712 research outputs found

    The method of long-life calculation for a friction couple “rotor – hybrid bearing”

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    Reliability of rotating machinery is determined to a considerable degree by the bearing units. For several applications the requirements in rotation speed, bearing load and maximal vibration level are so extreme that neither rolling-element bearings nor fluid-film bearings could provide necessary performance characteristics during all regimes of operation. Hybrid bearings, which are a combination of rolling-element and fluid-film bearings, can improve performance characteristics and reliability of the rotor-bearing systems. The article presents the approach for to formation of the method of resource calculation for hybrid bearing with speed separation. The results show that the resource of the slide bearing increases significantly when it is used in combination with a rolling-element bearing compared to its single setting

    Predictive analysis of rotor machines fluid-film bearings operability

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    The present paper considers a multi-criteria analysis algorithm of turbo generator fluid-film bearing operability and its connection with rotor machine monitoring system data. It is substantiated that implementation of predictive analysis of load capacity, locus curves and dynamic displacements allows prognosis of useful life of a fluid-film bearings and improvement of reliability of a rotor machine

    The approach to building the algorithm for controlling rotor motion in a hybrid mechatronic bearing

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    The paper describes the approach to building the algorithm for controlling the rotor motion in a hybrid mechatronic bearing. Such bearings include a rolling bearing, a gas foil bearing, an electromagnetic and a piezo actuator. Fuzzy logic techniques are used in the proposed algorithm. Its main aim is to minimize the deviation of the rotor position in the bearing from the equilibrium position. It results in reducing the vibrational activity of the rotor-bearing system and reducing the friction losses

    Imitation model of unbalanced rotor on fluid-film bearings

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    Diagnostics of rotating machines is taking a new step forward with the development of intellectual technologies based on predictive and machine learning tools. Despite having a range of advantages compared to humans in terms of big data processing powers, correlation and various feature extraction possibilities, and swiftness of operation, such systems are limited by measurement system elements in terms of their parameters: sensors and ADCs with their sensitivity properties and accuracy restrictions, microprocessors with limitation of processing powers, etc. Experimental data is used to recreate experimental environment in simulation of induced unbalance. The imitation model is based on rotor dynamics equations of rotor motion, Reynolds equation to estimate reaction forces of a fluid-film bearing and takes into account sensor parameters and position, gear coupling effect and other measurement system elements parameters. The results show that under certain conditions it becomes impossible to successfully track unbalance which in real conditions could lead to malfunction or failure of a rotor machine

    Ecological monitoring of water quality in the Bystraya Sosna River

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    Monitoring studies of the ecological state of small rivers occupy a leading position in the system of environmental protection. This paper provides a detailed analysis of the chemical and microbial indicators of the state of the Bystraya Sosna River in the Lipetsk region of the Russian Federation. The connection of environmental indicators for different seasons of the year is carried out. This made it possible to determine the range of potential hazards for the object under study and to predict the most favorable scenario for the development of this ecosystem

    Statistical analysis of turbo generator sets failure causes

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    Failure diagnostics and general decrease of accident rate at power plants is a major task of energy generation industry, and solution of it provides reliable energy supply country wide and technological progress in mechanical engineering. Along with some other crucial means, the task could be solved by means of teaching the maintenance staff based on accidents that have already occurred. That is no secret that everywhere in the world due to indecision or misinterpretation a huge number of accidents have happened merely because the personnel were not aware of similar cases at other power plants. Nevertheless with the development of computational technologies and mathematical algorithms the role of personnel in some cases has been reduced to observation and action in critical situation, while the rest is performed by machines: various types of diagnostics and prediction of failure systems based on artificial neural networks are widely applied and developed. However, in order to train these systems, it is absolutely required to know the reasons that could lead to and consequences that could follow some deterioration in turbo generator sets performance. The aim of the present paper is to give statistical analysis of turbo generator sets failure reasons based on open source data presented by Russian and foreign researchers and analysts in the field. The statistical data could be used to perform classification and ranking of failure reasons in terms of frequency of occurrence, possibility to identify or detect, etc. and the paper also gives brief listing of possible ways of detection or identification of failure modes and possible consequences for the main units of a turbo generator

    Warehouse logistics information system using RFID tags as an effective way of automating business processes

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    This article presents an information system project based on warehouse logistics using RFID tags. RFID tags are the last word in automating business processes related to the identification of various items. Now this technology is becoming attractive and relevant. The main goals of creating an information system are as follows: reducing the time spent on searching for goods, through the use of modern technology of RFID tags; increase search quality, due to non-contact remote detection and recognition of goods; improving the efficiency of the organization, due to the formation of reporting and statistical information

    Дослідження впливу конструктивно-режимних параметрів на енергоємність плуга ПЛН-3-35

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    Current research addresses improving the effectiveness of the technological process of tilling the soil for agricultural crops. Based on the experimental study into the technological process of plowing, we have determined the efforts that act on the mechanism of a tractor’s attachment and a landside. It was found that universal casings for ploughs enhance plowing effectiveness by improving their stability. It was established that this leads to a decrease in the energy intensity of a plough casing during soil tilling, as well as provides for a uniform wear of the friction surface due to changes of its surface. It was determined that it is necessary to improve the components of tillage machinery in order to prolong the mean time between failures for working bodies and to reduce their traction resistance. It was established that the influence of a transverse pressure force that acts on a plough’s landsides has not been sufficiently studied. Not enough attention has been paid to determining the magnitude of a traction effort for each link in the mechanism of an attachment to a tractor’s assembly. One of the reserves for enhancing technological indicators and reducing energy intensity of a plowing assembly is the structural improvement of a standard plough’s landside. In the course of experimental study, we used a system for measuring the dynamics and energy efficiency of mobile machines, which refers to the tools for technical diagnosing and operational control. The strain gauges were placed on a plough’s landside, at the middle, left, and right links in the mechanism of a tractor’s attachment. It was determined that the mean value for a shear force of pressure acting on a landside installed at the bearer of a first plough’s casing is 1,610–1,668 N. At the bearer of a second casing, it is 1,525–1,630; at the bearer of a third casing, it is 1,848–1,870 N. It has been proposed to use, instead of a standard landside for the mounted ploughshare PLN-3-35, a flat-rounded element in the form of a disk with a hub that has a horizontal axis of rotation. The disk transforms the sliding friction forces into rolling friction forces. The application of disk reduces energy intensity of the plough by 13–15 %. That leads to a decrease in the traction effort of the plough’s casings, improves their stability, and lowers consumption of petrol, oil, and lubricants.Исследование посвящено повышению эффективности технологического процесса вспашки почвы сельскохозяйственных культур. На основании проведенных экспериментальных исследований технологического процесса вспашки определены усилия, действующие на механизм навески трактора и полевую доску. Определено, что универсальные корпуса плугов повышают эффективность вспашки за счет увеличения их устойчивости. Установлено, что это приводит к уменьшению энергоемкости корпуса плуга при возделывании почвы, а также обеспечивается равномерный износ трущейся поверхности за счет изменения их поверхности. Определено, что необходимо проводить совершенствование узлов и деталей почвообрабатывающих машин с целью увеличения сроков наработки на отказ рабочих органов и уменьшения их тягового сопротивления. Установлено, что недостаточно исследовано влияние поперечной силы давления, действующей на полевые доски плуга. Не уделено внимания по определению величины тягового усилия каждой тяги механизма навески тракторного агрегата. Один из резервов повышения технологических показателей и снижения энергоемкости пахотного агрегата – это конструктивное совершенствование стандартной полевой доски плуга. Во время экспериментальных исследований использовано измерительную систему динамики и энергетики мобильных машин, которая относится к техническим средствам диагностирования и эксплуатационного контроля. Тензорезисторы устанавливали на полевую доску плуга, средней, левой и правой тяг механизма навески трактора. Определено, что среднее значение поперечной силы давления, действующей на полевую доску, которая установлена на стойке первого корпуса плуга, составляет 1610–1668 Н. На стойке второго корпуса – 1525–1630 Н; на стойке третьего корпуса – 1848–1870 Н. Предлагается применить вместо стандартной полевой доски навесного лемешного плуга ПЛН-3-35 плоскоокруглый элемент в виде диска со ступицей с горизонтальной осью вращения. Диск превращает силы трения скольжения в силы трения качения. Использование диска приводит к снижению энергоемкости плуга на 13–15 %. Благодаря этому уменьшается тяговое усилие корпусов плуга, повышается их устойчивость, снижается расход горюче-смазочных материаловДослідження присвячено підвищенню ефективності технологічного процесу оранки ґрунту сільськогосподарських культур. На підставі проведених експериментальних досліджень технологічного процесу оранки визначено зусилля, що діють на механізм навіски трактора та польову дошку. Визначено, що універсальні корпуси плугів підвищують ефективність оранки за рахунок збільшення їх стійкості. Встановлено, що це приводить до зменшення енергоємності корпуса плуга при обробітку ґрунту, а також забезпечується рівномірне зношення тертьової поверхні за рахунок зміни їх поверхні. Визначено, що необхідно проводити вдосконалення вузлів і деталей ґрунтообробних машин з метою збільшення термінів напрацювання на відмову робочих органів і зменшення їх тягового опору. Встановлено, що не достатньо досліджено вплив поперечної сили тиску, що діє на польові дошки плуга. Не приділено уваги по визначенню величини тягового зусилля кожної тяги механізму навіски тракторного агрегату. Один із резервів підвищення технологічних показників і зниження енергоємності орного агрегату – це конструктивне вдосконалення стандартної польової дошки плуга. Під час експериментальних досліджень використано вимірювальну систему динаміки та енергетики мобільних машин, що відноситься до технічних засобів діагностування та експлуатаційного контролю. Тензорезистори встановлювали на польову дошку плуга, середньої, лівої та правої тяг механізму навіски трактора. Визначено, що середнє значення поперечної сили тиску, яка діє на польову дошку, що встановлена на стійці першого корпусу плуга, становить 1610–1668 Н. На стійці другого корпусу– 1525–1630 Н; на стійці третього корпусу – 1848–1870 Н. Пропонується застосувати замість стандартної польової дошки начіпного лемішного плуга ПЛН-3-35 плоско-округлий елемент у вигляді диску зі ступицею з горизонтальною віссю обертання. Диск перетворює сили тертя ковзання в сили тертя кочення. Використання диску приводить до зниження енергоємності плуга на 13–15 %. Завдяки цьому зменшується тягове зусилля корпусів плуга, підвищується їх стійкість, знижується витрата паливо-мастильних матеріалі

    Apolipoprotein A-I inhibits the increased activities of chitotriosidase and β-glucosaminidase in the liver of mice with BCG-induced tuberculosis inflammation

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    The aim of the investigation was to study the activity of lysosomal chitinases (chitotriosidase and β-glucosaminidase) in the liver of mice using a model of BCG-induced tuberculous inflammation after intravenous administration of apolipoprotein A-I. Material and methods. The study was carried out on male CBA mice weighing 20–22 g. Disseminated tuberculous inflammation was modeled by a single intraperitoneal injection of 0.5 mg of BCG vaccine. The activity of chitinases was determined using fluorescent substrates 4-methylumbelliferyl β-D-N,N′,N′′-triacetylchitotrioside and 4-methylumbelliferyl N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminide. Results and discussion. BCG-infection of animals after 4 weeks caused a significant increase in the activity of endogenous chitinases in comparison with the control group: chitotriosidase – 3.05 times (p <0.001), β-glucosaminidase – 1.76 times (p <0.01). Intravenous administration of apolipoprotein A-I to animals against the background of BCG infection inhibited the increased enzyme activity, values did not significantly differ from the control values. Conclusions. The results of these studies indicate the ability of apolipoprotein A-I to reduce the increased activity of endogenous lysosomal chitinases in the liver of mice with BCG-induced tuberculous inflammation

    The Casimir energy of skyrmions in the 2+1-dimensional O(3)-model

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    One-loop quantum corrections to the classical vortices in 2+1 dimensional O(3)-models are evaluated. Skyrme and Zeeman potential terms are used to stabilize the size of topological solitons. Contributions from zero modes, bound-states and scattering phase-shifts are calculated for vortices with winding index n=1 and n=2. For both cases the S-matrix shows a pronounced series of resonances for magnon-vortex scattering in analogy to the well-established baryon resonances in hadron physics, while vortices with n>2 are already classically unstable against decay. The quantum corrections destabilize the classically bound n=2 configuration. Approximate independence of the results with respect to changes in the renormalization scale is demonstrated.Comment: 24 pages LaTeX, 14 figure