19 research outputs found
Comportamento da corrosão microbiológica do aço duplex com aplicação de sais de quaternário de amônio
A corrosão microbiológica tem causado diversos prejuÃzos para variados segmentos industriais que utilizamos materiais metálicos em seus sistemas. Uma forma de minimizar e até mesmo controlar os problemas causadospela corrosão microbiológica tem sido a aplicação de biocidas nestes sistemas. Neste trabalho, a corrosãomicrobiológica do aço duplex UNS S 31803 foi avaliada com a aplicação de um biocida contendo sais dequaternário de amônio em água de produção de petróleo de uma plataforma offshore, simulando ambientehipersalino. A fim de avaliar a corrosão microbiológica com a aplicação do biocida foram utilizadas técnicasmicrobiológicas como número mais provável – NMP – e eletroquÃmicas (medidas de potencial a circuitoaberto e polarização). O biocida impactou os grupos bacterianos, eliminando inclusive dois grupos bacterianos(bactérias produtoras de ácido aeróbias e redutoras de sulfato) na fase séssil. Os potenciais medidos acircuito aberto mais elevados foram observados quando o biocida contendo sais de quaternário de amônio foiaplicado nos sistemas. Os valores potenciais de pite obtidos pelas análises de polarização mostraram que osmicrorganismos influenciaram nos valores e que o biocida manteve os potenciais em torno de 1000 mVECS.Os ensaios de polarização permitiram analisar através de instabilidades nas curvas e variações nas densidadesde corrente passiva ao longo do tempo, a complexa dinâmica ocorrente sobre a superfÃcie metálica devido à competição entre formação e desestabilização de pelÃcula passiva, adsorção e dessorção de biocida/biofilme.Palavras-chave: Aço duplex, corrosão microbiológica, sais de quaternário de amônia
Proximal humeral fractures treatment in erderly using a reverse prosthesis
Hypermobility of the first ray, which is caused by an instability of the first metatarsocuneiform joint, is one of the factors that induces hallux valgus and can be caused by technical mistakes in ballet practice. Correlation between ballet practice and hypermobility of the first ray. Using a modified Klaue device, mobility of the first metatarsocuneiform joint was measured (hypermobility ≥ 10mm) in both dorsal and dorso-medial directions in 264 feet in 2 groups of people: ballet dancers (non professional) and a control group of non-dancers. 45° mobility is statistically higher than dorsal mobility, and mobility in the ballet dancer group is higher than in the control group, but there is no correlation between hours of ballet and en-pointe shoe practice, and hypermobility of the first ray. First ray hypermobility, and even hallux valgus, in ballet practice is related to anatomical-hereditary factors and to incorrect technical executio
Sindrome dell'egresso toracico: indicazioni multidisciplinri all'intervento chirurgico
none7noneL. BORTOLOTTI; G. CAMPORESE; A. VENTURIN; G. ZARA; STRAMARE R.; F. REA; F. SARTORIBortolotti, Luigi; G., Camporese; Venturin, Andrea; G., Zara; Stramare, Roberto; Rea, Federico; Sartori, Francesc
Recanalization rate in patients with proximal vein thrombosis treated with the direct oral anticoagulants
Background The recanalization rate in patients with deep venous thrombosis (DVT) of the legs treated with the direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC) is unknown. Methods In an Italian cohort, we investigated the rate of residual vein thrombosis (RVT) after three and/or six months in 352 patients with proximal DVT who had been treated with the DOACs as a stand-alone therapy or lead-in parenteral anticoagulants, and compared it to that recorded in a historical cohort of 1094 patients in which vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) had been employed. In both cohorts, RVT was defined as the ultrasound persistence of thrombotic material resulting in a diameter of at least 4 mm of incompressibility of the proximal veins. Results RVT was detected in 143 patients treated with DOACs (41.2%) after three months and in 58 patients (21.1%) after six months; the corresponding figure in patients treated with conventional anticoagulation was 52.3% and 54.5%, respectively. After adjusting for the baseline characteristics, the odds ratio of RVT in patients treated with the DOACs as compared with those treated with conventional anticoagulation was 0.63 (95% CI, 0.48\u20130.81) after three months, and 0.17 (95% CI; 0.11\u20130.26) after six months. Conclusions In patients with proximal DVT treated with the DOACs, the persistence of ultrasound detectable RVT is likely to occur less frequently than in patients treated with conventional anticoagulation. These results may have implications for the prognosis of patients with DVT