10 research outputs found

    Protease activity of some mesophilic streptomycetes isolated from Egyptian habitats

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    Different streptomycetes (317 isolates) were obtained from several sources and areas in Egypt and were screened for proteolytic activity. Thirty nine of them produced proteases and were subjected to identification. Streptomyces anulatus formed the most abundant portion of the isolates. This species deserves special attention because it is a good candidate for biotechnological applications


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    The easy access and appropriate use of antimicrobials led to selection and spread of resistant microorganisms strains. It is imperative to search and screen for new and more effective antimicrobials from microorganisms found in the environment. The objective of this work is to isolate streptomycetes from soil of Kalubiya Governorate in order to screen them for antimicrobial activity against reference Gram-positive, Gram-negative bacteria as well as unicellular and filamentous fungi. A total of 500 strains of streptomycetes were isolated. Sixty strains (12 %) showed antimicrobial activity. The morphological, cultural, physiological and biochemical characters were studied for identification of the isolates at species level. The obtain-ed results revealed that the dominant group was Streptomyces lydicus

    Проучване На Жизнеността На Няколко Изолирани В Египет Стрептомицети

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    Maintaining and preserving actinomycetes cultures are essential elements for systematic and biodiversity investigations. The influence of long-term preservation on the survival of some locally isolated streptomycetes cultures was studied. The storage duration varies from 5 to 15 years. 37.5 % of the viable streptomycetes strains had been kept on Sabouraud-dextrose agar while the rest (62.5 %) was kept on Malt extract agar. Streptomyces violaceusruber produced its characteristic pigment even after 14 years under these conditions. Four of the recovered strains were tested for their antimicrobial action. The activity was retained to 82-95 % from the initial one. The method of preservation was found to be suitable for long-term storage of strains producing antibiotics.Поддържането и запазването на актиномицетните култури са съще- ствени елементи при изследванията в областта на систематиката и биоразнообразието. Проучено е влиянието на дълготрайното съхранение върху преживяемостта на няколко изолирани в Египет стрептомицети. Периодът на съхранение варира от 5 до 15 години. 37,5 % от жизнените стрептомицетни щамове са поддържани на Сабуро-декстрозен агар, дока- то останалите (62,5 %) са съхранявани на агар с малцов екстракт. Streptomyces violaceusruber продуцира характерния си пигмент дори след 14 години при тези условия. Четири от възстановените щамове са тес- тирани за антимикробно действие. Активността се запазва до 82-95 % спрямо изходната. Прави се заключение, че използваният метод е подходящ за дълготрайно съхранение на щамове, продуциращи антибиотици

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    Maintaining and preserving actinomycetes cultures are essential elements for systematic and biodiversity investigations. The influence of long-term preservation on the survival of some locally isolated streptomycetes cultures was studied. The storage duration varies from 5 to 15 years. 37.5 % of the viable streptomycetes strains had been kept on Sabouraud-dextrose agar while the rest (62.5 %) was kept on Malt extract agar. Streptomyces violaceusruber produced its characteristic pigment even after 14 years under these conditions. Four of the recovered strains were tested for their antimicrobial action. The activity was retained to 82-95 % from the initial one. The method of preservation was found to be suitable for long-term storage of strains producing antibiotics.\u41f\u43e\u434\u434\u44a\u440\u436\u430\u43d\u435\u442\u43e \u438 \u437\u430\u43f\u430\u437\u432\u430\u43d\u435\u442\u43e \u43d\u430 \u430\u43a\u442\u438\u43d\u43e\u43c\u438\u446\u435\u442\u43d\u438\u442\u435 \u43a\u443\u43b\u442\u443\u440\u438 \u441\u430 \u441\u44a\u449\u435- \u441\u442\u432\u435\u43d\u438 \u435\u43b\u435\u43c\u435\u43d\u442\u438 \u43f\u440\u438 \u438\u437\u441\u43b\u435\u434\u432\u430\u43d\u438\u44f\u442\u430 \u432 \u43e\u431\u43b\u430\u441\u442\u442\u430 \u43d\u430 \u441\u438\u441\u442\u435\u43c\u430\u442\u438\u43a\u430\u442\u430 \u438 \u431\u438\u43e\u440\u430\u437\u43d\u43e\u43e\u431\u440\u430\u437\u438\u435\u442\u43e. \u41f\u440\u43e\u443\u447\u435\u43d\u43e \u435 \u432\u43b\u438\u44f\u43d\u438\u435\u442\u43e \u43d\u430 \u434\u44a\u43b\u433\u43e\u442\u440\u430\u439\u43d\u43e\u442\u43e \u441\u44a\u445\u440\u430\u43d\u435\u43d\u438\u435 \u432\u44a\u440\u445\u443 \u43f\u440\u435\u436\u438\u432\u44f\u435\u43c\u43e\u441\u442\u442\u430 \u43d\u430 \u43d\u44f\u43a\u43e\u43b\u43a\u43e \u438\u437\u43e\u43b\u438\u440\u430\u43d\u438 \u432 \u415\u433\u438\u43f\u435\u442 \u441\u442\u440\u435\u43f\u442\u43e\u43c\u438\u446\u435\u442\u438. \u41f\u435\u440\u438\u43e\u434\u44a\u442 \u43d\u430 \u441\u44a\u445\u440\u430\u43d\u435\u43d\u438\u435 \u432\u430\u440\u438\u440\u430 \u43e\u442 5 \u434\u43e 15 \u433\u43e\u434\u438\u43d\u438. 37,5 % \u43e\u442 \u436\u438\u437\u43d\u435\u43d\u438\u442\u435 \u441\u442\u440\u435\u43f\u442\u43e\u43c\u438\u446\u435\u442\u43d\u438 \u449\u430\u43c\u43e\u432\u435 \u441\u430 \u43f\u43e\u434\u434\u44a\u440\u436\u430\u43d\u438 \u43d\u430 \u421\u430\u431\u443\u440\u43e-\u434\u435\u43a\u441\u442\u440\u43e\u437\u435\u43d \u430\u433\u430\u440, \u434\u43e\u43a\u430- \u442\u43e \u43e\u441\u442\u430\u43d\u430\u43b\u438\u442\u435 (62,5 %) \u441\u430 \u441\u44a\u445\u440\u430\u43d\u44f\u432\u430\u43d\u438 \u43d\u430 \u430\u433\u430\u440 \u441 \u43c\u430\u43b\u446\u43e\u432 \u435\u43a\u441\u442\u440\u430\u43a\u442. Streptomyces violaceusruber \u43f\u440\u43e\u434\u443\u446\u438\u440\u430 \u445\u430\u440\u430\u43a\u442\u435\u440\u43d\u438\u44f \u441\u438 \u43f\u438\u433\u43c\u435\u43d\u442 \u434\u43e\u440\u438 \u441\u43b\u435\u434 14 \u433\u43e\u434\u438\u43d\u438 \u43f\u440\u438 \u442\u435\u437\u438 \u443\u441\u43b\u43e\u432\u438\u44f. \u427\u435\u442\u438\u440\u438 \u43e\u442 \u432\u44a\u437\u441\u442\u430\u43d\u43e\u432\u435\u43d\u438\u442\u435 \u449\u430\u43c\u43e\u432\u435 \u441\u430 \u442\u435\u441- \u442\u438\u440\u430\u43d\u438 \u437\u430 \u430\u43d\u442\u438\u43c\u438\u43a\u440\u43e\u431\u43d\u43e \u434\u435\u439\u441\u442\u432\u438\u435. \u410\u43a\u442\u438\u432\u43d\u43e\u441\u442\u442\u430 \u441\u435 \u437\u430\u43f\u430\u437\u432\u430 \u434\u43e 82-95 % \u441\u43f\u440\u44f\u43c\u43e \u438\u437\u445\u43e\u434\u43d\u430\u442\u430. \u41f\u440\u430\u432\u438 \u441\u435 \u437\u430\u43a\u43b\u44e\u447\u435\u43d\u438\u435, \u447\u435 \u438\u437\u43f\u43e\u43b\u437\u432\u430\u43d\u438\u44f\u442 \u43c\u435\u442\u43e\u434 \u435 \u43f\u43e\u434\u445\u43e\u434\u44f\u449 \u437\u430 \u434\u44a\u43b\u433\u43e\u442\u440\u430\u439\u43d\u43e \u441\u44a\u445\u440\u430\u43d\u435\u43d\u438\u435 \u43d\u430 \u449\u430\u43c\u43e\u432\u435, \u43f\u440\u43e\u434\u443\u446\u438\u440\u430\u449\u438 \u430\u43d\u442\u438\u431\u438\u43e\u442\u438\u446\u438

    Taxonomical studies of certain streptomycetes exhibiting antimicrobial activity isolated from Egyptian soils

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    The easy access and appropriate use of antimicrobials led to selection and spread of resistant microorganisms strains. It is imperative to search and screen for new and more effective antimicrobials from microorganisms found in the environment. The objective of this work is to isolate streptomycetes from soil of Kalubiya Governorate in order to screen them for antimicrobial activity against reference Gram-positive, Gram-negative bacteria as well as unicellular and filamentous fungi. A total of 500 strains of streptomycetes were isolated. Sixty strains (12 %) showed antimicrobial activity. The morphological, cultural, physiological and biochemical characters were studied for identification of the isolates at species level. The obtain-ed results revealed that the dominant group was Streptomyces lydicus

    Protease activity of some mesophilic streptomycetes isolated from Egyptian habitats

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    Different streptomycetes (317 isolates) were obtained from several sources and areas in Egypt and were screened for proteolytic activity. Thirty nine of them produced proteases and were subjected to identification. Streptomyces anulatus formed the most abundant portion of the isolates. This species deserves special attention because it is a good candidate for biotechnological applications

    Production and characterisation of exopolysaccharide from Streptomyces carpaticus isolated from marine sediments in Egypt and its effect on breast and colon cell lines

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    Twenty streptomycete strains were isolated from marine sediment samples collected from Nabq area, Sharm El-Sheikh, Red Sea Coast, Egypt. Four of them produce exopolysaccharides (EPS) showing marked in vitro antitumor activities. Morphological and cultural characteristics of the most significant strain (No. 3) were shown. Moreover, the sequence of this strain showed similarity with Streptomyces carpaticus. The results reveal that EPS produced by Streptomyces carpaticus No. 3 had high cytotoxicity reaching 51.7% and 59.1% against human tumor cells of breast and colon lines respectively. A chemical analysis of EPS indicated that the composing monosaccharides were galactouronic acid, glucose, xylose, galactose, mannose, and fructose with relative ratio of 3:1:1:2:2:1 respectively, with an average molecular weight (Mw) 1.180 × 105 g/mol and of a number average molecular weight (Mn) 1.052 × 105 g/mol. Also the EPS contained uronic acid (0.5072%) and monosaccharide sulphates (21.753%). Keywords: Marine streptomycetes, Exopolysaccharide, Antitumor, Radical scavenging activit


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    In order to produce neutral protease from Streptomyces microflavus, it was cultivated in basal medium containing soluble starch, potassium nitrate, dipotassium hydrogen phosphate, magnesium sulphate, sodium chloride, calcium carbonate and ferrous sulphate. Protease production increased with decreasing the ratio of culture broth to vessel volume 1:5 and shaking at 150 rpm. Protease production was low when pH was 9. The productivity of protease decreased sharply when the incubation temperature increased from 30 to 450C. The maximum yield of protease was obtained at the third day of incubation. Soluble starch and yeast extract were the best carbon and nitrogen sources, respectively. Supplementation with calcium carbonate enhanced protease production. In addition, the dipotassium hydrogen phosphate was the best phosphorous source. Para chloromercuribenzoic acid and phenyl methylsulfonylfloride had significant inhibitory effect on protease production

    Historical overview of infantile visceral leishmaniasis in El Agamy, Alexandria, Egypt

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    View of El Agamy during the 1982 outbreak showing (A) Bedouin settlement with lime stone used as a construction material; (B) stray dog in the Bedouin settlement with new concrete constructions in the background; (C) two story building found next to a Bedouin settlement; (D) new constructions built within the rural environment. [Display omitted] •Infantile visceral leishmaniasis in the El Agamy was mainly dependent on the availability of Phlebotomus langeroni and dogs.•The 1982 IVL outbreak was due to the introduction of humans in the sylvatic cycle of the disease owing to initial stages of urbanization.•The completion of urbanization resulted in the disappearance of P. langeroni responsible for the transmission of the disease.•Health impact assessment is of utmost importance when construction activities start in rural Bedouin communities like those found in El Agamy during the 1982 outbreak.•Active surveillance programs for P. langeroni are important in identifying rural communities at risk of transmission of the disease. Infantile visceral leishmaniasis (IVL) is considered a rare and neglected disease in Egypt. An outbreak of the disease in El Agamy, Alexandria occurred in 1982 although the disease was previously reported 80 years before. Epidemiological and entomological studies were conducted ever since the 1982 outbreak to identify human cases, the parasite, reservoir host and the sand fly vector. Leishmania infantum MON-98, a new and unique zymodeme, was responsible of the disease. Stray dogs acted as the reservoir host and Phlebotomus langeroni was the proven vector. The parasite isolates from human cases were identical to the parasite isolates from the reservoir host and the sand fly vector. The El Agamy focus in 1982 was basically a rural Bedouin setting of recently built cement houses surrounded by lime stone fences. The numbers of human cases of IVL in this area have been declining, with the last reported case in 2005. This coincides with the completion of irregular urbanization of El Agamy which resulted in the disappearance of P. langeroni. In this review, we characterize the old focus of IVL in El Agamy based on published literature to identify factors underlying the appearance and disappearance of the disease