93 research outputs found

    Speed and Atmosphere Influences on Nanotribological Properties of NbSe2

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    Nanotribological properties of NbSe2 are studied using an atomic friction force microscope. The friction force is measured as a function of normal load and scan speeds ranging from 10 nm s−1 to 40 ÎŒm s−1 under two atmospheres (air and argon). At low speed, no effect of atmosphere is noticed and a linear relationship between the friction and normal forces is observed leading to a friction coefficient close to 0.02 for both atmospheres. At high speed, the tip/surface contact obeys the JKR theory and the tribological properties are atmosphere dependent: the shear stress measured in air environment is three times lower than the one measured under argon atmosphere. A special attention is paid to interpret these results through numerical data obtained from a simple athermal model based on Tomlinson approach

    Friction properties of fluorinated carbons

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    In boundary lubrication regime, friction reduction and antiwear processes are associated to the presence of additives in the lubricating oils or greases. These processes are due to the formation of protective tribofilms resulting from chemical reactions between the additives and the sliding surfaces, in the physico-chemical conditions of the sliding contact. Conventional antiwear additives mainly consist of transition metal organo phosphate or thiophosphates which present a remarkable efficiency in the case of contacts between ferrous alloys. In the case of non reacting surfaces, these additives become inactive. Recently developped lubrication strategies consist in the use of dispersion in oils of nano additives able to build the protective tribofilm in the sliding contact without reaction with the surfaces. Carbon fluorinated phases, due to their lamellar structure and their high chemical stability even at relatively high temperature (400°C) represent interesting candidates as lubricant nano-additives subjected to present friction reduction, anti wear and anti corrosion actions. This work presents the tribologic behaviour of some carbon fluorinated derivatives such as graphite fluorides, fluorinated carbon nanofibers, fluorinated carbon nanodiscs and fluorinated carbon blacks. The influence, on the tribologic performances, of the structure of the initial carbon phases, of the fluorination rate (0<F/C<1) and the structure of the fluorinated compounds is discussed

    Consensus guidelines for the detection of immunogenic cell death

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    none82siApoptotic cells have long been considered as intrinsically tolerogenic or unable to elicit immune responses specific for dead cell-associated antigens. However, multiple stimuli can trigger a functionally peculiar type of apoptotic demise that does not go unnoticed by the adaptive arm of the immune system, which we named "immunogenic cell death" (ICD). ICD is preceded or accompanied by the emission of a series of immunostimulatory damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) in a precise spatiotemporal configuration. Several anticancer agents that have been successfully employed in the clinic for decades, including various chemotherapeutics and radiotherapy, can elicit ICD. Moreover, defects in the components that underlie the capacity of the immune system to perceive cell death as immunogenic negatively influence disease outcome among cancer patients treated with ICD inducers. Thus, ICD has profound clinical and therapeutic implications. Unfortunately, the gold-standard approach to detect ICD relies on vaccination experiments involving immunocompetent murine models and syngeneic cancer cells, an approach that is incompatible with large screening campaigns. Here, we outline strategies conceived to detect surrogate markers of ICD in vitro and to screen large chemical libraries for putative ICD inducers, based on a high-content, high-throughput platform that we recently developed. Such a platform allows for the detection of multiple DAMPs, like cell surface-exposed calreticulin, extracellular ATP and high mobility group box 1 (HMGB1), and/or the processes that underlie their emission, such as endoplasmic reticulum stress, autophagy and necrotic plasma membrane permeabilization. We surmise that this technology will facilitate the development of next-generation anticancer regimens, which kill malignant cells and simultaneously convert them into a cancer-specific therapeutic vaccine.Kepp, Oliver; Senovilla, Laura; Vitale, Ilio; Vacchelli, Erika; Adjemian, Sandy; Agostinis, Patrizia; Apetoh, Lionel; Aranda, Fernando; Barnaba, Vincenzo; Bloy, Norma; Bracci, Laura; Breckpot, Karine; Brough, David; BuquĂ©, Aitziber; Castro, Maria G; Cirone, Mara; Colombo, Maria I; Cremer, Isabelle; Demaria, Sandra; Dini, Luciana; Eliopoulos, Aristides G; Faggioni, Alberto; Formenti, Silvia C; FučíkovĂĄ, Jitka; Gabriele, Lucia; Gaipl, Udo S; Galon, JĂ©rĂŽme; Garg, Abhishek; Ghiringhelli, François; Giese, Nathalia A; Guo, Zong Sheng; Hemminki, Akseli; Herrmann, Martin; Hodge, James W; Holdenrieder, Stefan; Honeychurch, Jamie; Hu, Hong-Min; Huang, Xing; Illidge, Tim M; Kono, Koji; Korbelik, Mladen; Krysko, Dmitri V; Loi, Sherene; Lowenstein, Pedro R; Lugli, Enrico; Ma, Yuting; Madeo, Frank; Manfredi, Angelo A; Martins, Isabelle; Mavilio, Domenico; Menger, Laurie; Merendino, NicolĂČ; Michaud, Michael; Mignot, Gregoire; Mossman, Karen L; Multhoff, Gabriele; Oehler, Rudolf; Palombo, Fabio; Panaretakis, Theocharis; Pol, Jonathan; Proietti, Enrico; Ricci, Jean-Ehrland; Riganti, Chiara; Rovere-Querini, Patrizia; Rubartelli, Anna; Sistigu, Antonella; Smyth, Mark J; Sonnemann, Juergen; Spisek, Radek; Stagg, John; Sukkurwala, Abdul Qader; Tartour, Eric; Thorburn, Andrew; Thorne, Stephen H; Vandenabeele, Peter; Velotti, Francesca; Workenhe, Samuel T; Yang, Haining; Zong, Wei-Xing; Zitvogel, Laurence; Kroemer, Guido; Galluzzi, LorenzoKepp, Oliver; Senovilla, Laura; Vitale, Ilio; Vacchelli, Erika; Adjemian, Sandy; Agostinis, Patrizia; Apetoh, Lionel; Aranda, Fernando; Barnaba, Vincenzo; Bloy, Norma; Bracci, Laura; Breckpot, Karine; Brough, David; BuquĂ©, Aitziber; Castro, Maria G; Cirone, Mara; Colombo, Maria I; Cremer, Isabelle; Demaria, Sandra; Dini, Luciana; Eliopoulos, Aristides G; Faggioni, Alberto; Formenti, Silvia C; FučíkovĂĄ, Jitka; Gabriele, Lucia; Gaipl, Udo S; Galon, JĂ©rĂŽme; Garg, Abhishek; Ghiringhelli, François; Giese, Nathalia A; Guo, Zong Sheng; Hemminki, Akseli; Herrmann, Martin; Hodge, James W; Holdenrieder, Stefan; Honeychurch, Jamie; Hu, Hong Min; Huang, Xing; Illidge, Tim M; Kono, Koji; Korbelik, Mladen; Krysko, Dmitri V; Loi, Sherene; Lowenstein, Pedro R; Lugli, Enrico; Ma, Yuting; Madeo, Frank; Manfredi, Angelo A; Martins, Isabelle; Mavilio, Domenico; Menger, Laurie; Merendino, NicolĂČ; Michaud, Michael; Mignot, Gregoire; Mossman, Karen L; Multhoff, Gabriele; Oehler, Rudolf; Palombo, Fabio; Panaretakis, Theocharis; Pol, Jonathan; Proietti, Enrico; Ricci, Jean Ehrland; Riganti, Chiara; Rovere Querini, Patrizia; Rubartelli, Anna; Sistigu, Antonella; Smyth, Mark J; Sonnemann, Juergen; Spisek, Radek; Stagg, John; Sukkurwala, Abdul Qader; Tartour, Eric; Thorburn, Andrew; Thorne, Stephen H; Vandenabeele, Peter; Velotti, Francesca; Workenhe, Samuel T; Yang, Haining; Zong, Wei Xing; Zitvogel, Laurence; Kroemer, Guido; Galluzzi, Lorenz

    Determination of the mechanical properties of red blood cells in sickle cell disease by means of AFM technique

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    International audienceSickle cell disease (SCD) is the most frequent genetic disease in the West Indies and in France. This disorder is caused by polymerization of the abnormal hemoglobin S which results from the substitution of an acid glutamic by a valine at codon 6 of the beta globin chain. Polymerization of deoxygenated hemoglobin S induces formation of long stiff rod-like fibers which force the red blood cells to take over a wide variety of irregular shape. SCD patients exhibit life-threatening complications such as chronic anemia and vaso-occlusion events due to the loss of red blood cell (RBC) deformability and increase of RBC adherence to endothelial cells [1]. In this study, the mechanical properties of the red blood cells are investigated by atomic force microscopy. For this purpose, the cells are immobilized on glass lamella coated with poly-l-lisine in order to increase RBC adherence. All the experiments are performed in presence of phosphate buffered saline (PBS). Red blood cells were imaged with silicon nitride probe with nominal spring constant of 0.06 N/m whereas the mechanical measurements were performed with silicon tips colloidal particle with nominal spring constant of 0.035 N/m. More than 150 mechanical tests have been performed on each sample in order to have reliable statistical data. All force/deformation curves were analyzed with PUNIAS (Protein Unfolding and Nano-Indentation Analysis Software), a custom-built semi-automatic processing and analysis software. To calculate the young modulus, we used Sneddon’s modification of the Hertz model for the elastic indentation of a flat and soft sample by a stiff sphere [2]. Four different groups of patient were analyzed, AA, AS, SS and SS with hydroxyurea treatment. The results show that the SS red blood cells are stiffer than AA cells, whereas we do not observed any difference between AS and SS cells. We also observed a decrease of the young modulus for the patients treated with hydroxyurea.REFERENCES[1] Microelasticity of red blood cells in sickle cell disease, J. L. Maciaszek, B. Andemariam, and G Lykotrafitis, J. Strain Anal. Eng. Des. 46(5), 368–379 (2011)[2] Elasticity measurement of living cells with an atomic force microscope: data acquisition and processing, Carl P. and Schillers H., Pflugers Arch - Eur J Physiol, 457:551–559 (2008

    Multi Scale Aging Study of Copolymer PP/PE Matrix in Tropical Environment

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    Si+ ion beam mixing of tin layers on crystalline silicon

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    Lattice disorder in α-Al2O3 induced by niobium implantation

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