6 research outputs found

    Alimentaci贸n de Acanthocyclops robustus : un caso de canibalismo

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    Acanthocyclops robustus is a freshwater cyclopoid copepod that posses a complex life cycle and presents large differences between males and females, as well as between different growth stages. It has omnivorous and cannibal food habits, it can feed on many kinds of organisms like microalgae, rotifers, cladocerans, and even their own nauplii. In this study, the selective predation by the adult of this copepod on the two rotifers Keratella cochlearis and Brachionus calyciflorus was studied in the laboratory, using, monoculture or mixed diets, at different prey concentrations. The results show that Brachionus is positively selected by the copepod in mixed diets. Moreover, the cannibalism exerted by the adult copepod female on their own nauplii was analyzed. Two starting hypotheses on the cannibal behaviour of A. robustus were proposed: 1) the longer the time period since egg hatching, the lower the predation rate on the nauplii will be; and 2) the higher the food concentration (Keratella individuals) for the adult copepod in the culture, the lower the predation rates on the nauplii. In the experiments performed using different food concentrations and different exposure time, statistically significant differences were found on the nauplii predation rate due to the time period, but not due to food concentration in the culture. The adult stage of A. robustus has a type II functional response not only in their feeding on rotifers but also in their cannibalism; it predates nauplii even when big and mobile, but it does not select them with respect to the rest of the food present.Acanthocyclops robustus es un cop茅podo ciclopoide de aguas dulces, posee un complejo ciclo de vida y presenta grandes diferencias entre macho y hembra, as铆 como entre los distintos estad铆os de desarrollo. Tiene h谩bitos alimenticios omn铆voros y can铆bales, se puede alimentar de multitud de organismos como microalgas, rot铆feros, clad贸ceros e incluso de sus propios nauplios. En este trabajo, se ha estudiado, en el laboratorio, la depredaci贸n selectiva del adulto de este cop茅podo sobre los dos rot铆feros Keratella cochlearis y Brachionus calyciflorus, utilizando dietas de monocultivo o mixtas, a distintas concentraciones de presa. Los resultados muestran que Brachionus es seleccionado positivamente por el cop茅podo en las dietas mixtas. Adem谩s se ha analizado el canibalismo ejercido por la hembra adulta sobre sus propios nauplios. Se plantearon dos hip贸tesis de partida sobre el comportamiento can铆bal de A. robustus: 1) cuanto mayor sea el tiempo transcurrido desde la eclosi贸n de los huevos, menor ser谩 la tasa de depredaci贸n sobre los nauplios; y 2) cuanto mayor sea la concentraci贸n de alimento (individuos de Keratella) en el medio para el cop茅podo adulto, menor ser谩 la tasa de depredaci贸n sobre los nauplios. En los experimentos realizados utilizando distintas concentraciones de alimento y distinto tiempo de exposici贸n, se encontraron diferencias estad铆sticamente significativas en la tasa de depredaci贸n sobre nauplios debidas al tiempo transcurrido, pero no a la concentraci贸n de alimento en el medio. El estado adulto de A. robustus exhibe una respuesta funcional de tipo II tanto en su alimentaci贸n con rot铆feros como en el canibalismo; depreda a sus nauplios aunque sean grandes y m贸viles pero no los selecciona frente al resto de alimento del medio

    Dataset: Sexual reproductive phenology of three charophyte species from two Mediterranean brackish shallow ponds

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    Esta base de datos contiene dos a帽os de datos sobre la fenolog铆a reproductiva de tres especies de car贸fitos (Chara hispida, Chara aspera y Nitella hyalina) que crecen en distintas condiciones de profundidad y salinidad en dos charcas mediterr谩neas (someras y de agua salobre). La primera hoja de c谩lculo contiene todos los metadatos. De la segunda a la s茅ptima hoja, se muestran los datos en bruto de cada poblaci贸n. De la octava a la decimotercera hoja, se muestran los datos agrupados y transformados de cada poblaci贸n. En la 煤ltima hoja, se muestran las variables ambientales y fenol贸gicas correspondientes a una poblaci贸n. Puede encontrarse m谩s informaci贸n sobre la adquisici贸n, el an谩lisis y la discusi贸n de estos datos en el manuscrito: Calero, S., Morellato, L.P.C. & Rodrigo, M.A. Persistence of submerged macrophytes in a drying world: unravelling the timing and the environmental drivers for the production of drought-resistant propagules. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems.This dataset contains two years of data about the sexual reproductive phenology of three charophyte species (Chara hispida, Chara aspera and Nitella hyalina) growing in different depth and salinity conditions in two Mediterranean brackish shallow ponds. The first sheet contains all metadata. From the second to the seventh sheets, raw data from each population are shown. From the eighth to the thirteenth sheets, grouped and transformed data from each population -ready to perform circular statistics- are shown. In the last sheet, environmental and phenological variables from one population are shown. More information about the acquisition, analyses and discussion of these data is available in the manuscript: Calero, S., Morellato, L.P.C. & Rodrigo, M.A. Persistence of submerged macrophytes in a drying world: unravelling the timing and the environmental drivers for the production of drought-resistant propagules. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems.Este documento se trata de la base de datos (en ingl茅s) utilizada para la elaboraci贸n del manuscrito "Persistence of submerged macrophytes in a drying world: unravelling the timing and the environmental drivers for the production of drought-resistant propagules", elaborado por S. Calero, L.P.C. Morellato y M.A. Rodrigo, y que ser谩 pr贸ximamente publicado en la revista internacional Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems

    Dataset: Sexual reproductive phenology of a submerged macrophyte community and related environmental variables

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    Esta base de datos contiene tres a帽os de datos sobre la fenolog铆a reproductiva de una comunidad de macr贸fitos sumergidos formada por cinco especies (Chara hispida, Chara aspera, Nitella hyalina, Stuckenia pectinata y Utricularia australis) que crece en una charca mediterr谩nea (somera y de agua salobre). La primera hoja de c谩lculo contiene todos los metadatos. La segunda hoja muestra las variables ambientales y fenol贸gicas de la comunidad. Puede encontrarse m谩s informaci贸n sobre la adquisici贸n, el an谩lisis y la discusi贸n de estos datos en el manuscrito: Calero, S. & Rodrigo, M.A. Reproductive phenology of submerged macrophytes: a tracker of year-to-year environmental variations. Journal of Vegetation Science.This dataset contains three years of data about the sexual reproductive phenology of a submerged macrophyte community formed by five species (Chara hispida, Chara aspera, Nitella hyalina, Stuckenia pectinata and Utricularia australis) growing in a Mediterranean brackish shallow pond. The first sheet contains all metadata. The second and last sheet, environmental and phenological variables from the community are shown. More information about the acquisition, analyses and discussion of these data is available in the manuscript: Calero, S., & Rodrigo, M.A. Reproductive phenology of submerged macrophytes: a tracker of year-to-year environmental variations. Journal of Vegetation Science

    Dataset: Growth, morphology and metabolic variables of charophytes (freshwater macroalgae) under different treatments of radiation, temperature and nitrate concentration

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    Esta base de datos contiene resultados de dos experimentos (RADxTEMP y RADxNIT) a escala de microcosmos referentes a variables de crecimiento, morfol贸gicas, metab贸licas y de composici贸n estequiom茅trica de 2 especies de macroalgas de agua dulce, concretamente car贸fitos (Chara hispida y Chara vulgaris) procedentes de dos sistemas (el lago de Somolinos en Guadalajara y el Ullal de Quartons en Castell贸n), por tanto, 4 poblaciones (2 especies x 2 or铆genes). En estos dos experimentos de dise帽o factorial, los individuos de las 4 poblaciones fueron sometidos a dos niveles de radiaci贸n, dos niveles de temperatura (RADxTEMP) y dos niveles de concentraci贸n de nitrato (RADxNIT). En esta matriz de datos, las filas son los individuos (r茅plicas) y las columnas son las diferentes variables medidas. La primera hoja de c谩lculo contiene todos los metadatos. La segunda y tercera hojas contienen los datos en bruto de las variables consideradas en el experimento (RADxTEMP y RADxNIT, respectivamente).This data set contains results of two microcosm-scale experiments (RADxTEMP and RADxNIT) about variables related to growth, morphology, metabolism and stoichiometric composition of two species of freshwater macroalgae, in particular, charophytes (Chara hispida and C. vulgaris) from two systems (Somolinos Lake in Guadalajara and Quartons Spring in Castell贸n), thus, 4 populations (2 species x 2 origins). In these factorial-design experiments, individuals of the 4 populations were submitted to 2 levels of radiation, 2 levels of temperature (in RADxTEMP experiment) and 2 levels of nitrate concentration (in RADxNIT experiment). The first sheet contains all metadata. Second and third sheets contain raw data of the considered variables in the experiment (RADxTEMP and RADxNIT, respectively)

    Database of nodes' topological indices from experimental aquatic communities

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    Esta base de datos contiene los valores de diversos 铆ndices topol贸gicos calculados a partir de los nodos funcionales de las comunidades acu谩ticas pl谩nct贸nicas-bent贸nicas de un experimento a escala de mesocosmos. Mediante un dise帽o experimental que constaba de tres escenarios ambientales con cuatro r茅plicas cada uno (con la temperatura y la radiaci贸n ultravioleta como factores experimentales), se agruparon los organismos presentes en cada r茅plica (mesocosmos) en nodos funcionales. Con estos nodos se construyeron redes ecol贸gicas tr贸ficas (solo considerando relaciones tr贸ficas entre ellos) y redes multi-interacci贸n (considerando relaciones tr贸ficas y no-tr贸ficas). A cada uno de los nodos en cada versi贸n de la red ecol贸gica se le calcularon diversos 铆ndices (topological importance index, toplogical overlap index, closeness centrality y betweenness centrality) que muestran su importancia topol贸gica en la red. Las abreviaciones y explicaciones sobre los escenarios experimentales, las replicas de cada escenario y los detalles sobre los 铆ndices y los nodos de las redes est谩n detallados en la primera hoja de esta base de datos.This database contains the values of several topological indices calculated from the functional nodes of the planktonic-benthic aquatic communities from a mesocosm-scale experiment. Using an experimental design consisting of three environmental scenarios with four replicates each (with temperature and ultraviolet radiation as experimental factors), the organisms present in each replicate (mesocosm) were grouped into functional nodes. With these nodes, ecological trophic networks (only considering trophic relationships between them) and multi-interaction networks (considering trophic and non-trophic relations) were constructed. Different indices (topological importance index, topological overlap index, closeness centrality, and betweenness centrality) were calculated for each of the nodes in each version of the ecological network, showing their topological importance in the network. The abbreviations and explanations about the experimental scenarios, the replicates of each scenario, and the details regarding the indices and the nodes of the networks are detailed in the first sheet of this database