516 research outputs found

    Local tropical linear spaces

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    In this paper we study general tropical linear spaces locally: For any basis B of the matroid underlying a tropical linear space L, we define the local tropical linear space L_B to be the subcomplex of L consisting of all vectors v that make B a basis of maximal v-weight. The tropical linear space L can then be expressed as the union of all its local tropical linear spaces, which we prove are homeomorphic to Euclidean space. Local tropical linear spaces have a simple description in terms of polyhedral matroid subdivisions, and we prove that they are dual to mixed subdivisions of Minkowski sums of simplices. Using this duality we produce tight upper bounds for their f-vectors. We also study a certain class of tropical linear spaces that we call conical tropical linear spaces, and we give a simple proof that they satisfy Speyer's f-vector conjecture.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure. Some results are stated in a bit more generality. Minor corrections were also mad

    Valuations for matroid polytope subdivisions

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    We prove that the ranks of the subsets and the activities of the bases of a matroid define valuations for the subdivisions of a matroid polytope into smaller matroid polytopes.Comment: 19 pages. 2 figures; added section 6 + other correction

    Positively oriented matroids are realizable

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    We prove da Silva's 1987 conjecture that any positively oriented matroid is a positroid; that is, it can be realized by a set of vectors in a real vector space. It follows from this result and a result of the third author that the positive matroid Grassmannian (or positive MacPhersonian) is homeomorphic to a closed ball.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, references adde

    Compressed sensing of data with a known distribution

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    Compressed sensing is a technique for recovering an unknown sparse signal from a small number of linear measurements. When the measurement matrix is random, the number of measurements required for perfect recovery exhibits a phase transition: there is a threshold on the number of measurements after which the probability of exact recovery quickly goes from very small to very large. In this work we are able to reduce this threshold by incorporating statistical information about the data we wish to recover. Our algorithm works by minimizing a suitably weighted 1\ell_1-norm, where the weights are chosen so that the expected statistical dimension of the corresponding descent cone is minimized. We also provide new discrete-geometry-based Monte Carlo algorithms for computing intrinsic volumes of such descent cones, allowing us to bound the failure probability of our methods.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures. New colorblind safe figures. Sections 3 and 4 completely rewritten. Minor typos fixe

    Tropical ideals

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    We introduce and study a special class of ideals, called tropical ideals, in the semiring of tropical polynomials, with the goal of developing a useful and solid algebraic foundation for tropical geometry. The class of tropical ideals strictly includes the tropicalizations of classical ideals, and allows us to define subschemes of tropical toric varieties, generalizing Giansiracusa and Giansiracusa [Equations of tropical varieties, Duke Math. J. 165 (2016), 3379–3433]. We investigate some of the basic structure of tropical ideals, and show that they satisfy many desirable properties that mimic the classical setup. In particular, every tropical ideal has an associated variety, which we prove is always a finite polyhedral complex. In addition we show that tropical ideals satisfy the ascending chain condition, even though they are typically not finitely generated, and also the weak Nullstellensatz

    Tropical Ideals

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    International audienceWe introduce and study a special class of ideals over the semiring of tropical polynomials, which we calltropical ideals, with the goal of developing a useful and solid algebraic foundation for tropical geometry. We exploretheir rich combinatorial structure, and prove that they satisfy numerous properties analogous to classical ideals

    The implementation of storytelling in the native Language to promote L2 vocabulary in older adults

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    Este proyecto de aula presenta la implementación de la técnica de narración de cuentos utilizando mitos y leyendas colombianos para enseñar vocabulario en inglés a adultos mayores. Para este proyecto, establecimos algunos objetivos de enseñanza que se dividieron en dos; objetivos generales en los que los adultos mayores reconocen el vocabulario establecidos a través de la producción verbal y no verbal. También los objetivos específicos, por ejemplo, la implementación de la narración de cuentos como un medio para promover el vocabulario en inglés. La metodología utilizada en este proyecto de aula se centró en la andragogía, que es la ciencia de la educación de adultos, en base a esto enseñamos vocabulario en inglés utilizando mitos y leyendas colombianas. Los participantes involucrados fueron siete adultos mayores de una casa de retiro en Pereira, y los tres facilitadores los cuales usaron como instrumentos diarios, observaciones y artefactos de los participantes recolectar evidencia y su posterior análisis. Los resultados indicaron que los participantes pudieron recordar y utilizar el vocabulario presentado durante la sesión de narración de mitos y leyendas. Como conclusión, este proyecto de aula reveló que el uso de mitos y leyendas para enseñar vocabulario en inglés es una técnica favorable la cual permitió a los participantes sentirse cómodos y usar sus conocimientos previos en su idioma nativo con el propósito de aprender vocabulario en inglés

    Relaciones entre los flujos de efectivo de las empresas de Risaralda y el Producto Interno Bruto regional para el sector comercial en el periodo 2002-2011

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    In this article the cash flows of the companies of Risaralda and the regional gross domestic product for the commercial sector are analyzed. Its aim is to establish the relationship to companies that repor­ted financial statements to the Superintendency of Companies for the period 2002-2011 and the regio­nal Gross Domestic Product (GDP).The research was documentary, descriptive-correla­tional nature, because throughout the process flows of cash from operations, financing and investment to subsequently identify, establish correlations with the different macroeconomic variables such as unem­ployment, interest rates, the DTF and the IGBC. These relationships, identify year by year increases or decreases in cash flows and its impact on the economy for the same periods.En este artículo se analizan los flujos de efectivo de las empresas de Risaralda y el Producto Interno Bruto regional para el sector comercial. Su objetivo es el de establecer la relación existente para las empresas que reportaron estados financieros a la Superinten­dencia de Sociedades durante el periodo 2002-2011 y el Producto Interno Bruto regional (PIB). La investigación fue de carácter documen­tal, descriptiva-correlacional, pues a lo largo del proceso se identifica los flujos de efectivo de la operación, financiación e inversión para posterior­mente, establecer correlaciones con las diferentes variables macroeconómicas como el desempleo, la tasa de interés, el DTF y el IGBC. Estas rela­ciones, identifican año por año los incrementos o disminuciones en los flujos de efectivo y su afec­tación en la economía para los mismos periodos