41 research outputs found

    Cruise report: SICILY09

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    In this report we present all activities realised during the oceanographic cruise named SICILY09, carried out from October 30th November 23rd 2009, on board the R/V URANIA in the central and western Mediterranean basins. CTD, SADCP, LADCP, marine microbic microbiology and baxo corers have been carried on for the following objectives: 1. Water masses characteristics and biological structures from the definition of the main paths of the circulation and the physicalchemical-biological properties (temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients, chlorophyll, phytoplankton, primary production, etc) of the water upper, intermediate and deep central (Sicily Strait) and western (Tyrrhenian sea, Sardinia Channel) Mediterranean water masses. Check of the diffusion of the new deep waters found during a cruise in 2005 in the same areas; 2. Validation of numerical models by measurements used to validate four numerical circulation models implemented at IAMC-CNR in Oristano (SCRM32, SCRM48, WMRM, BONIFACIO/LA MADDALENA) and at ISMAR-CNR in La Spezia (box model); 3. Methodological developments • Measurements of velocity profiles by Lowered ADCP; • Periodical maintenance of currentmeters moored in the Sicily Strait and Corsica Channel; • Comparison of different methods for the quantification of Chlorophyll and calibration of the fluorometer coupled with the multiparametric probe through several photochemical techniques

    Piano di Emergenza IAS CNR Oristano : scheda informativa per il personale

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    Scheda informativa per il personale sia CNR che in visita del Piano di Emergenza dell'Istituto per lo studio degli impatti Antropici e Sostenibilità in ambiente marino (IAS) del CNR, Sede Secondaria di Oristano con numero di telefono e indicazioni nell'ambito della Sicurezza Interna all'Istituto. Il Piano di emergenza è l’insieme coordinato di tutte le azioni e dei comportamenti che devono essere svolti da tutti coloro che frequentano il complesso in caso di incidente che comporti potenziale o reale pericolo per la salute e l’incolumità delle persone e danni ai beni. Il Piano rappresenta un documento in materia di “Sicurezza sul lavoro” che dovrà essere tenuto costantemente aggiornato in relazione alle reali condizioni operative nel contesto in esame, apportando tutte quelle modifiche e/o integrazioni che si rendessero necessarie – a seguito di innovazioni organizzative, strutturali, impiantistiche – al fine di mantenere e, se possibile, migliorare lo standard di sicurezza offerto dal Piano stesso

    Observations of a phytoplankton spring bloom onset triggered by a density front in NW Mediterranean

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    Phytoplankton blooms in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea are seasonal events that mainly occur in a specific area comprising the Gulf of Lion and the Provençal basin, where they are promoted by a general cyclonic circulation, strong wind-driven mixing and subsequent re-stratification of the water column. At the southern boundary of this area, a persistent density front known as the north Balearic front can be found. The front is presumed to cause an early phytoplankton bloom in its vicinity because (a) it enhances the transport of nutrients into the euphotic layer and (b) it promotes the speedy re-stratification of the water column (through frontal instabilities). In February and March 2013, a glider, equipped with a CTD (conductivity, temperature, and depth device) and a fluorometer, was deployed on a mission that took it from the Balearic Islands to Sardinia and back. The frontal zone was crossed twice, once during the outbound leg and the once on the return leg. The data provided by the glider clearly showed the onset of a bloom soon after a decrease in wind-driven turbulent convection and mixing. The in situ observations were supported and confirmed by satellite imagery. It is shown that frontal dynamics play a key role in the promotion and acceleration of re-stratification, which is a necessary pre-conditioning factor for the onset of blooms much like other relevant processes such as an enhanced biological pump. Swift re-stratification stimulates new production by inhibiting mixing. Finally, viewing the blooming phenomenon from a regional perspective, it seems that Sverdrup's critical depth model applies in the northern well-mixed area whereas, in the south, front-related re-stratification seems to be the principal cause. © Author(s) 2014.The research described in this paper was funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 262584, JERICOPeer Reviewe

    Possibilities of integration of monitoring requirements by other EU and national legislation

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    Deliverable 1.3 provides inventory of legal regulations, initiatives, developed projects and technologies having potential influence on sensors design processes. Report focus on possible integration of monitoring requirements by other EU and national legislation. Structure of the report consist of: 1. Inventory of EU directives bringing legal regulations providing requirements for having potential influence on sensors design and measurement methodology in reference to parameters demanded, spatial and temporal resolution of data and availability of information for potential users, 2. Inventory of conventions adopted by European Countries, approaching to reach and keep Good Environmental Status, having impact on monitoring processes and fostering development of technical infrastructure, 3. Analysis of national legislation implementing EU directives and representing approach to develop appropriate infrastructure for monitoring duties 4. Inventory of projects developing technologies having potential influence on sensors design, measurement and monitoring methodologies. 5. Inventory of innovative technologies, initiatives and ongoing policy developing processes as source of requirements for perspective technology development These identified items are drivers of new technologies development processes. Sensors, as a part of bigger systems and infrastructures interoperating each other have to conform regulations formulated in legal acts in the context of parameters measured, condition of operation, interaction with environment as object of examination, transmission protocols and data collections terminating data acquisition, processing, storage and information extraction and exchange processes. Objectives The objective of the report is to provide inventory of regulations, directive and conventions having potential influence on sensors design, measurement and monitoring methodologies development having potential influence on sensors design processes. Rationale New developments in the field of technology, measurement and monitoring methodologies, policy and law regulations, possibilities and demands for integration of monitoring requirements by other EU and national legislation, and interoperability challenges are factors determining perspectives of sensors development. Report on regulations, directive and conventions having potential influence on sensors design will include the analysis of possibilities of integration sensor's functionality to meet monitoring requirements and to help to distinguish sensitive or vulnerable areas where monitoring is necessary according to identified ecosystem properties

    Testing a novel aggregated methodology to assess hydrodynamic impacts on a high-resolution marine turtle trajectory

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    We designed a novel aggregated methodology to infer the impact of ocean motions on the movements of satellite-tracked marine turtles adopting available oceanographic observations and validated products of a numerical oceanographic forecasting system. The method was tested on an 11-months trajectory of a juvenile loggerhead turtle (LT) wandering in the Tyrrhenian Sea (Mediterranean Sea) that was reconstructed with a high-resolution GPS tracking system. The application of ad-hoc designed metrics revealed that the turtle's route shape, ground speed and periodicities of its explained variance mimic the inertial motions of the sea, showing that this methodology is able to reveal important details on the relation between turtle movements and oceanographic features. Inertial motions were also identified in the observed trajectory of a surface drifting buoy sampling the Tyrrhenian Sea in a common period. At each sampling point of the turtle trajectory, the sea current eddy kinetic energy (EKE) and a Sea Current Impact index were computed from a validated set of high-resolution ocean modeling products and their analysis showed the relevant effects of the highly variable local sea currents mechanical action. Specifically, the metric we adopted revealed that the turtle trajectory was favorably impacted by the encountered sea current advection for about 70% of its length. The presented oceanographic techniques in conjunction with high-resolution tracking system provide a practicable approach to study marine turtle movements, leading the way to discover further insights on turtle behavior in the ocean

    In-situ testing of innovative marine instrumentation for nutrients, heavy metals and pH in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard Islands

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    Marine ecosystems are integral part of fundamental environmental functions that support life on Earth like climate control, erosion prevention and absorption of carbon dioxide. Oceans contribute to economical activities too with the following prosperity, social welfare, and increase in life quality. Nevertheless, several marine environments also in the European framework show increasing challenges to tackle like the loss of biodiversity and habitats, pollution and impacts due to climate change. For Italy and for Europe a growing environmental interest and awareness in both the public and private sectors is combined with a common strategic goal to ensure sustainable development and the continuity of economic activities. In order to achieve this goal and to improve the competitiveness of Italy and the EU, new technologies and methods for monitoring the marine environment are required

    An Operational Numerical System for Oil Stranding Risk Assessment in a High-Density Vessel Traffic Area

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    In the Mediterranean Sea unique environmental characteristics and sensitive assets coexist with intense maritime traffic that is represented by frequent daily passages of vessels along the main waterways. In order to assess the risk of oil stranding in case of at-sea emergencies and provide key products for environmental agencies or policymakers preparedness, a geographically relocatable, operational numerical system is implemented and tested. The system relies on the application of oceanographic and particle tracking models and is able to provide, on a high-resolution and unstructured computational grid, a 3-days forecast of those variables known as the main drivers of oil slicks at sea. The risk of potential oil stranding is computed through a combination of anthropogenic hazard and shoreline vulnerability. The sources of hazard vary on time and space in relation to local maritime vessel traffic. The shoreline vulnerability is based on the current knowledge of slope, main grain size, geology of rocks, and occurrence of manmade structures at coast. The operational system is enriched by a web graphical user interface and includes automatic and on-demand working modes. Its functionality is demonstrated in the Strait of Bonifacio (western Mediterranean Sea), area with a high potential risk of oil stranding due to an intense maritime traffic. Risk assessment is hence computed for a test year, the 2018. Critical values of risk are found in correspondence of long stretches of littoral while many of them are currently characterized by a low anthropogenic pressure. The results emphasize the geomorphological features of the shorelines as reducing or amplifying factors to any potential impact of oil stranding at coast