23 research outputs found

    Modeling the spatial distribution of endemic species for their conservation: case of Argania spinosa (L.) Skeels

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    La conservation et la gestion des espĂšces endĂ©miques, impose la connaissance de leurs aires de distribution potentielle et des facteurs environnementaux conditionnant ces rĂ©partitions. Ce travail vise l’identification des facteurs Ă©cologiques rĂ©gissant la rĂ©partition gĂ©ographique d’Argania spinosa et la cartographie de son aire potentielle sous les conditions climatiques actuelles et ce, pour une meilleure planification de sa gestion. L’approche d’entropie maximale a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e. Le principal rĂ©sultat est une carte de probabilitĂ© continue montrant l’aire potentielle de distribution de l’arganier au Maroc. Le modĂšle dĂ©veloppĂ© est d’excellente qualitĂ©. Il valide l’aire de rĂ©partition connue, et prĂ©dit la prĂ©sence de l’espĂšce dans d’autres zones. Les variables les plus significatives conditionnant la distribution de l’arganier sont les prĂ©cipitations du trimestre le plus froid, la saisonnalitĂ© de la tempĂ©rature et l’humiditĂ© relative moyenne annuelle,Conservation and management of endemic species require knowledge of their potential distribution areas and the environmental factors controlling these distributions. This work aims to identify factors governing the geographical distribution of Argania spinosa and to map the potential distribution of this Moroccan endemic species. Suitability has been assessed under the current climatic conditions in order to ensure sustainable management of that species. The Maximum-Entropy algorithm was used as a Species Distribution Modeling approach to link species locations with environmental characteristics. The main result of the trained model is a continuous probability map showing the potential distribution area of the argan tree in Morocco. The predicted suitable area of Argania spinosa agrees well with documented range. In addition, other areas where the species does not occur presently, seem to be suitable under current climate conditions. Result obtained is a valuable tool for decision makers to better identify suitable sites for conservation and restoration. According to validation criteria, the developed model has an excellent predictive quality. The relative contribution of covariates shows that the most significant parameters explaining the spatial distribution of argan tree are the rainfall of the coldest quarter, seasonality of temperature and annual mean relative humidity

    Rare, endemic and threatened vascular flora of Tunisian wetlands

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    Tunisian wetlands harbour a large floristic richness, estimated at 407 species representing 228 genera and 75 families. This flora comprises species strictly limited to wetlands, and species originating from surrounding lands. It is characterized by a big proportion of rare and/or threatened taxa (~ 29 %). Kroumirie is the richest region, with 290 taxa among which 54 are considered as very rare, rare or infrequent, because of their limited distribution area, generally located in frail or degraded ecosystems. The preservation of this exceptional biodiversity, threatened on short term, implies the urgent development of scientific investigations and adapted protection measuresLes zones humides de Tunisie prĂ©sentent une grande richesse floristique, Ă©valuĂ©e Ă  407 espĂšces reprĂ©sentant 228 genres et 75 familles. Ces espĂšces sont, soit strictement infĂ©odĂ©es aux zones humides, soit transgressives des milieux terrestres. Cette flore est caractĂ©risĂ©e par une forte proportion des taxons rares et/ou menacĂ©s (∌ 29 %). La Kroumirie est la rĂ©gion la plus riche, avec 290 taxons dont 54 sont considĂ©rĂ©s comme trĂšs rares, rares ou peu rĂ©pandus, en raison de leur rĂ©partition rĂ©duite et gĂ©nĂ©ralement situĂ©e au niveau d'Ă©cosystĂšmes trĂšs fragiles ou dĂ©gradĂ©s. La prĂ©servation de cette biodiversitĂ© exceptionnelle et menacĂ©e Ă  court terme nĂ©cessite la mise en place urgente d'Ă©tudes scientifiques et de mesures de protection appropriĂ©es

    Influence of grazing on structure, composition and dynamics of vegetation in Mediterranean temporary pools (northern Tunisia)

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    Three temporary pools of Sejenane region (northern Tunisia) have been studied with the aims of characterizing their vegetation, and of specifying the impact of grazing on their structure, composition and dynamics. Permanent transects of quadrats have been surveyed in spring and summer during two (not-grazed pool) to three years (grazed pools). The vegetation of the three pools is organized in three concentric belts related to the topographic gradient. The between-years dynamics is strongly characterized by the alternation of distinct spring and summer vegetations. Grazing appears as the main control of the composition and structure of hydrophytic plant communities. It prevents the colonization by competitive, perturbation-sensitive species, and favours the persistence of annual, light-demanding dwarf plants. In order to protect the biodiversity of these rare habitats in Tunisia, it is necessary to maintain, through an adapted management of grazing, a landscape mosaic of grazed and not-grazed zonesTrois mares temporaires de la rĂ©gion de Sejenane (Tunisie septentrionale) ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©es afin de caractĂ©riser leur vĂ©gĂ©tation et de prĂ©ciser l’influence du pĂąturage sur sa structure, sa composition et sa dynamique intra- et interannuelle. Des transects de quadrats permanents ont Ă©tĂ© suivis au printemps et en Ă©tĂ© durant deux (mare non pĂąturĂ©e) Ă  trois ans (mares pĂąturĂ©es). Le cortĂšge floristique des mares Ă©tudiĂ©es est organisĂ© en trois ceintures concentriques liĂ©es au gradient topographique. La dynamique intra-annuelle de la vĂ©gĂ©tation est nettement marquĂ©e par l’alternance de cortĂšges printaniers et estivaux distincts. Le pĂąturage apparaĂźt comme le principal facteur contrĂŽlant la composition et la structure des communautĂ©s vĂ©gĂ©tales hydrophytiques. Il limite le dĂ©veloppement des espĂšces compĂ©titives sensibles aux perturbations et favorise le maintien d’une flore de petite taille, thĂ©rophytique et hĂ©liophile. Afin de prĂ©server la biodiversitĂ© de ces habitats rares en Tunisie, il apparaĂźt nĂ©cessaire de maintenir, par une gestion adaptĂ©e du pĂąturage, une mosaĂŻque paysagĂšre de zones non pĂąturĂ©es et pĂąturĂ©e

    Utilisation de la télédétection et des systÚmes d'information géographique pour l'évaluation de la dynamique du paysage : cas d'une zone boisée de la province de Benslimane (Maroc occidental)

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    International audienceThe Benslimane province lies between the two urban areas of Morocco (Rabat and Casablanca) and accommodates a wooded lanscape in its middle that has a considerable ecological and socio-Ă©conomic value. Using a vegetation cover map from 1955 and two multispectral Landsat images from 1987 and 2001, combined with field observations, we were able to assess the spatial and temporal dynamic of this landscape over 47 years through a combination of remote sensing and geographic information systems. The results highlighit a change in the environment that as evolved from a single-species Cork oak forest landscape to a multi-species forest landscape with the advent of Pine and Eucalyptus afforestation, wine-growing areas, mining areras (quarries) and urban development. Evaluation of the changes that have occured in the forest landscape is discussed with a view to providing relevant material for sustainably managing and preserving it..Entre les deux mĂ©tropoles du Maroc (Rabat et Casablanca), se situe la province de Benslimane au cƓur de laquelle se localise un paysage boisĂ©. Cette zone prĂ©sente un intĂ©rĂȘt Ă©cologique et socio-Ă©conomique important. L'utilisation d'une carte de vĂ©gĂ©tation de 1955 et de deux images multispectrales Landsat de 1987 et 2001, combinĂ©e aux observations de terrain, ont permis d'Ă©valuer la dynamique spatio-temporelle de ce paysage en 47 ans grĂące Ă  l'utilisation conjointe d'outils de tĂ©lĂ©dĂ©tection et de systĂšmes d'information gĂ©ographique (SIG). Les rĂ©sultats ont mis en Ă©vidence une mutation du milieu qui est passĂ© d'un paysage forestier monospĂ©cifique constituĂ© de ChĂȘne-liĂšge Ă  un paysage forestier multispĂ©cifique, avec apparition de reboisements de Pins et d'Eucalyptus, de pĂ©rimĂštres de culture de la vigne, de zones industrielles extractives (carriĂšres) et de zones urbaines. L'Ă©valuation des changements survenus dans le paysage forestier a Ă©tĂ© discutĂ©e dans l'optique d'apporter des Ă©lĂ©ments pertinents pour sa gestion et sa conservation durables

    Using remote sensing and geographic information systems to assess landscape dynamics - Application to a wooded area in the benslimane province (Western Morocco)

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    The Benslimane province lies between the two urban areas of Morocco (Rabat and Casablanca) and accommodates a wooded landscape in its middle that has considerable ecological and socio-economic value. Using a vegetation cover map from 1955 and two multispectral Landsat images from 1987 and 2001, combined with field observations, we were able to assess the spatial and temporal dynamic of this landscape over 47 years through a combination of remote sensing and geographic information systems. The results highlight a change in the environment that has evolved from a single-species Cork Oak forest landscape to a multi-species forest landscape with the advent of Pine and Eucalyptus afforestation, vine-growing areas, mining areas (quarries) and urban development. Evaluation of the changes that have occurred in the forest landscape is discussed with a view to providing relevant material for sustainably managing and preserving it.Entre les deux mĂ©tropoles du Maroc (Rabat et Casablanca), se situe la province de Benslimane au coeur de laquelle se localise un paysage boisĂ©. Cette zone prĂ©sente un intĂ©rĂȘt Ă©cologique et socio-Ă©conomique important. L’utilisation d’une carte de vĂ©gĂ©tation de 1955 et de deux images multispectrales Landsat de 1987 et 2001, combinĂ©e aux observations de terrain, ont permis d’évaluer la dynamique spatio-temporelle de ce paysage en 47 ans grĂące Ă  l’utilisation conjointe d’outils de tĂ©lĂ©dĂ©tection et de systĂšmes d’information gĂ©ographique (SIG). Les rĂ©sultats ont mis en Ă©vidence une mutation du milieu qui est passĂ© d’un paysage forestier monospĂ©cifique constituĂ© de ChĂȘne-liĂšge Ă  un paysage forestier multispĂ©cifique, avec apparition de reboisements de Pin et d’Eucalyptus, de pĂ©rimĂštres de culture de la vigne, de zones industrielles extractives (carriĂšres) et de zones urbaines. L’évaluation des changements survenus dans le paysage forestier a Ă©tĂ© discutĂ©e dans l’optique d’apporter des Ă©lĂ©ments pertinents pour sa gestion et sa conservation durables

    Dynamiques temporelles à court et long terme dune mare temporaire méditerranéenne et implications pour la conservation (Maroc occidental)

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    La conservation des mares temporaires implique la connaissance, Ă  la fois de leur fonctionnement et de leurs dynamiques temporelles, Ă  court et long terme. La thĂšse, rĂ©alisĂ©e sur une mare temporaire du plateau grĂ©so-quartzitique de Benslimane, s'organise en trois volets. (1) Le premier concerne la relation entre le pollen de surface et la vĂ©gĂ©tation hydrophytique locale, dans le but d'Ă©tablir un rĂ©fĂ©rentiel actuel pour l'Ă©tude palĂ©oĂ©cologique de la mare. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus montrent que la zonation de la vĂ©gĂ©tation de la mare est correctement reconstruite Ă  partir des enregistrements polliniques. Trois taxons clĂ©s (Isoetes velata-type, Myriophyllum alterniflorum, Ranunculus-type) peuvent ĂȘtre utilisĂ©s pour reconstituer la structure vĂ©gĂ©tale passĂ©e. (2) Le second volet concerne l'histoire de la mare, en associant les donnĂ©es de la littĂ©rature et les donnĂ©es palĂ©oĂ©cologiques obtenues Ă  partir d'un sondage. Les rĂ©sultats permettent de dater l'origine de la mare entre 1 million et 700 000 ans avant aujourd'hui. Ils tĂ©moignent de la conservation de la topographie rĂ©gionale, par bilan sĂ©dimentaire nĂ©gatif, jusqu'Ă  environ 5000 cal. BP. A cette Ă©poque, le changement du fonctionnement morphogĂ©nĂ©tique de la mare, probablement liĂ© au dĂ©veloppement des pratiques agro-pastorales, a entraĂźnĂ© le comblement progressif de la mare. L'intensification des activitĂ©s humaines constitue Ă  moyen terme la principale menace concernant les mares du plateau de Benslimane, et par voie de consĂ©quence, sur la prĂ©servation du plateau lui-mĂȘme, que les mares protĂšgent de l'Ă©rosion. (3) Le dernier volet apporte enfin un Ă©clairage sur les processus mis en jeu dans la rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration de la vĂ©gĂ©tation aprĂšs micro-perturbations. Les rĂ©sultats montrent une restauration rapide des microsites perturbĂ©s par dispersion proximale et effet de bordure. Toutefois, la dynamique de recolonisation reste liĂ©e aux conditions hydrologiques localesConservation of temporary pools implies the knowledge, about both their functioning and their temporal dynamics, on the short and the long term. The thesis, dealing with a temporary pool of the limestone-quartzite Benslimane plateau, is organised in three sections. (1) The first one concerns the relationship between the surface pollen and the hydrophytic vegetation, in order to establish a modern reference for the paleoecological study of the pool. The results show that the vegetation zonation is correctly reconstructed from the pollen records. Three key taxa (Isoetes velata-type, Myriophyllum alterniflorum, Ranunculus-type) may be used for reconstructing the past vegetation structure. (2) The second section deals with the pool history, by combining data from literature and palaeoecological data obtained from a sediment profile. Results allow dating the origin of the pool between 1 million and 700,000 years before today. They attest the conserv ation of the regional topography, by negative sedimentary balance, until ca. 5000 cal. BP. Then, the change of morphogenetic functioning of the pool, probably related to the development of agro-pastoral practices, resulted in the progressive filling of the pool. In the medium term, the intensification of human activities constitutes the main threat concerning the Benslimane pools, and consequently, on the conservation of the whole plateau, protected from erosion by pools. (3) The last section finally highlights the processes implied in the regeneration of the vegetation after micro-disturbances. The results show a fast restoration of the disturbed microsites by proximal dispersal and border effect. However, the recolonisation dynamics remains dependent on local hydrological conditions.MONTPELLIER-BU Sciences (341722106) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Experimental study in microcosms of the effect of fire on the characteristic vegetation of Mediterranean temporary ponds / Étude expĂ©rimentale en microcosmes de l’effet du feu sur la vĂ©gĂ©tation caractĂ©ristique des mares temporaires mĂ©diterranĂ©ennes

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    Fire is an important disturbance factor of ecosystems. Its impact on temporary ponds remains poorly documented. In Morocco, temporary ponds are numerous and mostly found in forested and agricultural environment. Forest fire has been increasingly frequent over the last years eventually spreading to the temporary pools. In addition, some farmers light fire to get rid of the biomass of crop residues. No assessment of the impact of fire on the plant biodiversity of temporary ponds was made. We tested the impact of fire on soil samples in an experiment in controlled conditions. Soil samples were taken from five ponds in the Middle Atlas divided into four series of 25 samples each. The first series served as a control while those of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th series were subjected respectively to a blowtorch flame sent for 30, 120 and 600 seconds. We measured the temperature of the soil surface for each treatment after fire using an infrared thermometer. We put all soil samples in germination conditions by watering them daily. During the second year, we manually disturbed the soil samples and then germinated them by watering them daily. Unlike low-intensity fires (fires of agricultural land), high-intensity fires (forest fires) significantly reduced the total density of seeds, those of annuals and aquatic annuals, as well as the species richness of the same groups. The effect of fire also varied according to the species and the duration of exposure. Natural restoration of the vegetation of the temporary ponds even after an intense fire is still possible but probably slow. Improved environmental conditions after fire and the presence in the soil of a long-lived seed bank are relevant indicators of restoration success.Le feu est un agent important de perturbation des Ă©cosystĂšmes. Son impact sur les mares temporaires reste trĂšs peu documentĂ©. Au Maroc, les mares temporaires sont nombreuses et majoritairement concentrĂ©es soit dans un environnement forestier soit agricole. Le feu de forĂȘt y est devenu frĂ©quent ces derniĂšres annĂ©es. En plus, certains agriculteurs pratiquent le feu pour se dĂ©barrasser de la biomasse des restes des cultures. Dans ce pays, aucune Ă©valuation de l’impact du feu sur la biodiversitĂ© des mares temporaires n’a Ă©tĂ© faite. Nous avons testĂ© dans une expĂ©rimentation en conditions contrĂŽlĂ©es, l’impact du feu sur des Ă©chantillons de sol prĂ©levĂ©s Ă  partir de 5 mares du Moyen Atlas et rĂ©partis en 4 lots de 25 Ă©chantillons chacun. Le premier a servi de tĂ©moin tandis que les 2e, 3e et 4e lots ont Ă©tĂ© soumis respectivement Ă  une flamme de feu envoyĂ©e d’un chalumeau pendant 30, 120 et 600 secondes. Nous avons mesurĂ© la tempĂ©rature de la surface du sol des Ă©chantillons de chaque traitement aprĂšs feu par un thermomĂštre infrarouge. Les Ă©chantillons ont Ă©tĂ© mis en germination et arrosĂ©s chaque jour. Durant la deuxiĂšme annĂ©e, nous avons perturbĂ© manuellement les mĂȘmes Ă©chantillons de sol puis les avons mis en germination en les arrosant quotidiennement. Contrairement aux feux de faible intensitĂ© (feux de terrains agricoles), les feux de forte intensitĂ© (feux de forĂȘt) ont diminuĂ© significativement la densitĂ© totale des semences, celles des annuelles et des aquatiques annuelles ainsi que la richesse en espĂšces des mĂȘmes groupes. L’effet du feu a variĂ© aussi en fonction des espĂšces et la durĂ©e d’exposition. La restauration de la vĂ©gĂ©tation des mares temporaires aprĂšs un feu de forte intensitĂ© est possible mais probablement lente. L’amĂ©lioration des conditions environnementales aprĂšs feu et la prĂ©sence dans le sol d’une banque de semences longĂ©vives sont des indicateurs pertinents du succĂšs de la restauration.Ben Bammou Mohamed, Rhazi Mouhssine, El Madihi Mohammed, Moukrim Said, Rhazi LaĂŻla. Experimental study in microcosms of the effect of fire on the characteristic vegetation of Mediterranean temporary ponds / Étude expĂ©rimentale en microcosmes de l’effet du feu sur la vĂ©gĂ©tation caractĂ©ristique des mares temporaires mĂ©diterranĂ©ennes. In: Ecologia mediterranea, tome 47 n°2, 2021. pp. 27-40

    The seed bank and the between years dynamics of the vegetation of a Mediterranean temporary pool (NW Morocco)

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    The vegetation dynamics were studied for 3 consecutive years on quadrats arranged along permanent transects and the seed bank stocks were counted (1 year) using the germination method in each of the 3 vegetation belts identified (centre : Bl, intermediate : B2 and margin : B3). The number of species, the total density of seeds and the percentage of annuals in the seed banks differed significantly between belts, increasing from the centre (Bl) toward the margin (B3). The dominant species in the seed banks of the intermediate belt were more similar to those of the centre (Bl) than of the margin (B3). The species composition of the vegetation varied with the topographical gradient, the vegetation of the belt B2 being more similar to that of B3 than to that of the centre (Bl). Annuals dominated belts Bl and B3 (except in year 3) whereas perennials dominated in B2. The abundance of species in the vegetation was usually poorly correlated with their abundance in the seed banks (total vegetation). There was usually a stronger correlation with the annuals in the outer belts except when perennials dominated the vegetation (B2 and B3 for year 3). The zonation of the vegetation is interpreted as the result of a combination of various spatial constraints. In an intermediate position along the topographical gradients perennials limit the expression of the seed banks of annual species. The comparison of vegetation and seed bank data between years suggests that the location and species composition of the intermediate belt can vary with time. The marginal belt is enriched by species from neighbouring ecosystems in dry years.La dynamique de la vĂ©gĂ©tation a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©e pendant 3 annĂ©es consĂ©cutives sur des quadrats disposĂ©s le long de transects permanents et les stocks semenciers dĂ©nombrĂ©s (1 annĂ©e) par la mĂ©thode de mise en germination dans chacune des 3 ceintures identifiĂ©es (centre : Bl, intermĂ©diaire : B2 et pĂ©riphĂ©rique : B3). Dans les stocks semenciers, la richesse spĂ©cifique, la densitĂ© totale des semences et le pourcentage des annuelles diffĂ©rent significativement entre ceintures, augmentant du centre (Bl) vers la pĂ©riphĂ©rie (B3). Les espĂšces dominantes dans les stocks semenciers de la ceinture intermĂ©diaire sont plus semblables Ă  ceux de la ceinture interne (Bl) que de la pĂ©riphĂ©rique (B3). La composition spĂ©cifique de la vĂ©gĂ©tation varie avec le gradient topographique, la vĂ©gĂ©tation de la ceinture B2 Ă©tant plus semblable Ă  celle de B3 qu’à celle de la ceinture interne (Bl). Les annuelles dominent les ceintures Bl et B3 (sauf l’annĂ©e 3) et les vivaces en B2. L’abondance des espĂšces dans la vĂ©gĂ©tation est gĂ©nĂ©ralement peu corrĂ©lĂ©e Ă  leur abondance dans les stocks semenciers (vĂ©gĂ©tation totale). Elle est gĂ©nĂ©ralement forte pour les annuelles dans les ceintures pĂ©riphĂ©riques sauf lorsque les vivaces dominent la vĂ©gĂ©tation (B2 et B3 pour l’annĂ©e 3). La zonation de la vĂ©gĂ©tation est interprĂ©tĂ©e comme le rĂ©sultat de la superposition de diffĂ©rentes contraintes dans l’espace. En position intermĂ©diaire le long des gradients topographiques, les vivaces limitent l’expression des stocks semenciers des annuelles. La comparaison des donnĂ©es inter-annuelles sur la vĂ©gĂ©tation et des donnĂ©es sur les stocks semenciers suggĂšrent que la localisation et la composition spĂ©cifique de la ceinture intermĂ©diaire peut varier dans le temps. La ceinture pĂ©riphĂ©rique est enrichie par les espĂšces des Ă©cosystĂšmes voisins pendant les annĂ©es sĂšches.Rhazi LaĂŻla, Grillas Patrick, Tan Ham Laurine, El Khyari Driss. The seed bank and the between years dynamics of the vegetation of a Mediterranean temporary pool (NW Morocco). In: Ecologia mediterranea, tome 27,2001. pp. 69-88

    Évaluation de la dynamique de l’occupation du sol dans la zone humide Ramsar de Tahaddart (Nord-ouest du Maroc)

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    Assessment of land cover dynamics in the Tahaddart Ramsar wetland (North-western Morocco). Land cover and land cover dynamics, in both time and space, were analysed in the Tahaddart wetland (Northern Morocco) to determine the evolution of the environmental quality of this Site of Biological and Ecological Interest (since 1996), also classified as a Ramsar site (since 2005). Remote sensing was used to estimate the impact of land use changes on natural habitats over a 35-year period from 1978 to 2013. The first image used MSS captures from 1978 with a spatial resolution of 80 m. The resolution was improved since 1991 with the use of Landsat 4 satellite images (spatial resolution of 30 m in multi-band modes) and then with satellite images from Landsat 7 and 8 (spatial resolution of 15 m in panchromatic mode). The images were classified and then analysed using Erdas Imagine 9.2 software program. The results were verified using a confusion matrix, which provided a global precision rates ranging from 82 to 86 %. This qualitative data on the land cover evolution revealed that despite its important conservation status, the Tahaddart wetland has been subject to substantial changes over time. Important declines in natural habitats such as forests, estuarine vegetation and sand dunes were observed for the benefit of an increase of areas of urbanization and bare soil. This analysis demonstrates the important anthropogenic pressures that affect the site and the need to enforce current legislation in order to conserve local biodiversity over the long-term.L’occupation du sol et sa dynamique ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es, dans le temps et dans l’espace, au niveau de la zone humide de Tahaddart (Maroc septentrional) afin de dĂ©terminer l’évolution de l’état environnemental de ce Site d’IntĂ©rĂȘt Biologique et Ecologique (depuis 1996), et dĂ©signĂ© site Ramsar (depuis 2005). Les outils de la tĂ©lĂ©dĂ©tection ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©s pour estimer l’impact des changements de l’utilisation des sols sur les habitats naturels durant 35 ans (1978-2013). La premiĂšre image de rĂ©fĂ©rence utilise des captures MSS de 1978 avec une rĂ©solution spatiale de 80 m. La prĂ©cision a Ă©tĂ© amĂ©liorĂ©e Ă  partir de 1991 avec l’utilisation des images satellites Landsat 4 (rĂ©solution spatiale de 30 m en mode multi-spectral), puis avec des images satellites Landsat 7 et 8 (rĂ©solution spatiale de 15 m en mode panchromatique). Les images ont Ă©tĂ© classifiĂ©es puis analysĂ©es en utilisant le logiciel Erdas Imagine 9.2. Les rĂ©sultats ont Ă©tĂ© vĂ©rifiĂ©s Ă  l’aide d''une matrice de confusion, qui indique des taux globaux de prĂ©cision variant entre 82 et 86 %. Les donnĂ©es qualitatives sur l’évolution rĂ©vĂšlent que, malgrĂ© ses statuts importants de conservation, la zone humide de Tahaddart a Ă©tĂ© sujette Ă  des changements substantiels au cours de la pĂ©riode analysĂ©e. Ainsi, un important dĂ©clin des habitats naturels a Ă©tĂ© constatĂ©, notamment au niveau des forĂȘts, de la vĂ©gĂ©tation estuarienne et des dunes de sable et qui ont Ă©tĂ© globalement remplacĂ©es par le bĂąti et le sol nu. Cette analyse rĂ©vĂšle les fortes pressions anthropiques qui impactent le site, et met en Ă©vidence la nĂ©cessitĂ© de renforcer la lĂ©gislation en vigueur afin de conserver la biodiversitĂ© locale sur le long terme.Rifai Nabil, Khattabi Abdellatif, Moukrim Said, Arahou Moustapha, Rhazi LaĂŻla. Évaluation de la dynamique de l’occupation du sol dans la zone humide Ramsar de Tahaddart (Nord-ouest du Maroc). In: Revue d'Écologie (La Terre et La Vie), tome 73, n°2, 2018. pp. 142-152