273 research outputs found

    Effects of increased soil water availability on grassland ecosystem carbon dioxide fluxes

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    There is considerable interest in how ecosystems will respond to changes in precipitation. Alterations in rain and snowfall are expected to influence the spatio-temporal patterns of plant and soil processes that are controlled by soil moisture, and potentially, the amount of carbon (C) exchanged between the atmosphere and ecosystems. Because grasslands cover over one third of the terrestrial landscape, understanding controls on grassland C processes will be important to forecast how changes in precipitation regimes will influence the global C cycle. In this study we examined how irrigation affects carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes in five widely variable grasslands of Yellowstone National Park during a year of approximately average growing season precipitation. We irrigated plots every 2weeks with 25% of the monthly 30-year average of precipitation resulting in plots receiving approximately 150% of the usual growing season water in the form of rain and supplemented irrigation. Ecosystem CO2 fluxes were measured with a closed chamber-system once a month from May-September on irrigated and unirrigated plots in each grassland. Soil moisture was closely associated with CO2 fluxes and shoot biomass, and was between 1.6% and 11.5% higher at the irrigated plots (values from wettest to driest grassland) during times of measurements. When examining the effect of irrigation throughout the growing season (May-September) across sites, we found that water additions increased ecosystem CO2 fluxes at the two driest and the wettest sites, suggesting that these sites were water-limited during the climatically average precipitation conditions of the 2005 growing season. In contrast, no consistent responses to irrigation were detected at the two sites with intermediate soil moisture. Thus, the ecosystem CO2 fluxes at those sites were not water-limited, when considering their responses to supplemental water throughout the whole season. In contrast, when we explored how the effect of irrigation varied temporally, we found that irrigation increased ecosystem CO2 fluxes at all the sites late in the growing season (September). The spatial differences in the response of ecosystem CO2 fluxes to irrigation likely can be explained by site specific differences in soil and vegetation properties. The temporal effects likely were due to delayed plant senescence that promoted plant and soil activity later into the year. Our results suggest that in Yellowstone National Park, above-normal amounts of soil moisture will only stimulate CO2 fluxes across a portion of the ecosystem. Thus, depending on the topographic location, grassland CO2 fluxes can be water-limited or not. Such information is important to accurately predict how changes in precipitation/soil moisture will affect CO2 dynamics and how they may feed back to the global C cycl

    Soil CO2 Emissions Associated with Termitaria in Tropical Savanna: Evidence for Hot-Spot Compensation

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    Our understanding of carbon (C) dynamics within savannas is very limited, especially how source/sink dynamics are influenced by the resident biota. Previous measurements of epigeal termite mounds (termitaria), ubiquitous in many savannas, have shown that they are considerable point sources of soil carbon dioxide (CO2), whereas CO2 measurements collected outside the mounds were generally assumed to be independent of termite activity. However, no measurements were conducted along gradients away from the mounds to confirm this. We quantified daytime soil CO2 emissions (soil respiration) along gradients from the center to 20m from the mound edge in Serengeti National Park, and measured soil temperature/moisture, macro-invertebrate abundance, and vegetation height as variables potentially influencing these emissions. Further, we quantified how far into the savanna termitaria impact CO2 emissions. As in other studies, we found the highest soil CO2 fluxes at the termitaria-center and considerably lower fluxes in the surrounding savanna. Macro-invertebrate abundance was associated with the differences in emissions measured, whereas the other variables were not. The analysis of spatial autocorrelation revealed significantly lower fluxes between the termitaria edge and up to 9m from the edge compared to the values measured at the termitaria-center and between 10 and 20m from the termitaria edge. When extrapolating the emissions across the landscape our results suggest that the lower CO2 emissions found between the edge and 9m fully compensate for the high fluxes measured at the termitaria center. Consequently, our findings provide evidence that termitaria might influence the savanna C source-sink dynamics differently than previously though

    Effects of grazing and soil micro-climate on decomposition rates in a spatio-temporally heterogeneous grassland

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    Grazing and seasonal variation in precipitation and temperature are important controls of soil and plant processes in grasslands. As these ecosystems store up to 30% of the world's belowground carbon (C), it is important to understand how this variability affects mineral soil C pools/fluxes, and how C cycling might be affected by changes in precipitation and temperature, due to climate change. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of grazing and differences in soil temperature and moisture on standard organic matter (OM) decomposition rates (cotton cloth) incubated in the top 10cm soil of grasslands with variable topography in Yellowstone National Park (YNP) during the 2004 growing season. Grazing did not affect soil temperature, moisture, cotton cloth decomposition rates, soil bulk density, soil C and N concentrations, or soil C:N ratios. However, a large spatio-temporal variability in decomposition was observed: cotton cloth decomposition was positively related to soil moisture and soil C and N concentrations, and negatively to soil temperature. Highest decomposition rates were found in wetter slope bottom soils [season averages of decomposition given as rate of decomposition (cotton rotting rate = CRR) = 23-26%] and lower rates in drier, hill-top soils (season averages, CRR = 20%). Significantly higher decomposition rates were recorded in spring, early summer and early fall when soils were moist and cool (spring, CRR = 25%; early summer, CRR = 26%; fall, CRR = 20%) compared to mid-summer (CRR = 18%) when soils were dry and warm. Our findings suggest that climate-change related decreases in precipitation and increases in temperature predicted for North American grasslands would decrease soil OM decomposition in YNP, which contrasts the general assumption that increases in temperature would accelerate OM decomposition rate

    Grubbing by wild boars ( Sus scrofa L.) and its impact on hardwood forest soil carbon dioxide emissions in Switzerland

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    Interest in soil C storage and release has increased in recent years. In addition to factors such as climate/land-use change, vertebrate animals can have a considerable impact on soil CO2 emissions. To date, most research has considered herbivores, while the impact of omnivorous animals has rarely been investigated. Our goal was to determine how European wild boars (Sus scrofa L.), large omnivores that consume soil-inhabiting animals and belowground plant parts by grubbing in the soil, affect soil C dynamics. We measured soil respiration (CO2), temperature, and moisture on paired grubbed and non-grubbed plots in six hardwood forest stands for a 3-year period and sampled fine root and microbial biomass at the beginning and after 2years of the study. We also measured the percentage of freshly disturbed forest soil within the larger surroundings of each stand and used this information together with hunting statistics and forest cover data to model the total amount of CO2 released from Swiss forest soils due to grubbing during 1year. Soil CO2 emissions were significantly higher on grubbed compared to non-grubbed plots during the study. On average 23.1% more CO2 was released from these plots, which we associated with potential alterations in CO2 diffusion rates, incorporation of litter into the mineral soil and higher fine root/microbial biomass. Thus, wild boars considerably increased the small-scale heterogeneity of soil properties. Roughly 1% of Switzerland's surface area is similar to our sites (boar density/forest cover). Given the range of forest soil disturbance of 27-54% at our sites, the geographic information system model predicted that boar grubbing would lead to the release of an additional 49,731.10-98,454.74tCO2year−1. These values are relatively small compared to total soil emissions estimated for Swiss hardwood forests and suggest that boars will have little effect on large-scale emissions unless their numbers increase and their range expands dramaticall

    Biotic responses to climate extremes in terrestrial ecosystems

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    Anthropogenic climate change is increasing the incidence of climate extremes. Consequences of climate extremes on biodiversity can be highly detrimental, yet few studies also suggest beneficial effects of climate extremes on certain organisms. To obtain a general understanding of ecological responses to climate extremes, we present a review of how 16 major taxonomic/functional groups (including microorganisms, plants, invertebrates, and vertebrates) respond during extreme drought, precipitation, and temperature.Most taxonomic/functional groups respond negatively to extreme events, whereas groups such as mosses, legumes, trees, and vertebrate predators respond most negatively to climate extremes. We further highlight that ecological recovery after climate extremes is challenging to predict purely based on ecological responses during or immediately after climate extremes. By accounting for the characteristics of the recovering species, resource availability, and species interactions with neighboring competitors or facilitators, mutualists, and enemies, we outline a conceptual framework to better predict ecological recovery in terrestrial ecosystems

    Detecting successional changes in long-term empirical data from subalpine conifer forests

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    In many mountain regions, traditional agriculture and forestry are no longer economically viable and less intense land-use is becoming more and more widespread. Thus, the importance of understanding secondary succession in these abandoned systems increases. This study is based on a comparison of historic (1957) and present tree data (2001) from subalpine forest stands located in the Swiss National Park (SNP), where all management was stopped in 1914. The two data sets contain information on tree and sapling density as well as diameter distribution for all tree species present. Using time-series analyses, space for time substitution and multivariate methods (PCoA, minimum spanning tree analysis), we investigated if successional changes can be detected within the forest stands in the SNP. Our results showed that the stands studied are developing from a stage dominated by mountain pine (Pinus montana Miller) to a late successional stage dominated by Swiss stone pine (Pinus cembra L.) and European larch (Larix decidua Miller). This shift in species composition, which was observed in both the tree and sapling layer, was accompanied by a significant decrease in tree density (stems/ha). We also found that stand disturbances, such as fungal diseases, parasitic insects, ungulate browsing, windthrow or snow pressure, have not prevented succession from mountain pine to Swiss stone pine-larch communities. The minimum spanning tree analysis revealed that the sixteen observed 44-year-time-series cover at least 110 years of succession. This time frame is the shortest possible duration for a successional development starting from a 95 to 125-year-old mountain pine stand. The successional changes depicted in our study indicate how similar areas in the Central European Alps might develop in the near future when management cease

    Progressively excluding mammals of different body size affects community and trait structure of ground beetles

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    Mammalian grazing induces changes in vegetation properties in grasslands, which can affect a wide variety of other animals including many arthropods. However, the impacts may depend on the type and body size of these mammals. Furthermore, how mammals influence functional trait syndromes of arthropod communities is not well known. We progressively excluded large (e.g. red deer, chamois), medium (e.g. alpine marmot, mountain hare), and small (e.g. mice) mammals using size-selective fences in two vegetation types (short- and tall-grass vegetation) of subalpine grasslands. We then assessed how these exclusions affected the community composition and functional traits of ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae), and which vegetation characteristic mediated the observed effects. Total carabid biomass, the activity densities of carabids with specific traits (i.e. small eyes, short wings), the richness of small-eyed species and the richness of herbivorous species were significantly higher when certain mammals were excluded compared to when all mammals had access, regardless of vegetation type. Excluding large and medium mammals increased the activity density of herbivorous carabid species, but only in short-grass vegetation. Similarly, excluding large mammals (ungulates) altered carabid species composition in the short-, but not in the tall-grass vegetation. All these responses were related to aboveground plant biomass, but not to plant Shannon diversity or vegetation structural heterogeneity. Our results indicate that changes in aboveground plant biomass are key drivers of mammalian grazers' influence on carabids, suggesting that bottom-up forces are important in subalpine grassland systems. The exclusion of ungulates provoked the strongest carabid response. Our results, however, also highlight the ecological significance of smaller herbivorous mammals. Our study furthermore shows that mammalian grazing not only altered carabid community composition, but also caused community-wide functional trait shifts, which could potentially have a wider impact on species interactions and ecosystem functioning

    Stem exclusion and mortality in unmanaged subalpine forests of the Swiss Alps

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    Understanding the causes and consequences of spatiotemporal structural development in forest ecosystems is an important goal of basic and applied ecological research. Most existing knowledge about the sequence and timing of distinct structural stages following stand origin in unmanaged (not actively managed in >50years) forests has been derived from forests in North America, which are characterized by particular topographic, climatic, biotic and other environmental factors. Thus, the effects on structural development remain poorly understood for many other forest systems, such as the dense, unmanaged, subalpine Norway spruce forests of the Swiss Alps. Over the past century, land abandonment and reductions in active forest management have led to a substantial increase in the density of these forests types. Consequently, many stands are entering the stem exclusion stage and are currently characterized by associated self-thinning mortality. However, the environmental influences on the rate of this structural development as well as this structural stage itself have not yet been examined. We studied stem exclusion processes based on forest inventory data (National Swiss Forest Inventory; NFI) over three survey periods (1983-1985, 1993-1995 and 2004-2006) using repeated measures statistics. To complement these analyses, we also collected and analysed 3,700 increment cores from 20 field plots within dense subalpine Norway spruce forests dispersed across the Swiss Alps. Over the past decades, basal area (BA) has generally increased, particularly on N-facing and steeper slopes, and within 300m of potential treeline. The number of dead trees was higher on N-facing compared with S-facing slopes, but the BA of dead wood was higher on S-facing slopes. Tree ring analysis confirmed important differences in growth patterns between N- and S-facing slopes and verified the results of the NFI analysis. This study provides a detailed example of how environmental heterogeneity and management history can influence the spatiotemporal structural development of forest ecosystem

    Struktur und Langzeitentwicklung von subalpinen Pinus montana Miller und Pinus cembra L. WÀldern in den zentraleuropÀischen Alpen

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    Summary:: Since traditional agriculture and forestry are no longer economically viable in many regions of the European Alps, subalpine forests will become less managed or completely abandoned in the near future. Therefore, the interest in understanding how forest stands will develop after abandonment has increased considerably over the past two decades. While much is known about stand structure and stand development of Norway spruce (Picea abies L.) forests, almost no knowledge is available about the same processes in forest communities of the Central Alps. In the Swiss National Park (SNP), the forested area is comprised of mountain pine (Pinus montana Miller), Swiss stone pine/larch, (Pinus cembra L./Larix decidua L.). and mixed stands. When the Park was founded in 1914 all management activities were stopped. Therefore, this area offers the opportunity to study stand development and changes in stand structure after abandonment. We compared historic (1957) and present data (2001/02) from 19 stands that were grouped into characteristic stand types: "mountain pine”, "mixed”, and "stone pine”. We detected significant decreases in total tree density (stem/ha) and sapling density (saplings/ha) of 45 to 57%, and 64 to 76%, respectively, over the 45 years of observation for all stand types. These changes were strongly related to decreases in the number of shade intolerant mountain pine trees. Simultaneously, the amount of non-standing woody residue increased from less than 4 t/ha to 36 to67.7 t/ha, and the density of standing dead wood (stems/ha) decreased significantly between 72 and 94%. The biomass of standing dead wood (t/ha), however, changed only slightly between 1957 and 01/02. Our results describe the successional development of continental subalpine forests after abandonment and outlines changes that might take place in similar areas in the near futur

    Spatial resolution, spectral metrics and biomass are key aspects in estimating plant species richness from spectral diversity in species‐rich grasslands

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    Increasing evidence suggests that remotely sensed spectral diversity is linked to plant species richness. However, a conflicting spectral diversity–biodiversity relationship in grasslands has been found in previous studies. In particular, it remains unclear how well the spectral diversity–biodiversity relationship holds in naturally assembled species-rich grasslands. To address the linkage between spectral diversity and plant species richness in a species-rich alpine grassland ecosystem, we investigated (i) the trade-off between spectral and spatial resolution in remote sensing data; (ii) the suitability of three different spectral metrics to describe spectral diversity (coefficient of variation, convex hull volume and spectral species richness) and (iii) the importance of confounding effects of live plant biomass, dead plant biomass and plant life forms on the spectral diversity–biodiversity relationship. We addressed these questions using remote sensing data collected with consumer-grade cameras with four spectral bands and 10 cm spatial resolution on an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), airborne imaging spectrometer data (AVIRIS-NG) with 372 bands and 2.5 m spatial resolution, and a fused data product of both datasets. Our findings suggest that a fused dataset can cope with the requirement of both high spatial- and spectral resolution to remotely measure biodiversity. However, in contrast to several previous studies, we found a negative correlation between plant species richness and spectral metrics based on the spectral information content (i.e. spectral complexity). The spectral diversity calculated based on the spectral complexity was sensitive to live and dead plant biomass. Overall, our results suggest that remote sensing of plant species diversity requires a high spatial resolution, the use of classification-based spectral metrics, such as spectral species richness, and awareness of confounding factors (e.g. plant biomass), which may be ecosystem specific
