7 research outputs found

    Metodolog铆a para el c谩lculo de precios de transferencia con margen de utilidad

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    The objective was to define one form of transferred price based in the cost more, but with the characteristic of to utilize one mode that permits to calculate with a mayor exactly the participation in each Enterprises Units for to obtain the finished production with de objective that we can to distribute the total utility, according to the quantity and quality of the ported work for each they. We utilize the criterion of predetermination of the results to measure the contribution in work for the different enterprises units calculated for the cost of transformation required for to obtain the final product. We worked in the methodology of absorption cost for to obtain de sell cost and the gross profit of the enterprises in such form, that permits to simplified the obtainment of the total contribution of each products, to the general benefits that makes the participant enterprises units. There are different forms of transferred prices for the products that send one unit to another in the enterprises. In Cuba we are utilized the method of transferring to complete cost of products and services, what generate dismotivation in the workers of the UEB that give of production. We obtain a worker methodology that permits to consider to each participant Enterprises Units, their contribution to total utility of the enterprise. It is consider that result convenient to utilize the new methodology whit the objective of do more and better.El objetivo del trabajo fue definir una forma de precio de transferencia basada en el "costo m谩s" pero con la caracter铆stica de utilizar un procedimiento que permiti贸 calcular con mayor exactitud la participaci贸n de cada una de las Unidades Empresariales de Bases en la obtenci贸n del producto final, de tal forma que la utilidad total se pueda distribuir proporcionalmente a la cantidad y calidad del trabajo aportado por cada una de ellas. Se utiliz贸 el criterio de predeterminaci贸n de resultados para medir el trabajo aportado por las distintas unidades empresariales de base a partir de los costos de transformaci贸n requeridos para obtener el producto final. Se trabaj贸 la metodolog铆a de costeo de absorci贸n para el c谩lculo de los costos de venta y la utilidad bruta salida empresa, de tal forma que permitiera simplificar la obtenci贸n del aporte total de cada uno de los productos, a los beneficios generales logrados por las unidades empresariales participantes. Como resultado se obtuvo una metodolog铆a de trabajo que permite el reconocimiento a cada Unidad Empresarial participante, del aporte realizado a la utilidad total de la empresa. Resulta conveniente utilizar la metodolog铆a propuesta, ya que estimula a todos a trabajar m谩s y mejor

    Metodolog铆a para el c谩lculo de la influencia econ贸mica individual, de los multiproductos empresariales

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    The objective of that investigation was to obtain a methodology that permit to do quick valuation of the magnitude of the deviations in the economic results if there are changes in volume, costs or price of the obtained multiple production. The utilized investigation methods, was the study of the equilibrium technic and the cost-volume-profit with the purpose of meets different alternatives of utilization of the equation method and the contribution margin for calculation of equilibrium and another relationships with the economy of the enterprise. The results was the definition of one methodology that identify the economic individual influence, positive or negative, of the multiple production that are obtained in the enterprises.El objetivo de la investigaci贸n fue obtener una metodolog铆a de trabajo que permitiera hacer r谩pidas valoraciones de la magnitud de las desviaciones en los resultados econ贸micos empresariales si se producen cambios en vol煤menes, costos o precio de los multiproductos obtenidos. El m茅todo de investigaci贸n utilizado fue el estudio de la t茅cnica de equilibrio y de costo-volumen-utilidad, con el prop贸sito de encontrar alternativas diferentes de utilizaci贸n del m茅todo de la ecuaci贸n y del margen de contribuci贸n para c谩lculos de equilibrio y otros relacionados con la econom铆a de la Unidad Empresarial. El resultado fue la definici贸n de una metodolog铆a de trabajo que identifica la influencia econ贸mica individual, positiva o negativa, de los multiproductos que se obtienen en las empresas, sin la asignaci贸n de los costos fijos comunes

    Metodolog铆a para el c谩lculo de precios de transferencia con margen de utilidad

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    The objective was to define one form of transferred price based in the cost more, but with the characteristic of to utilize one mode that permits to calculate with a mayor exactly the participation in each Enterprises Units for to obtain the finished production with de objective that we can to distribute the total utility, according to the quantity and quality of the ported work for each they. We utilize the criterion of predetermination of the results to measure the contribution in work for the different enterprises units calculated for the cost of transformation required for to obtain the final product. We worked in the methodology of absorption cost for to obtain de sell cost and the gross profit of the enterprises in such form, that permits to simplified the obtainment of the total contribution of each products, to the general benefits that makes the participant enterprises units. There are different forms of transferred prices for the products that send one unit to another in the enterprises. In Cuba we are utilized the method of transferring to complete cost of products and services, what generate dismotivation in the workers of the UEB that give of production. We obtain a worker methodology that permits to consider to each participant Enterprises Units, their contribution to total utility of the enterprise. It is consider that result convenient to utilize the new methodology whit the objective of do more and better.El objetivo del trabajo fue definir una forma de precio de transferencia basada en el "costo m谩s" pero con la caracter铆stica de utilizar un procedimiento que permiti贸 calcular con mayor exactitud la participaci贸n de cada una de las Unidades Empresariales de Bases en la obtenci贸n del producto final, de tal forma que la utilidad total se pueda distribuir proporcionalmente a la cantidad y calidad del trabajo aportado por cada una de ellas. Se utiliz贸 el criterio de predeterminaci贸n de resultados para medir el trabajo aportado por las distintas unidades empresariales de base a partir de los costos de transformaci贸n requeridos para obtener el producto final. Se trabaj贸 la metodolog铆a de costeo de absorci贸n para el c谩lculo de los costos de venta y la utilidad bruta salida empresa, de tal forma que permitiera simplificar la obtenci贸n del aporte total de cada uno de los productos, a los beneficios generales logrados por las unidades empresariales participantes. Como resultado se obtuvo una metodolog铆a de trabajo que permite el reconocimiento a cada Unidad Empresarial participante, del aporte realizado a la utilidad total de la empresa. Resulta conveniente utilizar la metodolog铆a propuesta, ya que estimula a todos a trabajar m谩s y mejor

    Direcci贸n y control de las actividades econ贸micas de las cooperativas agropecuarias

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    This article offers some recommendations to improve the efficiency of the cooperatives pointing out the deficiencies and irregularities in the management and administration as well as in the effective control of the supporting personal to the assigned tasks. It treats about the hidden arty-crafty and tricks which wait for us when we control or do not control, when we delegate or have been delegated, as well as team work. We point out how to analyze the pros and contras of these situations and how to proceed in each case. We also tell, as an effective procedure to improve the efficiency or the cooperatives, the control of the production and the material and human resources, due to the fact that the working climax is in danger in not few organizations. Accountability is one of the most vulnerable branches. In this activity there are inadequate primary data that make possible the manipulation of counts as to hide illegal events. Amen of the money in safe and the goods of value to which sudden archly are not made, these are some of the fissures that incite wrongdoing. To resolve such challenges are some of the premises in the bring up to date of the Cuban Economic Model.Este art铆culo plantea algunas recomendaciones para mejorar la eficiencia de las cooperativas, se帽alando las deficiencias e irregularidades en la direcci贸n y administraci贸n, as铆 como en el control efectivo del personal de apoyo de las tareas. El art铆culo aborda las incongruencias que se esperan cuando se controlan o no se controlan las actividades, cuando se delega o cuando se ha sido delegado, as铆 como la importancia del trabajo en equipos. Se indica c贸mo mirar el pro y el contra de estas situaciones y c贸mo proceder en cada caso. Tambi茅n se se帽ala como procedimiento efectivo para mejorar la eficiencia de las cooperativas el control de la producci贸n y de los recursos materiales y humanos puesto que el clima laboral est谩 en riesgo en no pocas organizaciones. La contabilidad es una de las ramas m谩s vulnerables. En esta actividad hay registros primarios que utilizados de forma inadecuada pudieran permitir la manipulaci贸n de cuentas y a la vez propiciar el encubrimiento de posibles hechos delictivos. Resolver tales desaf铆os se presenta como una premisa en la actualizaci贸n del Modelo Econ贸mico Cubano

    Management and control of the economic activities of the agricultural cooperatives

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    This article offers some recommendations to improve the efficiency of the cooperatives pointing out the deficiencies and irregularities in the management and administration as well as in the effective control of the supporting personal to the assigned tasks. It treats about the hidden arty-crafty and tricks which wait for us when we control or do not control, when we delegate or have been delegated, as well as team work. We point out how to analyze the pros and contras of these situations and how to proceed in each case. We also tell, as an effective procedure to improve the efficiency or the cooperatives, the control of the production and the material and human resources, due to the fact that the working climax is in danger in not few organizations. Accountability is one of the most vulnerable branches. In this activity there are inadequate primary data that make possible the manipulation of counts as to hide illegal events. Amen of the money in safe and the goods of value to which sudden archly are not made, these are some of the fissures that incite wrongdoing. To resolve such challenges are some of the premises in the bring up to date of the Cuban Economic Model