1,504 research outputs found
Efectos de las cianotoxinas sobre la reproducción y el desarrollo
Las cianobacterias son microorganismos procariotas fotosintéticos que se desarrollan en
aguas eutrofizadas. Algunas de las especies de estos organismos acuáticos son capaces de
producir metabolitos secundarios con carácter tóxico, llamados cianotoxinas, que generan una
gran preocupación en términos de salud pública. La exposición humana a estas toxinas puede
producirse a través de la vía dérmica o inhalatoria; por ejemplo, en aguas de recreo, o mediante
la vía oral, en la que cobra especial importancia la transmisión a través de la cadena alimentaria.
Entre las cianotoxinas más estudiadas por su toxicidad se encuentran las microcistinas (MCs) y
la cilindrospermopsina (CYN). El objetivo del presente trabajo ha sido realizar una revisión
bibliográfica de la literatura científica existente sobre la toxicidad de MCs y CYN en los procesos
de reproducción y desarrollo. En general, las MCs han demostrado afectar, en mamíferos y peces,
a la viabilidad de las células reproductoras al producir estrés oxidativo, lesiones celulares y
aumento de la apoptosis; así como, también afectan a órganos sexuales tanto masculinos como
femeninos. A su vez, ya sea por transmisión parental o por exposición directa, los efectos sobre
el desarrollo en la descendencia pueden ser desde retraso del crecimiento y desarrollo,
malformaciones, y alteraciones endocrinas, hasta una menor supervivencia. Por otro lado, aunque
los efectos de las CYN no han sido estudiados con tanta profundidad, esta toxina también ha
demostrado producir efectos citotóxicos en células reproductivas. Asimismo, la CYN produce
sobre el desarrollo, al igual que las MCs, alteraciones del crecimiento, deformaciones en la
descendencia, e incluso aumento de la mortalidad.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Físic
Relative adjunction ambiguities in English vs Spanish
Traballo Fin de Grao en Lingua e Literatura Inglesas. Curso 2018-2019This work deals with the syntactic attachment preferences of ambiguous relative clauses with double nominal antecedent both in English and Spanish. Ambiguities tend to be resolved differently in both languages and in order to explain these differences I will introduce various theories of syntactic ambiguity resolution or parsing strategies, such as late closure, minimal attachment and tuning. For example, in the clause ‘Someone shot the maid of the actress who was on the balcony’ (Alguien disparó a la criada de la actriz que estaba en el balcón) we find an ambiguity because the relative clause ‘who was on the balcony’ can modify ‘the maid’ or ‘the actress’ (that is, the grammar of RC attachment does not specify who is actually in the balcony in either Spanish or English). English speakers prefer to attach the relative clause to most recent noun of the complex phrase (actress), but Spanish speakers tend to take the first noun (the head of overall complex NP) as the host to the relative clause (maid). In order to study these inclinations of parsers when producing new sentences I will report two sentence completion experiments, one in Spanish and another in English. I seek to contribute to a deeper knowledge of the factors that play a part in the resolution of this ambiguity in particular, as well as to shed light on the general dynamics of modifier attachment in languag
Discrimination of milks with a multisensor system based on layer-by-layer films
Producción CientíficaA nanostructured electrochemical bi-sensor system for the analysis of milks has been developed using the layer-by-layer technique. The non-enzymatic sensor [CHI+IL/CuPcS]2, is a layered material containing a negative film of the anionic sulfonated copper phthalocyanine (CuPcS) acting as electrocatalytic material, and a cationic layer containing a mixture of an ionic liquid (IL) (1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate) that enhances the conductivity, and chitosan (CHI), that facilitates the enzyme immobilization. The biosensor ([CHI+IL/CuPcS]2-GAO) results from the immobilization of galactose oxidase on the top of the LbL layers. FTIR, UV–vis, and AFM have confirmed the proposed structure and cyclic voltammetry has demonstrated the amplification caused by the combination of materials in the film. Sensors have been combined to form an electronic tongue for milk analysis. Principal component analysis has revealed the ability of the sensor system to discriminate between milk samples with different lactose content. Using a PLS-1 calibration models, correlations have been found between the voltammetric signals and chemical parameters measured by classical methods. PLS-1 models provide excellent correlations with lactose content. Additional information about other components, such as fats, proteins, and acidity, can also be obtained. The method developed is simple, and the short response time permits its use in assaying milk samples online.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (project AGL2015-67482-R)Junta de Castilla y Leon - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (project VA-011U16)Junta de Castilla y León (grant BOCYL-D-4112015-9
A fauna intersticial: xeneralidades
Titulación: Máster en Biodiversidade e conservación do medio natural -- Materia: Bioloxía dos Fondos MariñosA presente unidade didáctica enmárcase dentro dos contidos relativos á materia obrigatoria Bioloxía dos fondos mariños, de 6 créditos ECTS, que se imparte no segundo semestre do máster en Biodiversidade e conservación do medio natural, do que é responsable o Departamento de Zooloxía e Antropoloxía Física. Dita materia forma parte do módulo de Bioloxía Mariña.Esta unidade didáctica forma parte do ámbito da Zooloxía e pretende facer chegar aos estudantes os principios básicos da configuración do medio intersticial mariño, das condicións que impón para ser habitado e dos animais capaces de instalarse nel desenvolvendo todo ou parte do seu ciclo vital.Para o estudo da materia non se esixe ningunha formación específica previa, aínda que é recomendable revisar os coñecementos de Zooloxía da Licenciatura ou o Grado. A materia Bioloxía dos animais mariños, no contexto do plano de estudos actual, ten unha duración total de 150 horas: 30 expositivas (teoría), 45 interactivas (saídas ao mar e prácticas de laboratorio) e 5 de titorías personalizadas. Ao módulo dedicado ao estudo da fauna intersticial correspóndenlle 6 horas de teoría, 1 saída ao mar e 1 sesión de laboratorio (aproximadamente 6’5 horas interactivas), sendo imposible deslindar o tempo das titorías personalizadas. O tempo de traballo autónomo do alumnado estímase en 70 horas, para a elaboración dunha memoria que expoña o traballo desenvolvido no mar e no laboratorio.Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Servizo de Normalización Lingüístic
The Galician experience in marine culture
Aquaculture consists of the set of activities aimed at the cultivation of aquatic species. The Galician coast enjoys ideal conditions for this activity thanks to the abundance of phytoplankton and the temperature and healthiness of its waters. Since the late 1970s, this has allowed the development of its own aquaculture industry, diversified and in constant growth. Galicia today occupies leadership positions in the marine farming sector. In addition to excellent natural conditions, the Galician community has advanced technologies, proven business experience and renowned specialized research and training centers. Still, fish farming is currently in the process of expansion; some Galician companies are leaders in national and international markets. Aquaculture is becoming increasingly stronger as a good solution to alleviate food supply problems for a growing population. Galiza is the only Autonomous Community in Spain that cultivates species such as octopus, sea bream or pollock, while the cultivation of certain species of algae is also expanding
Las comunidades meiobentónicas en playas arenosas expuestas de la costa gallega (NO España), seis meses después del vertido de fuel del Prestige: importancia de los hidrocarburos aromáticos policíclicos (HAPs
The effect of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) on Galician sandy beach ecosystems, six months
after the Prestige oil spill, was evaluated using the meiobenthos at a higher taxon level as an indicator. Meiobenthos community structure, environmental variables and sediment PAH content from six affected exposed beaches were studied and
compared with three reference sites. They were also compared with data from polluted beaches obtained during the first
days of the spill. Significant amounts of PAHs were found in affected beach sediments and both univariate and multivariate
analyses showed differences between affected and reference beaches. Correlation analyses between PAH content and the
meiobenthos community structure showed that 1,2-dimethylnaphthalene (C2-NAPH) and 1-methylphenanthrene (C-PHEN)
affected both the community structure and the abundance of the main taxa. These two PAHs seem to be responsible for the
low meiofauna density values, which suggests that there is a relationship between the oil spill and the differences between
affected and reference localities– Este trabajo tiene como objetivo evaluar el efecto de los hidrocarburos aromáticos policíclicos (HAPs) en playas
arenosas gallegas, seis meses después del vertido de fuel producido por el Prestige, utilizando el meiobentos a nivel de
los grandes grupos zoológicos. Para llevar a cabo esta evaluación la comunidad meiobentónica, variables ambientales y el
contenido en HAPs del sedimento fueron estudiados en seis playas intermareales afectadas y comparados con tres localidades de referencia. También fueron comparados con datos de playas contaminadas obtenidos durante los primeros días del
derrame. Considerables cantidades de HAPs fueron encontradas en los sedimentos de las playas afectadas y tanto los análisis
univariantes como los multivariantes indicaron diferencias entre las playas afectadas y las de referencia. Los análisis de correlación entre el contenido en HAPs y la estructura de la comunidad meiobentónica indicaron que el 1, 2-dimetilnaftaleno
(C2-NAPH) y el 1-metilfenantreno (C-PHEN) jugaban un papel importante tanto en la estructura de la comunidad como
en la abundancia de los principales taxones. Estos dos HAPs parecieron ser los responsables de las bajas densidades de
meiofauna, corroborando la relación entre el vertido de fuel y las diferencias entre las localidades afectadas y de referenciaThis research was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (Programa Nacional: Acción urgente Prestige-Recursos Naturales)S
Exploring sonority embedded in cultural heritage: Path, transit and listen through the Silver Route (Way of St James, NW Spain)
Environmental sonority, related to viewing, listening and walking along a path, has only seldom been contemplated in the first European Cultural Route, the Way of St James (Camino de Santiago). The research, focused on a section of the Silver Route (Vía de la Plata) variant (Galicia, north-west Iberian Peninsula), defines several sound environments configured by the sound sources, acoustic properties and the culture of the territory. Integrating the environmental sonority in a musical piece facilitates the promotion of knowledge and awareness of the sound heritage, together with an implied appreciation for it. The audible spectrum, provided with emotional and evocative power, has an important role in defining cultural heritage from the present to the future. Furthermore, it is particularly relevant in confinement situations as the one experienced in Europe in the year 2020
Análisis constructivo y dimensional de fachadas de la Gran Vía madrileña
Spanish SME use of Web 2.0 tools and web localisation processes
The impact of Web 2.0 technologies on the current social and economic environment has made it essential for any
internationalising company to establish a solid and professional online presence. Particularly, small and medium
enterprises (SMEs) can benefit from the use of diverse online tools because these can help them implement their business
abroad in exchange for a small investment. However, it must be borne in mind that interactions with users belonging to a
variety of sociocultural and linguistic contexts may take place. In this scenario, social media platforms and web
translation and localisation processes are two resources of great value. This study focusses on Spanish SME processes of
information dissemination and interaction with users by analysing their presence on social media platforms and their
application of web translation and localisation processes. The sample includes 70 Spanish SMEs drawn from a selection
of 1000 European companies compiled by the London Stock Exchange. Results suggest that Spanish SME online
presence lacks professionalism, a defined strategy and willingness to interact with users
Biosensors Platform Based on Chitosan/AuNPs/Phthalocyanine Composite Films for the Electrochemical Detection of Catechol. The Role of the Surface Structure
Producción CientíficaBiosensor platforms consisting of layer by layer films combining materials with different functionalities have been developed and used to obtain improved catechol biosensors. Tyrosinase (Tyr) or laccase (Lac) were deposited onto LbL films formed by layers of a cationic linker (chitosan, CHI) alternating with layers of anionic electrocatalytic materials (sulfonated copper phthalocyanine, CuPcS or gold nanoparticles, AuNP). Films with different layer structures were successfully formed. Characterization of surface roughness and porosity was carried out using AFM. Electrochemical responses towards catechol showed that the LbL composites efficiently improved the electron transfer path between Tyr or Lac and the electrode surface, producing an increase in the intensity over the response in the absence of the LbL platform. LbL structures with higher roughness and pore size facilitated the diffusion of catechol, resulting in lower LODs. The [(CHI)-(AuNP)-(CHI)-(CuPcS)]2-Tyr showed an LOD of 8.55∙10−4 μM, which was one order of magnitude lower than the 9.55·10−3 µM obtained with [(CHI)-(CuPcS)-(CHI)-(AuNP)]2-Tyr, and two orders of magnitude lower than the obtained with other nanostructured platforms. It can be concluded that the combination of adequate materials with complementary activity and the control of the structure of the platform is an excellent strategy to obtain biosensors with improved performances.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (project RTI2018-097990-B-100)Junta de Castilla y Leon - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (project VA275P18)Infraestructuras Red de Castilla y León (grant UVA01
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