4 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Harga, Kualitas Produk, Kualitas Layanan Dan Lokasi Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Studi Kasus Pada Pelanggan Kedai AJ Coffee Sidayu di Kota Gresik)

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    Abstract Based on research conducted with the aim of analyzing the effect of Price, Product Quality, Service Quality and Loaction on Purchase Decisions at AJ Coffee Sidayu’s Customers in Gresik city. The population in this study were the customers of Kedai AJ Coffe Sidayu totaling 110 people. The sampling technique used is random sampling where every customer in the population has the opportunity to be a sample. The analytical method used in thes research is multipe linear regression analysis with hypothesis testing using t test and f test. From this study, it was found that the price variable partially influences the  purchasing decision, but the product quality, service quality and location variables have no effecton purchasing decisions. Meanwhile, the variables of price, product quality, service quality and location simultaneously affect purchasing decisions. Keywords: Price, Product Quality, Service Quality, Location, Purchase Decision

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Kontrol Mekanisme Pelacakan Matahari Beserta Fasilitas Telekontrol Hemat Energi

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    Solar energy produced by concentrated solar heat collector panels requires tracking mechanisms for a more optimal direction. This paper presents the design and construction of a low energy solar tracking control system with telecontrol facilities. To accelerate the movement of the panel in always adjusting itself to the direction of the sun, a combination of the timer and light sensor was used. In this control system, the reference signal is taken from two pieces of light sensors while the feedback is taken from the position and temperature sensors. The program has been developed using C language and was implemented on the microcontroller ATMega8535 as the brain of the system. Telecontrol facilities for monitoring the data to a computer uses transceiver modules via RS-232 connection. A DC motor having power capacity of 0.74 watts was used and was clutched with 1:7,300 gearbox ratio. Experiments on light sensor characteristics and simulated movement of the panel were carried out. From the light sensor experiment it can be concluded that the sensor produces 0-4 volt output signal when bright 3.3-3.9 volts, when cloudy and 1.5-3.3 volts when sunny. From the simulation of panel movement, it is known that the solar tracking control system moves the panel and tracks the direction of the sun movement

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Kontrol Mekanisme Pelacakan Matahari Beserta Fasilitas Telekontrol Hemat Energi

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    Solar energy produced by concentrated solar heat collector panels requires tracking mechanisms for a more optimal direction. This paper presents the design and construction of a low energy solar tracking control system with telecontrol facilities. To accelerate the movement of the panel in always adjusting itself to the direction of the sun, a combination of the timer and light sensor was used. In this control system, the reference signal is taken from two pieces of light sensors while the feedback is taken from the position and temperature sensors. The program has been developed using C language and was implemented on the microcontroller ATMega8535 as the brain of the system. Telecontrol facilities for monitoring the data to a computer uses transceiver modules via RS-232 connection. A DC motor having power capacity of 0.74 watts was used and was clutched with 1:7,300 gearbox ratio. Experiments on light sensor characteristics and simulated movement of the panel were carried out. From the light sensor experiment it can be concluded that the sensor produces 0-4 volt output signal when bright 3.3-3.9 volts, when cloudy and 1.5-3.3 volts when sunny. From the simulation of panel movement, it is known that the solar tracking control system moves the panel and tracks the direction of the sun movement.