781 research outputs found

    Graduate Recital Project:Margaret K. Rieff, Violin Brenda Conroy, Piano

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    Kemp Recital Hall Saturday Afternoon April 19, 1997 4:00 p.m

    Bolest je viĆĄe od metafore

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    Umrla je velika knjiĆŸevnica Susan Sontag. Njeno pisanje o medicini i bolesti vrijedno su nasljeđe. Bile je i izuzetno čovječna osoba. U najteĆŸim trenucima rata doĆĄla je u Sarajevo. Tragično je doĆŸivjela Srebrenicu i pisala o tome. Njen sin Davi Rieff, svjetski ugledan humanitarac proveo je i sam duĆŸe vrijeme u Bosni i Hercegovini i upozorio svijet na nedostatnost postojećih oblika humanitarnog rada. NaĆŸalost u posljednje vrijeme smo i sami u Hrvatskoj svjesni banalne neosjećajnosti prema bolesnima, rukovodećih ljudi u zdravstvu. Poput \u27Zida boli\u27 ulaĆŸemo prikaz patnje i smrti Susan Sontag i socijalnih raskrơća moderne medicine kao početak stalnog praćenja sudbine pacijenata u Hrvatskoj. Tekst koji prenosimo je objavljen u Magazinu, New York Timesa

    Extensions of COSYSMO to Represent Reuse

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    As the maturity of COSYSMO increases, users continue to identify areas in which the model can be improved. Recent emphasis has been placed on the clarification of counting rules for the COSYSMO size drivers. These drivers represent various attributes of the total size of the task of the systems engineering effort estimated by COSYSMO; in terms of person months. The intent of these rules is to ensure consistent interpretation and use of the size input parameters that include: requirements, interfaces, algorithms, and operational scenarios. Experience in applying these rules has exposed a limitation of the current version of the model; there was no way of including the affect of reusing system components in the calculation of systems engineering effort. This has resulted in inaccurate estimates of systems engineering effort for systems that incorporated significant reuse, as in the case of programs with a high degree of COTS integration. As a result, a method was needed to account for the fact that not all of the requirements that drive systems engineering effort are new. Specifically, some of the requirements for a new system may be “reused” from a prior system. Further, some of the new system’s requirements may be “modified” from a prior system. Moreover, the evolution of system requirements over the system life cycle may result in “deleted” requirements from the initial configuration baseline. On the surface, the notion of reuse in COSYSMO may appear as a necessity-is-the-mother-of-invention activity but in reality it was an inevitable feature. One reason is that most software cost estimation models – especially COCOMO II – go into great detail in addressing aspects of software reuse. The other is that reuse is more prevalent among defense contractors that aim for higher productivity gains as they avoid pursuing designs from scratch. For these reasons, this paper provides (1) an approach for handling reuse in systems engineering in terms of the number of systems requirements in COSYSMO, (2) a discussion on the potential cost drivers that could be influenced by reuse, and (3) strategies in which this approach can be extended to include the three other size drivers in the model

    Polityka i jednostka

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    Neuregulin and erbB Receptors Play a Critical Role in Neuronal Migration

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    AbstractThe migration of neuronal precursors along radial glial fibers is a critical step in the formation of the nervous system. In this report, we show that neuregulin–erbB receptor signaling plays a crucial role in the migration of cerebellar granule cells along radial glial fibers. Granule cells express neuregulin (NRG), and radial glia cells express erbB4 in the developing cerebellum and in vitro. When the glial erbB receptors are blocked, neurons fail to induce radial glia formation, and their migration along radial glial fibers is impaired. Moreover, soluble NRG is as effective as neuron–glia contact in the induction of radial glia formation. These results suggest that the activation of glial erbB4 by NRG is an early critical step in the neuronal migration program

    Una mirada al testimonio en Colombia: Piedad Bonnett y HĂ©ctor Abad Faciolince

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    Resumen: El texto lee dos modos de elaboración del duelo, dos modos de escritura testimonial de dos escritores colombianos que luego de la pérdida de un ser querido -hijo y padre- le dan un giro a su forma de narrar y hacen visible la tendencia autobiogråfica (testimonio) en las letras de este país. Seguir las huellas del giro autobiogråfico de la literatura actual (Giordano), empezar a pensar las variantes del giro en un país con condiciones sociales derivadas del conflicto armado como Colombia; ubicar este tipo de relatos entre la avalancha de testimonios del secuestro y autobiografías de todos los bandos son objetivos de este artículo2.Palabras Clave: Testimonio, literatura colombiana, giro autobiogråfico, duelo

    One future or many? November 14, 15, and 16, 2002

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    This repository item contains a single issue of the Pardee Conference Series, a publication series that began publishing in 2006 by the Boston University Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future. This was the Center's 2nd annual Conference that took place during November 14, 15, and 16, 2002.The conference brought together some 30 experts from various disciplines to discuss whether the trajectories of the future will be ‘global’ or ‘regional’ in nature. Different panels looks at the future trajectories for Europe, the Western Hemisphere, Central Asia and the Former Soviet Union, and on Asia and in each case the discussion looked at the relative importance of the regional and of global dynamics on teh forces shaping the future of these regions.Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affair

    Intervention and the ordering of the modern world

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    I am lead editor of a special issue of the Review of International Studies, which is the house journal of the British International Studies Association. The special issue arose from a competitive process. I am scheduled to have two pieces in this issue.This introductory discussion establishes the notion of intervention as a ‘social practice’ and carves out the contextual and conceptual space for the special issue as a whole. The first move is to recontextualise intervention in terms of ‘modernity’ as distinct from the sovereign states system. This shift enables a better appreciation of the dynamic and evolutionary context that generates variation in the practice of intervention over time and space and which is more analytically sensitive to the economic and cultural (as well as Great Power) hierarchies that generate rationales for intervention. The second move is to reconceptualise intervention as a specific modality of coercion relatively well-suited to the regulation or mediation of conflict between territorially bounded political communities and transnational social forces. Third is to ‘historicise’ the practice of intervention through showing how it has changed in relation to a range of international orders’ that have defined the modern world and which are each characterised by a different notion of the relationship between social and territorial space. Fourth and finally is a brief consideration of the possibility of intervention’s demise as a social practice.ESRC funded seminar series, ‘Rethinking Intervention: Intervention in the Modern World’, grant reference RES-451-26-066
