472 research outputs found

    The new radiation-hard optical links for the ATLAS pixel detector

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    The ATLAS detector is currently being upgraded with a new layer of pixel based charged particle tracking and a new arrangement of the services for the pixel detector. These upgrades require the replacement of the opto-boards previously used by the pixel detector. In this report we give details on the design and production of the new opto-boards.Comment: Presentation at the DPF 2013 Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Particles and Fields, Santa Cruz, California, August 13-17, 201

    In Memoriam: Daniel J. Meltzer

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    Sedan Ă„r 2006 har den syntetiskt framstĂ€llda drogen spice existerat i Sverige, men först Ă„r 2008 blev drogen populĂ€r och tidningar började rikta uppmĂ€rksamhet mot den. Genom att drogen kan byta skepnad i uppbyggnaden kan den förbli laglig, dĂ€rför kan egentligen namnet “spice” inte betraktas som ett enhetligt begrepp. VĂ„rt syfte med denna studie blev att granska hur drogen spice beskrivs i tidningar och forskning. Även hur drogen betraktas gĂ€llande psykosociala och medicinska avseenden. Detta i förhĂ„llande till socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv. Den metod som vi valde att anvĂ€nda oss av i studien var kvantitativ innehĂ„llsanalys. Genom analys av 80 stycken svenska tidningsartiklar hĂ€mtade ur databasen mediearkivet, samt vetenskapliga artiklar och litteratur har vi besvarat vĂ„ra frĂ„gestĂ€llningar. De resultat vi fick frĂ„n analyser visade pĂ„ att tidningar kan vara av betydande roll för ungdomars attityder. Tidningar kan utföra bland annat skrĂ€mselpropaganda för att upplysa och förhindra brukandet av spice, dessvĂ€rre visar resultatet en motsatt effekt. Forskning visar att bruk av spice kan pĂ„verka relationer och arbete negativt. Dessutom Ă€r nĂ„gra bieffekter av spice bröstsmĂ€rtor, vanförestĂ€llningar, sjĂ€lvmordstankar och hjĂ€rtstopp

    Action research in physical education: focusing beyond myself through cooperative learning

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    This paper reports on the pedagogical changes that I experienced as a teacher engaged in an action research project in which I designed and implemented an indirect, developmentally appropriate and child‐centred approach to my teaching. There have been repeated calls to expunge – or at least rationalise – the use of traditional, teacher‐led practice in physical education. Yet despite the advocacy of many leading academics there is little evidence that such a change of approach is occurring. In my role as teacher‐as‐researcher I sought to implement a new pedagogical approach, in the form of cooperative learning, and bring about a positive change in the form of enhanced pupil learning. Data collection included a reflective journal, post‐teaching reflective analysis, pupil questionnaires, student interviews, document analysis, and non‐participant observations. The research team analysed the data using inductive analysis and constant comparison. Six themes emerged from the data: teaching and learning, reflections on cooperation, performance, time, teacher change, and social interaction. The paper argues that cooperative learning allowed me to place social and academic learning goals on an even footing, which in turn placed a focus on pupils’ understanding and improvement of skills in athletics alongside their interpersonal development

    Motor Preparatory Activity in Posterior Parietal Cortex is Modulated by Subjective Absolute Value

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    For optimal response selection, the consequences associated with behavioral success or failure must be appraised. To determine how monetary consequences influence the neural representations of motor preparation, human brain activity was scanned with fMRI while subjects performed a complex spatial visuomotor task. At the beginning of each trial, reward context cues indicated the potential gain and loss imposed for correct or incorrect trial completion. FMRI-activity in canonical reward structures reflected the expected value related to the context. In contrast, motor preparatory activity in posterior parietal and premotor cortex peaked in high “absolute value” (high gain or loss) conditions: being highest for large gains in subjects who believed they performed well while being highest for large losses in those who believed they performed poorly. These results suggest that the neural activity preceding goal-directed actions incorporates the absolute value of that action, predicated upon subjective, rather than objective, estimates of one's performance

    Deep-sea microbes as tools to refine the rules of innate immune pattern recognition.

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    The assumption of near-universal bacterial detection by pattern recognition receptors is a foundation of immunology. The limits of this pattern recognition concept, however, remain undefined. As a test of this hypothesis, we determined whether mammalian cells can recognize bacteria that they have never had the natural opportunity to encounter. These bacteria were cultivated from the deep Pacific Ocean, where the genus Moritella was identified as a common constituent of the culturable microbiota. Most deep-sea bacteria contained cell wall lipopolysaccharide (LPS) structures that were expected to be immunostimulatory, and some deep-sea bacteria activated inflammatory responses from mammalian LPS receptors. However, LPS receptors were unable to detect 80% of deep-sea bacteria examined, with LPS acyl chain length being identified as a potential determinant of immunosilence. The inability of immune receptors to detect most bacteria from a different ecosystem suggests that pattern recognition strategies may be defined locally, not globally.R01 AI093589 - NIAID NIH HHS; P30 DK034854 - NIDDK NIH HHS; U19 AI133524 - NIAID NIH HHS; R01 AI147314 - NIAID NIH HHS; R01 AI116550 - NIAID NIH HHS; R37 AI116550 - NIAID NIH HHS; R01 AI123820 - NIAID NIH HHSAccepted manuscrip

    Trait-Like Brain Activity during Adolescence Predicts Anxious Temperament in Primates

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    Early theorists (Freud and Darwin) speculated that extremely shy children, or those with anxious temperament, were likely to have anxiety problems as adults. More recent studies demonstrate that these children have heightened responses to potentially threatening situations reacting with intense defensive responses that are characterized by behavioral inhibition (BI) (inhibited motor behavior and decreased vocalizations) and physiological arousal. Confirming the earlier impressions, data now demonstrate that children with this disposition are at increased risk to develop anxiety, depression, and comorbid substance abuse. Additional key features of anxious temperament are that it appears at a young age, it is a stable characteristic of individuals, and even in non-threatening environments it is associated with increased psychic anxiety and somatic tension. To understand the neural underpinnings of anxious temperament, we performed imaging studies with 18-fluoro-deoxyglucose (FDG) high-resolution Positron Emission Tomography (PET) in young rhesus monkeys. Rhesus monkeys were used because they provide a well validated model of anxious temperament for studies that cannot be performed in human children. Imaging the same animal in stressful and secure contexts, we examined the relation between regional metabolic brain activity and a trait-like measure of anxious temperament that encompasses measures of BI and pituitary-adrenal reactivity. Regardless of context, results demonstrated a trait-like pattern of brain activity (amygdala, bed nucleus of stria terminalis, hippocampus, and periaqueductal gray) that is predictive of individual phenotypic differences. Importantly, individuals with extreme anxious temperament also displayed increased activity of this circuit when assessed in the security of their home environment. These findings suggest that increased activity of this circuit early in life mediates the childhood temperamental risk to develop anxiety and depression. In addition, the findings provide an explanation for why individuals with anxious temperament have difficulty relaxing in environments that others perceive as non-stressful

    Ion Thermal Decoupling and Species Separation in Shock-Driven Implosions

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    Anomalous reduction of the fusion yields by 50% and anomalous scaling of the burn-averaged ion temperatures with the ion-species fraction has been observed for the first time in D[superscript 3]He-filled shock-driven inertial confinement fusion implosions. Two ion kinetic mechanisms are used to explain the anomalous observations: thermal decoupling of the D and [superscript 3]He populations and diffusive species separation. The observed insensitivity of ion temperature to a varying deuterium fraction is shown to be a signature of ion thermal decoupling in shock-heated plasmas. The burn-averaged deuterium fraction calculated from the experimental data demonstrates a reduction in the average core deuterium density, as predicted by simulations that use a diffusion model. Accounting for each of these effects in simulations reproduces the observed yield trends.United States. National Nuclear Security Administration (Grant DE-NA0001857)University of Rochester. Fusion Science Center (Grant 415023-G)National Laser User’s Facility (Grant DE-NA0002035)University of Rochester. Laboratory for Laser Energetics (Grant 415935-G)Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (Grant B600100
