47 research outputs found

    Management of Market Pelita Retribution In Bangko District In Increasing Original Revenue of Rokan Hilir Regency

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    Market Retribution is one source of Regional Original Income which has the potential to provide the largest input to the regional treasury. For this reason, the Regional Government of Rokan Hilir Regency continues to strive to manage market retribution services. However, the problems that occur in the Pelita Market in Bangko District based on the realization of the target market retribution received do not significantly affect Regional Original Income. purpose of this study was to analyze the Management of the Pelita Market Retribution in Bangko District in increasing the Regional Revenue of Rokan Hilir Regency. This type of research is quantitative research and descriptively describes facts, circumstances, variables, and phenomena that occur. The population of this study is that government officials carry out administrative services on the Pelita market in Bangko District and the Pelita Market traders in Bangko Sub-District, totaling 109 people. Data was collected by questionnaires and research interviews. The results showed that: the management of Pelita Market Retribution in Bangko District was in a fairly good category, because there were still various natural problems in managing the Pelita market retribution in Bangko Sub-district carried out by the Office of Industry, Trade and Market in Rokan Hilir Regency

    Konstruksi Realitas Pada Pesan Politik Calon Walikota Pekanbaru di Riau Pos

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    Local elections simultaneously become content in the mass media. During digital media competition, newspapers still exist as information media in delivering political messages. This study purposed to determine the construction of reality on the political message of candidates mayor of Pekanbaru in the Riau Pos newspaper. Five pairs of candidates actively conveyed political messages in campaign activities through the Riau Pos. Despite the decline in readership, newspapers are not abandoned by readers to look for information. This Research applied social construction theory by Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann’s to examine the interactions that created from individuals into reality in social life. This research use a method of Robert N. Entman qualitative content analysis model. The news analyzed is news that contains political messages from three main stages of campaign activity: Determination of candidates, debates of candidates, and campaign activities of candidates for Pekanbaru Mayor during the campaign period. The news examined in this study amounted to 5 news. The reality of political messages constructed in the Riau Pos newspaper consists of 5 categories, namely: 1) Creation of Religious Communities; 2) Forward City Symbols; 3) Forward City Symbols; and 4) Religious City Symbols. Thus, this research shows that the reality that is built in the political message of Pekanbaru Mayor candidates is a reflection of the Pekanbaru mayor’s belief in the religion of Islam that they are Ottoman

    Analisis Framing Kebijakan Pemerintah Tentang Rencana Pembelajaran Tatap Muka Di Media Online CNN Indonesia

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    The article aims to find out how the process of framing the news on the policy of face-to-face learning on Indonesian CNN online media. The research USES a qualitative method of analysis using the framing model Robert n. etnman. The subject of this study is Indonesian CNN, while the object of his research is news of the policy of face-to-face study July 2021. 12 reports were published in June 2021. Studies define problems indicate that the online media of CNN has established face to face study as a predetermined policy, making certain areas misprepared. The international media on CNN aims at making moral judgments that Indone�sia is dependent on human resources, providing strong treatment for the govern�ment that will complete the vaccination process until August 2021 for education and education, since vaccination is a major prerequisite for face - to - face study in schools


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    Stereotip Budaya Pada Himpunan Mahasiswa Daerah di Pekanbaru

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    Cultural stereotyping is a barrier for students in conducting intercultural communication between students and students from other regions. The purpose of this study is to find out how cultural stereotypes occur among students so as to form a group or group of students from their area of origin. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with 13 informants. The results of this study indicate that there are five cultures that are well known by students in the city of Pekanbaru. These cultures are Malay, Minang, Javanese, Batak, and Sundanese. Each culture has different cultural stereotypes. There are positive and negative tones. The factors that influence cultural stereotypes in this study are influenced by factors of cultural identity, factors of intercultural interaction, and cultural values themselves. Keywords: Stereotype, Culture, Students, Pekanbar

    Virtual Communication Pattern Of Twitter Autobase Management (Study Of Sharing Real Life Things Media On @bertanyarl Account)

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    Autobase raises the phenomenon of sending messages anonymously by using the help of Bots to send messages automatically via DM (direct messages) on Twitter. One of them is the @bertanyarl autobase, wihich allows its users to ask questions, discuss, or share things in real life which in its utilization and use cannot be separated from the help of the admin who manages and monitors the activities that occur in the @bertanyarl autobase. The purpose of this study was to determine the virtual communication pattern in the @bertanyarl autobase management as well as the supporting and inhibiting factors of the @bertanyarl Twitter autobasae management. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method, and the source of data obtained from five informants uses a purposive sampling technique. By using data collection techniques in the form of observation interviews and documentation, the results obtained are the managements virtual communication patterns carried out by the admin in the form of activities consisting of questions and answer about real life, open followback, MIXLR, and paid promotion, as well as efforts to maintain the security and comfort of the @bertanyarl autobase by creating rules or regulations and imposing sanctions. From each virtual communication, two different communication network pattern are found, known as the pattern of all channels and the pattern of the wheel. As well as the supporting factors found, namely the active Bot and sender features, the impediment is that Twitter frequently locks and suspends accounts

    Turnitin Result 2022

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    Refleksi Anomali Makna Perilaku Merokok Di Kalangan Dosen Universitas Islam Riau

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    This study aims to determine the meaning of smoking behavior. Symbolic interaction theory explains subjective meaning as the basis for action. The symbolic interaction perspective contains the same thoughts as social action theory about the subjective meaning of human behavior, social processes and pragmatism. This means that humans (in smoking behavior) act based on the meaning they understand. This study uses symbolic interaction theory which explains the behavior of the meaning understood by smokers as seen from the aspects of mind, self, and society. This study uses qualitative methods by using a constructivist approach. In-depth interviews data collection technique used to get information from lecturer’s smokers at Islamic University of Riau which was determined by purposive sampling technique. The data analysis technique used is qualitative data analysis. The results of this study show that the meaning in smoking behavior is constructed based on the meaning that understood by smokers about smoking behavior. The meaning of smoking based on “Mind” is a negative activity, positive life habits, entertainment, symbol of creativity, hard work, symbol of friendship and an economic symbol. The meaning of smoking based on “Self” means dependence, self-confidence, and economic stability. While, based on the concept of society, smoking is a behavior caused by the social interaction of the smoker with the community in the smoker's environment in the family, general public, work environment, and past experiences

    Politic Through Da’wah On Facebook : Exploring Da’wah Strategy In Women’s Political Communication

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    Da'wah activities are not only carried out by preachers; Muslim politicians who have a verified (?) Blue Tick Facebook account have the opportunity to carry out Da'wah activities on Facebook. This study aims to explore Bil-Haal's Da'wah and Bit-Tadwin's Da'wah on Intsiawati Ayus' political Communication as a Women politician who has persisted in representing the people as members of the DPD RI since the 2004 Elections to 2019. The research method uses the Krippendorf qualitative content analysis with a pragmatic form of content analysis which classifies signs related to Bil-Haal Da'wah and Bit-Tadwin Da'wah. In this study, 26 Facebook posts were analyzed from an influential female politician in Indonesia. The results of this study indicate that women politicians carry out Bil-Haal Da'wah and Bit-Tadwin Da'wah. Da'wah Bil-Haal shows da'wah activities that the community can imitate. Bit-Tadwin's da'wah is a da'wah that is carried out by writing on social media

    Professional Gamer: The Meaning on ‘Point Blank Online” Play

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    The growth rate of online game players in Indonesia is 33% average per year on 2010 and 35% on 2013. Majority of game players are not able to control game play activities and only waste time. On the other hand there is a group of online game players who are capable of achieving and succeeding in the online gaming world especially in playing Point Blank. This research use qualitative analysis with descriptive approach to investigate the professional online game player on ‘Team Fun’ Group that consist of 6 player with different ability in Point Blank. This research show that the meaning on Point Blank give a chance for the player to become professional gamers as long as the players able to determine their goals and dreams in playing online games. Professional game player also must join a solid team to clear goal in play