated and the influence of extra dimensions is briefly discussed. Interestingly our model yields a larger age of the universe compared to many other quintessential models.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure
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