7 research outputs found

    The Influence of Sedentary Lifestyle on Low Back Pain and Lower Concentration Level

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    Lower back pain is today the most common condition caused by a sedentary lifestyle. As it occurs more frequently at a younger age, this research was conducted to examine physical activity and lower back pain in students, and whether there are any correlations. The study surveyed 113 respondents using a survey questionnaire that included sociodemographic data, respondents ’attitudes about physical activity and lower back pain, and a visual analogue scale for pain assessment (VAS) and Oswestry’s Quality of Life Questionnaire. The results of the research showed a statistically significant difference in concentration during learning and sleep quality in relation to sitting for several hours and performing activities of daily living, as well as the influence of pain. Considering that the study of nursing and physiotherapy from undergraduate to graduate level was compared, a significant difference was found in the total sum of the Oswestry questionnaire between these levels (p = 0.003), while a positive correlation of mean strength was found between the results of this questionnaire (τ = 0.448) and degree of pain. Hours of sitting and physical inactivity contribute to the development of pain. Physical activity and strengthening of the abdominal and back muscles, and proper change of position leads to the prevention of pain


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    Skolioza je trodimenzionalno krivljenje kralježnice koje uzrokuje brojne probleme kao što su bol, teškoća disanja, smanjenje mogućnosti u aktivnostima svakodnevnog života i sl. Skolioze se razlikuju po dobi u kojoj se javljaju, etiologiji nastanka, te dva glavna tipa po kojima se iste razlikuju su strukturalne i nestrukturalne. Najčešći oblik skolioze je idiopatski, te se javlja u adolescentnoj dobi. Rana intervencija od velike je važnosti, kako bi se konzervativnim (neoperativnim) pristupom što prije započela prilagođena rehabilitacija. Procjena je glavni dio rehabilitacije, te sam sustav praćenja napretka/nazadovanja u rehabilitaciji. Na temelju procjene stvara se plan terapije i postavljaju se ciljevi za pacijenta i fizioterapeuta. Fizioterapeut pristupa pacijentu individualno pa je i pristup koji odabire strogo individualan za svakog pacijenta. Danas postoji mnogo različitih neoperativnih pristupa u tretmanu skolioza kao što su Bobath koncept, Vojta, Proprioceptivna neuromuskularna facilitacija (PNF), Schroth metoda, Biofeedback, manipulativne tehnike, masaža, akupunktura, kinesio taping i terapijsko jahanje. Često se među navedenim pristupima izabire onaj standardni, kojeg čine izometričke vježbe, no zanemaruje se sama vestibularna rehabilitacija koja je ključna za balans i ravnotežu svakoga pacijenta. Sve metode mogu se koristiti zajedno pa čak i uz najstarije rješenje ispravljanja skolioza, a to su ortoze. Osim navedenog postoje i alternativne metode koje ne liječe skoliozu, ali olakšavaju i ublažuju neke od njezinih simptoma. To su primjerice i yoga, pilates, tai chi. Svrha ovoga rad je prikazati funkciju i uspješnost neoperativnih pristupa. Cilj je rana intervencija kako bi se rehabilitacija započela i bila što uspješnija. Važno je biti upoznat različitim pristupima kao što su alternativni kako bi sam fizioterapeut mogao izabrati odgovarajući i primijeniti isti.Scoliosis is a three-dimensional curvature of the spine that causes a number of problems such as pain, difficulty breathing, reducing opportunities in activities of daily living and so on. Scoliosis vary by age at which they occur, the etiology of origin, and two main types by which they are different structural and nonstructural. The most common form of scoliosis is idiopathic, and occurs in adolescence. Early intervention is of great importance, so that conservative (non-operative) approach as soon as possible began adapted rehabilitation. The assessment is a major part of rehabilitation, and is a system for monitoring progress / reversion in rehabilitation. Based on the assessment, the plan of therapy is created and set of goals for the patient and physiotherapist. The physical therapist approaches the patient individually so the approach chosen strictly individual for each patient. Today there are many different non-operative approaches to scoliosis treatment such as Bobath Concept, Vojta, Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF), Schroth Method, Biofeedback, Manipulative Techniques, Massage, Acupuncture, Kinesium Taping and Therapeutic Riding. Often, among the aforementioned approaches, the standard is chosen, which is an isometric exercise, but the vestibular rehabilitation itself is neglected, which is crucial for the balance and balance of each patient. All methods can be used together even with the oldest solution to correct scoliosis, namely orthotics. In addition to this, there are alternative methods that do not cure scoliosis but alleviate and relieve some of its symptoms. These are for example yoga, pilates, tai chi . The purpose of this paper is to show the function and performance of nonoperative approaches. The goal of early intervention i so the rehabilitation could begin make it more successful. It is important to be aware of different approaches such as alternative ones, so that the physiotherapist himself can choose the appropriate one and apply it

    The association of physical activity and pain in the lower back in students of the Faculty of the Dental Medicine and Health Osijek

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    Cilj istraživanja: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati pojavu bolova u donjem dijelu leđa kod studenta Fakulteta za dentalnu medicinu i zdravstvo Osijek. Nacrt studije: Presječna studija. Ispitanici i metode: 113 ispitanika je sudjelovalo u anketiranju, ispitanika prosječne dobi 23,31±5,1 godinu, od kojih je 91 pripadnica ženskog spola, a 22 muškog spola. Kao mjerni instrument korišten je online anketni upitnik o općim sociodemografskim podacima, s mišljenjima ispitanika o povezanosti tjelesne aktivnosti i bolova u donjem dijelu leđa s općom i posebnom kvalitetom života. Korištena je vizualna analogna skala (VAS) i standardizirani oblik Oswestryjevog upitnika koji se sastoji od 9 kategorija u kojima ispitanik procjenjuje svoju kvalitetu života. Istraživanje je provedeno u razdoblju od 11. ožujka 2020. do 2. travnja 2020. godine. Rezultati: Učestalost višesatnog dnevnog sjedenja kao i izvršavanje dnevnih obaveza pokazali su statistički značajnu razliku, kao i utjecaj bolova na koncentraciju studenata tijekom učenja i kvalitetu sna. Statistički značajna razlika utvrđena je u ukupnom zbroju Oswestryjevog upitnika prema vrsti studija (p=0,003) i pozitivna korelacija srednje snage utvrđena je u povezanosti stupnja boli s rezultatima Oswestryjevog upitnika (τ=0,448). Zaključak: Višesatno sjedenje i obavljanje aktivnosti svakodnevnog života pridonose razvoju bolova u donjem dijelu leđa, pa su zbog toga bitne česte promjene položaja tijela, s vježbama jačanja te istezanja trbušne i leđne muskulature, kako bi prevenirale nastanak navedenih tegoba bolova u donjem dijelu tijela.Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine the occurrence of lower back pain in students of the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek. Study Design: Cross-sectional study. Participants and methods: 113 respondents participated in the survey, respondents with an average age of 23.31 ± 5.1 years, of which 91 were female and 22 were male. An online questionnaire on general sociodemographic data was used as a measuring instrument, with the respondents' opinions on the connection between physical activity and lower back pain with the general and special quality of life. A visual analogue scale (VAS) and a standardized form of the Oswestry questionnaire consisting of 9 categories in which the respondent assesses their quality of life were used. The survey was conducted in the period from March 11, 2020 to April 2, 2020. Results: The frequency of several hours of daily sitting as well as the performance of daily obligations showed a statistically significant difference, as well as the impact of pain on students’ concentration during studying and on sleep quality. A statistically significant difference was found in the total sum of the Oswestry questionnaire according to the type of study (p = 0.003) and a positive correlation of mean strength was found in the connection of the degree of pain with the results of the Oswestry questionnaire (τ = 0.448). Conclusion: Sitting for several hours and performing daily-life activities contribute to the development of lower back pain. Therefore, in order to prevent the occurrence of pain in the lower body, frequent changes in body position are important, with exercises to strengthen and stretch the abdominal and back muscles

    The association of physical activity and pain in the lower back in students of the Faculty of the Dental Medicine and Health Osijek

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    Cilj istraživanja: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati pojavu bolova u donjem dijelu leđa kod studenta Fakulteta za dentalnu medicinu i zdravstvo Osijek. Nacrt studije: Presječna studija. Ispitanici i metode: 113 ispitanika je sudjelovalo u anketiranju, ispitanika prosječne dobi 23,31±5,1 godinu, od kojih je 91 pripadnica ženskog spola, a 22 muškog spola. Kao mjerni instrument korišten je online anketni upitnik o općim sociodemografskim podacima, s mišljenjima ispitanika o povezanosti tjelesne aktivnosti i bolova u donjem dijelu leđa s općom i posebnom kvalitetom života. Korištena je vizualna analogna skala (VAS) i standardizirani oblik Oswestryjevog upitnika koji se sastoji od 9 kategorija u kojima ispitanik procjenjuje svoju kvalitetu života. Istraživanje je provedeno u razdoblju od 11. ožujka 2020. do 2. travnja 2020. godine. Rezultati: Učestalost višesatnog dnevnog sjedenja kao i izvršavanje dnevnih obaveza pokazali su statistički značajnu razliku, kao i utjecaj bolova na koncentraciju studenata tijekom učenja i kvalitetu sna. Statistički značajna razlika utvrđena je u ukupnom zbroju Oswestryjevog upitnika prema vrsti studija (p=0,003) i pozitivna korelacija srednje snage utvrđena je u povezanosti stupnja boli s rezultatima Oswestryjevog upitnika (τ=0,448). Zaključak: Višesatno sjedenje i obavljanje aktivnosti svakodnevnog života pridonose razvoju bolova u donjem dijelu leđa, pa su zbog toga bitne česte promjene položaja tijela, s vježbama jačanja te istezanja trbušne i leđne muskulature, kako bi prevenirale nastanak navedenih tegoba bolova u donjem dijelu tijela.Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine the occurrence of lower back pain in students of the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek. Study Design: Cross-sectional study. Participants and methods: 113 respondents participated in the survey, respondents with an average age of 23.31 ± 5.1 years, of which 91 were female and 22 were male. An online questionnaire on general sociodemographic data was used as a measuring instrument, with the respondents' opinions on the connection between physical activity and lower back pain with the general and special quality of life. A visual analogue scale (VAS) and a standardized form of the Oswestry questionnaire consisting of 9 categories in which the respondent assesses their quality of life were used. The survey was conducted in the period from March 11, 2020 to April 2, 2020. Results: The frequency of several hours of daily sitting as well as the performance of daily obligations showed a statistically significant difference, as well as the impact of pain on students’ concentration during studying and on sleep quality. A statistically significant difference was found in the total sum of the Oswestry questionnaire according to the type of study (p = 0.003) and a positive correlation of mean strength was found in the connection of the degree of pain with the results of the Oswestry questionnaire (τ = 0.448). Conclusion: Sitting for several hours and performing daily-life activities contribute to the development of lower back pain. Therefore, in order to prevent the occurrence of pain in the lower body, frequent changes in body position are important, with exercises to strengthen and stretch the abdominal and back muscles


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    Skolioza je trodimenzionalno krivljenje kralježnice koje uzrokuje brojne probleme kao što su bol, teškoća disanja, smanjenje mogućnosti u aktivnostima svakodnevnog života i sl. Skolioze se razlikuju po dobi u kojoj se javljaju, etiologiji nastanka, te dva glavna tipa po kojima se iste razlikuju su strukturalne i nestrukturalne. Najčešći oblik skolioze je idiopatski, te se javlja u adolescentnoj dobi. Rana intervencija od velike je važnosti, kako bi se konzervativnim (neoperativnim) pristupom što prije započela prilagođena rehabilitacija. Procjena je glavni dio rehabilitacije, te sam sustav praćenja napretka/nazadovanja u rehabilitaciji. Na temelju procjene stvara se plan terapije i postavljaju se ciljevi za pacijenta i fizioterapeuta. Fizioterapeut pristupa pacijentu individualno pa je i pristup koji odabire strogo individualan za svakog pacijenta. Danas postoji mnogo različitih neoperativnih pristupa u tretmanu skolioza kao što su Bobath koncept, Vojta, Proprioceptivna neuromuskularna facilitacija (PNF), Schroth metoda, Biofeedback, manipulativne tehnike, masaža, akupunktura, kinesio taping i terapijsko jahanje. Često se među navedenim pristupima izabire onaj standardni, kojeg čine izometričke vježbe, no zanemaruje se sama vestibularna rehabilitacija koja je ključna za balans i ravnotežu svakoga pacijenta. Sve metode mogu se koristiti zajedno pa čak i uz najstarije rješenje ispravljanja skolioza, a to su ortoze. Osim navedenog postoje i alternativne metode koje ne liječe skoliozu, ali olakšavaju i ublažuju neke od njezinih simptoma. To su primjerice i yoga, pilates, tai chi. Svrha ovoga rad je prikazati funkciju i uspješnost neoperativnih pristupa. Cilj je rana intervencija kako bi se rehabilitacija započela i bila što uspješnija. Važno je biti upoznat različitim pristupima kao što su alternativni kako bi sam fizioterapeut mogao izabrati odgovarajući i primijeniti isti.Scoliosis is a three-dimensional curvature of the spine that causes a number of problems such as pain, difficulty breathing, reducing opportunities in activities of daily living and so on. Scoliosis vary by age at which they occur, the etiology of origin, and two main types by which they are different structural and nonstructural. The most common form of scoliosis is idiopathic, and occurs in adolescence. Early intervention is of great importance, so that conservative (non-operative) approach as soon as possible began adapted rehabilitation. The assessment is a major part of rehabilitation, and is a system for monitoring progress / reversion in rehabilitation. Based on the assessment, the plan of therapy is created and set of goals for the patient and physiotherapist. The physical therapist approaches the patient individually so the approach chosen strictly individual for each patient. Today there are many different non-operative approaches to scoliosis treatment such as Bobath Concept, Vojta, Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF), Schroth Method, Biofeedback, Manipulative Techniques, Massage, Acupuncture, Kinesium Taping and Therapeutic Riding. Often, among the aforementioned approaches, the standard is chosen, which is an isometric exercise, but the vestibular rehabilitation itself is neglected, which is crucial for the balance and balance of each patient. All methods can be used together even with the oldest solution to correct scoliosis, namely orthotics. In addition to this, there are alternative methods that do not cure scoliosis but alleviate and relieve some of its symptoms. These are for example yoga, pilates, tai chi . The purpose of this paper is to show the function and performance of nonoperative approaches. The goal of early intervention i so the rehabilitation could begin make it more successful. It is important to be aware of different approaches such as alternative ones, so that the physiotherapist himself can choose the appropriate one and apply it