5,204 research outputs found

    Geometric mutual information at classical critical points

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    A practical use of the entanglement entropy in a 1d quantum system is to identify the conformal field theory describing its critical behavior. It is exactly (c/3)ln⁡ℓ(c/3)\ln \ell for an interval of length ℓ\ell in an infinite system, where cc is the central charge of the conformal field theory. Here we define the geometric mutual information, an analogous quantity for classical critical points. We compute this for 2d conformal field theories in an arbitrary geometry, and show in particular that for a rectangle cut into two rectangles, it is proportional to cc. This makes it possible to extract cc in classical simulations, which we demonstrate for the critical Ising and 3-state Potts models.Comment: 5 pages. v3: published versio

    The equilibrium gap method with modeling parameters: identifiability conditions and sensitivity

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    The use of a Nomarski shear-interferometer with a sinusoidal phase modulation and four integrating buckets allows one to obtain the displacement field of the surface of a micro-cantilever observed in reflection microscopy. One can apply an electrostatic loading to this micro-object, which is first represented as an unknown pressure field. When retrieving both the flexural stiffness field and the load field using the equilibrium gap method, one may model the applied loading as a pure pressure field. This paper intends first to assess the effect of a modeling error, and then to test the identifiability conditions if one uses a parameterized description of the loading to fit measured kinematic data. The influence of the measurement noise on the identified parameters is then semi-analytically derived, and the global identification algorithm is applied to experimental data

    Morphology, RNase and transaminase of root protoplasts

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    RNase and transaminase activities were analysed for mechanically and enzymatically prepared protoplasts from Allium Cepa roots. The comparative analyses at three root regions show that the enzymes were less active in the protoplasts than in the cells from which they had been obtained. The enzyme gradients (from apex to base of the root: RNase increase and transaminase decrease) noted previously in the intact roots were found to be similar in the protoplasts, however to a lesser degree. On the other hand, the relative activity of both tested enzymes was lower in the enzymatically prepared protoplasts than in those obtained by the mechanical technique. In connection with their physiological properties, the respective effects of the mode of preparing the protoplasts were discusse

    Une expérience d'encadrement départemental en français

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    Depuis l’automne 2008, le DĂ©partement de français du CĂ©gep AndrĂ©-Laurendeau a mis en place des « mesures d’encadrement et de suivi des Ă©tudiants » qui permettent par diffĂ©rents moyens aux Ă©tudiants inscrits aux trois premiers cours de français de rĂ©ussir ces cours et l’épreuve uniforme de français. Cette entrevue avec un coordonnateur et une enseignante illustre comment ces mesures dĂ©partementales se concrĂ©tisent dans cet Ă©tablissement, notamment par l'ajout d'une heure d'encadrement en français, l'implantation d'un double seuil de rĂ©ussite, le dĂ©placement du cours de mise Ă  niveau (MAN) aprĂšs l'Ă©chec du volet langue d'un cours et l’utlisation de codes de correction communs. Les interviewĂ©s expliquent en quoi consistent ces mesures et mettent l'accent sur la question de l'heure d'encadrement, prĂ©cisant son impact sur les Ă©tudiants. Avec une expĂ©rience de trois ans au cƓur de ce projet de mesures d'encadrement et de suivi des Ă©tudiants, si les personnes rencontrĂ©es Ă©voquent les failles Ă  combler, elles insistent particuliĂšrement sur les consĂ©quences positives que ce projet a apportĂ©es, telles l'amĂ©lioration des Ă©tudiants, l'Ă©volution de leur rapport Ă  la langue et l'atteinte des objectifs des mesures d’encadrement dĂ©partemental

    Interleukin 2 production by peripheral blood lymphocytes in allograft recipients during acute rejection episodes

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    Interleukin 2 production by peripheral blood lymphocytes in allograft recipients during acute rejection episodes. Inthis study we investigate the relationship between the Interleukin 2 (IL-2) yield produced by kidney allograft recipient's peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) under lectin stimulation and the occurrence of acute rejection episodes. PBL were harvested prospectively before grafting, after grafting in steady-state period, and at the onset of acute rejection episodes. In addition, we tested retrospectively the ability of PBL of recipients engrafted for more than 1yr to produce IL-2. IL-2 levels were assessed on the IL-2-dependent CTL-L2 murine cell line. Our data show: 1) before grafting, hemodialysed patients (N = 14) produced normal IL-2 yield compared with healthy donors (N = 21); 2) the IL-2 secretion of PBL ofrecipients with good graft function (N = 18) is decreased markedly during roughly the first 12 months following transplantation (P < 0.01); 3) when acute rejection crisis occurred during this time period (N = 24), a sharp and highly significant increment (P < 0.01) in lectin-induced IL-2 production of recipient's PBL was seen. After 1 yr, the capacity to secrete IL-2 upon lectin stimulation tends to be restored. Finally, our data correlate rejection and high PBL-IL-2 secretion clearly at a time when recipients with well-functioning grafts have markedly impaired IL-2 secretion

    On the Classification of Bulk and Boundary Conformal Field Theories

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    The classification of rational conformal field theories is reconsidered from the standpoint of boundary conditions. Solving Cardy's equation expressing the consistency condition on a cylinder is equivalent to finding integer valued representations of the fusion algebra. A complete solution not only yields the admissible boundary conditions but also gives valuable information on the bulk properties.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX; minor correction
