1,145 research outputs found

    On sectional and bisectional curvature of the H

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    Let M be an H-umbilical submanifold of an almost Hermitian manifold M˜. Some relations expressing the difference of bisectional and of sectional curvatures of M˜ and of M are obtained. The geometric notion of related bases for a pair of oriented planes permits to write the second members in a completely geometrical form. When the planes are not orthogonal, more simple formulas are obtained. The paper ends with a remark, concerning the vector field JH, and some special cases

    Simulating the sintering of powder particles during the preheating step of Electron Beam Melting process: Review, challenges and a proposal

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    The powder bed preheating before melting is a distinctive manufacturing step of the Electron Beam Melting (EBM) process. During preheating slight sintering occurs and small necks are formed between neighbouring particles. The necks improve the heat transfer and the powder bed strength allowing a reduction of supports structures and the neutralisation of the so-called smoke. However, preheating may represent over 50% of the total production time. This work investigates the major strategies in literature for preheating phase optimisation and proposes a numerical simulation approach to evaluate the neck growth and the corresponding sintering level

    Development of a grid-dispersion model in a large-eddy-simulation–generated planetary boundary layer

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    Numerical simulations of dispersion experiments within the planetary boundary layer are actually feasible making use of Large Eddy Simulations (LES). In Eulerian framework, a conservation equation for a passive scalar may be superimposed on LES wind/turbulence fields to get a realistic description of timevarying concentration field. Aim of this work is to present a numerical technique to solve the Eulerian conservation equation. The technique is based on Fractional Step/Locally One-Dimensional (LOD) methods. Advection terms are calculated with a semi-Lagrangian cubic-spline technique, while diffusive terms are calculated with Crank-Nicholson implicit scheme. To test the grid model, the dispersion of contaminants emitted from an elevated continuous point source in a convective boundary layer is simulated. Results show that the calculated concentration distributions agree quite well with numerical and experimental data found in the literature

    Observation of electro-activated localized structures in broad area VCSELs

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    We demonstrate experimentally the electro-activation of a localized optical structure in a coherently driven broad-area vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) operated below threshold. Control is achieved by electro-optically steering a writing beam through a pre-programmable switch based on a photorefractive funnel waveguide.Comment: 5 Figure

    Dependence of the irradiation-induced growth kinetics of satellites on the nanoclusters dimension

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    A paraître dans NIM B, présenté par G. Rizza (LSI)International audienceIrradiation with MeV gold ions of embedded Au nanoclusters in silica matrix results in the formation of a ring of satellites in its surrounding. We show that changing the initial nanoclusters size modifies both the size and the density of the satellites, and therefore alters their kinetic growth. Finally we discuss the limitation of the ion implantation technique to form a model system to study the satellites kinetic growth and we propose a new approach based on the chemical synthesis of metallic nanoparticles to obtain the proper configuration

    Effect of the Sintering Conditions on the Neck Growth during the Powder Bed Fusion with Electron Beam (PBF-EB) Process

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    A distinctive characteristic of the powder bed fusion with electron beam (PBF-EB) process is the sintering of the powder particles. For certain metallic materials, this is crucial for the success of the subsequent step, the melting, and, generally, the whole process. Despite the sintering mechanisms that occur during the PBF-EB process being similar to well-known powder metallurgy, the neck growth rates are significantly different. Therefore, specific analyses are needed to understand the influence of the PBF-EB process conditions on neck growth and neck growth rate. Additionally, some aspects, such as the rigid body motion of the particles during the sintering process, are still challenging to analyze. This work systematically investigated the effects of different particle diameters and particle diameter ratios. Additionally, the impact of the rigid body motion of the particles in the sintering was analyzed. This work demonstrated that the sintering results significantly depended on the EB-PBF process conditions

    S-nitrosation and ubiquitin-proteasome system interplay in neuromuscular disorders.

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    Protein S-nitrosation is deemed as a prototype of posttranslational modifications governing cell signaling. It takes place on specific cysteine residues that covalently incorporate a nitric oxide (NO) moiety to form S-nitrosothiol derivatives and depends on the ratio between NO produced by NO synthases and nitrosothiol removal catalyzed by denitrosating enzymes. A large number of cysteine-containing proteins are found to undergo S-nitrosation and, among them, the enzymes catalyzing ubiquitination, mainly the class of ubiquitin E3 ligases and the 20S component of the proteasome, have been reported to be redox modulated in their activity. In this review we will outline the processes regulating S-nitrosation and try to debate whether and how it affects protein ubiquitination and degradation via the proteasome. In particular, since muscle and neuronal health largely depends on the balance between protein synthesis and breakdown, here we will discuss the impact of S-nitrosation in the efficiency of protein quality control system, providing lines of evidence and speculating about its involvement in the onset and maintenance of neuromuscular dysfunctions

    A model for the estimation of standard deviation of air pollution concentration in different stability conditions

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    We propose to estimate the standard deviations of the air pollution concentration in the horizontal and vertical direction, σy and σz, based on Pasquill’s well-known equation, in terms of the wind variance and the Lagrangian integral time scales, on the basis of an atmospheric turbulence spectra model. The main advantage of the spectral model is its treatment of turbulent kinetic energy spectra as the sum of buoyancy and a shear produced part, modelling each one separately. The formulation represents both shear and buoyant turbulent mechanisms characterizing the various regimes of the Planetary Boundary Layer, and gives continuous values at any elevation and all stability conditions from unstable to stable. As a consequence, both the wind variance and the Lagrangian integral time scales in the dispersion parameters are more general than those found in literature, because they are not derived from diffusion experiments as most parameterizations. Furthermore, they provide a formulation continuous for the whole boundary layer resulting more physically consistent. The σy, σz parameters, included in a Gaussian model have been tested and compared with a dispersion scheme reported in the literature, using experimental data in different emission conditions (low and tall stacks) and in several meteorological conditions ranging from stable to convective. Results show that the dispersion model with the sigmas parameterisation included, produces a good fitting of the measured ground-level concentration data in all the experimental conditions considered, performing slightly better than other state-of-art models
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