509 research outputs found

    The Influences of Lamination Angles on the Interior Noise Levels of an Aircraft

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    The feasibility of reducing the interior noise levels of an aircraft passenger cabin through optimization of the composite lay up of the fuselage is investigated. MSC/NASTRAN, a commercially available finite element code, is used to perform the dynamic analysis and subsequent optimization of the fuselage. The numerical calculation of sensitivity of acoustic pressure to lamination angle is verified using a simple thin, cylindrical shell with point force excitations as noise sources. The thin shell used represents a geometry similar to the fuselage and analytic solutions are available for the cylindrical thin shell equations of motion. Optimization of lamination angle for the reduction of interior noise is performed using a finite element model of an actual aircraft fuselage. The aircraft modeled for this study is the Beech Starship. Point forces simulate the structure borne noise produced by the engines and are applied to the fuselage at the wing mounting locations. These forces are the noise source for the optimization problem. The acoustic pressure response is reduced at a number of points in the fuselage and over a number of frequencies. The objective function is minimized with the constraint that it be larger than the maximum sound pressure level at the response points in the passenger cabin for all excitation frequencies in the range of interest. Results from the study of the fuselage model indicate that a reduction in interior noise levels is possible over a finite frequency range through optimal configuration of the lamination angles in the fuselage. Noise reductions of roughly 4 dB were attained. For frequencies outside the optimization range, the acoustic pressure response may increase after optimization. The effects of changing lamination angle on the overall structural integrity of the airframe are not considered in this study

    Fully-Coupled Fluid/Structure Vibration Analysis Using MSC/NASTRAN

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    MSC/NASTRAN's performance in the solution of fully-coupled fluid/structure problems is evaluated. NASTRAN is used to perform normal modes (SOL 103) and forced-response analyses (SOL 108, 111) on cylindrical and cubic fluid/structure models. Bulk data file cards unique to the specification of a fluid element are discussed and analytic partially-coupled solutions are derived for each type of problem. These solutions are used to evaluate NASTRAN's solutions for accuracy. Appendices to this work include NASTRAN data presented in fringe plot form, FORTRAN source code listings written in support of this work, and NASTRAN data file usage requirements for each analysis

    Structural Analysis in a Conceptual Design Framework

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    Supersonic aircraft designers must shape the outer mold line of the aircraft to improve multiple objectives, such as mission performance, cruise efficiency, and sonic-boom signatures. Conceptual designers have demonstrated an ability to assess these objectives for a large number of candidate designs. Other critical objectives and constraints, such as weight, fuel volume, aeroelastic effects, and structural soundness, are more difficult to address during the conceptual design process. The present research adds both static structural analysis and sizing to an existing conceptual design framework. The ultimate goal is to include structural analysis in the multidisciplinary optimization of a supersonic aircraft. Progress towards that goal is discussed and demonstrated

    Role of Epigenetic Modification and Immunomodulation in a Murine Prostate Cancer Model

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    INTRODUCTION. Decreased expression of highly immunogenic cancer-testis antigens (CTA) might help tumor to achieve low immunogenicity, escape immune surveillance and grow unimpeded. Our aim was to evaluate CTA expression in tumor and normal tissues and to investigate possible means of improving the immune response in a murine prostate cancer (CaP) model by using the combination of epigenetic modifier 5-azacitidine (5-AzaC) and immunomodulator lenalidomide. No study to date has examined the effect of this combination on the prostate cancer or its impact on antigen-presenting cells (APC). MATERIALS AND METHODS. Gene microarrays were performed to compare expression of several CTA in murine prostate cancer (RM-1 cells) and normal prostate. RM-1 cells were treated with 5-AzaC and real-time PCR was performed to investigate the expression of several CTA. Western blotting was used to determine whether expression of CTA-specific mRNA induced by 5-AzaC resulted in increase in the corresponding protein. Effect of the epigenetic agents and immunomodulators was assessed on dendritic cells (DC) using flow cytometry, ELISA and T-cell proliferation assay. RESULTS. Gene arrays demonstrated decreased expression of 35 CTA in CaP tissue compared to normal prostate. 5-AzaC treatment of RM-1 prostate cancer cells upregulated the expression of all 13 CTA tested in a dose-dependent fashion. DC were treated with 5-AzaC and lenalidomide and the expression of surface markers MHC Class I, MHC Class II, CD80, CD86, CD 205, and CD40 was increased. Combination of 5-AzaC and lenalidomide enhances the ability of DC to stimulate T-cell proliferation in mixed leukocyte reaction. Secretion of IL-12 and IL-15 by DC increased significantly with addition of 5-AzaC or 5-AzaC and lenalidomide. CONCLUSIONS. Decreased expression of CTA by prostate cancer may be a means of escaping immune monitoring. Combination of epigenetic modifications and immunomodulation by 5-AzaC and lenalidomide increased tumor immunogenicity and enhanced DC function and may be used in the treatment of advanced prostate cancer

    Psychiatric Disorders in Patients Presenting to the Emergency Department for Minor Injury

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    BACKGROUND: Thirty-five percent of all Emergency Department (ED) visits are for physical injury. OBJECTIVES: To examine the proportion of patients presenting to an ED for physical injury with a history of or current Axis I/II psychiatric disorders and to compare patients with a positive psychiatric history, a negative psychiatric history, and a current psychiatric disorder. METHODS: A total of 275 individuals were selected randomly from adults presenting to the ED with a documented anatomic injury but with normal physiology. Exclusion criteria were: injury in the previous 2 years or from medical illness or domestic violence; or reported treatment for major depression or psychoses. Psychiatric history and current disorders were diagnosed using the Structured Clinical Interview for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Disorders, 4th edition (DSM-IV), a structured psychiatric interview. Three groups (positive psychiatric history, negative psychiatric history, current psychiatric disorder) were compared using Chi-square and analysis of variance. RESULTS: The sample was composed of men (51.6%) and women (48.4%), with 57.1% Black and 39.6% White. Out of this sample, 103 patients (44.7%) met DSM-IV criteria for a positive psychiatric history (n = 80) or a current psychiatric disorder (n = 43). A past history of depression (24%)exceeded the frequency of a history of other disorders (anxiety, 6%; alcohol use/abuse, 14%; drug use/abuse, 15%; adjustment, 23%; conduct disorders, 14%). Current mood disorders (47%) also exceeded other current diagnoses (anxiety, 9%; alcohol, 16%; drug, 7%; adjustment, 7%; personality disorders, 12%). Those with a current diagnosis were more likely to be unemployed (p CONCLUSIONS: Psychiatric comorbid disorders or a positive psychiatric history was found frequently in individuals with minor injury. An unplanned contact with the healthcare system (specifically an ED) for treatment of physical injury offers an opportunity for nurses to identify patients with psychiatric morbidity and to refer patients for appropriate therapy

    High-intensity interval training and beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyric free acid improves aerobic power and metabolic thresholds

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    Background: Previous research combining Calcium beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (CaHMB) and running high-intensity interval training (HIIT) have shown positive effects on aerobic performance measures. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyric free acid (HMBFA) and cycle ergometry HIIT on maximal oxygen consumption (VO(2)peak), ventilatory threshold (VT), respiratory compensation point (RCP) and time to exhaustion (T-max) in college-aged men and women. Methods: Thirty-four healthy men and women (Age: 22.7 +/- 3.1 yrs; VO(2)peak: 39.3 +/- 5.0 ml center dot kg(-1)center dot min(-1)) volunteered to participate in this double-blind, placebo-controlled design study. All participants completed a series of tests prior to and following treatment. A peak oxygen consumption test was performed on a cycle ergometer to assess VO(2)peak, Tmax, VT, and RCP. Twenty-six participants were randomly assigned into either a placebo (PLA-HIIT) or 3 g per day of HMBFA (BetaTor (TM) ) (HMBFA-HIIT) group. Eight participants served as controls (CTL). Participants in the HIIT groups completed 12 HIIT (80-120% maximal workload) exercise sessions consisting of 5-6 bouts of a 2: 1 minute cycling work to rest ratio protocol over a four-week period. Body composition was measured with dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). Outcomes were assessed by ANCOVA with posttest means adjusted for pretest differences. Results: The HMBFA-HIIT intervention showed significant (p \u3c 0.05) gains in VO(2)peak, and VT, versus the CTL and PLA-HIIT group. Both PLA-HIIT and HMBFA-HIIT treatment groups demonstrated significant (p \u3c 0.05) improvement over CTL for Tmax, and RCP with no significant difference between the treatment groups. There were no significant differences observed for any measures of body composition. An independent-samples t-test confirmed that there were no significant differences between the training volumes for the PLA-HIIT and HMBFA-HIIT groups. Conclusions: Our findings support the use of HIIT in combination with HMBFA to improve aerobic fitness in college age men and women. These data suggest that the addition of HMBFA supplementation may result in greater changes in VO(2)peak and VT than HIIT alone

    High-intensity interval training and beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyric free acid improves aerobic power and metabolic thresholds

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    Background: Previous research combining Calcium beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (CaHMB) and running high-intensity interval training (HIIT) have shown positive effects on aerobic performance measures. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyric free acid (HMBFA) and cycle ergometry HIIT on maximal oxygen consumption (VO(2)peak), ventilatory threshold (VT), respiratory compensation point (RCP) and time to exhaustion (T-max) in college-aged men and women. Methods: Thirty-four healthy men and women (Age: 22.7 +/- 3.1 yrs; VO(2)peak: 39.3 +/- 5.0 ml center dot kg(-1)center dot min(-1)) volunteered to participate in this double-blind, placebo-controlled design study. All participants completed a series of tests prior to and following treatment. A peak oxygen consumption test was performed on a cycle ergometer to assess VO(2)peak, Tmax, VT, and RCP. Twenty-six participants were randomly assigned into either a placebo (PLA-HIIT) or 3 g per day of HMBFA (BetaTor (TM) ) (HMBFA-HIIT) group. Eight participants served as controls (CTL). Participants in the HIIT groups completed 12 HIIT (80-120% maximal workload) exercise sessions consisting of 5-6 bouts of a 2: 1 minute cycling work to rest ratio protocol over a four-week period. Body composition was measured with dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). Outcomes were assessed by ANCOVA with posttest means adjusted for pretest differences. Results: The HMBFA-HIIT intervention showed significant (p \u3c 0.05) gains in VO(2)peak, and VT, versus the CTL and PLA-HIIT group. Both PLA-HIIT and HMBFA-HIIT treatment groups demonstrated significant (p \u3c 0.05) improvement over CTL for Tmax, and RCP with no significant difference between the treatment groups. There were no significant differences observed for any measures of body composition. An independent-samples t-test confirmed that there were no significant differences between the training volumes for the PLA-HIIT and HMBFA-HIIT groups. Conclusions: Our findings support the use of HIIT in combination with HMBFA to improve aerobic fitness in college age men and women. These data suggest that the addition of HMBFA supplementation may result in greater changes in VO(2)peak and VT than HIIT alone

    Effects of beta-Hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate Free Acid Ingestion and Resistance Exercise on the Acute Endocrine Response

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    Objective. To examine the endocrine response to a bout of heavy resistance exercise following acute beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate free acid (HMB-FA) ingestion. Design. Twenty resistance trained men were randomized and consumed either 1 g of HMB-FA (BetaTor) or placebo (PL) 30 min prior to performing an acute heavy resistance exercise protocol. Blood was obtained before (PRE), immediately after (IP), and 30 min after exercise (30P). Circulating concentrations of testosterone, growth hormone (GH), insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1), and insulin were assayed. Data were analyzed with a repeated measures ANOVA and area under the curve (AUC) was analyzed by the trapezoidal rule. Results. The resistance exercise protocol resulted in significant elevations from PRE in testosterone (P \u3c 0.01), GH (P \u3c 0.01), and insulin (P = 0.05) at IP, with GH (P \u3c 0.01) and insulin (P \u3c 0.01) remaining elevated at 30P. A significant interaction was noted between groups in the plasma GH response at IP, which was significantly higher following HMB-FA compared to PL (P \u3c 0.01). AUC analysis revealed an elevated GH and IGF-1 response in the HMB-FA group compared to PL. Conclusion. HMB-FA prior to resistance exercise augments the GH response to high volume resistance exercise compared to PL. These findings provide further support for the potential anabolic benefits associated with HMB supplementation

    The N2K Consortium. II. A Transiting Hot Saturn Around HD 149026 With a Large Dense Core

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    Doppler measurements from Subaru and Keck have revealed radial velocity variations in the V=8.15, G0IV star HD 149026 consistent with a Saturn-Mass planet in a 2.8766 day orbit. Photometric observations at Fairborn Observatory have detected three complete transit events with depths of 0.003 mag at the predicted times of conjunction. HD 149026 is now the second brightest star with a transiting extrasolar planet. The mass of the star, based on interpolation of stellar evolutionary models, is 1.3 +/- 0.1 solar masses; together with the Doppler amplitude, K=43.3 m s^-1, we derive a planet mass Msin(i)=0.36 Mjup, and orbital radius of 0.042 AU. HD 149026 is chromospherically inactive and metal-rich with spectroscopically derived [Fe/H]=+0.36, Teff=6147 K, log g=4.26 and vsin(i)=6.0 km s^-1. Based on Teff and the stellar luminosity of 2.72 Lsun, we derive a stellar radius of 1.45 Rsun. Modeling of the three photometric transits provides an orbital inclination of 85.3 +/- 1.0 degrees and (including the uncertainty in the stellar radius) a planet radius of 0.725 +/- 0.05 Rjup. Models for this planet mass and radius suggest the presence of a ~67 Mearth core composed of elements heavier than hydrogen and helium. This substantial planet core would be difficult to construct by gravitational instability.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures, accepted by the Astrophysical Journa

    Tracking changes in the upper boundary of the heavy-intensity exercise domain: end-test power versus respiratory compensation point

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    The aim of this study was to compare how respiratory compensation point (RCP) and end-test power (EP) change in response to the same four-week high intensity interval training (HIIT). The power output associated with RCP and EP before and after HIIT were recorded in 24 recreationally-active participants (14 men and 10 women). RCP was determined from an incremental exercise test and EP was derived from a three-minute maximal effort test on a cycle ergometer. A significant time (pretest/posttest) × measurement (EP/RCP) interaction was found (F(1, 23)=5.119, p<.05). Results from a paired-sample t-test indicated that both EP (t(23)= -5.221, p<.05) and RCP (t(23)=-3.049, p<.05) increased significantly from pretest to posttest. Furthermore, a small effect size (d=.36, 90%CI=[.13, .58]) was calculated for the pre/posttest changes in the examined thresholds indicating greater potential improvements in EP compared to RCP. The pre/posttest change in EP (mean=21 W, 90%CI=[14, 28 W]) exceeded its standard error of estimate (14 W), while RCP did not. Correlation analysis revealed that EP correlated with RCP at both pretest (r=.813, p<.05) and posttest (r=.873, p<.05), however, delta values between the two measures were not significantly related. Both EP and RCP can be used to assess the change of aerobic capacity after HIIT, but may be reflective of different physiological adaptations. Further, EP may be preferred over RCP when assessing the effects of HIIT