3 research outputs found

    Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi minat belanja online masyarakat (studi kasus pengikut instagram muslimah thread)

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    The purpose of this study was to partially determine respondents' characteristics and the effect of promotion, product price, and shopping experience on people's online shopping interest. This study was conducted using a Likert scale shared with google form via Instagram @Muslimahthread_, from the results of the data obtained from the Likert scale then processed with multiple regression models. From the results of the study, it was found that the characteristics of the respondents were dominated by respondents aged between 14 – 23 years (84.6%), educated in junior high and high school equivalents (82.4%), unmarried (90%), status as students (62%), came from Java Island (67.4%), those who were already working had incomes between IDR 300,000 – IDR 2,522,278 (49%) and those who had not worked had revenues between IDR 60,000 – IDR 1,239,621 (92,4%). With expenses between IDR 35,000 – IDR 941,341 per month (79.6%), the average nominal online shopping transaction is between IDR 20,000 - IDR 359,095 per month (84.2%), having no side job (76.9%), the most popular types of products are Fashion and Beauty Products (78.3%), and the most frequently used type of payment COD or Cash on Delivery (40.7%). The results of multiple linear regression indicate that Promotion and Shopping Experience has a significant effect on Online Shopping Interest. Meanwhile, product prices have no significant impact on online shopping interest.  Keywords: Promotion, Product price, Shopping experience, Online shopping interes

    ‘Dove Confident Me Indonesia: Single Session’: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial to evaluate a school-based body image intervention among Indonesian adolescents

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    Background: Due to the prevalence and associated adverse health consequences of negative body image among adolescents globally, there is a need to develop acceptable, effective, and scalable interventions. School-based body image interventions delivered by trained teachers show promise in reducing negative body image in adolescents. However, there is currently a lack of evidenced-based body image interventions for use in low-and middle-income countries (LMICs). This paper outlines a protocol for the development and evaluation of Dove Confident Me Indonesia: Single Session, a single-session, teacher-led body image intervention for Indonesian adolescents. Method: The effectiveness of the intervention will be evaluated using a cluster randomised controlled trial design. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the trial will be conducted online. Trained teachers or school guidance counsellors will deliver the intervention. Self-report questionnaires will be collected at three time points: baseline, post-intervention, and two-month follow-up. The primary outcome is body esteem. Secondary outcomes are internalisation of appearance ideals, mood, engagement in life activities, tendency to engage in appearance comparisons, and skin shade satisfaction. A minimum of 1000 participants will provide 95% power to detect small-to-medium intervention effects. To account for attrition and potential internet issues, the sample will comprise of 2000 Indonesian adolescents in grades 7-9, attending state junior high schools in Surabaya, East Java. Quantitative and qualitative data on acceptability of the intervention will also be collected from teachers and students. Additionally, fidelity of lesson implementation will be assessed. This project received ethical approval from the Universitas Indonesia and the University of the West of England. The intervention will be disseminated in junior high schools throughout Indonesia via UNICEF's Life Skills Education (LSE) programme, which will be freely available for teachers to download

    Kewajiban Ayah Menafkahi Anak Setelah Putusnya Perkawinan

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    ABSTRACT: Article 45 states that "both parents are obliged to care for and educate their children as well as possible". Paragraph (2) states "the obligations of the parents referred to in paragraph (1) of this article apply until the child marries or can stand alone, which obligations continue even if the marriage between the two parents is broken up". So in detail the rights and obligations of the parents towards children namely Providing protection, Providing education, Representing children in all legal actions for those who are eighteen years old and under and have never been married, Providing child care costs even though the parents' powers have been revoked. legal consequences arising from ex-husbands not providing maintenance to children, that can be done through the stages, summoning ex-husbands to fulfill the obligation to provide maintenance to children based on a judge's decision, forced efforts from the Court against ex-husbands to provide Hadhanah maintenance for their children. The purposes of this study are: To know and explain the obligations of fathers in providing for children after divorce, Knowing and explaining what are the legal remedies if a father is negligent in carrying out the obligation to provide for his children. The method used in this research is normative juridical. And using a statutory approach as well as a conceptual approach, with legal materials consisting of primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials which are analyzed qualitatively. The results obtained from this study are that if the ex-husband is negligent in carrying out the obligation to provide for children, that is, the ex-wife can submit a request to the Head of the District Court or the Head of the Religious Court depending on what law you use when divorcing, if Islamically it can be filed through the Religious Court, and other than Islam can be filed through the District Court