16 research outputs found
Santri-santri yang belajar ilmu Agama di Mushola Jabal Rahmah rata-rata berumur 11 sampai 18 tahun. Ilmu yang mereka dapat dari Mushola Jabal Rahmah antara lain program Tahfidz Qur’an, Fiqih dan Ulum Hadis. Dalam hal ini para santri tidak mendapatkan pengetahuan tentang teknologi seperti dampak buruk dan apa saja yang perlu diperhatikan sehingga para santri bisa lebih bijak menggunakan teknologi, serta mengamalkan nilai-nilai keagamaan dalam dunia teknologi khususnya internet. Berdasarkan latar belakang di atas, kami melakukan pengabdian berupa pelatihan dan penyuluhan tentang pentingnya internet sehat untuk para santri di Mushola Jabal Rahmah. Berdasarkan hasil pengabdian yang telah dilakukan semua telah berjalan sesuai dengan waktu yang telah ditetapkan. Para santri mengaku puas dengan materi yang didapat, dan para pengurus berpendapat materi yang dipaparkan sangat bermanfaat untuk para santri kedepannya
Penerapan E-Katalog Sebagai Media Promosi Pada PT. Satria Pangan Sejati
PT. Satria Pangan Sejati merupakan salah satu perusahaan pengolahan daging di Bali yang menggunakan katalog produk berupa katalog berkas untuk memperkenalkan produk yang dijual pada pembeli. Dalam pemesanan produknya, digunakan telepon, Whatsapp, dan email. Namun, seiring kemajuan teknologi, katalog produk konvensional mulai tergantikan dengan katalog elektronik (E-Katalog). Katalog elektronik dapat dibuat dengan berbasis website responsif sehingga akses menjadi lebih mudah, serta dapat mempermudah pemesanan produk dan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pembeli akan informasi produk dengan lebih cepat. Dalam penelitian ini, digunakan metode waterfall agar pengembangan sistem dapat lebih terstruktur dan sistematis. Untuk membuat sistem, digunakan framework Materialize CSS dalam membuat interface website, bahasa pemrograman HTML, Javascript, dan PHP, serta database MySQL untuk mempermudah perubahan dan pembaharuan data dalam katalog. Serta telah dilakukan pengujian sistem dengan hasil penilaian sebanyak 94% responden menyatakan kualitas informasi yang ditampilkan sudah baik, sebanyak 94% responden menyatakan kemanfaatan sistem sudah baik, sebanyak 97% responden menyatakan kemudahan akses sistem sudah baik, 100% responden menyatakan tampilan sistem sudah baik, dan 100% responsden menyatakan sistem sudah baik secara keseluruhan
Aplikasi Pemesanan Jasa Tour Guide Dan Vacation Planner Di Bali Berbasis Mobile
E-Tourism is a technological innovation through e-commerce in the field of tourism. E-Tourism provides a tourism service to tourists online and the organization of tourism marketing has become more accessible. This study aims to produce a mobile-based Tour Guide and Vacation Planner booking service information system which is expected to be beneficial for tourists in planning and making their visit easier while in Bali. This application is expected to make it easier for tourists to make holiday planning in Bali so as to create an efficient and appropriate plan for tourists, and ultimately have an impact on the tourism sector in Bali. This research applies to the waterfall method. This research is based on the results of tests using interview methods and filling out questionnaires for people who play a role in tourism
Sistem Informasi Akomodasi Pariwisata Nusa Dua Berbasis Android
There are lots of Nusa Dua tourism accommodation and it is interesting to be visited by domestic and foreign tourists. The author considers the need for a special portal to provide information about geography Nusa Dua tourism accommodation, in addition to this, it can also increase the interest of foreign tourists to travel with complete information without worrying. An android-based Nusa Dua tourism accommodation information system was created to provide broad information about the availability of the accommodation places in Nusa Dua. This geography information system was built using the waterfall method starting with the needs analysis, system design, coding, and testing stages. The information system built can run and function well in accordance with the needs of tourists, where the system can support tourism activities. The system is able to provide information in the form of writing, pictures and payments to increase the interest of foreign tourists visiting, especially in Nusa Dua
Aplikasi Pemesanan Jasa Fotografi & Wedding Venue di Bali Berbasis Website
Bali offers so many beautiful places that can be used as references to capture important moments in one's life, one of which is the moment to make a sacred promise. However, there is no liaison media that makes it easier to bring together consumers, photography service companies and venues because the marketing is still done conventionally which is not equipped with transaction features which is quite difficult, not only from potential customers but also service owners. Therefore, this research was made using the sequential linier approach method to facilitate ordering services, determining the location according to customer desires, increasing regional income by collaborating with venue providers on the island of Bali and also helping companies to facilitate marketing with a wider scope by ease of ordering and transactions through the website which is certainly more efficient and effective compared to conventional methods
Sistem Informasi Geografis Pemetaan Tempat Ibadah Pada Pulau Bali Berbasis Mobile
In making a vacation trip, sometimes tourists will visit a place that is a tourist spot, but it does not rule out the tourists will look for a place of worship to carry out their worship activities or just to visit. The place of worship is one of the locations that are often sought by local and foreign tourists when they are on vacation. A place of worship is a place devoted to praying and offering prayers to God Almighty. The importance of this research is because tourists sometimes find it difficult to find the right place of worship and find information in it, a common difficulty encountered by tourists is the lack of information provided in the place of worship. Purpose Geographical information system mapping places of worship on Bali-based mobile is a mapping application of places of worship where users can find out the location of places of worship that are nearby or that the user is looking for, users can also find out events in the place of worship every day so local and foreign tourists who come to visit the island of Bali is not difficult to find a place of worship to carry out their worship activities. Research conducted using the waterfall method
Pengaruh Kompetensi Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Terhadap Keterampilan Guru SMK Dalam Merancang Perangkat Pembelajaran Berbasis Digital
Integrating technology in learning with pedagogical and content mastery will achieve quality learning, known as a frameworkTechnological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK). Therefore, this research aims to determine the influence of competence TPACK on the skills of vocational school teachers in designing digital-based learning tools. This type of research is quantitative descriptive with a correlational model. Sampling used purposive random sampling, namely vocational school teachers in South Kuta District with a total of 49 people. Data collection techniques use questionnaire instruments and assessment rubrics for digital learning tools. Testing the quality of the instrument was carried out by analyzing the validity, and reliability of the instrument, and media expert testing. The analysis technique uses simple linear regression. The research results show that there is a positive and significant relationship between competencies TPACK and vocational school teachers' skills in designing digital-based learning tools with a correlation coefficient of 0.323 and a significance value of 0.00. Competency contribution TPACK of vocational school teachers' skills in designing digital-based learning devices is 89.50%
Aplikasi Pencarian Surfing Spot Terdekat Di Bali menggunakan Formula Haversine Berbasis Web
Indonesia is an archipelago and is one of the countries with the fourth longest coastline in the world. Surfing has become a very popular activity on some beaches with supportive waves. Bali is one of the tourist destinations that in addition to highlighting customs and culture, it also has abundant natural wealth as well as coastal tourism destinations that can be used as surfing spots. which is further away from where it is. This study aims to provide information about the location of the surfing spots and the nearest search support. The application uses the web-based Haversine formula to find the nearest surfing spot in Bali which can be used as a solution to display information and location of surfing spots. Researchers developed this information system using the waterfall method. Based on the results of questionnaire testing with 10 respondents, it is enough for 3%, both 31%, and very good at 66%, that this application can help and make it easier for tourists to find the nearest surfing spot
Program Kemitraan Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mengoptimalkan pemahaman dan implementasi digital entrepreneurship melalui pelatihan startup digital di kalangan remaja. Pada Program Kemitraan Masyarakat (PKM) dilakukan pelatihan dalam merancang ide dan business plan dengan kriteria target pencapaian 80-100%. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 25 orang yang berasal dari seka truna-truni di Kecamatan Kuta Selatan. Kegiatan pelatihan dilakukan secara luring dengan melibatkan akademisi dan praktisi. Kegitan ini dibagi menjadi beberapa tahapan kerja yaitu; Perencanaan, Pelaksanaan, Observasi, Evaluasi dan Refleksi. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian ini menunjukkan bahwa sebelum pelatihan konsep startup, merancang ide startup dan menyusun business plan adalah sebesar 36% dan setelah kegiatan meningkat menjadi 64% dengan kategori sangat baik. Seluruh peserta memberikan respon positif terhadap pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dan kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat berlangsung secara berkesinambungan