2,265 research outputs found
Tradition and Sustainability in Vernacular Architecture of Southeast Morocco
[EN] This article is presented after ten years of research on the earthen architecture of southeastern Morocco, more specifically that of the natural axis connecting the cities of Midelt and Er-Rachidia, located North and South of the Moroccan northern High Atlas. The typology studied is called ksar (ksour, pl.). Throughout various research projects, we have been able to explore this territory, documenting in field sheets the characteristics of a total of 30 ksour in the Outat valley, 20 in the mountain range and 53 in the Mdagra oasis. The objective of the present work is to analyze, through qualitative and quantitative data, the main characteristics of this vernacular architecture as a perfect example of an environmentally respectful habitat, obtaining concrete data on its traditional character and its sustainability. The methodology followed is based on case studies and, as a result, we have obtained a typological classification of the ksour of this region and their relationship with the territory, as well as the social, functional, defensive, productive, and building characteristics that define them. Knowing and puttin in value this vernacular heritage is the first step towards protecting it and to show our commitment to future generations.This research was funded by the following projects: Arquitectura Habitacional de Tierra en el Alto Atlas Septentrional. Midelt (Marruecos). PAID 06-11; Estudio de la Arquitectura Habitacional de Tierra en el Alto Atlas Septentrional. Midelt (Marruecos). Categorizacion, Sostenibilidad y Puesta en Valor del Patrimonio Arquitectonico para Contribuir a la Descentralizacion y al Desarrollo Sostenible, ADSIDEO-2011; and Arquitectura y Habitat: Investigacion Para la Mejora Global de Espacios Habitacionales en la Region del Tafilalt, AD1409, under the program of Research Projects in Technology for Human of the Center for Development Cooperation of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.Gil Piqueras, T.; Rodríguez Navarro, P. (2021). Tradition and Sustainability in Vernacular Architecture of Southeast Morocco. Sustainability. 13(2):1-18. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13020684S118132Fernandes, J., Peixoto, M., Mateus, R., & Gervásio, H. (2019). Life cycle analysis of environmental impacts of earthen materials in the Portuguese context: Rammed earth and compressed earth blocks. Journal of Cleaner Production, 241, 118286. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.118286Arrigoni, A., Beckett, C., Ciancio, D., & Dotelli, G. (2017). Life cycle analysis of environmental impact vs. durability of stabilised rammed earth. Construction and Building Materials, 142, 128-136. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2017.03.066Peyron, M. (1976). Habitat rural et vie montagnarde dans le Haut Atlas de Midelt (Maroc). Revue de géographie alpine, 64(3), 327-363. doi:10.3406/rga.1976.2051Light Earth Designs: Natural material, natural structure. (2014). Earthen Architecture: Past, Present and Future, 321-326. doi:10.1201/b17392-55Gil-Piqueras, T., & Rodríguez-Navarro, P. (2020). THE <i>KSOUR</i> OF THE MDAGRA OASIS (ER-RACHIDIA, MOROCCO): AN INVENTORY. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLIV-M-1-2020, 961-968. doi:10.5194/isprs-archives-xliv-m-1-2020-961-2020Carta del Patrimonio Vernáculo Construido. Ratificada por la 12 Asamblea General del ICOMOS Celebrada en Mexico del 17 al 24 de Octubre de 1999. Centro de Documentación de la Unescohttps://www.icomos.org/images/DOCUMENTS/Charters/vernacular_sp.pdfInforme de la Comisión Mundial sobre el Medio Ambiente y el Desarrollo. “Nuestro Futuro Común”. Cuadragésimo Segundo Período de Sesiones Terna 83 del Programa Provisionalhttp://www.ecominga.uqam.ca/PDF/BIBLIOGRAPHIE/GUIDE_LECTURE_1/CMMAD-Informe-Comision-Brundtland-sobre-Medio-Ambiente-Desarrollo.pdfComponentes de la Sostenibilidad de la Vivienda Tradicional en la Huasteca Potosina: Hacia una Vivienda Rural Sustentable. Editorial EUMED: Mexico. Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosíhttps://www.academia.edu/37283289/COMPONENTES_DE_SOSTENIBILIDAD_DE_LA_VIVIENDA_TRADICIONAL_EN_EL_%C3%81MBITO_RURAL_DE_LA_REGI%C3%93N_HUASTECA_DE_SAN_LUIS_POTOS%C3%8D_HACIA_UNA_ARQUITECTURA_RURAL_SUSTENTABLERodríguez-Navarro, P., & Gil Piqueras, T. (2018). Preservation Strategies for Southern Morocco’s At-Risk Built Heritage. Buildings, 8(2), 16. doi:10.3390/buildings8020016Maldonado Flores, D. I. (2009). LA CLASIFICACIÓN: UNA HERRAMIENTA PARA LA INCLUSIÓN DE LA VIVIENDA VERNÁCULA URBANA EN EL UNIVERSO ARQUITECTÓNICO. Revista INVI, 24(66). doi:10.4067/s0718-83582009000200004Fernandes, J., Mateus, R., Gervásio, H., Silva, S. M., & Bragança, L. (2019). Passive strategies used in Southern Portugal vernacular rammed earth buildings and their influence in thermal performance. Renewable Energy, 142, 345-363. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2019.04.09
New Contributions on the Escuelas Pías Dome in Valencia
[EN] In the city of Valencia (Spain), domes covered by blue-glazed roofing tiles are common, but there is one that stands out above all others; the dome of the Escuelas Pias, one of the largest single-shell domes of Christianity. This dome is pending repair due to the appearance of large cracks. The present contribution aims to take us closer to the construction of the dome. By following a historical trajectory, we broaden its formal analysis providing a constructive approach that determines some factors on which some questions and controversies have been raised. Thus, we intend to solve these issues and others based on the results obtained from a high-precision graphic survey carried out by the authors. Based on the analysis of this graphic survey, new contributions regarding to its current morphology and the construction system used will be facilitated, revealing some unknowns that enable the understanding of its structural functioning and its constructive technology.Rodríguez Navarro, P.; Gil Piqueras, T. (2020). New Contributions on the Escuelas Pías Dome in Valencia. Nexus Network Journal (Online). 22(4):1081-1098. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00004-020-00500-5S10811098224Bails, Benito. 1796. Elementos de matemáticas. Que trata de la arquitectura civil, Tom. IX, parte 1, 2ª ed. Madrid: Imprenta de la Viuda de D. Joaquín Ibarra.Bérchez, Joaquín. 1983. Iglesia de las Escuelas Pías. In: Catálogo de Monumentos y conjuntos de la Comunidad Valenciana, vol. 2, ed. Joaquín Bérchez, 492–504. Valencia: Generalitat Valenciana, Conselleria de Cultura, Educació i Ciència.Corbín Ferrer, José-Luis. 2001. Origen e historia de las calles del centro histórico de Valencia, vol. 1. Valencia: Fundación de Aguas de Valencia.Cortés Meseguer, Luis. 2018. La reforma neóclasica de la Catedral de Valencia: diseño y ejecución. In: Thesaurus Ecclesiae, Thesaurus Mundi. Las Jornadas sobre el Patrimonio Cultural de la Iglesia, Xàtiva, 2016, ed. J. I. Pérez Giménez, 67–92. Xátiva: Iglesia Colegial Basílica de Santa María de Xàtiva.Ferrer, Francisco. 1831. Plano geométrico de la ciudad de Valencia llamada del Cid. Dedicado a la Real Sociedad Económica de la misma por D. Francisco Ferrer Académico de mérito en la clase de Arquitectura de la Real de Nobles Artes de S. Carlos, AÑO 1831. Biblioteca Valenciana Digital. https://bv2.gva.es/es/consulta/registro.do?id=7310.Fontana, Carlo. 1694. Il Tempio Vaticano e sua origine, 399–401. Rome: Nella Stamparia di Gio. Francesco Buagni.Guastavino, Rafael. 1893. Essay on the theory and history of cohesive construction, applied especially to the timbrel vault, 2ª ed. Boston: Ticknor and company.Huerta Fernández, Santiago. 2007. Oval Domes: History, Geometry and Mechanics. Nexus Network Journal 9(2): 211-248. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00004-007-0040-3.Montoliu Soler, Violeta. 1983. Escuelas Pías. In: Catalogo monumental de la ciudad de Valencia, ed. F. M. Garín Ortiz de Taranco, 355–356. Valencia: Caja de Ahorros de Valencia.Murphy, Maurice, Sara Pavia, Eugene McGovern. 2015. Correlation of Laser-scan Surveys of Irish Classical Architecture with Historic Documentation from Architectural Pattern Books. In: Architecture and Mathematics from Antiquity to the Future, eds. Kim Williams and Michael J. Ostwald, vol. II, 541–550. Basel: Birkhäuser.Rodríguez-Navarro, Pablo. 2012. Automated Digital photogrammetry versus the systems based on active 3D sensors – La Fotogrametría Digital Automatizada frente a los sistemas basados en sensores 3D activos. Revista EGA, 20, año 17: 100–111.Soler Verdú, Rafael. 1993. Escuelas Pías Master plan. Valencia: not published.Soler Verdú, Rafael. 1996. Cúpulas en la arquitectura valenciana de los siglos XVI a XVIII. In: Actas del Primer Congreso Nacional de Historia de la Construcción, eds. A. de las Casas, S. Huerta, E. Rabasa, 491–498. Madrid: I. Juan de Herrera, CEHOPU.Soler Verdú, Rafael and Alba Soler Estrela. 2015. Tipología de cúpulas tabicadas. Geometría y construcción en la Valencia del siglo XVIII. Informes de la Construcción. http://dx.doi.org/10.3989/ic.13.180.Soler Blázquez, Víctor José. 2017. Origen y establecimiento de las Escuelas Pías en Valencia (1735–1742). Tesis Doctoral. Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera. Valencia. https://repositorioinstitucional.ceu.es/bitstream/10637/8539/1/Origen%20y%20establecimiento%20de%20las%20Escuelas%20P%c3%adas%20en%20Valencia_1735-1742.pdfSpallone, Roberta, and Marco Vitali. 2017. Volte stellari e planteriane negli atri barocchi in Torino. Canterano: Aracne.Verdiani, Giorgio. 2019. Digital survey: from new technology to everyday use, a knowledge path and challenge for scholars. EGE Revista de Expresión Gráfica en la Edificación 11: 94-105.Zacarés, José María. 1849. Antigüedades y bellezas de Valencia. Colegio Andresiano e Iglesia de las Escuelas Pías. Revista Edetana, 369–371, 401–403. Valencia: Jose Ruis
The ksour of the Mdagra oasis (Er-Rachidia, Morocco): an inventory
[EN] The Mdagra Oasis is located in the province of Er-Rachidia, in southern Morocco. The objective of this contribution is to present an unparalleled inventory of the ksour existing in that oasis, the result of several years of study and field exploration. During the Saadi period (16th century), this area of the Ziz basin was a compulsory stop for traders on the route of caravans crossing the High Atlas. Later, during the Alauita period, the area was consolidated, and for more than 400 years many important cities were constructed using rammed earth, as Ksar es Souq or Sidi Bou Abdellah Ksar. This is how the oasis came to have an important community integrated by Berbers, Arabs and Jews. Today, most of the oasis¿ ksour are abandoned for different reasons and remain in a state of advanced ruin. Through fieldwork, we have been able to identify, record, analyze and classify 53 earthen human settlements, providing an unprecedented study of all of them. Subsequently, a first typological classification was proposed based on aspects such as the implementation in the territory, the external morphology, the urban organization, or the occupation area. The ultimate goal was to document this rammed earth, at-risk heritage since we have witnessed its rapid degradation, and even disappearance in some cases, throughout this investigation.Gil Piqueras, T.; Rodríguez Navarro, P. (2020). The ksour of the Mdagra oasis (Er-Rachidia, Morocco): an inventory. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (Online). 44:961-968. https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIV-M-1-2020-961-2020S9619684
Analytical Expressions for Radiative Opacities of Low Z Plasmas
In this work we obtain analytical expressions for the radiative opacity of several low Z plasmas (He, Li, Be, and B) in a wide range of temperatures and densities. These formulas are obtained by fitting the proposed expression to mean opacities data calculated by using the code ABAKO/ RAPCAL. This code computes the radiative properties of plasmas, both in LTE and NLTE conditions, under the detailed-level-accounting approach. It has been successfully validated in the range of interest in previous works
Restauración del Mausoleo de Sidi Bou Guertif, El Khorbat, Marruecos
[EN] This contribution tries to describe the research and intervention process that the authors have carried out for the conservation of the Sidi Bou Guertif Mausoleum. The methodological process has been based on the prior knowledge of the construction systems, as well as the conservation and recovery-reconstruction techniques used by the region’s master builders, practices that are respectful with the building and that are validated by their use for centuries. In addition, the project contemplated the involvement of young locals interested in learning about these jobs that unfortunately disappear, but are absolutely necessary to preserve this heritage at-risk.[ES] La presente contribución describe el proceso de investigación e intervención que los autores han seguido para la restauración del Mausoleo de Sidi Bou Guertif. El proceso metodológico se ha basado en el conocimiento previo de los sistemas constructivos, así como de las técnicas de conservación y recuperación-reconstrucción empleadas por los maestros de obras de la región, prácticas que son respetuosas con el edificio y que se encuentran validadas por su uso durante siglos. Además el proyecto contempló la incorporación de jóvenes locales interesados en conocer estos oficios que lamentablemente van desapareciendo, pero que son absolutamente necesarios para poder preservar este patrimonio en peligro.Proyecto ADSIDEO-Cooperación del Centro de Cooperación al Desarrollo de la Universitat Politècnica de ValènciaGil Piqueras, MT.; Rodríguez Navarro, P. (2019). Restoration of the Sidi Bou Guertif Marabout, El Khorbat, Morocco. Loggia, Arquitectura & Restauración. 0(32):60-73. https://doi.org/10.4995/loggia.2019.11899OJS6073032AAVV, 2005. Conservation manual for Earth Architecture Heritage in the pre-Saharan valleys of Morocco: CERKAS / UNESCO World Heritage Centre / CRATerre-EAG.ACHENZA, M. M., 2012. "Elements for the definition of good practices for the conservation and the restoration of the historical urban fabric of a Moroccan Pre-Saharan oasis" in Rammed Earth Conservation: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Rammed Earth Conservation, Restapia 2012, Valencia, Spain, 21-23 June 2012, eds. Camilla Mileto, Fernando Vegas, and Valentina Cristini, pp. 607-613. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. https://doi.org/10.1201/b15164-104GIL-PIQUERAS, T. and P. RODRÍGUEZ-NAVARRO. 2018. Hábitat y desarrollo en el Sur de Marruecos. El Khorbat en el Oasis del Ferkla: Argumentum, Lisboa (Portugal).ICHTER, J.P. and H.SASS, 1967. "Les Ksour du Tafilalt", in Revue africaine d'architecture et d'urbanisme n°5, Rabat.NIJST, A.L.M.T. et ali. 1973. Living on the edge of the Sahara. A study of traditional forms of habitation and types of settlement in Morocco: Ed.Government Publishing Office. The Hague.RODRÍGUEZ-NAVARRO, P., F. JUAN VIDAL and T. GIL-PIQUERAS, 2012. "Earth construction techniques in the northern High Atlas, Morocco", in Rammed Earth Conservation: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Rammed Earth Conservation, Restapia 2012, Valencia, Spain, 21-23 June 2012, eds. Camilla Mileto, Fernando Vegas, and Valentina Cristini, pp. 569-574. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. https://doi.org/10.1201/b15164-9
The binary millisecond pulsar PSR J1023+0038-II. Optical spectroscopy
We present time-resolved optical spectroscopy of the ‘redback’ binary millisecond pulsar system PSR¿J1023+0038 during both its radio pulsar (2009) and accretion disc states (2014 and 2016). We provide observational evidence for the companion star being heated during the disc state. We observe a spectral type change along the orbit, from ~G5 to ~F6 at the secondary star’s superior and inferior conjunction, respectively, and find that the corresponding irradiating luminosity can be powered by the high-energy accretion luminosity or the spin-down luminosity of the neutron star. We determine the secondary star’s radial velocity semi-amplitude from the metallic (primarily Fe and Ca) and Ha absorption lines during these different states. The metallic and Ha radial velocity semi-amplitude determined from the 2009 pulsar-state observations allows us to constrain the secondary star’s true radial velocity K2 = 276.3 ± 5.6 ¿km¿s-1 and the binary mass ratio q = 0.137 ± 0.003. By comparing the observed metallic and Ha absorption-line radial velocity semi-amplitudes with model predictions, we can explain the observed semi-amplitude changes during the pulsar state and during the pulsar/disc-state transition as being due to different amounts of heating and the presence of an accretion disc, respectively.Postprint (published version
Modelado del último de los “Movies”: discusión y levantamiento digital del Eothen anteriormente conocido como ML286
[EN] The research presented here puts together different direct and/or physical operations all aimed to enhance the knowledge and produce advanced dissemination of the very last ship from the “Mosquitos’ Fleet” which operated during the World War I and in some operations even during the World War II. The exploration of the valuable remains along the Thames River in London, the intervention with archaeology strategy, the use of digital survey procedures, the investigation of the references about the fleet, the digital modelling and drawing and the final online sharing of the 3D model, brought together to a specific digital heritage creation of an element with a high risk of getting lost. An international team worked together on the poor shipwreck of the Eothen (the last name assigned to this ship by its last owner). The intervention was operated in very odd operative conditions, with the hull invaded by the mud, the very wet environment and the daily flood of the area, such a mix of difficult conditions were a special challenge for the survey operations, which were optimized and accurately planned to allow the best and efficient result in terms of coverage and level of details. The following post-processing aimed to the production of a classic set of 2D drawings and an interactive 3D model, accessible in a real-time visualization from the sketchfab.com platform creates an excellent base for a possible following restoration/musealisation intervention, or, at least, allow digital preservation of a rich dataset of the remains of this interesting piece from the naval history of the first half of the 20th century.[ES] La investigación que aquí se muestra reúne diferentes operaciones directas y/o físicas, todas orientadas a mejorar el conocimiento y producir una puesta en valor del último barco de la “Flota de Mosquitos” que operó durante la Primera Guerra Mundial y en algunas operaciones incluso durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Presentamos la exploración de los valiosos restos a lo largo del río Támesis en Londres, la intervención con estrategia arqueológica, el uso de procedimientos de levantamiento digital, la investigación de las referencias sobre la embarcación, el modelado y dibujo digital, y el intercambio final en línea del modelo 3D, reunidos en una aportación de patrimonio digital específico de un elemento con alto riesgo de perderse. Un equipo internacional , trabajaron juntos en el naufragio del Eothen (nombre asignado a este barco por su último propietario). La toma de datos se realizó en condiciones operativas muy complejas, con el casco invadido por el limo del rio, el entorno muy húmedo y la inundación diaria de la zona; esta mezcla de condiciones difíciles fueron un desafío especial para llevar a cabo las operaciones de levantamiento, las cuales fueron optimizadas con el objetivo de obtener el mejor y más eficiente resultado en términos de cobertura y nivel de detalle. El siguiente posprocesamiento estuvo dirigido a la obtención de un conjunto clásico de dibujos 2D, así como de un modelo 3D interactivo, accesible en una visualización en tiempo real desde la plataforma Sketchfab.com. Así se ha creado una base excelente para una posible intervención posterior de restauración/musealización, o, al menos, para obtener la preservación digital de un rico conjunto de datos de los restos de esta interesante pieza de la historia naval, de la primera mitad del siglo XX.Rodríguez-Navarro, P.; Wragg, E.; Verdiani, G.; Gil-Piqueras, T. (2021). Modelling the last of the “Movies”: discussion and digital survey of the Eothen formerly ML286. Virtual Archaeology Review. 12(25):57-72. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2021.1454357721225Adm. 337/121/565. Admiralty: Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve: Records of Service, First World War. The National Archives, Kew, UK.Aspinall- Oglander, C. (1951). Roger Keyes. London: Hogarth.Association of Dunkirk Little Ships. 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Documenting Paintings with Gigapixel Photography
[EN] Digital photographic capture of pictorial artworks with gigapixel resolution (around 1000 megapixels or greater) is a novel technique that is beginning to be used by some important international museums as a means of documentation, analysis, and dissemination of their masterpieces. This line of research is extremely interesting, not only for art curators and scholars but also for the general public. The results can be disseminated through online virtual museum displays, offering a detailed interactive visualization. These virtual visualizations allow the viewer to delve into the artwork in such a way that it is possible to zoom in and observe those details, which would be negligible to the naked eye in a real visit. Therefore, this kind of virtual visualization using gigapixel images has become an essential tool to enhance cultural heritage and to make it accessible to everyone. Since today's professional digital cameras provide images of around 40 megapixels, obtaining gigapixel images requires some special capture and editing techniques. This article describes a series of photographic methodologies and equipment, developed by the team of researchers, that have been put into practice to achieve a very high level of detail and chromatic fidelity, in the documentation and dissemination of pictorial artworks. The result of this research work consisted in the gigapixel documentation of several masterpieces of the Museo de Bellas Artes of Valencia, one of the main art galleries in Spain. The results will be disseminated through the Internet, as will be shown with some examples.This research was carried out within the Research Project entitled Captura fotografica de resolucion gigapixel para la documentacion y divulgacion del patrimonio pictorico (01/01/19-01/01/21), reference SP20180066. Project funded with the help of Primeros Proyectos de Investigacion (PAID-06-18), Vicerrectorado de Investigacion,Innovacion y Transferencia de la Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV), Valencia, Spain.Cabezos Bernal, PM.; Rodríguez Navarro, P.; Gil Piqueras, T. (2021). Documenting Paintings with Gigapixel Photography. Journal of imaging. 7(8):1-20. https://doi.org/10.3390/jimaging70801561207
Documenting Paintings Using Gigapixel SfM Photogrammetry
[EN] Capturing paintings with gigapixel resolution (resolution around 1000 megapixels or greater) is an innovative technique that is starting to be used by some important international museums for documenting, analysing, and disseminating their masterpieces.
This line of research is extremely interesting, not only for art curators and scholars, but also for the general public. The results can be disseminated through online virtual tours, offering a detailed interactive visualization. These virtual tours allow the viewer to delve into the artwork, in such a way, that it is possible to zoom in and observe those details, which would be negligible to the naked eye in a real visit. Therefore, this kind of virtual visualization using gigapixel images becomes an essential tool to enhance this cultural heritage and to make it accessible to everyone.
This article will describe an affordable methodology, based on SfM photogrammetry techniques, with which it will be possible to achieve a very high level of detail and chromatic fidelity, when documenting and disseminating pictorial artworks. As a practical example, there will be shown a case study of the altarpiece, from the Museo de Bellas Artes de Valencia (Spain), entitled Virgen de las fiebres, painted around 1500 by Bernardino di Benedetto di Biagio, nicknamed `Il Pinturicchio' (Perugia, ca. 1454 ¿ Siena, 1513).This research was carried out within the Research Project entitled Captura fotográfica de resolución gigapíxel para la documentación y divulgación del patrimonio pictórico (01/01/19- 01/01/21), reference SP20180066. Project funded with the help of Primeros Proyectos de Investigación (PAID-06-18), Vicerrectorado de Investigación,Innovación y Transferencia de la Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), València, SpainCabezos Bernal, PM.; Rodríguez Navarro, P.; Gil Piqueras, T. (2021). Documenting Paintings Using Gigapixel SfM Photogrammetry. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. 93-100. https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLVI-M-1-2021-93-20219310
La Torre del Grau Vell en la defensa de la costa Sagunto
[EN] The Grau Vell tower, located in the municipality of Sagunto, is a part of a defensive group developed
between the XVI and XVIII centuries for protecting and defending the coast of the Valencian Kingdom.
The geographic features of the place and the Confirmation in 1459 of Grau as the unique harbor to ship
products of Murviedro, are the key of the election this place as strategic, documental and graphic point
to analyze the real state of the tower and the battery. The work methodology is based on
photogrammetric draws of the set as the base of constructive analyzing and its materials. The results
allow us to determine the current state of the set and they will give us information to contrast with
coastal towers.Gil Piqueras, T.; Rodríguez Navarro, P. (2015). La Torre del Grau Vell en la defensa de la costa Sagunto. En Defensive architecture of the mediterranean: XV to XVIII centuries. Vol. II. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 159-166. https://doi.org/10.4995/FORTMED2015.2015.1736OCS15916
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