1,005 research outputs found

    A Predictive Fuzzy-Neural Autopilot for the Guidance of Small Motorised Marine Craft

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    This thesis investigates the design and evaluation of a control system, that is able to adapt quickly to changes in environment and steering characteristics. This type of controller is particularly suited for applications with wide-ranging working conditions such as those experienced by small motorised craft. A small motorised craft is assumed to be highly agile and prone to disturbances, being thrown off-course very easily when travelling at high speed 'but rather heavy and sluggish at low speeds. Unlike large vessels, the steering characteristics of the craft will change tremendously with a change in forward speed. Any new design of autopilot needs to be to compensate for these changes in dynamic characteristics to maintain near optimal levels of performance. This study identities the problems that need to be overcome and the variables involved. A self-organising fuzzy logic controller is developed and tested in simulation. This type of controller learns on-line but has certain performance limitations. The major original contribution of this research investigation is the development of an improved self-adaptive and predictive control concept, the Predictive Self-organising Fuzzy Logic Controller (PSoFLC). The novel feature of the control algorithm is that is uses a neural network as a predictive simulator of the boat's future response and this network is then incorporated into the control loop to improve the course changing, as well as course keeping capabilities of the autopilot investigated. The autopilot is tested in simulation to validate the working principle of the concept and to demonstrate the self-tuning of the control parameters. Further work is required to establish the suitability of the proposed novel concept to other control

    Visual content analysis of stencil graffiti: employing street reading for the study of stenciling

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    Stencil graffiti are visual street interventions with various contents. Such contents can be detected employing street reading, a method for exploring environment-specific everyday cultures. This method examines communication devices such as signs, text messages and symbols used in everyday interactions. In our study, we combined street reading with content analysis for the purpose of studying and classifying stencil graffiti. Our analytical procedure offers a framework for practicing street reading of a specific visual public phenomenon and, in particular, reveals characteristics of stenciling and its contents. The findings challenge arguments which assume a strong relation between stenciling and political involvement. In our case study, most stencil graffiti appear to be cryptic, personal tags and advertisements. Only a small proportion of stencil graffiti actually address current political issues or contain propaganda.Key Words: Stencil graffiti; street reading; visual content analysis; street art; graffiti; stenciling 论文摘要 型版涂鸦是包含多样内容的街头视觉文化。此类涂鸦内容可通过街头观察予以解读。作为研究特定环境下通俗文化的一种方法,街头观察可对符号、标志和文字信息等日常交流手段进行解析。这篇论文将街头观察和内容分析相结合,对型版涂鸦进行考查和分类。在针对特定公共视觉现象实施街头观察,特别是揭示型版喷刷的特点内容两方面,这一分析程序提供了有效框架。就型版喷刷大多涉及政治这一说法,此文提出不同见解。案例研究显示,大多数型版涂鸦都包含隐喻、个人标签和广告内容。只有一小部分涉及时事政治或包含宣传信息。关键词:型版涂鸦;街头观察;内容分析;街头艺术;涂鸦; 型版喷刷 AbstractStencils (Schablonengraffitis) sind visuelle Interventionen mit verschiedenen Inhalten auf den Straßen. Diese Inhalte können mittels „Street Reading“, einer Methode zur Untersuchung kontextspezifischer Alltagskulturen, eruiert werden. Die Methode untersucht Kommunikationsmittel wie  Zeichen, Textnachrichten und Symbole, die in alltäglichen  Interaktionen verwendet werden. In unserer Studie haben wir "Street Reading" mit einer Inhaltsanalyse mit dem Ziel kombiniert, Stencils zu  studieren und zu klassifizieren. Unsere Vorgehensweise bietet ein  Rahmenwerk, um mit Hilfe des "Street Readings" ein spezifisches  öffentliches visuelles Phänomen zu analysieren und die Besonderheiten  und Inhalte des Stencilings zu verdeutlichen. Die Resultate stellen  lange vermutete Verbindungen zwischen Stenciling und politischem  Engagement in Frage. In unserer Fallstudie haben wir festgestellt,  dass die meisten Stencils kryptisch, Signaturen oder Werbung sind.Die Resultate stellen lange vermutete Verbindungen von Stencilling und politischem Engagement in Frage. In unserer Fallstudie haben wir festgestellt, dass die meisten Stencils kryptisch, persönlich motiviert oder Werbung sind. Nur ein kleiner Teil der Stencils widmet sich aktuellen politischen Themen oder einer gewissen Propaganda.Stenciling: Stencils (Schablonengraffiti); Street Reading; Inhaltsanalyse; Strassenkunst; Graffiti; Stencilling

    Non-perturbative Yukawa Couplings from String Instantons

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    Non-perturbative D-brane instantons can generate perturbatively absent though phenomenologically relevant couplings for Type II orientifold compactifications with D-branes. We discuss the generation of the perturbatively vanishing SU(5) GUT Yukawa coupling of type 10 10 5_H. Moreover, for a simple globally consistent intersecting D6-brane model, we discuss the generation of mass terms for matter fields. This can serve as a mechanism for decoupling exotic matter.Comment: 4 pages, 2 tables, 2 figure

    Schablonengraffitis im Stadtgebiet. Eine empirische Untersuchung der Inhalte und Verteilung

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    Das Arbeitspapier beschäftigt sich mit den folgenden Fragen für ein ausgewähltes Stadtgebiet von Leipzig: Was kann man über die Schablonengraffiti erfahren, wenn man systematisch ein abgestecktes Stadtgebiet untersucht? Welche Motive und Themen sind zu finden? Welche Besonderheiten lassen sich beobachten? Der vorliegende Bericht präsentiert die Ergebnisse der ersten Felderhebung aus dem Jahr 2006

    The Impact of Dissonance? A Valuation Perspective on Rural Social Innovation Processes

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    Social innovation (SI) has been credited with fostering novel solutions to the socio-economic challenges many rural areas face. The quest for a substantiated understanding of its potential for regional development has spawned a rich literature on SI impact assessments. Yet, having been instrumental, these assessments harbour several ambiguities as they seek to unveil objective impacts in a results-oriented manner. First, SI processes take diverse directionalities, questioning the idea of them being ‘straightforward facts’ and giving leeway to a more constructivist understanding. Second, a results-oriented perspective tends to obscure social processes that initially contribute to the emergence of impacts. In response to such concerns, we suggest a valuation perspective that explores how SI impacts are constructed iteratively throughout the innovation process. To do so, we operationalise the notion of dissonance as a critical factor embedded in innovative activities in three instances: impulses, turning points, and lock-ins. This perspective allows us to study how value is experienced, assigned, and strategically attracted while shedding light on how SI processes and their impacts are co-constructed in valuation processes. The article uses empirical vignettes from selected case studies with SI initiatives in Northern Germany.This research has received funding from the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research) as part of the SOIR project grant number 01UY2211.Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research)Peer Reviewe

    Verfremdete Wahlplakate bei Leipzigs Oberbürgermeisterwahl 2013. Eine explorative Studie

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    Der Arbeitsbericht beschreibt die Vorgehensweise und erste Ergebnisse einer explorativen Begehung von Straßen und der Dokumentation der Anzahl gehängter Plakate sowie deren Verfremdungen. In diesem Zusammenhang wurde vor der Leipziger Oberbürgermeisterwahl 2013 untersucht: Wie viele Wahlplakate sind von Verfremdungen betroffen? Welche Art von Wahlplakaten (Bild- oder Textplakate) werden besonders häufig verändert? Welche Verfremdungen werden vorgenommen

    Immunogens and Antigen Processing: Report from a Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise Working Group

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    The Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise convened a meeting of a Working Group in July 2009 to discuss recent progress in rational design of the components of an HIV vaccine, such as inserts, vectors and adjuvants,and in understanding antigen processing and presentation to T and B cells. This Report summarizes the key points of that discussion, and subsequent discussions with the Chairs of the other Enterprise Working Groups, the Enterprise Science Committee, the Enterprise Council and the broader scientific community during open sessions at scientific conferences

    Der Erzählsalon als Verfahren strategischen Erzählens: Konzeptionelle Voraussetzungen und empirische Gestalt am Beispiel des Projektes Lausitz an einen Tisch

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    The Story Telling Salon is a method that regularly brings together groups of people who, under the leadership of a moderator – the salonnière –, exchange stories about personal experiences in a social environment (an organization, a community etc.). In this way, the Story Telling Salon not only strives to generate meaningful collective narrations but also trust, collective identity and commitment in groups which suffer from social alienation. We show how the Story Telling Salon applies collective storytelling as a strategic means towards community building and the empowerment of people. This will be exemplified by the example of “Lusatia at one table” (Lausitz an einen Tisch) – a regional development project that aims at strengthening social cohesion and facilitating civic commitment in the disadvantaged rural region of Lusatia / Germany. The paper presents the empirical findings of a one-year observation of “Lusatia at one table”