Management of Market Pelita Retribution In Bangko District In Increasing Original Revenue of Rokan Hilir Regency


Market Retribution is one source of Regional Original Income which has the potential to provide the largest input to the regional treasury. For this reason, the Regional Government of Rokan Hilir Regency continues to strive to manage market retribution services. However, the problems that occur in the Pelita Market in Bangko District based on the realization of the target market retribution received do not significantly affect Regional Original Income. purpose of this study was to analyze the Management of the Pelita Market Retribution in Bangko District in increasing the Regional Revenue of Rokan Hilir Regency. This type of research is quantitative research and descriptively describes facts, circumstances, variables, and phenomena that occur. The population of this study is that government officials carry out administrative services on the Pelita market in Bangko District and the Pelita Market traders in Bangko Sub-District, totaling 109 people. Data was collected by questionnaires and research interviews. The results showed that: the management of Pelita Market Retribution in Bangko District was in a fairly good category, because there were still various natural problems in managing the Pelita market retribution in Bangko Sub-district carried out by the Office of Industry, Trade and Market in Rokan Hilir Regency

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