2,757 research outputs found

    Two-Dimensional Lattice Gravity as a Spin System

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    Quantum gravity is studied in the path integral formulation applying the Regge calculus. Restricting the quadratic link lengths of the originally triangular lattice the path integral can be transformed to the partition function of a spin system with higher couplings on a Kagome lattice. Various measures acting as external field are considered. Extensions to matter fields and higher dimensions are discussed.Comment: 3 pages, uuencoded postscript file; Proceedings of the 2nd IMACS Conference on Computational Physics, St. Louis, Oct. 199

    Lattice Models of Quantum Gravity

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    Standard Regge Calculus provides an interesting method to explore quantum gravity in a non-perturbative fashion but turns out to be a CPU-time demanding enterprise. One therefore seeks for suitable approximations which retain most of its universal features. The Z2Z_2-Regge model could be such a desired simplification. Here the quadratic edge lengths qq of the simplicial complexes are restricted to only two possible values q=1+ϵσq=1+\epsilon\sigma, with σ=±1\sigma=\pm 1, in close analogy to the ancestor of all lattice theories, the Ising model. To test whether this simpler model still contains the essential qualities of the standard Regge Calculus, we study both models in two dimensions and determine several observables on the same lattice size. In order to compare expectation values, e.g. of the average curvature or the Liouville field susceptibility, we employ in both models the same functional integration measure. The phase structure is under current investigation using mean field theory and numerical simulation.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure

    Spins coupled to a Z2Z_2-Regge lattice in 4d

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    We study an Ising spin system coupled to a fluctuating four-dimensional Z2Z_2-Regge lattice and compare with the results of the four-dimensional Ising model on a regular lattice. Particular emphasis is placed on the phase transition of the spin system and the associated critical exponents. We present results from finite-size scaling analyses of extensive Monte Carlo simulations which are consistent with mean-field predictions.Comment: Lattice2001(surfaces), 3 pages, 2 figure

    Two-Point Functions of Four-Dimensional Simplicial Quantum Gravity

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    We investigate the interaction mechanism of pure quantum gravity in Regge discretization. We compute volume-volume and link-link correlation functions. In a preliminary analysis the forces turn out to be of Yukawa type, at least on our finite lattice being away from the continuum limit.Comment: 3 pages, uuencoded postscript file; Proceedings of the XI International Symposion on Lattice Field Theory, Dallas, Oct. 199