5 research outputs found

    Classroom Activities to Promote Students' Literacy Development

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    Literacy leads students to academic success. The power of literacy does not only lie in the person’s ability to read and write, but also in the person’s capacity to apply these skills effectively for connecting, interpreting, and discerning the intricacies of the world. The purpose of this study was to describe various learning activities in grade one Ellipse Class. The study was descriptive, in which the researcher described the phenomena in the setting without attempting to make inferences or causal statements. The study was conducted at Budi Mulia Dua Pandeansari Elementary School in Yogyakarta. The instruments of this study were observation sheets, documentations, and interview protocols.  The participants of this study were ten students and two classroom teachers of Ellipse Class. The results show that there are interactive activities which are able to promote students’ literacy development such as reading activities, diary writing, project-based activities, and story writing.   Literasi mendorong kesuksesan akademis siswa. Kekuatan literasi tidak hanya terletak pada kemampuan sesesorang untuk membaca dan menulis, tetapi juga terletak pada kemampuan seseorang untuk menggunakan ketrampilan-ketrampilan ini secara efektif untuk menghubungkan, menginterpretasikan, dan mengurai kerumitan dunia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan berbagai kegiatan di kelas yang dilaksanakan di Kelas Satu Ellipse. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif, peneliti mendeskripsikan fenomena di lapangan tanpa berusaha mencampuri fakta yang terjadi di lapangan. Penelitian ini diadakan di SD Budi Mulia Dua Pandeansari Yogyakarta. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan berbagai instrumen diantaranya lembar observasi, dokumentasi, dan pedoman wawancara. Subjek penelitian ini adalah sepuluh siswa kelas satu Kelas Ellipse. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ditemukan berbagai kegiatan interaktif di kelas yang dapat menunjang perkembangan literasi siswa diantaranya kegiatan membaca, menulis buku harian, kegiatan berbasis projek, dan kegiatan menulis cerita

    Pelatihan Pemrograman Robot EVOCE di SMP Negeri 37 Pekanbaru

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    This community service activity at SMP Negeri 37 Pekanbaru aims to provide education on educational robot programming as a renewable learning media discovery. This activity introduces interactive learning media to meet the problems faced by young learners. This educational robot programming education provides students with experience in introducing educational robots. The positive impact on community service activities is that educational robots are an alternative means of learning for children by inviting them to collaborate and prepare a series of instructions. This community service activity was carried out at SMP Negeri 37 Pekanbaru. Activities help train children's logical thinking and awaken their love for learning foreign languages

    Developing Needs Analysis of Critical Literacy Models for Teaching EFL Reading Class

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    Critical literacy models have been integrated into learning process in the English-speaking countries such as Australia, New Zealand, America, England, and some Europian countriea. As matter of fact, the critical literacy model used particularly for teaching reading classess is rarely found, especially the model which fits with the characteristics of EFL students. This study aims to explore the needs analysis development of critical literacy model for teaching reading in EFL reading class. This research adapted the Four D model which consists of four steps; defining, designing, developing, and disseminating. The results revealed the following. First, in defining, the researcher conducted preliminary study in English Language Education Study Program in three universities in Yogyakarta which was meant to analyze the students’ problems in the real setting. Second, the researcher created the prototype of the needs analysis in accordance with the results of the preliminary study. Third, the researcher validated the needs analysis to the two experts and conducted field testing to evaluate the validity of the questionnaire. The results of the needs analysis validation process show that the questionnaire is feasible (87.5 %) to assess the students’ needs of critical literacy model. Furthermore, in order to evaluate the practicality of the questionnaire, the researcher conducted a preliminary field testing to 27 students of English Language Education Study Program in a private university in Yogyakarta. In conclusion, the results of the needs analysis become the basis to develop a critical literacy model which is used for teaching EFL reading classes.

    Meningkatkan Kecakapan Literasi Digital Melalui Program #BijakBersosmed

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    Siswa sekolah menengah pertama adalah para remaja dengan rentang usia 12-15 tahun yang merupakan kelompok pengguna aktif media sosial. Hasil pengamatan awal menunjukkan bahwa mereka rata-rata menghabiskan antara 3-4 jam setiap hari untuk mengakses media sosial seperti Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, dan Whatsapp. Sehingga dapat dikatakan jika media sosial telah menjadi bagian penting kehidupan mereka sehari-hari. Namun sayangnya, tingginya frekuensi pemakaian media sosial belum diimbangi dengan kecakapan literasi digital. Akibatnya, mereka menjadi tidak dapat menggunakan media sosial secara bijaksana dan menjadi korban peredaran berita bohong (hoax). Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kecakapan literasi digital siswa SMP Negeri 37 Pekanbaru melalui program pemerintah yang bertajuk #BijakBersosmed. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilaksanakan menggunakan dua yakni metode ceramah, metode ini bertujuan untuk membekali siswa dengan wawasan cara pemanfaatan media sosial secara bijaksana. Metode yang kedua adalah praktik yang bertujuan untuk melatih siswa agar mampu mengidentifikasi informasi yang didapatkan dari media sosial. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini mampu membangkitkan kesadaran kritis siswa, selain itu siswa juga mengetahui tentang etika bermedia sosial. Setelah mengikuti kegiatan pengabdian ini, para siswa diharapkan mampu menapis berita bohong (hoax), ujaran kebencian (hate speech), dan menghentikan fenomena oversharing bagi para pengguna media sosial