6 research outputs found

    Photonic Molecules For Optical Signal Processing

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    We demonstrate how CMOS compatible photonic molecules (PM) can break the fundamental interdependence among quality factor (Q), channel spacing and size of microring resonators. Different PM architectures are presented for efficient and compact optical signal processing.5455Barea, L.A.M., Vallini, F., De Rezende, G.F.M., Frateschi, N.C., Spectral engineering with cmos compatible soi photonic molecules (2013) IEEE Photonics J., 5 (6), pp. 2202717-2202717Barea, L.A.M., Val Lini, F., Jarschel, P.F., Frateschi, N.C., Silicon technology compatible photonic molecules for compact optical signal processing (2013) Appl. Phys. Lett, 103 (20), p. 201102. , NovSouza, M.C.M.M., Barea, L.A.M., Vallini, F., Rezende, G.F.M., Wiederhecker, G.S., Frateschi, N.C., Embedded coupled microrings with high-finesse and close-spaced resonances for optical signal processing (2014) Opt. Express, 22 (9), pp. 10430-10438. , MayTzuang, L.D., Soltani, M., Lee, Y.H.D., Lipson, M., High rf carrier frequency modulation in silicon resonators by coupling adjacent free-spectral-range modes (2014) Opt. Lett, 39 (7), pp. 1799-1802. , AprXu, Q., Almeida, V.R., Lipson, M., Micrometer-scale all-optical wavelength converter on silicon (2005) Opt. Lett, 30 (20), pp. 2733-2735. , OctLi, Q., Zhang, Z., Liu, F., Qiu, M., Su, Y., Dense wavelength conversion and multicasting in a resonance-split silicon microring (2008) Appl. Phys. Lett, 93 (8), p. 081113. , Au

    Compact Photonic Molecules Based On Internally Coupled Microring Resonators

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    We demonstrate compact planar photonic molecules based on multiple ring resonators internally coupled to a larger ring. Spectral engineering is demonstrated where doublets and quadruplets resonances with high Q are obtained due to degeneracy anti-bunching. © OSA 2013.Bertolotti, M., Driessen, A., Michelotti, F., Microresonators as building block for VLSI photonics (2004) American Institute of Physics, , NYBogaerts, W., Silicon microring resonators (2012) Laser Photonics Rev., 6, pp. 47-73Vlasov, Y., McNab, S., Losses in single-mode silicon-on-insulator strip waveguides and bends (2004) Opt. Exp., 12, pp. 1622-1631Boriskina, S.V., Photonic molecules and spectral engineering. (2010) Photonic microresonator research and applications, pp. 393-421. , Springer U

    Low-power Four-channel Wavelength Multicasting In Embedded Microring Resonators

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    We demonstrate four-channel all-optical wavelength multicasting using only 1 mW of pump power and channel spacing of 40-60 GHz. Our device is based on a compact embedded microring design fabricated on a scalable SOI platform. © 2014 OSA.Bogaerts, W., De Heyn, P., Van Vaerenbergh, T., De Vos, K., Kumar Selvaraja, S., Claes, T., Dumon, P., Baets, R., Silicon microring resonators (2012) Laser Phot. Rev., 6, pp. 47-73Barea, L.A.M., Vallini, F., de Rezende, G.F.M., Frateschi, N.C., Spectral Engineering with CMOS Compatible SOI Photonic Molecules (2013) IEEE Photonics J., 5, p. 2202717Almeida, V.R., Barrios, C.A., Panepucci, R.R., Lipson, M., All-optical control of light on a silicon chip (2004) Nature, 431, p. 1081Li, Q., Zhang, Z., Liu, F., Qiu, M., Su, Y., Dense wavelength conversion and multicasting in a resonance-split silicon microring (2008) Appl. Phys. Lett., 93, p. 081113Preble, S.F., Xu, Q., Schmidt, B.S., Lipson, M., Ultrafast all-optical modulation on a silicon chip (2005) Opt. Lett., 30, p. 2891Waldow, M., Plötzing, T., Gottheil, M., Först, M., Bolten, J., Wahlbrink, T., Kurz, H., 25ps all-optical switching in oxygen implanted silicon-on-insulator microring resonator (2008) Opt. Exp., 16, p. 769